Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1919: Thousands of miles of Jiangling to return in one day

As Mrs. Ruan said, it was not a few days since the head of Wudang Mountain took over the ceremony. Song Qingshu was worried about some accident in the middle of the ceremony. Early the next morning, he said farewell to Mrs. Ruan and Shen Xiaolong.

As for Shen Bijun, because he was going back to Jiangnan to worship his parents, he was naturally on the same road.

Mrs. Ruan knew that he had something to do, and did not hold back. She just stroked her bulging belly, showing a bit of reluctance. Song Qingshu hated her and kissed her belly a few bites when there was no one around. come back."

In the end, Mrs. Ruan blushed and sipped: "After the child is born, he will inherit the incense of the Yang family. If you mention these things in front of him every time, the child may be very difficult to accept for a while."

"Couldn't you let him call my father." Song Qingshu suddenly became a little dissatisfied.

"Of course not. The child has no scheming. In case the secret between us is revealed, then everything is over," Mrs. Ruan said, "But, you can let him recognize you as godfather, so he will call you father later." , No one will doubt it."

"That's fine." Song Qingshu knew that she was telling the truth, not to mention his current strength is not enough to control the world, even if he really controls the world, facing all kinds of ethics, he might not be able to do anything, the identity of godfather is the best of both worlds. Up.

On the other side, Shen Xiaolong kept telling Shen Bijun: "Sister, eldest brother can't get away this time, you must put a few more incense sticks in front of the Shen family for me."

"Bijun saves it." Shen Bijun's eyes are also red at this time. This world pays most attention to the concept of clan. Even if Shen Xiaolong was driven out of the house when she was very young, he still had the blood of the Shen family on him. It was her. The only relative in this world, and finally reunited with relatives, so soon to be parted, I don't know when we will meet again next time.

Shen Xiaolong hesitated and said in a low voice: "Brother-in-law has many confidantes, so you must be mentally prepared."

Shen Bijun's face flushed: "I know." In fact, she has been entangled with this point all the time. She was originally unwilling to wade into the muddy water with her pride, but her reason was unable to restrain her feelings, and eventually she fell into trouble.

Shen Xiaolong was worried that she would be the wind in her ears, and continued: "Don't be jealous. Although you are outstanding, none of those sisters are famous in the world, and all of them are big

Skills, if you are arrogant and arrogant, it will be difficult to gain a foothold in the future. "

Seeing her silent, with tears in her eyes, Shen Xiaolong sighed: "Sister, don't blame me for talking too much. You and I are left in the Shen family. I'm really afraid that you will not be happy."

Shen Bijun wiped away his tears, and hurriedly said: "Big brother is worried. The reason why I cried is because your words reminded me of daddy. He used to teach me in this way."

Shen Xiaolong sighed: "Hey, my son wants to be raised and we don't want to be married. We must let the Shen family regain its glory and let the ancestors of the Shen family smile at Jiuquan."

"Yeah!" Shen Bijun nodded heavily.

On the boat down the river, Song Qingshu smiled and asked Shen Bijun: "What did your eldest brother say to you when he left?"

Thinking of the words of eldest brother, Shen Bijun blushed and snorted, "Said you want me to listen to you."

Song Qingshu couldn't help but Da Le: "Uncle brother said that, next time I return to Chengdu, I have to find him to drink another 300 cups."

"I don't know when I will be back." Looking at the direction of Chengdu, Shen Bijun sighed quietly. In this era, the traffic is extremely inconvenient. It takes two hours for the next generation to travel by plane. This world often takes a few months and all the way. Such difficulties and obstacles, when the security is not complete, the guest will die in a foreign land, so everyone is very sad about the parting.

"Don't worry, there will be more and more opportunities in the future." Song Qingshu comforted.

Shen Bijun suddenly said, "Big Brother Song, can you teach me martial arts?"

"Hey, don't you think it's bad to dance with knives and guns?" Song Qingshu was a little surprised. Such a lady actually wants to learn martial arts.

Shen Bijun bit his lip: "If nothing happened, I would still be an eldest lady in Shenyuan, of course I would not want to learn martial arts. But now so many great changes have happened... If I can martial arts, a lot of misfortunes would not have happened at the beginning will happen."

"All this is not your fault," Song Qingshu hurriedly comforted when she saw her about to cry. "Don't cry, don't cry, I will teach you martial arts."

"Really?" Shen Bijun finally broke his tears into a smile, but he was immediately embarrassed, "I heard that martial arts students have to lay the foundation since childhood. Will I be late in martial arts at my age?"

"It's really late." Song Qingshu nodded. Most people in this world practice martial arts since childhood.

What has been finalized, learning it will get twice the result with half the effort.

"Huh?" Shen Bijun suddenly looked disappointed.

Song Qingshu laughed and said, "If it's an ordinary master, I really can't teach you anything, but I just know that a exercise is suitable for you."

"Really?" Shen Bijun remembered that his lover was a master of the world, and couldn't help but jump for joy, "I don't know what technique it is?"

Song Qingshu showed a weird smile: "The name of this exercise is "Samādhi Absolutely Achieving God's Foot Sutra."

"Wish to samadhi..." Shen Bijun frowned, "Why is this martial arts so awkward?"

Song Qingshu said: "The name is a bit hard to remember, you can just call it "Shen Foot Sutra"." He knows a lot of martial arts, but he has no barriers to harm the heaven and harmony, and at the same time, it is the "Shen Foot Sutra". You Tanzhi can develop top-notch internal strength when he is a monk with this qualification.

Of course, he would not say that the posture of these confidantes practicing "Shen Foot Sutra" is also a very important reason.

Next, he began to explain to Shen Bijun the various advantages of this kung fu, and Shen Bijun was stunned, but when she started to practice, he couldn't help but blush and said, "Can this martial arts really produce a peerless magic?"

"Of course it can." Song Qingshu had to admire Shen Bijun. He had never practiced martial arts, and did not practice ballet like the women of later generations. But the flexibility is still top-notch. You must know that many movements in the Shen Foot Sutra are a bit against the body. Structure, most people can't make it.

"But how do I feel that this is a skill used to please men?" Shen Bijun looked suspicious.

Song Qingshu smiled and said: "Don't worry, this is an authentic Buddhist technique, it has no side effects and it takes effect quickly. Of course, the effect you mentioned is only unexpected by the creator." After all, at Tianzhu, no one would have thought that there would be female disciples in Buddhism. .

Seeing him frankly admitted, Shen Bijun was embarrassed: "Big Brother Song, can you go out for a while, I am like this... so shameful."

Song Qingshu laughed and said, "How can this work? After all, practicing internal strength is dangerous. I will take care of it so that you won't have any problems."

Shen Bijun opened his eyes wide, his gaze seemed straight through the hearts of the people: "Did Brother Song just said that there will be no side effects in practicing this martial arts?"

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