Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1912: By mistake

As if seeing her thoughts, Ruan Xingzhu smiled and said, "Don't worry, he slept like a dead pig. It just so happens that you can take the time to take a bath and watch him by the way. Why not do it."

"Okay... okay." Shen Bijun thought it made sense, and agreed.

Ruan Xingzhu yawned, and his face couldn't help being tired: "I'm a little tired, I will leave everything to my sister."

Shen Bijun blushed and nodded, sent her away, and then looked at Song Qingshu who was asleep on the bed. She was in a dream. She did not expect her marriage to be booked after a meal. She is now Some have not recovered.

It felt strange to think of him as his own man, but one thing is certain is that she now has an inexplicable stability, and no longer has the feeling of being unaccompanied and abandoned by the whole world.

Twisting a handful of towels, wiping Song Qingshu's face, taking off his shoes and socks, and finally got under the covers. The whole person couldn't help but sweat.

At this time, the maids had already prepared the hot water for the bath. Looking at the steaming bathtub, Shen Bijun was a little moved, but he looked at the man on the bed and hesitated.

Seeing that Song Qingshu was asleep, but in the end still no match for the uncomfortable feeling of being wet with sweat, she decided to take a quick bath.

The woman's reservedness made her deliberately find a screen to block in front of the bath tub, untie her dress, revealing her jade-like skin, snow-white chest, slender legs...

It suddenly occurred to her that that night she tried to do a self-recommendation pillow like a deal, and she fell out of it at that time.

"So ashamed..." Shen Bijun clutched her hot face, and hurriedly retracted into the tub, as if only the warm hot water around her could calm her agitated mood.

Even though she knows to wash as soon as possible, it is difficult for a woman to resist the temptation of taking a bath. Lying in the water, she seems to relax her soul, especially smelling the fragrance of petals and feeling the touch of the water flowing through the skin. There is nothing better than this. More pleasant things.

Suddenly a vague voice came from the bed, and Shen Bijun was taken aback, and hurriedly shrank his whole body under the water, only his head was exposed.

"Water...water..." After a long time, she finally heard what Song Qingshu was muttering to.

Shen Bijun knows that people who are drunk are often very thirsty. He regrets that he was careless and didn't feed him some water first. At this time, he didn't wear any clothes. How to get water for him?

"Water...water..." The other party's voice became more rushed. After all, Shen Bijun couldn't bear to keep him thirsty. He got up from the bathtub, hurriedly wrapped a suit of clothes, poured a glass of water and delivered it. Before the bed.

"Big Brother Song, drinking water." Shen Bijun squatted down beside the bed, calling gently.

"Yeah~" Song Qingshu drank three consecutive cups before he stopped groaning. Shen Bijun gently put his head on the pillow and laughed secretly: He usually looks like a child in his various heroes and martial arts. same.

"Hey, I actually had a spring-dream." Suddenly Song Qingshu rubbed his eyes in a daze.

Shen Bijun was startled, a little unclear, so at this time Song Qingshu stretched out his hand and grabbed her chest: "Miss Shen pays the most attention to manners all day, how can she dress so revealing in front of me? Huh, the hand feels quite real."

Shen Bijun was so embarrassed that he pushed him away, a little angry, but noticed that Song Qingshu turned over and fell asleep again. Knowing what he said in his sleep after being drunk, his anger gradually disappeared.

"This person... is not honest even when he is drunk." Shen Bijun bit his lips lightly, the skin on his face seemed to be coated with rouge. Suddenly he felt that Mrs. Ruan's words were prescient. If you send a little girl to serve next to him, he said Maybe he was dragged onto the bed and was really harmed.

Covering Song Qingshu with the quilt again, Shen Bijun suddenly felt uncomfortable. He had just hurried out to pour him water and put on his clothes before he could dry them. Now the clothes are completely stuck to the skin, which is more wet than before. Uncomfortable.

"I just washed it for nothing." Shen Bijun stomped her foot, but seeing the lover sleeping soundly, she couldn't have any seizures, so she could only come back to the back of the screen, take off her dress and ran into the bathtub again.

I don’t know how long it took. Shen Bijun suddenly heard the movement again. When he looked back, he found a figure swaying towards this side. He was taken aback and hurriedly shrank under the water, revealing only two eyes to observe the movement outside. .

Soon Song Qingshu staggered to the side, fumbled for a while in the corner, and then there was a fierce sound of water.

, Shen Bijun was angry and funny, it turned out that he had just drunk too much water, and now he is coming.

The education she has received since childhood is not to be regarded as impolite, and she has to avoid even women, let alone a man who is at his convenience and hastily turned his head over, but the other party's movement is too loud, and the stirring sound of water keeps reaching her ears. In the middle of it, her heart was messed up.

If it was the past, let alone seeing a man, she could hardly conceal her disgust when she learned that a man wanted convenience. But now, apart from panic and shy, she has no disgust at all. She is proficient in rhythm and even vaguely heard how much. The melody of the general order.

"What the **** am I thinking?" Shen Bijun's whole person was a little soft, which really violated a lady's code of conduct, and he hurriedly stopped listening to the red-faced voice.

"I don't know if he is awake or not, in case I see me like this..." Shen Bijun suddenly realized a serious problem. The reason why she was bathing here was because of Ruan Xingzhu's instigation, and second, it was because of the instigation in the room. The man was drunk, but he was late at night!

"Big Brother Song shouldn't know that I am here." Shen Bijun realized this, and his whole body gradually calmed down. As long as he didn't see him, he wouldn't know what happened tonight when he woke up tomorrow.

Thinking of the opponent's martial arts power, she didn't even dare to show her eyes. When she noticed that the other party was almost finished, the whole person slowly sank below the surface of the water, ready to wait for him to go to bed again and then come out.

Song Qingshu staggered over, grabbed the teapot and took a drink, and suddenly his eyes swept to the tub next to him: "Hey, Mrs. Ruan also prepared a tub for me?"

Just now, Shen Bijun did not undress him because of his shyness. At this time, Song Qingshu felt drunk, and his whole body was a little hot, and the clothes on his body were a bit stinky. When he saw the steaming bathtub, he planned to wash first. Go back to sleep after taking a bath.

He was still in the midst of a hangover, his head was a little awkward, and he didn't notice the dress on the side of the screen, plus the thick layer of petals floating on the water, and he couldn't see the bottom of the water.

He took off his clothes after three times, crawled into the tub, and suddenly felt a smooth and greasy body. Before he could even react, there was a scream in the room.

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