Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1917: Lead the snake out of the hole

At this time, in the Lin'an City Palace, a thousand miles away, Emperor Zhao Gou watched the secret music on the table with a gloomy face, and suddenly Thunder was furious: "His heart can be punishable, and his heart can be punishable! This short period of time Wu The family’s power in the Sanya was completely wiped out, and now the truth is clear that Wu Xi was framed, and then he Jia Sidao gave a symbolic sympathy to the Wu family. In the end, he reaped the benefits again, and the culprit let me bear it back!"

"Your Majesty calms down your anger," there was a vague figure in the shadow behind him, with a hint of sarcasm in his voice, "Didn't the emperor give you the order to clean the Wu family?

"Uh..." Zhao Gou was speechless for a while. He knew his personality and would be very tolerant most of the time, but in some moments he couldn't control his emotions and did some shocking things.

The king of a country who can ridicule the moody and anger in person like this does not dare to get angry, and only a half-human and half-immortal existence like Huang Chang can do this.

"I was deceived by a treacherous man. The Murong family has always regarded the Jia family as the head of the horse, and Murong Fu was also recommended by Jia Sidao. He was behind the scenes of the entire Xichuan chaos!" Zhao Gou said bitterly, "The most unbearable thing is He actually killed Han Yun, and killed Han Yun!"

"Speaking of which, it's also blamed on the old man being carelessly moved away from the mountain by them. I didn't expect that they would dare to openly do it in the palace." Huang Chang knew that the emperor in front of him was already extremely angry, because Jia Sidao sent someone to kill Han Qi in Yujin Garden Met his negative scales. No emperor can tolerate ministers killing political opponents under his own eyes. More importantly, the royal has always valued the technique of balancing. The death of Han Tong immediately caused the court to lose control, and Jia Sidao could no longer check and balance.

If a power official had no political opponents in the court, he would soon turn his attention to the person on the throne of Jinluang.

Zhao Gou said coldly: "When Han Tong died, Wu's family was cleansed. Now he has the entire three yams in his hands, including the front office of the palace, the guards and horses, and the infantry department; Zaifu, Privy Council, Sansi, and even Yushi Taiwan is his confidant; in the three major war zones of the court, the Lu family of Jinghu was his protégé; before using the red-coated army to make a fuss for the Huaidong system, now half of the Jianghuai war zone is in his hands; It's not that Shen Xiaolong has appeared. I am afraid that he is now in his pocket. The entire court is controlled by him from top to bottom. Whose world is this world, and who is the emperor?"

Huang Chang said faintly: "If the emperor doesn't like it, the old man will kill him." He was very calm when he said this, as if he was saying something easy.

Zhao Gou's face changes, but he still shakes after all

The head said: "No!"

"Why not? Since he can kill Han Tong, why can't we kill him?" Huang Chang was puzzled.

Zhao Gou replied: "Now that the Northern Expedition has just failed, the court can no longer withstand the shock. What's more, he has a large number of members, and the consequences of one carelessness are unimaginable. He wants to be Zhurong, but I don't want to be Emperor Xiaozhuang."

In history, Emperor Xiaozhuang killed the power minister Er Zhurong on impulse. As a result, Er Zhurong's men rebelled. In the end, Emperor Xiaozhuang was strangled to death in the Buddhist temple by rebel soldiers.

"Moreover, Jia Sidao is good at buying people's hearts, and now people in the public and outsiders call him a person like Zhou Gong." Zhao Gou laughed at himself, "If I killed Zhou Gong, wouldn't it be stinking for thousands of years?"

Huang Chang was silent, thinking that you had killed Yue Fei for thousands of years.

"Wang Mang respectfully did not usurp the time...Unless the world knows his true face, then it will be logical to kill him again." A strange light flashed in Zhao Go's eyes suddenly.

"What good strategy does the emperor have?" Huang Chang glanced at him somewhat unexpectedly.

"I plan to go to Wudang Mountain in the near future, and I will call Fei Jia, Jia Sidao and other officials to come along." Zhao Gou said.

"Wudang Mountain?" Huang Chang's eyes flashed a few heartbeats when he thought of the land-like immortal figure on the mountain. The two had been in love with each other for a long time, but unfortunately each had trivial matters. After the martial arts success, they have never seen each other.

Although he was moved, he still advised: "The emperor's travels in the peaceful and heyday are full of crises, not to mention the chaos today? As soon as Wudang Mountain is not far away from the border of the Kingdom of Jin, it will be troublesome if it attracts golden soldiers to attack; Outside the imperial city, the guards around the emperor will inevitably be greatly weakened, which will surely arouse ambitions around the corner."

"Now that Mongolia returns to the east, the Kingdom of Jin will definitely focus on precautions. At this time, it will not lightly start the war. As for the careerist," Zhao Gou snorted, showing a smile that Zhizhu was holding. "I'm not afraid of him moving, I'm afraid. He doesn't move."

Huang Chang knew instantly: "Is the emperor trying to lure Jia Sidao into doing it?"

Zhao Gou nodded: "Jia Sidao has worked hard to control the court up and down, doesn't he just want to sit on the position of the Nine-Five Lord, but it's a pity that he is involved too much in Lin'an City. Under the full view of everyone, he is a wing. He is already rich, but he can't find a chance to be Wang Mang, so I will give him this chance."

Huang Chang said in a deep voice: "But this is still too risky." Wudang Mountain is located in the Jinghu battle zone. It is the territory controlled by the Lu brothers, and the Lu brothers are the direct descendants of Jia Sidao's direct line. Playing in this place is nothing short of attracting snakes out of the cave. Yes

Playing with fire, accidentally set off fire to-set himself on fire.

Zhao Gou explained: "In this way, even though I have left the palace, why didn't Jia Sidao leave the lair? Now he controls more power than me, so he is weakened even more."

"Why should the emperor take such a risk? The most stable way is to continue the emperor's technique to divide and disintegrate the four major families," Huang Chang still felt wrong. "For example, Shi Miyuan, I think he is very ambitious, and may not be willing to live in Jia. Under Sidao, the emperor can support him to fight with Jia Sidao."

Zhao Gou sighed: "If I have enough time, I won't take this dangerous move, but there is not much time left for me, and you don't have much time."

Huang Chang is silent, he can live up to now completely relying on the heaven and earth magic skills, but martial arts has its limits after all, no matter how high a person's martial arts is, how can he survive the years? Recently, on a whim, he has vaguely sensed that his end is approaching.

As for Zhao Gou, he is not too young now. The key is that Jin Guo searched the mountains and seas to hunt him down. He was frightened and soaked in the sea to hurt his foundation. Later, he tried too many weird ways to revive him. , On the contrary, it makes the body worse and worse.

Zhao Gou suddenly smiled: "So I went to Wudang Mountain to find Zhang Sanfeng to inquire about the art of longevity. I think no one will doubt my motives."

Huang Chang nodded. This was a perfect reason. Zhang Sanfeng was clearly over a hundred years old, but his whole face was red and he didn't look old at all.

Looking at his arms that were as dry as bones in his sleeves, Huang Chang couldn't help being silent.

Zhao Gou said: "Jia Sidao cherishes feathers, and even if he wants to usurp the throne, he will not be a big fan. At that time, he will probably choose top masters to do something about the matter, and then find someone who is wronged after the fact. The war will bring trouble to the old Mr."

Huang Chang snorted coldly: "In case Jia Sidao really can't help but do it, is the emperor really sure? According to the old man's observations over the years, Jia Sidao has a lot of masters, not only with the Central Plains Wulin, it looks like a secret song. It has something to do with the mysterious Kaleidoscope Island in the South China Sea. Once he launches it, it will definitely be a thunderous blow. Only relying on the old man and the few guards with imperial equipment and Ouchi may not be able to win him."

Zhao Gou smiled mysteriously: "Don't worry, you are not the only one, I have absolute certainty."——

The previous plot was a bit dull, I completely revised the outline, so the update has been unstable in the last few days, so sorry

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