Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1965: Unspeakable existence

Song Qingshu still shook his head and said: "Forget it, I think it's good now. I can talk to my wife about Fengyue from time to time. If I'm with Ake, I'm afraid I can only give up my wife."

Chen Yuanyuan bit her lip: "Do you want someone to say so clearly? When that happens, you really come to me, can it be... Can I still refuse you? As long as you don't have too many times, don't let... Don't Let Ake know."

Song Qingshu was really messed up in the wind. At first she thought she meant it, but then she denied it. Listening to her tone now, it seems that she just can't pull her face to say so clearly, suggesting that it can actually be...

Song Qingshu's breathing and heartbeat can be said to have been extremely smooth since the completion of the magical skill, but now he involuntarily jumped up wildly, and some beautiful pictures appeared in his mind involuntarily, and he couldn't help but feel a little dry and dry: "Madam means..."

However, Chen Yuanyuan had already turned around and couldn't see how she looked at this moment, but from her rapid breathing and her chest that kept rising and falling, she could be judged that she was also restless at this time.

Song Qingshu finally calmed down, and said in a deep voice, "Madam is very affectionate, Song really doesn't know how to repay it, but this fact is too shocking, and I forgive me for not agreeing."

Hearing what he said, Chen Yuanyuan couldn't help but feel a little annoyed: "You guy! People don't have the shame to talk about this, you still push back and forth, are you still not a man, or do you dislike us from the bottom of your heart?"

"Madam and Akko are like heaven and humans, how can I despise you? Madam, don't want to be angry, listen to me slowly," Song Qingshu sighed, walked to the edge of the pool, and looked at the white clouds on the edge of the distant horizon. , Slowly replied, "I have achieved great martial arts, and my cultivation level has reached an unprecedented level. I have faintly touched the threshold of heaven. I have an advance foresight of major crises, which is the whim you mentioned."

"It's different from the whim of your ordinary people. If a person like our cultivation level is whim, there must be a reason, indicating a very serious warning," Song Qingshu paused and said, "Your proposal is indeed very tempting, no, it is very Very tempting, no man in this world wants to refuse, and I am no exception. But at the same time, I can faintly feel a trace of the rules of heaven. If I really dare to accept such a proposal, there will definitely be extremely tragic consequences."

Chen Yuanyuan said in a puzzled way: "With your martial arts, it can be said that you are invincible in the world and dominate one side. I really can't imagine what else can hurt you?"

Song Qingshu smiled slightly, and an inexplicable expression appeared in his eyes: "Maybe there is no in this world, but what about outside of this world?" As he said, he pointed to the sky, his face became more serious: "I can faintly feel a kind of incomprehensibility. The existence of fame, as long as I make certain choices, it will completely wipe me out, and maybe the world will be destroyed along with it."

Chen Yuanyuan heard the cloud in the mist: "Is there such a scary existence?"

Song Qingshu sighed: "Your realm is too low, so naturally you can't understand this feeling."

"Then why did the indescribable existence on the Qinhuai River in the past have been so ridiculous?" Chen Yuanyuan was a little annoyed, "I saw so many sisters suffer with my own eyes, and I didn't see anyone punishes the beasts! "

"I can't figure this out," Song Qingshu smiled bitterly, "Maybe...because they are not the protagonist."

Chen Yuanyuan's voice became colder: "Master Song, if you don't want to, you don't have to use such ridiculous reasons to prevaricate. It is my own wishful thinking, so let's assume that nothing happened today." He left without looking back.

"How come no one believes the truth," Song Qingshu also sighed, "Do you think I don't want to, I want to, but what else can I do..."

Remembering his promise, Song Qingshu went to find A Ke for breakfast. Chen Yuanyuan had a black face on the side. Later, after hearing that Ren Yingying got up, Chen Yuanyuan took A Ke to leave to meet and thank Ren Yingying.

Being ignored during the whole process, Song Qingshu was also depressed, but something quickly distracted him. It turned out that Zhao Gou had announced that he would go to Wudang and his party at the meeting this morning.

The ostensible reason is of course Feng Chan sacrifices to heaven. Because the Central Plains fell, Mount Tai was no longer under the control of the Southern Song Dynasty. Of course, even if it was under the control of the Southern Song Dynasty, Zhao Gou didn’t have the face to learn from the Emperor Qin and Han Wu to Feng Chan. .

You must know that his predecessor, Song Zhenzong, felt that it was a feat after the alliance of Tanyuan, and he risked the world to go to Mount Tai to enshrine the meditation. The result was a lot of scolding. Not to mention the Song Dynasty, it was a later dynasty in history, even if it did. No man of great talent or roughness has ever been to Mount Tai Feng Chan again, because the Song Zhenzong's Feng Chan's appointment lowered the overall grade, and the rest of the monarchs were ashamed to be with them.

Although Zhao Gou doesn’t look down on Song Zhenzong, he is more self-aware than this ancestor, and he never thought about it when he went to Mount Tai to Feng Chan. Fortunately, Wudang Mountain has become more and more famous in the past 100 years, and there is a half immortal. The body of the body has attracted everyone's enthusiasm over the years, so it is logical that this sacrifice to the sky has become Wudang Mountain.

The officials naturally didn’t believe that Zhao Gou was seeking luck for the country. They all secretly guessed that his body was getting worse and worse. They planned to find Zhang Sanfeng to seek a longevity. They summoned Zhang Sanfeng several times before, and Zhang Sanfeng avoided seeing him, so this time the emperor. Go in person to show sincerity.

Of course, in the eyes of an insider like Song Qingshu, he understood what the real purpose of Zhao Gou's trip was.

I found Ren Yingying and talked to him about what happened during this period and the information he had discovered. Ren Yingying couldn't help but feel a little worried: "Even characters like Huang Chang and Dou Jiu Seng feel that this trip is unsure. They need to pull you into the game. This time it’s dangerous and unusual, so don’t take risks."

"Don't worry, you still don't know my martial arts, and even if things are really wrong then, with my light work, who can keep me in this world?" Song Qingshu said with a smile.

Ren Yingying thought about it, but stopped persuading.

Chen Yuanyuan on the side knew how much risk he had taken to save A Ke, and she couldn't help but apologize: "It was because of me and A Ke that the son committed the risk."

Song Qingshu smiled slightly: "Madam, don't mind, I originally wanted to participate in it, this time is just an opportunity."

Chen Yuanyuan was startled. She had experienced too many storms and met too many people in her life. No matter who she was, in order to please her, in order to do something, she would score ten points. How could she have done something very clear like Song Qingshu? But he didn't want to take any credit for it, and he just got angry with him, and really misunderstood him: "The son is really an upright gentleman."

Song Qingshu was dumb and couldn't help but smile at Ren Yingying: "I didn't expect someone to think I was a gentleman."

Ren Yingying thought of the fact that the other party had made him bad last night, and couldn't help but blush and said: "Sister Yuanyuan, she is a bad embryo, what kind of gentleman is she."

Chen Yuanyuan shook her head: "Although Song Gongzi's behavior is a bit...a bit unruly, he is different from those decent men. There is no more gentleman than him in the world." She was inconvenient to tell what had just happened. Ren Yingying could only sigh with such vague emotions.

After all these twists and turns, Chen Yuanyuan admired Song Qingshu more and more. Looking at A Ke beside her, she became more determined in her heart.

At this moment, a maid suddenly came to report, and the Xiangfu sent an invitation, asking Song Qingshu to visit the mansion tonight.

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