Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1961: Good cabbage has been swept away by pigs

Huang Chang stepped forward and stood in between the two of them to prevent Song Qingshu from chasing after victory. At the same time, he was amazed: "This is the sound transmission and soul search method of the Xiaoyao School, and it is actually used by you to such a degree."

Song Qingshu ignored him, but instead bowed his hand to the wine-drinking monk: "Thank you, senior, for being merciful." If the other party hadn't deliberately left his hand just now, Akke might have died away.

The alcoholic fighting monk shook his head: "I just started fighting for a while, but I didn't notice that this girl was still there, so that she was injured very seriously. How can we make mistakes again and again."

At this time, he had relieved his anger, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and curiously said: "Compared with Xiaoyao School’s method of sound transmission and soul search, I’m even more curious that the two lines you just just looked like poetry and not poetry. If you say yes, where did it come from?"

You must know that things like Sonic Wave are easy to learn and hard to master. As long as your internal strength is strong enough, you can use methods such as Lion Roar to injure the enemy, but the enemies that can be dealt with this way are often those whose internal strength is far less than yours. For level masters, the rough lion roar technique will not have much effect. At this time, a more sophisticated method is needed.

High-level sonic skills can not achieve maximum power by simply shouting a few words. The words shouted often need to conform to a specific rhythm, so that the internal forces of the fish can promote each other, and the power can be amplified to the extreme. After thousands of years of tempering, the Buddhist school has found out. The six-character Daming Mantra is most in line with their internal power characteristics. One more word is too much, and one word is too little; the same is true for the Taoist nine-character mantra.

After thousands of years of groping by countless amazing talents, the Buddhist and Taoist families have also explored and summed up these two methods. As a result, Song Qingshu was able to display a powerful language spirit at a young age. , Faintly exuding a fairy aura, how can he not be surprised and curious?

Because the wine-fighting monk just showed mercy to Ak's men, Song Qingshu was full of affection for him, and replied: "This is a formula my Taishigong told me."

"Zhang Zhenren..." There was a fascinating expression in the eyes of the fighting monk, "It seems that he is still ahead of us."

Huang Shang was silent on the other side, apparently approving his judgment.

Song Qingshu didn't have the time to delay here. Feeling that Ake's body was getting colder and colder, he knew that he must be rescued as soon as possible, so he stretched his hand forward, as if there was a lot of transparent sword energy within three feet of his body. , And there is a growing trend of expansion.

The wine fighting monk showed admiration: "Is this the return of the swords that shocked the world at the Golden Snake Conference? It really is extraordinary."

Song Qingshu said in a deep voice, "Although Senior was injured just now, I have to offend if I want to save people."

Huang Chang said at this moment: "Finally, you can take her away."

Song Qingshu was startled: "Let's go?" You must know that although the brewing monk was injured, this injury is not a big deal to the powerful recovery of the Nine Suns Divine Art. On the contrary, the injury here is very troublesome for Akko. A quick fight is definitely not good for him. I don't understand why Huang Chang, who has never let go, has changed his attitude.

Huang Chang sighed: "We are planning to invite you to help. If we fight with you first, no matter who wins or loses, someone must be seriously injured. Wouldn't it mean that you will lose your combat power? Let alone the imperial concubine is seriously injured. If you don’t save it as soon as possible, I’m afraid you will die, so you can take her away, but please remember the promise of Qi Wang, otherwise the two of us will never give up, Qi Wang, you don’t want to get a foothold in the south of the Yangtze River. ."

"Thank you!" Song Qingshu arched his hands, "Mou Song will naturally abide by his promise." He planned to enter the game, so naturally he won't regret it. Seeing that the two of them gave way, he no longer hesitated, holding Akko softer and softer. His body jumped out of the palace and disappeared into the darkness.

Looking at his disappearing back, the alcoholic fighting monk sighed: "I heard you talk about it before. I still don't believe that a young man can reach this point. When I saw him today, I found that you underestimated him."

Huang Chang snorted coldly: "He was originally the best young man in the past few decades, but it is a pity that he is addicted to female sex, and I am afraid that he will miss the way of heaven in the future."

The drunk monk laughed: "I don't think it is necessarily that you and I are not close to women. Now that I still haven't touched the threshold of the heavenly way, maybe he has found another way, but he may come behind."

Huang Chang said faintly: "How is this possible? Who else is not succumbing to karma, hard work, and hard work, for fear that love affects his cultivation; as a result, he was addicted to drinking and didn't see much effort, but he was surpassed. Everyone’s achievements and all the benefits are occupied by him alone. How can there be such a reason?"

"It's not surprising that you haven't dabbled in Buddhism martial arts. I just fought with him. I vaguely felt that his zhenqi movement route was a bit of tantric shadow. According to legend, tantric sect has a joyful meditation method and requires a dual cultivation partner, so the better he is Female sex, maybe the martial arts is higher." The monk fighting is a supernatural existence of Buddhism. He travels around the world and naturally knows some secrets of Tantric Buddhism.

"Huanxi Zen?" Huang Chang was very knowledgeable, and quickly remembered the rumors of this practice, his expression changed, "Is that evil practice?"

"Neither, nor," the wine-drinking monk said, shaking his head, "the double cultivation method, both Buddhism and Taoism, are the avenues of yin and yang reconciliation. How can they be regarded as evil and crooked in the eyes of the common people?"

Huang Chang sneered and said, "But as far as I know, all the people who practiced Joy Zen in the old Tantric Buddhism ended up going crazy and dying, and they all committed crimes and insulted women during their lifetime."

Jiuyang, the wine fighting monk, was really angry for a few weeks, and his body injuries had recovered as before, and his whole face became red again. He smiled and said: "But have you ever heard that he has such rumors? Even the imperial concubine just now seems willing to follow. he."

Huang Chang was silent for a long time before he said: "Although it is rumored that he is greedy and lustful, and there are many confidantes around him, I have never heard of him doing anything excessive."

The drunk monk said: "At a young age, martial arts is so high that the subordinates dominate and the people are handsome and handsome. If I were a female, I would not help but like him. Naturally, he does not need to learn some tantric seniors. , Use some means of production."

There was a faint smile in Huang Chang's tone: "Listening to your enviable tone, don't let a junior make your heart unstable."

The drunk monk chuckled twice: "Speaking of Dao heart instability, I actually think your attitude towards him is a bit strange. Could it be that your beautiful female apprentice has an ambiguous relationship with him, which gives you a kind of hard work to grow up. Do you feel that your cabbage has been arched by a pig?"

Huang Chang snorted coldly: "That product is not a good match because it is everywhere, so I have to remind Yingluo!" After speaking, he turned and left, apparently in a bad mood at the moment.

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