Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1918: Battle of the Grand Masters

"Oh?" Huang Chang was a little surprised. The other party's tone seemed to compare that person with himself. He seemed to be a master at the same level as a master. But looking at the world, there are only a handful of people at his level, and half of them have become Scratched the loess, "I don't know who that person is?"

"That person will enter the palace today, and the calculation time is almost up." Zhao Gou replied.

Huang Chang looked out the door and said in a deep voice, "It's already here."

"Amitabha Buddha, Huang Jushi is really capable of profound knowledge. The poor monk has deliberately suppressed his breath, but he did not expect to be noticed by the donor." A burst of laughter came, and soon a man dressed as a monk walked in from the door.

Saying he is dressed up as a monk instead of saying that he is a monk is mainly because this person looks a little weird. He is obviously a big bald head, and the traces of ring scars are faintly visible on his head. However, he is not sharp, like a normal monk. Paying attention to deportment has formed a great contrast. More importantly, he has a huge wine gourd slung around his waist. How can there be any reason for a monk to drink in the world?

Huang Chang thought of a person from his breath, and said in a cold voice: "Back then, you said that the old man's "Nine Yin Zhen Jing" was too feminine, and then you created another "Nine Sun Magic Art"?"

The monk was startled, but he was calm: "Jushi Huang really has good eyesight, and he immediately saw the origin of the poor monk. Yes, he fought with Wang Chongyang for wine, and won him half of the money. Borrowing the "Nine Yin Zhenjing" After looking at it, I did sigh."

It turns out that he was the one who won the "Nine Yin Scriptures" from Wang Chongyang. After reading it, he couldn't stop the inspiration, and then founded the "Nine Suns Scriptures".

If Song Qingshu is here, I must sigh, this is the real master, the Central Plains Wujue is so famous in the arena, but apart from Wang Chongyang, others have studied the "Nine Yin Zhenjing" for decades, and often After a great advance in martial arts, Wang Chongyang turned the entire "Nine Yin Scriptures" in a few days, and the wine-fighting monk was even more exaggerated. After reading it for a long time, he went back and created the same level of "Nine Suns."

"Since I look down on the old man's "Nine Yin Scriptures", I have to see how much you feel." As soon as Huang Chang's words fell, the whole person had appeared in front of the monk, a pair of dark as ink hands, as if coming from Below Jiuyou, exuding an evil luster, he grabbed the monk's big hole all over his body.

On the dragon chair, Zhao Gou felt that the air in the room became extremely viscous, and he frowned. He knew that this was Huang Shang's domain, which had changed the surrounding environment rules to a certain extent. He didn't expect him to be so sticky as soon as he shot. No mercy.

These two people are his greatest support. If he loses out in a while, wouldn't all his plans for the future be ruined?

With the intention to stop, Zhao Gou finally closed his mouth. After all, it is difficult for characters of this level to fight against each other. The next plan is extremely dangerous. Let them fight against each other to understand their martial arts characteristics, and then better cooperate.

"Amitabha!" The monk clawed his hands together and shouted the Buddha's name. The sloppy appearance of the game world instantly became dignified and solemn, and bursts of golden light radiated within three feet of his body, dispelling the incomparable black aura brought by Huang Chang.

"Om, M, Ne, Ba, Mi, Hum!" The monk kept forming a variety of complex Buddha seals with his hands, and greeted the other party's ghostly nine-yin white bone claws.

Huang Chang's face changed slightly. Although his nine-yin white bone claws were extremely lethal, they had carried a few weird evil spirits from the beginning of creation, and when they encountered the Buddhist seal, they even faintly meant being restrained.

"Huh! Buddhism has seals, but our Taoists don't?" Huang Chang reacted quickly, and the white bone claws of Jiuyin instantly changed into mysterious handprints, and the ghostly spirit suddenly became a little bit out of dust. "Lin, Soldiers, fights, people, all, formations, ranks, forwards, and moves!"

The nine-character mantra mudra is a popular secretary's mudra by Taoists and military strategists. It comes from the Eastern Jin Dynasty Ge Hong's "Baopuzi Neipian Dengshe". How would Huang Chang know that he had cultivated Taoism in the past and created a powerful technique with this.

As for the nine-character mantra of "Lin, Bing, Fighting, Zhe, Jiu, Array, Column, Pres, and Front" in Japanese Ninjutsu, the last two words were copied by mistake when they were introduced to Japan from China.

Wine-fighting monk and Huang Chang, one is a great master of Buddhism and the other is a great master of Taoism. The two immediately used handprints to fight dozens of moves. Unlike the masters in the arena, they are both powerful and powerful every time they collide. It's huge, but even a porcelain cup in the room hasn't been broken. This is the difference between a grand master and an ordinary grandmaster. They can perfectly control every force and don't waste a trace of zhenqi on things other than the target.

"You two, please stop." Zhao Gou felt that the time was almost up, and stood up to stop him, if they really let them fight again, maybe it would really cause some damage.

"The Nine Suns True Scripture, really well-deserved." In the blink of an eye, Huang Chang had already returned to Zhao Gou, his arms faintly radiated heat, apparently because the opponent's Nine Yang Qi had intruded into the veins, and his brows were slightly frowned. The Jiu Yin Zhen Qi in his body turned first, and he expelled the heat from his arms.

"The monk was too eloquent back then, and it seems that he didn't comprehend the essence of the Jiuyin Scripture." The wine fighting monk restored his sloppy appearance, took a sip of wine from the large flagon, and mobilized his inner strength by the way. Frozen meridians.

Zhao Gou was overjoyed and said: "Haha, I have two of you to help each other, so why don't you worry about it in the future!"

The wine fighting monk smiled slightly: "In the past, the Zhao Song royal family was kind to the poor monk's ancestors. The poor monk came here to repay the cause and effect, and then he will travel around the world." He also understood clearly what he meant, and would only help. This time, the two did not owe each other since then, so Zhao Gou should not have the thought of using him as a thug in the future.

Zhao Gou smiled and said: "This is natural, how can I pay attention to the monk after the event is done?" Just as I was about to find someone to prepare a banquet for the two of them, the drunk monk said to Huang Chang: "Just a battle, the poor monk's heart Suddenly there are many feelings, Brother Huang is willing to talk about it at night?"

Huang Chang smiled rarely: "I can't ask for it."

Then the two directly ignored Zhao Go and walked out together. From time to time, there were voice clips:

"The lonely yin does not grow, and the lonely yang does not grow. The little monk thinks that the harmony of yin and yang is the right principle.

"Otherwise, I look at the vastness of the universe. The whole universe is definitely surging and declining, not in balance."


Looking at the two leaving figures, Zhao Gou was not at all angry. He just looked at the direction of Chengnan Jia Mansion from a distance, killing the secret cloth in his eyes.

Besides, in Chengdu, Shen Bijun went to bed extremely embarrassedly. Song Qingshu naturally turned over and hugged her charming body in her arms, which caused her heart to tremble.

Fortunately, the other party did not take any further action. Shen Bijun breathed a sigh of relief. His heart was pounding, thinking about it midnight, and finally fell asleep.

Song Qingshu couldn't sleep. Although he didn't have any information on this aspect, he had a strong feeling that this ceremony of succession to the head of Wudang would definitely not be smooth sailing.

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