Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1964: A proposal that is difficult to refuse

Early in the morning of the second day, Song Qingshu went to the garden to practice exercises, and happened to ran into Chen Yuanyuan who was helping Ak to take a walk in the garden.

Seeing that it was him, the girl couldn't stop the joy in her eyes, and said sweetly: "Big Brother Song~"

The girl’s delicate voice really made people feel comfortable as if she had eaten ginseng fruit. Song Qingshu put away his anger, stepped forward and smiled and asked, "How are you feeling today?"

"Except for some weakness all over, everything else is fine, and her body doesn't hurt anymore." The girl replied softly.

Seeing her daughter's eyes bend like crescent moons, and that kind of smile from the heart couldn't be disguised, Chen Yuanyuan couldn't help but sighed secretly, and then asked: "Huh, why didn't you see Miss Ren?"

Song Qingshu replied: "She is a little tired, let her sleep a little longer." The appearance of Ren Yingying who wanted to refuse to welcome last night appeared in her mind, which is truly memorable.

As a person who came by, Chen Yuanyuan naturally guessed from his expression what kind of fierce fighting took place last night, and couldn't help but said: "I don't know your virtues, just like a wolf who can't eat enough, the girl's vitality is damaged. Now that she is weak and weak, don't toss her up." She got along with Ren Yingying during this period and had a good impression of this kind and generous girl.

Song Qingshu said embarrassingly: "Don't worry, am I such an irrelevant person? I just got a formula for prolonging life and teaching her practice last night by the way."

Chen Yuanyuan couldn't help but think of the scene when he was teaching herself to practice Shenfu Sutra, and her heart jumped wildly.

A Ke on the side suddenly said: "Mother, what are you talking about, what do you know that Brother Song is like a wolf that can't eat enough, why don't I understand?"

Chen Yuanyuan's jade cheeks blushed immediately. It turned out that when he was talking, he had forgotten that there was another person next to him. As a result, he accidentally revealed the intimacy of the two.

After hurriedly looking for a few reasons, Chen Yuanyuan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that fortunately, her daughter had little experience in raising her in a greenhouse since she was a child, and her mind was not very clever, so she lied to the past, otherwise she would be really shameless.

After talking for a while, Chen Yuanyuan was a little guilty, and planned to distract her daughter: "You go back to the room and take a rest. I have something to say to Song Gongzi."

Akko's mouth bulged: "Is there anything I can't listen to?"

Chen Yuanyuan was a little annoyed, and glared at her: "If you ask you to go back to the room, you will go back to the room. The adults will say business, and the children will join in the fun."

Ake became a little dissatisfied: "Where is someone still a kid, not to mention Brother Song is not a few years older than me."

Song Qingshu laughed at this time: "Ake, Madam is worried about you every day during this period, so don't make her angry. You should go back and have a rest first, and the eldest brother will take you to breakfast later."

"Okay, I'll wait for you." A Ke's eyes lit up, and then she followed the maid to her house with joy.

Chen Yuanyuan looked speechless for a while: "I'm really convinced, what I said as a mother is not as effective as your words, it's really not a female college student."

Hearing her last words, Song Qingshu felt a little in his heart, and hurriedly explained: "Madam Mingjian, there is really nothing between Akko and I, I just treat her as my younger sister."

Chen Yuanyuan sighed: "But Ake mentally treats you more than just your brother."

Song Qingshu was silent for a while, why didn't he know what Akko was thinking, but what could he do with this kind of thing?

Chen Yuanyuan looked at him quietly, the charming style between the brows was replaced by seriousness: "How do you plan to treat A Ke in the future?"

Song Qingshu gave a wry smile: "Naturally, I deliberately set aside the distance from her. The girl's mind is fickle. It will be fine to wait until she meets the one she truly loves."

Chen Yuanyuan shook her head and sighed for a long time: "I know you, how can there be any man in this world that will make her heart-stirring."

Song Qingshu wanted to say something, but Chen Yuanyuan stretched out her finger to press on his lips: "You don't have to deliberately alienate her, so she will finally be happy, I am afraid that she will become heartbroken again in an instant. She has suffered too much in the past few years. Suffering, I don’t want to see her sad again."

Song Qingshu had a headache: "Then what can I do?"

Chen Yuanyuan bit her lip, obviously hesitating to say something. After a while, she finally said, "Just treat her well in the future."

"Treat her well..." Song Qingshu muttered these words silently, why the more they listened, the more they were wrong, "Madam, what does this mean?"

Chen Yuanyuan gave him an angry look: "You really got a bargain and behaved. Naturally, I entrusted her to you. You also know that her father is precarious and destined to be defeated. I can't protect her, only let her. Following you, her peerless appearance will not bring disaster and misfortune to her, not to mention that she already likes you, which is the best of both worlds."

Song Qingshu was immediately stunned: "How can this be!"

Chen Yuanyuan turned around and looked at the flowers in the distance: "Why not?"

Song Qingshu was a little annoyed: "The relationship between me and you... is like that. How can we have anything to do with her? Are you a mother like this!"

Chen Yuanyuan turned around, and there was a slight hint in her eyebrows: "You don't need to react so much. You don't think I'm deliberately testing you like last time?"

"Uh~" Song Qingshu then remembered that Chen Yuanyuan had made such a proposal to herself a long time ago, and finally scolded herself, "Whether it is a temptation or not, what I just said is the true thoughts in my heart."

"Don't you really expect it?" Chen Yuanyuan's eyes suddenly became a bit blurred, and at that moment it seemed to show the temptation of the world's number one beauty again.

What a vixen! Song Qingshu's heart jumped: "If you say that not expecting is false, no man in this world can refuse such a temptation. But thinking in my heart is one thing, and doing it is another thing. Although I don't consider myself a good person, I don’t think I’m a beast either."

"Why do you think such things are beasts?" Chen Yuanyuan sighed faintly. "Back then, I saw too many things more beasts and beasts than this in Qinhuai River. Those princes and ministers were honourable men and gentlemen, but the queens did more than one by one. For those painting boats on the Qinhuai River, in order to satisfy some of their hobbies, they often educate their twin sisters, Hua, and it is common for mothers and daughters to serve together."

Song Qingshu was stunned. These ancients are really... I really don't know how to evaluate it. Later generations of Dongguan will not be so open, right?

"Since you know these scams, why do you still have such a proposal?" Song Qingshu said grimly.

Chen Yuanyuan was taken aback for a moment, then blushed and sighed: "The beauty you think! You thought I was going to be with Ake... I mean let Ake follow you, but I didn't say I want too!"

"You really scared me," Song Qingshu breathed a sigh of relief, and couldn't help but laugh, "but that doesn't work either, I really can't get past the hurdle in my heart."

Chen Yuanyuan sighed: "Back then, I was accustomed to these things in Qinhuai River. What's more, you are not the same as those men, and Ake really likes you. I know that you will treat her kindly. That's why I made such a suggestion. ."

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