Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1927: conspiracy

I saw that one of the apertures in front of Chongxu's body had not disappeared, and the other had regenerated. Although the long sword made it extremely fast, it could not hear the sound of the golden blade breaking the wind, which showed that the flexibility of Jian Jin had reached the state of transformation.

Yucha frowned and couldn't see the gap in the opponent's swordsmanship, but felt that there were thousands of long swords covering his whole body, and secretly sighed that Taiji swordsmanship really deserved its reputation.

He is accomplished in swordsmanship and understands that there is no flaw in the opponent’s defensive defensiveness, but once attacked, there will definitely be gaps, and he is planning to wait for work, but the fortress formed by the opponent's swords seems to be able to move, with hundreds of apertures like waves. , Came slowly.

Chongxu is not a one-by-one attack, but a defensive mixed with dozens of swordsmanship, which turns into an offensive at the same time.

Yucha was shocked, unable to resist, and had to step back and avoid it.

Song Qingshu looked at it and nodded secretly. Last time he said farewell to Mount Tai, Chongxu's swordsmanship has improved a lot.

When the two Yucha took a step back in the field, the aperture forced one step further. In an instant, he had taken seven or eight steps in a row.

Although Yucha was not willing to compete at the beginning, even swordsmen had an arrogance. He was known for his swordsmanship for many years, so how would he be willing to lose to Chongxu under the public?

As soon as he thought about it, he thought of the battle of Mount Tai. Song Qingshu broke Chongxu's Taiji swordsmanship with one move, and he could completely imitate.

With his eyes falling in the brightest center of the opponent's aperture, he pierced in with his sword.

But just halfway through the stabbing, he suddenly felt a faint tingling sensation in his arm. He understood that he was invaded by the opponent's sword wind, and his heart suddenly felt: Since Chongxu was defeated by this trick back then, how could he continue to retain this flaw? Let others take advantage of it?

He made a decisive decision and changed the stab into a horizontal cut, and his feet suddenly began to run around Chongxu with a strange pace.

"Hey, what kind of light work is this?" Everyone present was puzzled when he saw him running like a horse. Only Song Qingshu understood that this is the light work of the murals on Xia Ke Island. Although he did not get the true essence, It is also quite a light work.

After running like this, I didn't know how many laps, and suddenly there was a loud noise. I saw that two swords had been inserted on the nearby pillars, and the sword body was still trembling, making the sound of dragons.

Everyone looked back and found that Yucha and Chongxu were empty-handed, knowing that they must have crossed their swords just now, and they were finally shaken by Qi Qi.

When Yu Lianzhou saw that it was almost time, he stepped forward and said roundly: "The two seniors are really good in swordsmanship. Let's open our eyes."

Chongxu and Yucha were polite to each other, but Song Qingshu frowned slightly. You must know that Taiji Sword is best at unloading strength, but Chongxu was shaken by the opponent's strength, so that Yucha's skill was definitely superior to him.

As for Yucha's own sword also flew out, it was not necessarily caused by the back shock, most of it was deliberately hidden and pretended to flew.

Taking a look to the side, Zhang Sanfeng also looked over here, and the two of them exchanged eyes for a moment, and it was obvious that both sides thought of going to the same place.

However, this is the end of the matter, and it is not good to continue to try again. I can only temporarily press down on the doubts in my heart. It happens to be late, and Wudang has prepared a dinner party to entertain the guests.

The banquet was full of light dishes, but there were basically cultivators in the field, but I didn’t care very much. Song Qingshu was the only one who was suffering. I wanted to wait for tomorrow’s affairs. I had to go down the mountain quickly, otherwise I would eat these every day. Haven't the birds faded out yet?

During the banquet, Song Qingshu also saw guests from other branches of Wudang Sect. Among them, Huang Mu Taoist of Xiandu Sect quickly attracted his attention. Originally thinking that Xiandu Sect was such a third-rate sect, the martial arts of the martial arts were not much higher. Who knows that listening to the breath of this Taoist Huang Mu seems to have developed a very good internal strength, which is definitely not the kind of rookie chicken you imagined.

He told Song Yuanqiao who was aside to find a chance to test the other party. Song Yuanqiao shook his head and said, "After all, Taoist Huang Mu is a guest from far away, and now there is no evidence. I will embarrass him only by guessing. Undermining the prestige of Wudang Sect."

After a pause, he continued: "Take ten thousand steps and say, even if he has any problems, our brothers and sisters don't eat dry food, let alone master and you here, they can make a big wave."

Song Qingshu also thought about it. Although there are only four Wudang Seven Knights left, after Zhang Sanfeng's careful training and decades of hard training, their martial arts are now more than enough to be the head of a large school.

In addition, Chong Xu and Dao Master Ma Zhen took care of him. Even if he and Zhang Sanfeng did not take action, it would be difficult for the other party to make a big wave. After all, this time Wudang did not invite all the big sects, only so few people came.

Thinking about this, he finally relaxed, and after the meal, he took Shen Bijun to stroll around the scenery of Wudang Mountain.

Thinking that this is the place where the lover had lived since childhood, Shen Bijun was very happy in his heart, and he was excited along the way, but suddenly he thought of something, and his face was a little more worried: "Will we slip out like this?"

Song Qingshu smiled and said: "Don't worry, now they are preparing for tomorrow's ceremony. They are so busy. Master too worried about leaving you out, so I specially sent me to be a tour guide to make you feel at home."

"Master Tai is really a good person," Shen Bijun sighed with emotion, "I originally thought he was that kind of lofty and majestic, but I didn't expect to look so kind...I think of my grandparents again..."

Seeing her eagerly tearful, Song Qingshu wiped her tears from the corners of her eyes: "From now on, this will be your home, Taishifu will be your grandfather, and my father will be your father."

Shen Bijun gave a hum, and soon turned from worry to joy.

The two went shopping for a while, and Shen Bijun suddenly said, "Take me to see the room you used to live in."

"Okay." Song Qingshu nodded. In fact, he hadn't been here after crossing, but he inherited the memory of his body, so he naturally knew the location.

I quickly found his former residence and found that the windows inside were clean and the bedding was neatly folded, without any spider silk or dust. I thought that I would still be so clean after I haven't been back in a few years. Obviously Song Yuanqiao was cleaning it all the time. His heart warmed, and he felt more and more belonging to this world.

Let's talk about the wing room prepared by Wudang Mountain for the guests on the other side, where the Baiyun audience is, the two weird little priests returned to the room and closed the door.

"Song...has his whereabouts been found?" the young man asked.

The elder snorted, "After he left the table, he took the beautiful girl around and played around, and now he returned to the room. The two of them didn't know what to do in it, so shameless."

The young man frowned slightly, and quickly changed the subject: "With him here this time, we probably won't be able to complete our mission."

The elder shook his head and said, "That's not necessarily. We planned well. In that case, no matter how high his martial arts is, it's useless."

"But what if I accidentally hurt him?" the young Taoist priest couldn't help asking.

The elder Taoist was taken aback for a moment, and said with some uncertainty: "He is so high in martial arts, he shouldn't be hurt."

The young Taoist gave him a weird look: "Just now you said that martial arts is useless in that situation."

The elderly Taoist suffocated his breath and said after a moment of silence: "At that time, we will lead him away first, so that he won't have any more variables here."

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