Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1962: repay

Let’s say that Song Qingshu hugged A Ke out of the palace, and while instilling true energy into her, he comforted her and said, "A Ke, don’t be afraid, I will heal you."

Ake's face is a little pale, but at the moment his eyes are like crescent crescents, with a smile on his face: "Big Brother Song is here, I'm not afraid at all."

Song Qingshu smiled slightly, and turned to think about how to treat her injuries. Her injuries are already considered serious for ordinary people. If you don't pay attention, you may be unable to recover. Fortunately, she is the best at treating internal injuries. It shouldn't be a problem to save her life. Great, after all, he has dealt with this kind of injury several times.

Suddenly there was a cold and soft touch on his cheeks, Song Qingshu was taken aback and looked at the girl in his arms in astonishment.

A hint of blush appeared on Ak's pale cheeks, his eyes dodged, and he said shyly: "Big Brother Song, thank you, thank you for taking such a big risk to rescue me."

"Silly girl, I should have saved you, not to mention that I accepted your mother's entrustment, how can I leave you alone in that terrible deep palace." Song Qingshu replied, and at the same time, my heart was filled with gloom. How to explain to her that it is impossible between the two.

"Thank you anyway. Although I have been rich in clothes and food, I have been unhappy all these years, like a canary raised in a cage. I finally escaped from the cage today. I have an unprecedented sense of freedom, as if the air is full of Sweet." Akko murmured, and at the same time took a deep breath, his face showing intoxication.

Song Qingshu felt pity, thinking of her as a little girl. The reputation of her parents had brought her unprovoked troubles. When she was naturally lively, she had to live in a deep palace and confuse her with the twisted hearts in the harem... …

The girl’s slender waist was unbearable and full of a grip, and her body was soft and stretched like cotton. Although her small **** that were beginning to take shape looked a little green compared to her mother’s maturity, they were full of youthful temptation. In his arms, even though he was separated from the clothes, he could still feel the softness and greasiness. For example, Song Qingshu was accustomed to wind and rain, still a little dry.

After cursing himself twice, Song Qingshu hurriedly reduced his mind: "Ake, in fact, your mother and I..."

He was about to explain the relationship between himself and Chen Yuanyuan, so as to cut off some of the girl’s mind as soon as possible, but at the beginning, he was shocked to find that the other party’s eyes were closed tightly, his eyelashes quivered, and the corners of his lips rose slightly, revealing a sweet smile. Obviously he was weak after being seriously injured, and now he relaxed and fell asleep unknowingly.

Shook his head, Song Qingshu speeded up and flew towards the Qi Palace.

In the Prince Qi's mansion, Ren Yingying was speaking with Chen Yuanyuan, but she could see that Chen Yuanyuan was a little unwilling, and she looked towards the door frequently, obviously very anxious in her heart.

"Sister Yuanyuan, don't worry, Brother Song will be able to bring Sister Ake back with his martial arts," Ren Yingying comforted.

Chen Yuanyuan sighed: "The son's martial arts is indeed very high, but there is also an unfathomable power in the palace, coupled with Ake's sensitive identity, this trip may not be able to bring her back as expected."

"Why does Madam have so little confidence in me?" A clear voice suddenly sounded outside the door.

Hearing Song Qingshu's voice, Chen Yuanyuan couldn't help being overjoyed. Turning around, the smile on her face suddenly froze: "My son, what's wrong with Ake?"

Song Qingshu replied: "Two great masters appeared in the palace. She was accidentally affected by the aftermath of the battle and suffered some injuries."

Chen Yuanyuan's whole body became a little soft all of a sudden, and she said with a trembling: "The aftermath of the Great Master's battle? Isn't A Ke..." She is already half of the people in the rivers and lakes who have been taught by Song Qingshu. She still knows the level of these masters. Yes, what kind of character is the Great Master, Akko is injured by the aftermath, where is his life?

Noting her expression, Song Qingshu knew that she was thinking of going wrong, and hurriedly explained: "Don't worry, although her injury is not minor, I can heal her. Go back to the room and prepare some hot water."

While instructing the maid to prepare, Ren Yingying comforted Chen Yuanyuan and said, "Sister Yuanyuan, Brother Song has a great skill. Whether it is "Nine Yin Zhenjing" or "Shen Zhao Jing", or a Yang Zhi, everything he has learned in his life. The art of reviving from the dead, he said that if you can save it, you can save it."

Chen Yuanyuan then let go: "I care about it." The two hurriedly followed Song Qingshu to the prepared bedroom. At this time, because of the movement, Ak had already woke up faintly, and she was held by Song Qingshu. I didn't find anyone else, looked at his handsome cheeks, thought of his heroic attitude in the palace, and couldn't help but kiss him under the agitation.

Song Qingshu's heart jumped, and turned around and looked at the two women: "Uh, this...under Ake's serious injury, she is a little confused and may do some shocking things. It has nothing to do with me..." He is really big. He was wronged, he had been able to keep the distance from Akko for a long time, but who knew that this came out in front of Chen Yuanyuan.

He had finished thinking about it. At this time, Chen Yuanyuan must regard himself as a pervert, a beast, no, it is better to be a beast...

But to his surprise, Chen Yuanyuan didn't respond much, just sat on the side of the bed and held Ake's little hand: "Ake, how do you feel now? Does it hurt? Isn't it uncomfortable?"

"Ah~" A Ke discovered that there were other people in the room, and her face flushed with embarrassment for a while, "No, it doesn't hurt..." In fact, how could she not hurt even if she was seriously injured, but her heart was full at the moment. The joy of being free and the excitement of being with Song Qingshu, the pain in her body was ignored by her.

Seeing Song Qingshu's embarrassment, Ren Yingying couldn't help but reminded: "Save people first, don't think about it."

Song Qingshu chuckled, and then condensed his mind, and began to heal Akke. Although he could do a lot of martial arts, he could not compare to a Yangzhi when it comes to treating internal injuries with normal methods. It has been used many times before, and it has been improved by him, coupled with his endless internal strength, naturally it is not necessary to save a person for a long time like Master Yideng and be unable to fight with others for a long time.

Ten fingers flew up and down, and kept tapping Ake's large acupuncture points, and soon there was steaming heat from the two of them.

Ren Yingying took Chen Yuanyuan's hand and motioned: "Let's go out first, so as not to disturb them."

Although worried in her heart, Chen Yuanyuan was even more afraid of affecting the treatment, nodded and reluctantly left the room door, guarding with Ren Yingying in the next room.

After more than an hour, the door of the room finally opened. Chen Yuanyuan and the two hurried in, and saw Song Qingshu getting out of the bed with a tired expression: "Her injury has healed, and she should be fine after a few days of rest. Up."

Although his use of a male finger is not as great as the master of a lamp, how easy is it to **** someone from the **** of death? Coupled with the battle with the two great masters in the first half of the night, he was very tired at the moment and just wanted to get a good night's sleep.

"By the way, the Zhen Qi just healed her injury. Her body was hot and cold, and she was sweating. You can change her clothes and take a bath to avoid cold. She is weak now. If she is infected with a cold, it will be very serious. "Song Qingshu walked to the door with the help of Ren Yingying, and suddenly turned around and asked Chen Yuanyuan.

Chen Yuanyuan hurriedly knelt down and bowed to him: "The son of great kindness, our mother and daughter must be remembered in our hearts, and we must repay each other when we form a grass ring in the next life."

Song Qingshu hurriedly helped her up: "We are all friends, why should we give such a big gift? Get up quickly, this makes me uneasy."

Ren Yingying on the side joked: "Also, Sister Yuanyuan, he definitely doesn't want a vain next life. Isn't there still a chance in this life?"

Chen Yuanyuan's face flushed, and she said: "I...I am regarded as a disaster by everyone, and I dare not tarnish the reputation of the son."

Ren Yingying was startled, thinking that I was talking about your daughter, what do you say about yourself?

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