Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1926: Tentative

Everyone was shocked, knowing that with Zhang Sanfeng's cultivation base and martial arts status, most things do not require him to act and simply send disciples to handle it. The few shots are almost a single move to control the enemy.

I don’t know how many people in the arena guess what level of martial arts he has reached, but guessing and guessing can only use one word to describe it, that is, "unfathomable"!

Such a person actually offered to discuss with a junior, obviously in his mind he already regarded the opponent as an opponent of the same level, how can he not let these people be frightened?

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly: "Master Tai's Tai Chi sword has opened up an unprecedented mode of martial arts. How can I break this three-legged cat kung fu, and there is an important matter related to Wudang's survival when Qingshu comes here. of."

When Zhang Sanfeng heard his flattering words in front of him, he originally wanted to laugh and scold him not to be slippery, but his expression suddenly became serious when he heard the following sentence: "What is it?"

Song Qingshu then roughly talked about the ghost villa.

"Ghost Villa?" Zhang Sanfeng was lost in thought, "It seems that he has never heard of this organization." With Zhang Sanfeng's insights, he has never heard of proof that this organization mostly did not exist before.

"It should be a mysterious organization established only in the past two years," Song Qingshu explained, "I hope I have been thinking about it, but everyone should be careful."

"In addition," Song Qingshu hesitated for a while, and continued, "Actually, I am worried that the foolish tea master of Baiyun Temple may be related to the ghost villa."

Others couldn't help whispering, knowing that Yucha is not only a figure who has been famous for decades, but also a high-status person in the Wudang system. People always think that such a character is related to the ghost villa.

Zhang Sanfeng's expression moved: "Qing Shu, why do you say this?"

Song Qingshu said: "What I'm talking about next is top-secret information. Once it is leaked, it will cause a lot of turmoil. I hope you will keep it secret."

"This is natural." Wudang Ji Xia and Chong Xu nodded their heads after seeing him solemnly.

"Thirty years ago Yucha joined Xia Ke Island. Behind Xia Ke Island is controlled by Jia Sidao. According to my information, this ghost villa is likely to be inseparable from Jia Sidao." Song Qingshu said.

"It turns out that Jia Sidao is behind Xia Ke Island, no wonder, no wonder!" The people present are all in the rivers and lakes. Naturally, I know Xia Ke Island. It has always been mysterious and everyone is guessing what is going on. Now I know what is going on behind the scenes. The powerful Jia Sidao immediately understood why Xia Ke Island could have so much energy.

"No wonder Yucha Dao brother Shenlong has not seen the end in these years. There are rumors that he was invited to Xia Ke Island. The poor Dao was a little unbelievable at the beginning, but he didn't expect it to be true." Chong Xu sighed with emotion. After all, Yucha's martial arts is very high. And there is the Wudang faction behind this big backer, which can completely resist the messenger of rewarding good and punishing evil on Xia Ke Island.

Song Qingshu continued: "I ran into a person from Baiyunguan in the small town below the mountain not long ago. It was just a lot of trial and error, and I couldn't find any valuable information."

The four heroes Zhang Songxi said: "I have heard that I have learned that the long swordsmanship of Foolish Tea Ceremony can help the gods. Why don't you find a chance to test him and see if he has learned any new martial arts in Xia Ke Island over the years?"

Two knights Yu Lianzhou nodded and said, "It's okay to have a look at him, but it's not convenient for Big Brother and I to shoot this time..." Among the Wudang Seven Knights, he and Song Yuanqiao are the highest in martial arts. He himself is about to take over as the head of Wudang, so naturally he can’t make a move, and Song Yuanqiao, as a big disciple of Wudang Sect, has long represented the face of Zixiao Palace. If he accidentally loses to Yu Cha, where will the face of Zixiao Palace be put? .

Other heroes, such as Zhang Songxi and Yin Liting, have no problem with their identities, but their martial arts are a little weaker, and they may not be able to try anything.

When he was struggling, Chongxu said, "Let Xiang Dao test it out."

Yu Lianzhou was overjoyed: "Then it will be troublesome."

Song Qingshu also secretly nodded, Chongxu's martial arts ability is also top-notch, and Yucha has always been called together, it is more suitable for him to try.

At this moment, a disciple came to inform that Bai Yunguan and his party had arrived at the Zixiao Palace.

Yu Lianzhou led the crowd to greet him. Zhang Sanfeng originally didn't need to meet him in person, but after hearing Song Qingshu's words, he was a little curious about Yucha and went out with him.

The people of Baiyunguan didn't expect Zhang Sanfeng to come out in person. The Master Yucha hurriedly led his disciples to salute Zhang Sanfeng. Song Qingshu secretly admired Zhang Sanfeng from the side. It is no wonder that Zhang Sanfeng is full of peaches and plums throughout his life.

At the same time, he also saw the Shangqing Guanzhu Tianxu Taoist and Yuqing Guanzhu Ma Zhen on the side. Everyone was surprised when they learned of his identity. You must know that Song Qingshu is not only known for his outstanding martial arts in the world. At the same time, King Qi, who was imperially entrusted by the emperor, controlled the fertile soil for thousands of miles, with one hundred thousand armors.

Because of Li Yuanzhi's relationship, Song Qingshu was quite polite to Ma Zhen, which made Ma Zhen feel flattered.

After a group of people chatted for a while, Chongxu found an opportunity to say to Yu Cha: "I have heard that brother swordsmanship is superb. It just happens that I have recently reached a bottleneck in swordsmanship. I don't know if I can discuss it with my brother, maybe I can break through the level in one fell swoop. "

Everyone in Wudang knew in advance that it was natural to take advantage of the situation. Although Tianxu and Ma Zhen felt that Chongxu's move was a bit abrupt, but it was reasonable, not to mention that they were all in the world, and they were naturally happy to see the two great swordsman masters compete and they also agreed.

Yucha was polite and wanted to decline, but the kindness was difficult, so she finally had to agree.

The group came to the schoolyard outside Zixiao Palace, Chongxu and Yucha stood opposite each other, Yucha smiled slightly and said, "Please!"

"Brother, be careful!" Chongxu was originally trying to test his details, but he didn't refuse. He slowly turned to the right, holding the sword in his left hand and lifting it up, with the sword in front of his chest, and the palms of his left and right palms were facing each other, like holding a ball. .

The rest of the people saw that his sword hadn’t been released, and they were already gaining momentum. Ma Zhen and Tianxu looked at each other and couldn’t help but admire them secretly. Above the two.

I saw Yucha's left-hand sword slowly drawn forward, forming an arc. Everyone around felt a chill and came close. Song Qingshu raised his eyebrows. I wondered why the rivers and lakes praised him for his swordsmanship. Now it seems, It is indeed the top of the world.

Chongxu said: "It's offended!" After finishing talking about the virtual point of a sword, he tentatively attacked the opponent. This move only used three points of strength, and the remaining seven points were ready to go.

I saw a flash of cold light, and Yu Cha struck his neck with a sword. This was so fast and incomparable that everyone in the audience couldn't help but yelled out. Everyone in the field was very nonchalant. I could see that his move was even though Dirty, but there is no real killer.

Chongxu had already seen that there was a flaw in the opponent's flanks, and the long sword pierced out, pointing at the "Yuanye Point" under his flanks.

The Yucha Longsword was erected, and with a sound, the two swords intersected, and both of them took a step back.

Chongxu only felt that there was a strange force on the opponent's sword, and his right arm was tingling faintly from the shock. Yu Cha also gave a "Huh" sound, with a slightly surprised look on his face.

Zhang Sanfeng stood with his hand, and then asked Song Qingshu on the side: "Qingshu, who do you think wins and who loses in this battle?"

Song Qingshu frowned and said: "I have fought against Taoist Chongxu, but I know his martial arts attainments, but I don't know the depth of the Taoist Yucha. Now the two of them have done too little, and now it is impossible to judge."

Zhang Sanfeng smiled slightly: "The swordsmanship of the two is between the best, but Chongxu's swordsmanship is more defensive. Now in order to test each other, it is indispensable to attack. It is inevitable that flaws will be exposed, and I am afraid it will be disadvantageous to him."

Song Qingshu was startled, but when he thought about it, he found it reasonable. He couldn't help but admire Zhang Sanfeng. Now his martial arts are high, but compared with Zhang Sanfeng's 100-year experience, his vision and experience are still a bit worse.

The communication between the two is completely secret transmission, and it is not afraid that the person next to it will hear it, and it will not affect the mentality of both sides of the contest.

Chongxu Jian crossed his left hand, and drew two circles in front of him. Among the white cloud audience, the two little Taoist priests who had looked at Song Qingshu with weird eyes in the inn couldn't help whispering: "The sword is continuous, protecting the whole body, There is no gap between them, and the Tai Chi sword created by Zhang Sanfeng is truly extraordinary."

Another younger Taoist priest shook his head slightly: "That's not necessarily true. Although he shielded him with a sword, there must be a flaw behind him."

The slightly older Taoist said with a smile: "If other people attack behind him, his sword will move back, and he will naturally protect behind him. You think anyone can attack him in front and behind at the same time like you."

The young Taoist said indifferently: "If you have a quick body and keep walking around and attacking him, as the saying goes, long-term defense will be lost. After all, you can still break through his defense. Cousin, your Lingbo's microsteps are just right to deal with him."

The elder Taoist hurriedly pinched him: "Quiet, I told you to call me brother, don't be heard by others and reveal your identity."

The entire venue was empty and there were many people in the field. Many people were whispering, and the sound of the swordsmanship in the field was not small. Therefore, although Zhang Sanfeng and Song Qingshu were highly skilled, they did not notice their conversation.

I saw Yucha squeezing the sword art in his left hand, and the sword in his right hand couldn't help shaking. Suddenly it stabbed and the tip of the sword trembled sharply. His move covered the seven major points of Chongxu Hanging Pan.

Tai Chi sword was originally attacking with defensive belt. The opponent's attack, Chongxu had seen three flaws in his body, and the long sword was flatly pointed at the opponent's left eyebrow. If Yu Cha continued to stab the sword forward, he would strike the sword on his left forehead first. When the tip of his sword stabs himself again, he was already a step late.

Who knows that the foolish tea sword trick has never made old people, but suddenly turned into a completely different trick, and the sword in his hand bloomed with bright light

Chongxu only felt a flower in front of him, and he couldn't help but stun in his heart. He hurried back to his sword and guarded himself. Several apertures appeared in front of him, and his whole body was hidden in the aperture.

Everyone in the field applauded, and the Wudang Five Heroes glanced at each other, and they were all ashamed. As Zhang Sanfeng's direct disciples, their attainments in Tai Chi Sword were probably a bit worse than Chong Xu's.

Of course, apart from Chongxu being older, a big reason is that their main energy is in cultivating Tai Chi. Compared with Tai Chi Sword, Tai Chi is where Zhang Sanfeng's greatest effort lies.

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