Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1954: Rootless tree

Song Qingshu was delighted to hear: "But you didn't allow me to enter the door just now?"

Cheng Yao gave a loud cry and buried her head in his arms ashamed: "You know that people really don't want to reject you."

Song Qingshu slid her fingers across the white and blushing skin on her back, and couldn't help but sighed: "But if you are pregnant, I will find you again and feel a little sorry for Guanying."

Cheng Yaojia lightly opened his teeth and bit his shoulder: "Are you worthy of him when you treat me like this?"

Song Qingshu smiled stiffly: "Why do I listen to this more and more wrongly, like Ximenqing and Pan Jinlian; stop, stop, things between us are clearly agreed by Guanying."

Cheng Yaojia snorted softly: "If he hadn't nodded, I would...how would I be with you like this."

Hearing her quietly talking about all this, Song Qingshu only felt that a fire in her lower abdomen was rising, and she couldn't help but roll over and press on her again.

Cheng Yaojia blushed and stretched out her little hand to touch him, and finished what she hadn't said just now: "You also know the situation of Guanying's physical damage now. He also told me that he won't mind... mind us. The only thing in between is that, as his wife, I still have to inherit the clan for him after all, so you...you don't need to practice...refining Qi."

Song Qingshu looked at her Qiushui Yingying eyes, and said softly, "Don't worry, it won't happen."

Cheng Yaojia still didn't let go, and continued: "Guanying's life is too bitter, and now he can only focus on making meritorious deeds. In the future, I hope you will... look at my face, and help him a little bit more."

Song Qingshu couldn't help but sighed: "You are really a good wife. Guanying can marry you, it's really his lifelong blessing."

"I am not..." Cheng Yaojia's face flushed, and he muttered in a low voice, "If I were, how could I be with you..."

Song Qingshu shook his head and said with a serious face: "It's not your fault. Everything Guanying encountered has nothing to do with you. On the contrary, you have done a lot for him. If it weren't for you, he might have been useless now. There is no chance to practice peerless martial arts, let alone enter the court."

Cheng Yaojia bit her lip, her eyes blurred: "You always use so many fallacies to comfort me."

Song Qingshu smiled: "Because what I said is the truth."

"Fun Jia~" Cheng Yaojia snorted, and finally let go of her little hand against him, apparently letting go of her body and mind.

Who knows that Song Qingshu didn't move. Instead, she whispered something in her ear, and Cheng Yaojia's eyes became more and more blurred: "Smelly hooligan, every time I humiliate people like this, Guanying couldn't bear to do this to me before."

"Guanying is gentleman Qianqian, and I am a stinky hooligan, can it be the same?" Song Qingshu said with a smile.

Seeing that she was still hesitating, Song Qingshu added a strong medicine: "According to the doctor, it is easier to get pregnant."

Cheng Yaojia gave him a white look. After all, she leaned down and lay down, her snow-white skin seemed to be stained with rose juice...

Early the next morning, Song Qingshu bid farewell to Shen Bijun. Cheng Yaojia was dignified and quiet on the side, her whole person was very gentle and graceful, as if nothing had happened.

Song Qingshu had to sigh that women are really natural actors, and even Cheng Yaojia's performance of such a temperament shows no flaws.

Of course, he wouldn't be bored to expose it, and after bidding farewell to the two women, he rushed all the way to Lin'an.

Wanted notices of Luo Riyuan, Hua Yue and others were posted everywhere along the gates of prefectures and counties along the way. Song Qingshu was very fortunate. Fortunately, this action was fast enough to send them out in advance.

After about a day on the road, he finally returned to Lin'an and entered the Prince of Qi Mansion. Because he did not want to leak the news, he did not let the concierge report it, but directly turned into the backyard with a peerless triumph.

I saw a beautiful figure leaning on the pillar in the pavilion in the middle of the pond, with a cowardly look of weak wind, Song Qingshu felt pity in her heart, and flew over and hugged her for a few laps: "Yingying, this paragraph You cleared up the time."

Ren Yingying was suddenly taken aback when she was hugged. She was relieved when she heard the voice familiar to her lover, and said with great surprise: "Why did you come back so soon? Didn't you let you accompany Sister Shen more? "

Looking at her so close, she saw that her skin was as white as transparent, and a layer of redness was faintly revealed. Song Qingshu said distressedly: "You are not in good health, and you have been worrying about other people."

Ren Yingying pursed her mouth and smiled: "Where is my health? I'm obviously fine."

Song Qingshu saw the loneliness behind her smile, and hurriedly comforted: "I know you don't want me to worry. The last time you used the blood burning method caused a great loss of life, I have been trying to find a way for you to make up for it. , I was too rushed to come back a few days ago, and I didn’t have time to tell you that now I just have time, I will teach you a method."

Ren Yingying shook her head: "A person's longevity has its own destiny, Brother Song, why should you waste so much energy for me." She is a saint who is above ten thousand people under the Sun Moon God Church. , I have a wide range of knowledge, and I have never heard of any exercises that can make up for the longevity. I am worried that this matter will involve too much energy of the lover, so I don't want him to do useless work.

"You are too smart, and people who are too smart are easy to get into the corners," Song Qingshu roughly guessed her thoughts when she looked at her expression, "rest assured, I am not the kind of person who can be fooled by quackery. , The person I asked for this time, you must have believed it after hearing it."

"Who is it?" Ren Yingying became curious as he listened to him so solemnly.

"Of course it's my grand master. Speaking of prolonging life, I am afraid that no one is more qualified than him." Song Qingshu laughed. Last time in Wudang and his party, Song Qingshu was also for the purpose of consulting Zhang Sanfeng in addition to the ghost villa. Did not hold out much hope, who knew that Zhang Sanfeng had a wide range of knowledge, knew the evil technique of burning blood, and then taught him a set of health preservation methods.

"Is this Zhang Zhenren?" Hearing Zhang Sanfeng's name, Ren Yingying's eyebrows also showed a bit of joy. You must know that Zhang Sanfeng is a land **** recognized by the world. He has lived more than a hundred years and is still like a mature man. Everyone tells him to practice. Only with the immortal method can you live forever.

"This "Rootless Tree Formula" was summed up by his old man in accordance with his own method of self-cultivation," Song Qingshu slowly retelled a formula to her, "Rootless trees, flowers are yellow, produced in the Central E Jixiang. The daughter of the hostess, Xishelang, go into the bridal chamber as a husband and wife. Huang Po persuaded him to drink diaojiu and steamed and drunk once a day. This fairy recipe, soul-returning paste, is the king of medicine..."

Ren Yingying originally listened carefully, but the more he listened, the more he blushed, and finally couldn't help but snorted: "Zhang Zhen is a man of high morals, how can he do this... It is clear that you used the name of his old man to make me learn a little mess. s things."

Song Qingshu shouted injustice: "This is really the painstaking effort of his old man. Don't just stop at the literal meaning, I will give you specific explanations one by one."

Ren Yingying snorted: "I want to see how clever you are."

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