Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1953: Be careful

"Big Brother Song, why are you here?" Shen Bijun was a little surprised at Song Qingshu's arrival, "Sister Cheng is still next door, it's not good to be known by her."

"Actually, it doesn't matter if she knows it." Song Qingshu hesitated, wondering whether to tell her about her relationship with Cheng Yaojia, but in the end, she didn't. Cheng Yaojia has a family after all. If she tells her, it will inevitably be affected. Her reputation.

"Oh, I will be laughed to death." Shen Bijun hurried to push him. After all, she was still a girl, and she was a good friend next door. She was really shy.

Song Qingshu gently hugged her: "Don't worry, I am not here to do anything. I just want to ask you something. I will leave early tomorrow morning."

He really didn’t have any evil thoughts when he came to see Shen Bijun this time. The other party had just worshipped his parents, and he was in extreme sadness, and his mind was always thinking about keeping filial piety. If he came to see her for affection at this time, it would be too much. The beasts are inferior.

Hearing his words, Shen Bijun realized that he wanted to go wrong, and his face turned red: "Brother Song, you can rest assured to do your things. I will be here to sweep the grave for your parents for a period of time, and wait until you finish your work in the future. I."

Listening to a beautiful lady who is so beautiful and whispering that she will be here waiting silently for herself, any man will have a kind of tenderness and satisfaction, Song Qingshu hugged her tightly in her arms, softly like she ordered "Most of the Lu family are from their own. Lu Guanying, Cheng Yaojia and Lu You are trustworthy. You can find them for anything you want. There are also the ninth lady, Lu Wushuang, and the cousin, Cheng Ying, but they are not in the house now. , Besides, you have to be careful of the old lady in the Lu Mansion, that woman is a bit at odds with me..."

After staying in the room for more than half an hour, after asking what he wanted to say, Song Qingshu was finally pushed out of the room by Shen Bijun.

"Am I so scary?" Song Qingshu gave a wry smile. As he walked through Yaojia's room, his heart moved, he hesitated for a moment, and finally knocked gently on the door.

"Who...who?" Cheng Yaojia's soft voice came from inside, and she could hear a little flustered in her tone.

"It's me." Song Qingshu whispered.

The room fell into silence, and Cheng Yaojia replied in a low voice after a long time: "The family is out, and it is inconvenient for the concubine to see guests."

Song Qingshu: "..." Long time no see, this little young woman has become quite arrogant.

It was late at night, and soon the courtyard fell into silence. After a long time, Cheng Yaojia found that there was no movement outside. He thought that the other party had already been angry and left. He bit his lip subconsciously, got up and opened the door to a gap, wanting to see. See what's going on outside.

Who knew that as soon as the door opened a gap, a figure came in. Cheng Yaojia was so frightened that she almost shouted for help, until she could see the other side's appearance before swallowing the words that came to her mouth again.

"You... why did you come in." Cheng Yaojia seemed a little angry, but her voice was still very soft and soft.

"You open the door for me." Song Qingshu said with a smile.

Cheng Yaojia's face blushed: "Guanying is not at home, you...you better go out."

Song Qingshu was immediately happy: "Listen to your tone, can I come over if he is at home?"

"No, that's not the case..." Cheng Yaojia also realized that it seemed inappropriate to say that, but for a while, he couldn't think of how to explain it.

Song Qingshu sat down by the bed: "If you really don't want me to come in, why do you want to get up and open the door."

Cheng Yaojia lowered her head, blushing fast and bleeding: "I...I just..."

Seeing her embarrassed look, Song Qingshu couldn't bear to tease her anymore, and patted the bedside: "Go to bed, it's cold at night, don't catch the wind and chill." At this time, Cheng Yaojia was wearing a set of white pajamas, apparently Just got out of the bed.

Cheng Yaojia also felt a little cold, holding his arms in both hands, still shook his head: "No...you are going to bully me."

Song Qingshu suddenly became happy: "Why haven't we seen each other for a long time, you and I have become so separate."

Cheng Yaojia snorted softly. After all, she couldn't stand the cold and got back into the bed. However, he immediately noticed the abnormal movement in the bed and couldn't help but groaned, "Why are you such a rascal~"

Smelling the fragrant scent from the bed, Song Qingshu hugged her soft body, leaned to her ear and said, "Because it is me that caused the lady to catch a cold, so I have to warm her up."

Cheng Yao gave a cry, and was held in her arms by the man, her whole body involuntarily softened: "It's so stinky, she's all drunk."

Song Qingshu smiled: "I just drank wine in the middle of the night with Lu You, I will take off the smelly clothes right now."

"Hey~" Cheng Yaojia was shocked and hurriedly tried to stop him. Who knew the speed of the other party was too fast, and the outstretched hand suddenly touched his hot body, and she shrank back as if she was shocked.

Song Qingshu hugged her into her arms and felt her body getting softer and softer. He couldn't help saying, "Why are you so shy today?"

Cheng Yaojia turned away and dared not look at his hot eyes, and replied in a low voice, "Jun Bi is still next door."

Song Qingshu was happy: "Don't worry, she doesn't know about us, unless you are willing to tell her."

"Let her know if I am still a human being," Cheng Yaojia groaned, feeling the oppression from the man's body, and water was about to ooze from her eyes, "Be quiet, don't disturb her."

Song Qingshu buried her head between her neck, and said with an urn sound: "As long as you can bear it, she won't hear it."

Cheng Yaojia's whole body was already emotional, stretched out her snow-white arms to hug the man tightly, and gave her softest side to completely tolerate and accept him...

I don’t know how long it took, and Cheng Yaojia’s delicate voice sounded in the room: “I haven’t been pregnant for so long, I...I always feel very sorry for Guanying.”

Song Qingshu was startled, and then he remembered that the reason why the two were together was because of Lu Guanying's somewhat absurd deal, and he couldn't help feeling stunned: "Don't worry, you will be pregnant soon."

Cheng Yaojia looked at him suspiciously, and asked lazily: "Why do you say that?"

"Because I refined the qi before, of course you can't get pregnant." Song Qingshu explained.

"Huh?" Cheng Yaojia asked for half a day, only to understand what the word meant, and her face flushed red suddenly, "Why do you... why do you do this."

Song Qingshu replied solemnly: "If you are pregnant as soon as you come, then how am I going to come to my wife with integrity?"

"You're such a big badass~" Cheng Yaojia was agitated at once, but she heard her heart trembling. She was so emotional at this time, and she couldn't help but whispered under the surging heart, "Actually...as long as you want, even if Yes...you can also come to me."

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