Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1883: Xingshi asks crimes

Hearing about Mongolia, Song Qingshu's heart sighed: "What military situation?"

"The slave doesn't know," the **** replied, "the eight hundred li expedited memorial from the border is now in the Shangshufang."

Song Qingshu told him to retreat, and then recruited several women: "Let's go together."

Several women also realized the seriousness of the matter and followed him one after another. Qin Hongmian hesitated and followed.

When he arrived at Shangshufang, he opened and read the secretly lacquered letters. Song Qingshu took out a memorial, frowned soon, and sighed after a long time: "The worry is finally here."

The women hurried over to watch, and finally understood what was going on. It turned out that the spies at the border had discovered that the Mongolian army had been moving recently, and seemed to be gathering on the Xixia side, so they played the imperial court and asked the central government to make preparations.

Song Qingshu was secretly a little strange. Didn't the previous news say that the Persian Mingjiao united Western countries and city-states and was at a stalemate with Mongolia? Where can Mongolia have the energy to use troops against Xixia?

"It's all my fault." Mu Wanqing couldn't help but said, "If it weren't for me, you don't have to kill Nian Liandan and Zhushou. I heard that Mongolia attaches great importance to the lives of envoys and believes that these people represent the country. The face of Li Dan and others have been killed this year, and Mongolia will never let it go."

Song Qingshu comforted: "Sister Wan, don't think too much. Nian Liandan almost offended you. Let me choose a hundred times, and I will kill him without hesitation. As for Mongolia, I will go south sooner or later with you. It doesn't matter."

Li Qinglu also persuaded: “Sister Mu, don’t take it to heart. The Mongols are cruel and have ambitions to sweep the world. Sooner or later there will be a war with the Central Plains countries. Our main problem now is how to deal with it instead of sinking into self-blame. In."

Yelu Nanxian also counseled: "Wanqing, it's none of your business. Mongolia has long been ambitions of being a wolf, but it has been lacking skills in the West Expedition..."

After several people's explanations, Mu Wanqing was slightly relieved.

Song Qingshu said: "The most urgent task is to judge whether Mongolia's intention is really aimed at Xixia. In addition, you need to investigate the situation of Mongolia's western expedition and clear dew. You need to check it by your Yipintang."

Li Qinglu nodded: "After several coups in China during this period, Yipintang has almost stalled, and a lot of information has not been obtained in time. Now it is on the right track, and the news should be found soon."

"Okay!" Song Qingshu, "Xian'er, bring the military deployment plan in the north. Let's study together the route in case Mongolia really comes to attack, and take precautions in advance."

In the next period of time, Song Qingshu, Mu Wanqing and Yelu Nanxian worked together to study the defense line to the north of Xixia and began to organize the logistics system.

Soon Yipintang found the news that Mongolia's Western Expedition greatly defeated the allied forces of the Western nations, and even directly broke the Dove Nest, the main altar of the Persian Mingjiao. The Persian Mingjiao suffered numerous casualties, and the remaining people surrendered under the leadership of the old man in the mountain.

"Where is their leader?" Song Qingshu couldn't help but care about Xiao Zhao's fate.

Li Qinglu replied: "I haven't heard the news that their leader was captured, but it is rumored that their leader left before the city was broken and fled to the east. It is said that the old man in the mountain also personally led people to hunt her in exchange for the Mongolian University. Khan’s pardon, but the news has not been verified, and I don’t know if it is true or not."

"There must be a reason," Song Qingshu secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that Xiao Zhao had not fallen into the hands of the Mongols. Although they had never seen it before, in this golden book, he was tied with Shuang'er as the most suitable figure for a wife, and he was a supernatural friend. It has been a long time, not to mention that she is still Daiqisi's daughter, no matter what it is, he doesn't want Xiao Zhao to have an accident, "By the way, the Persian Mingjiao has perished, what is the reaction from Guangmingding?"

According to the description in the original book, if Xiao Zhao had lost the responsibility of the Persian Mingjiao, he would mostly go to her sweetheart Zhang Wuji, the leader of Zhang, but unfortunately she didn't know that her former sweetheart had been changed.

"Mingjiao is now shrinking defenses. According to reports from insiders, it seems that it has been a long time since the leader showed up." Li Qinglu replied.

Song Qingshu was taken aback, and he was very strange. Before the Lingjiu Palace was in chaos and Fan Yaowei smiled, Zhang Wuji was obviously planning to go, but it never appeared. Now that the Persian Mingjiao has collapsed, he still hasn't appeared for such a big thing. .

Others don't know his relationship with Persian Mingjiao, don't you know it? Seeing that the Mingjiao General Altar, which was created by one hand, collapsed, how could he not react at all?

Where did this guy go!

The disciple and grandson of Su Xinghe in Leigu Mountain last time found the dead doctor Xue. Others thought it was the hands of King Jinlun Fa and others, but in his opinion, the murderer was more likely to be Ming Zun, but Zhang Wuji was loyal and honest in the past. The image of "is so deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, no one wants to think about it."

While Song Qingshu was thinking about it, suddenly there was news from the **** that Mongolia had sent a copy of the credential.

It is not so much a letter of credence as it is a strongly worded letter of condemnation, which strongly condemns that Li Liangzuo's accession to the throne is illegal, that the deaths of Li Yuanhao and the prince are inseparable from him, and the Yinchuan Princess has always been regarded as the fifth in Mongolia. Prince Xu Liewu’s future princess, now the whereabouts of Princess Yinchuan is unknown, and Princess Yinchuan’s father was murdered by Li Liangzuo. The fifth prince will fight against him soon to avenge the future princess and father-in-law...

"When will I become her future princess!" Li Qinglu was immediately angry.

Yelu Nanxian on the side couldn't help but curiously said: "There are rumors of this kind in the market. In the past two years, it has been said that you were taken by Xu Liewu and that the so-called Xixia invitation to relatives was just a formality.

Li Qinglu's face was reddened: "Actually, my father did have this meaning, but the first emperor was brilliant. He knew that Mongolia would never let any country go in the future, but he didn't want me to marry into Mongolia, so that Xixia would be helpless by Mongolia. Tied to the chariot and became a knife in their hands. Finally, when other countries were destroyed, they would repeat the mistakes of Qi in the last years of the Warring States period. So they proposed to recruit relatives and tried to provoke Mongolia and other countries through the competition between the princes and grandchildren of the countries. Fight."

Song Qingshu couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Although Li Yuanhao is lustful..." Subconsciously glanced at Qin Hongmian on the side, the other party obviously also remembered the Jietan Temple. If it wasn't for Li Yuanhao's evil thoughts, the relationship between the two is now. It will not be so embarrassing.

After clearing his throat, Song Qingshu continued: "However, he can lead the party members to establish the country between Song and Liao, and dominate the party. As expected, he is not an ordinary person. Based on the knowledge of this relationship, few people in the world have such a clear mind. ."

Mu Wanqing couldn't help but agree: "The first emperor is indeed a dragon and a phoenix among people."

Song Qingshu was quite a headache: "I used Li Liangzuo's identity to settle Xixia as soon as possible in order to save trouble, but I didn't expect to cause more trouble."

Li Qinglu suddenly stood up and said with a smile: "In fact, it is very simple to solve this problem..."

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