Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1911: serve

"Sister Ruan~" Shen Bijun stomped his feet, a little bit trying to escape but didn't know where to run.

Shen Xiaolong laughed for a while and said: "But Bijun's current identity is a problem. If it were passed to the Southern Song Dynasty court, I'm afraid it would be a little troublesome."

Song Qingshu was startled, but he didn't expect that Shen Xiaolong was also aware of this.

Noting his expression, Shen Xiaolong said: "Our Shen family finally had a princess, how can I not know about such a big thing, but then various changes happened frequently, which led to the fate of my poor sister. What a shame."

Ruan Xingzhu comforted: "Sister Shen is now in all the hardships. She has found a good lover like the lord, and can't be a princess, but your Shen family has an extra princess."

"It's not the princess." Shen Xiaolong shook his head, causing Ruan Xingzhu's heart to jump. After all, she deliberately avoided the fact that Song Qingshu had a wife. Hearing this, did she mind? She herself, a married woman, naturally didn't care about this, but Miss Shen's innocent family would naturally have a higher vision.

Shen Xiaolong looked at Song Qingshu and said slowly: "I think we will have one more princess in the Shen family in the future."

Song Qingshu raised her eyebrows: "According to your auspicious words, if one day I can dominate the world, I will definitely make my sister an imperial concubine."

Shen Xiaolong laughed loudly: "It's so good, my uncle and aunt will surely be able to rest in peace when there is spirit in the sky, and I will also be a founding general with the lord, who will shine on the lintel of our Shen family at that time."

The hands of the two men are tightly clasped together. This moment is both a marriage and an oath to the future.

Next, Ruan Xingzhu asked someone to prepare a table of sumptuous wines and dishes. The wine can make the atmosphere more enthusiastic and is the best tool to draw closer the relationship between the two parties.

Song Qingshu and Shen Xiaolong intertwined and quickly discussed how to deal with the sensitive identity of the prince princess. That is to try to hide from the Southern Song Dynasty as much as possible, waiting for the future to be full of wings, and then hold a grand wedding for Shen Bijun.

Shen Bijun blushed the whole time, and he untied the knots he had always had. The whole person seemed to be in a dream, naturally what they said was, and at this time, she would be embarrassed to speak.

Hearing that she was going back to Shaoxing to worship her parents, Shen Xiaolong choked up and said: "I also want to go back to see Shenyuan with you, but I can't walk away here. The Southern Song Dynasty court now has no choice but to admit that I will sit in Sichuan. If I leave the base camp, they will definitely take the opportunity to replace me. Judging from their bottomless style, they might even send someone to get rid of me in order to avoid future troubles."

Shen Bijun replied: "Big Brother, you must be careful yourself. When I was in the Liao State, the people from Huangcheng Division planned to kill me. I don't want you to repeat the same mistakes."

"There is not a good thing surnamed Zhao!" Shen Xiaolong scolded, especially when he thought of the loyalty of the Shen family through the ages, and the result was such a bleak ending, the more angry he became.

Ruan Xingzhu was also heartbroken: "Why didn’t Han Xiang work hard for the court, and instead of dying in the hands of the golden man, he was killed by his own person. The emperor not only ignored him, but also promoted the murderer behind the scenes to replace Han Xiang. position."

"My poor mate, who also has his career to work hard for the country, but because he is not a person of Jia Xidao, he sent someone to get rid of him. Has the court ever called for them?"

Seeing her more and more sad, Song Qingshu hurriedly persuaded: "Madam, please take care of your body and don't move your fetus."

Ruan Xingzhu smiled, his eyes filled with tears, but his face was extraordinarily charming: "Fortunately, I ran into the son who was the master for me, this cup of respect to the son."

Song Qingshu hesitated: "You

Still pregnant..."

Ruan Xingzhu smiled and said, "This glass is specially prepared widow water wine, so it's fine."

Song Qingshu clinked a glass with her and drank the spirits in her glass: "I and Han Xiang are also friends. He fell into such a field and made me, an outsider, feel a little chill. Don't worry, I will definitely pay back in the future. He is fair!"

Shen Xiaolong on the side saw the two people's every move. He was not a fool, so how could he not see the ambiguity between the two? What's more, there was a lot of rumors in the city about the child in Mrs. Ruan's belly, but now he suddenly felt a sense of rumors.

But he didn't think there was anything, but he felt more at ease. After all, he was a bit worried about whether Mrs. Ruan would betray or something, but now everyone is tacitly aware, and the relationship is more stable.

Hearing Mrs. Ruan’s words, Shen Xiaolong was gradually moved into sadness: “Is it not miserable for our Shen family? Originally I remembered that the soldiers went to Jiangnan to seek justice from the emperor, but unfortunately I understand that with my strength, I can’t beat the emperor. Jiangnan, so the lord's help is needed to let dozens of people from the Shen family feel wronged."

Song Qingshu sternly said: "Brother Shen, please rest assured, now I am the son-in-law of the Shen family, and the affairs of the Shen family are mine, so naturally it is my duty."

This remark made Shen Xiaolong laughed loudly: "Why did I forget this, I'm still your brother-in-law."

Song Qingshu picked up the wine and said with a smile, "Brother-in-law, a glass."

Hearing this name, Shen Xiaolong smiled so that the eyebrows and beards on his face were almost squeezed together: "You must drink this cup, hahaha."

The two quickly drank a few more glasses. Song Qingshu took advantage of a gap and quietly grabbed Shen Bijun's hand beside him: "Are you at ease now?"

"Yeah~" Shen Bijun subconsciously wanted to withdraw her hand, but unfortunately she didn't succeed after taking it a few times. She was worried that the movement might have attracted the attention of others, so she blushed and let him hold it.

"Do you think it was silly before?" Song Qingshu asked with a smile.

"Huh?" Shen Bijun didn't know why.

"That night..." Song Qingshu laughed a little strangely.

"Don't mention it!" Shen Bijun was embarrassed, wishing that a seam would get in right away. Looking back now, she didn't understand why she had done such a ridiculous thing at the time. The lady who had always followed the rules actually took the initiative in front of a man. Undressing and undressing, she felt that she must have been stunned at the time.

"What's the matter?" Shen Xiaolong on the side heard the movement and asked curiously.

"No...nothing." Shen Bijun's face flushed, even her biological parents were embarrassed to say such things, so she was ashamed to tell her elder brother.

Song Qingshu explained: "Just ask her whether she likes a boy or a girl in the future."

Shen Bijun's heart jumped, his face turned red, and he couldn't help groaning: "Big Brother Song~"

Shen Xiaolong laughed haha ​​after hearing the words: "What's the hesitation, there are seven or eight births, if there are a few boys and girls, there is no trouble of choice."

Shen Bijun finally couldn't stand it anymore: "Big Brother! I'm not a pig!"

Or Ruan Xingzhu smiled and relieved her: "Don't you frighten the little girl, Sister Shen's delicate body, will she kill her after giving birth to seven or eight?"

Shen Bijun snorted: "Sister Ruan, come to make fun of others too!"

"Alright, okay, their man is going to drink, let's talk about ourselves." Ruan Xingzhu pulled her aside, and the two women whispered.

Song Qingshu and Shen Xiaolong continue to make friends

Wrong, the enthusiasm is getting higher and higher. One has experienced the baptism of high-purity alcohol in later generations, and the other is half of the rivers and lakes and half of the military. They are all good at booze, and this drink is really a match for opponents and good talents.

Song Qingshu didn't use his skills to dissolve his alcoholic inclination. That would be too cheating. He was completely drinking with him by the amount of his own alcohol. If he didn't get drunk every time he drank, then drinking would be too boring.

Later, looking at the two men lying on the table and muttering to each other, Ruan Xingzhu said angrily: "Drink, drink, drink, drink and drink like this?"

"They won't have an accident?" Shen Bijun looked at the two with some worry. One was her only relative, and the other was her future husband. She didn't want anyone to be hurt.

After all, Ruan Xingzhu is a person here, and he has more experience in this aspect: "Don't worry, they will just sleep." Then a few maids were called to send Shen Xiaolong to the room to rest. When it was Song Qingshu's turn, she would Some troubles.

I wanted to take care of him personally, but in front of Shen Bijun, she was a married woman who was really ashamed to say it. In addition, she was pregnant, and she was very scarce who persisted until this late. He handed him over to the other party: "Sister Shen, I will send someone to stare at General Shen. You will take care of Song Gongzi."

"Me?" Shen Bijun was a little flustered. Since he has to take care of him, he obviously has to be by his side all night. Although the marriage of the two has been settled on the wine table, there is no marriage after all, which is really wrong.

Of course, this is also because of others. If there were only two of them, how could Shen Bijun scruples about these, but there were other people present, and she was a little bit embarrassed after all that she had received the education of ladies from her childhood.

Ruan Xingzhu leaned into her ear and whispered: "Young Master Song is a bit dishonest when he is drunk. If I send a few little girls to serve him, I am worried that he will be drunk and foolishly bully those girls. He doesn't want to bear too much debt. I will definitely regret it when I wake up tomorrow, but his responsibility will not be irresponsible... My sister shouldn't want to see him so distressed, right?"

Shen Bijun thought that Song Qingshu was not only drunk and dishonest, but also dishonest when sleeping. When she said that, she really didn't want to see her lover just enter into a marriage contract with herself, and turned around and slept with other women.

But what if he wants to bully himself at night?

As if seeing her worries, Ruan Xingzhu said meaningfully: "When my sister tells you something to be self-conscious, sometimes women have to take the initiative. There are many excellent women around him. If you don’t seize the opportunity, , I will definitely regret it in the future."

Mrs. Ruan is a businessman, and the concept of wide-ranging goodwill is deeply imprinted in her bones. Although she has no intention of vying for status, she tries to get closer to some people as much as possible. In the future, there will be only benefits and no harm, not to mention. She and Shen Xiaolong are in Sichuan, and Shen Bijun is naturally her ally, so she deliberately reminded her.

"Thank you elder sister." Shen Bijun is not a stupid person, and naturally heard the kindness in her words. When it comes to this, she is naturally not good at rejecting it, so she can only resist the shame and agree.

Madam Ruan smiled upon seeing this: "My sister is also a little tired today. I'll send someone to prepare a bucket of hot water for you to bring to the room later, so I can soak it to relieve the fatigue."

Shen Bijun looked weird, thinking that I would take care of Brother Song, and then you let me bathe in the same room......——

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