Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1970: Any request

At this time, Wang Xifeng came in with a scent of fragrant wind carrying the sober soup. Seeing Song Qingshu sitting on the bed, he was slightly startled and smiled: "It turns out that King Qi is already awake. Come and drink a bowl of soup to wake up the bar."

Song Qingshu waved his hand: "Thank you for your kindness, Madam, but I am much better after taking a rest for a while, and I don't need to drink sober soup anymore." The ghost knows if Jia Sidao has added anything to the soup, although he is now invincible. , But there is no need to take that risk.

Wang Xifeng didn't force it, and said with a smile: "I didn't expect the prince to become the master of my husband. I will see in the future, should I accept the prince or the master?"

Song Qingshu replied: "Master's name is really too strong, and I teach Jia Lian and the others, and it has nothing to do with his wife. I will call them separately in the future, and my wife will do whatever he wants."

"That's not okay," Wang Xifeng said with a smile, "As the saying goes, marrying the husband, since the prince is the master of the clumsy husband, he is naturally the master of the concubine, but the master always feels that the prince is called the old man, how about changing the name to the husband? ?"

"Why do you have to be polite, Madam? We all know that this is just a statement. I didn't have much time to teach the young masters and ladies." Song Qingshu replied.

"That's not okay, you still have to have the rituals you should have. Your husband is here, please be worshipped by your concubine." Wang Xifeng said, and respectfully kneeled on the ground to give salutes. Song Qingshu was startled and hurriedly reached out to help her. When she got up, the skin on her arm was all within reach, and the two of them were startled.

Wang Xifeng's eyes fell on his hand, a smile appeared on the corners of his lips, and the waves of his eyes were full of amorous feelings: "Sir, I don't know what the qualifications of the disciple are?"

The two women behind the screen looked at each other and saw the doubts in each other’s eyes. Although Wang Xifeng sang and danced exquisitely, she had never heard any rumours of her being not obedient to women’s ways. Why did it seem to be intentional today? Seduce people?

Even Song Qingshu had to admit that although Wang Xifeng is often associated with words such as snobbery, calculation, city government, etc., from a woman's point of view, she is really a woman of the highest quality. The whole person is plump and graceful. The looming fascination is indeed a woman from the Wang family.

Among the four major families of Jia Shi, Wang Xue, the Wang family has the most daughters, and the other major families have basically married women from the Wang family. Song Qingshu has seen a few of them. Of course, Wang Yuyan does not need to say. Lu You's Xu Xian is also Miss Wang, and Wang Xifeng in front of him is all outstanding beauties

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"I don't know what kind of aptitude the madam is referring to?" Feeling all of Wang Xifeng's teasing, Song Qingshu is not the first brother who has not gone through the storm, naturally she will not be led by her nose.

Wang Xifeng pursed his lips and smiled: "Of course... the physical aptitude."

Song Qingshu leaned into her ear and whispered: "If it is a martial arts qualification, it can only be said to be extremely mediocre; but from a woman's point of view, the wife's qualifications are truly the best."

It is Wang Xifeng who has always been bold and pungent. Now that the breath of a man is so close between her neck, she is also a little hard to hold herself. She subconsciously moved back and said in a flustered manner: "It seems that the concubine body is not destined to learn Mr. I have worked hard."

Song Qingshu straightened up comfortably: "But after Madam goes back, I must let the second son follow me to study hard."

"Why?" Wang Xifeng asked curiously when he saw that he seemed to be pointing.

"During the dinner, I watched the second son of Lian's footsteps, his eyes were black, and his vitality was already very bad," Song Qingshu paused, and continued in a low voice, "I just said that the lady has a special physique, and ordinary men can insist on her. In a few moments, Second Young Master Lian is no exception."

"Then Mr. Tired, bother." Wang Xifeng's cheeks flushed, and she knew nothing more about the matter between their husband and wife. She originally thought it was caused by her husband's love for the troubles, but she didn't expect the problem to appear on her.

But when she thought that she was discussing such a private topic with a strange man, she became a little uncomfortable, and hurriedly changed the subject: "By the way, during the dinner, I heard that my grandfather asked my husband to help find the second master. I don’t know if my husband has any. What clue?"

Seeing her deliberately shifting the subject, Song Qingshu secretly sneered, his heart finally came. On the one hand, he wanted to inquire about the news through beauty, and on the other hand, he was reluctant to pay for it.

"The grandfather used so many resources and couldn't find it. How can I find any clues for a while?" Song Qingshu answered, thinking, wondering whether Wang Xifeng came this time from Jia Sidao's instruction or came by himself. , If it is the former, it can be understood, if it is the latter, things are interesting, why he cares so much about Jia Baoyu's whereabouts.

"My husband laughed, not to mention that my husband is a prince who is less than one person and more than 10,000 people. He is the Golden Snake Camp under his command. He is even more capable than the official power of the prince." Wang Xifengyi

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As he said, he showed a worried expression, "My poor Uncle Bao, everyone has held him in their mouths since he was a child, but now he has been missing for so long, and he doesn't know how much he will suffer. ."

Song Qingshu stared at her carefully, and said playfully: "Madam, as far as I know, Jia Xiang's two sons, the eldest son died young..." When speaking, he subconsciously looked at the direction of the screen, and Li Wan behind heard the words. The expression dimmed.

After a pause, he continued: "Now that the second son is missing, if he doesn't believe anything, then everything in the Rongguo Mansion will be inherited by Erye Lian in the future. Shouldn't the lady pray that Erye Bao will never come back?" Jia Lian is Jia The son-in-law of his brother Jia She, who lives together in Rongguo Mansion, is closer than his cousin in Ningguo Mansion.

Wang Xifeng was so frightened that Huarong was pale: "Sir, don't want to say such things. How can the concubine dare to think like that? The concubine couple prayed day and night, hoping that the second master will come back safely..."

Hearing her busy explanations, Song Qingshu fell into deep thought. At the beginning, he witnessed Jia Baoyu's death at the hands of the mysterious man in black on the island of knights, but because he later pretended to be Jia Baoyu, the news of Jia Baoyu's death never happened. People know that apart from the mysterious person, Jia Baoyu's body has already been disposed of by himself. When the mysterious person came to see "Jia Baoyu" after returning to Jia's mansion, he must have been suspicious. Maybe he thought the killer was a fake.

Song Qingshu has always been thinking about who is behind the scenes. After deliberation, the most suspected person should be the people inside the Knight Island. After all, the place where the crime occurred is on the Knight Island, so how can outsiders get in. The most suspicious of these people on Xia Ke Island are those in Jia Mansion. As Jia Baoyu’s biggest beneficiary after his death, Jia Lian has always been the object of his suspicion. The temptation of Wang Xifeng’s arrival tonight has deepened him. guess.

"Mr. Wang Xifeng must find out the whereabouts of the second master Bao, then our couple will definitely give him a generous report." Wang Xifeng looked at him pleadingly.

Song Qingshu chuckled, "Excuse me, your husband and wife may not be able to produce anything that interests me."

Wang Xifeng bit his lip: "If Mr. Bao can really find Second Master Bao to return our couple's innocence, we can agree to any request from Mr.".

"Any request?" Song Qingshu looked at her playfully.

Feeling his gaze, Wang Xifeng's face flushed, and his chest was quite plump. He bit his lip and nodded, "Any request!"

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