Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1971: Abnormal

Looking at the beautiful and charming young women in front of him, Song Qingshu had to sigh that no matter how strong a woman is, she can't be strong and strong even in front of absolute power and power.

Of course Song Qingshu didn't really want to do anything to her. Compared to her beauty, he was more interested in the Wang family behind him. Can he use this as an opportunity to break the close alliance between Jia and Wang?

Song Qingshu didn't speak, but Wang Xifeng was uneasy, especially the substantive gaze of the other party, which made her always have the illusion that she was not wearing clothes.

"It is not convenient for my concubine to stay here for a long time. Everything is bothering Mr. Wang." Wang Xifeng worried about what would happen to stay here, and hurriedly got up to leave.

If it was another time, Song Qingshu might still have the interest to keep her down to make fun, but now there are still two women in the house. He clearly remembers the lesson that the three monks had no water to drink, so naturally he would not keep her.

After hearing the voice of Wang Xifeng leaving, the two women came out behind the screen. Qin Keqing glanced at the door: "She's gone?"

Song Qingshu flicked his hand, and a gust of breeze closed the door again: "I can't help but look at it. It's already far away."

The two women breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, but immediately realized the embarrassment in the house.

"Why auntie is here?" Qin Keqing smiled. Auntie heard that she was very old. In fact, there is not much difference between the two ages. It is all because the brothers Jia Zhu and Jia Baoyu have a higher generation. Although her husband Jia Rong is even older than her Jia Baoyu is a little older, but he has to call his uncle.

Li Wan's face flushed, but she was unwilling to be in a defensive position all the time: "Couldn't you be here?"

Qin Keqing pursed his lips: "I met King Qi once by chance before. This time I came to see if it was him. Now that it is confirmed that it is him, I will leave first."

After speaking, she turned around and walked out with a fragrant breeze in her dress. Li Wan remembered to hold her when she saw it: "Hey, don't go." There was nothing before, but now I'm seen by others. Staying alone with Song Qingshu, it is inevitable that there will be some melons.

"I have something to do at home. Auntie plans to go together?" Qin Keqing looked at her with a smile.

"I..." Li Wan hesitated, knowing that she finally saw Song Qingshu, and next time I see you, I don't know when and what time to wait. Once the other party sees the dragon without seeing the head and tail all day long, come second, she It is naturally inconvenient for a widow to visit the Qi Palace.

Since the early death of her husband, the young and widowed woman has long been ashamed. It can be said that she is not interested in anything in the world, except for the last time she heard from Song Qingshu about her sister who had disappeared when she was a child.

Thinking of his parents sighing all day long, Li Wan felt that he should do something for them.

Seeing Li Wan hesitating, Qin Keqing took out a scented towel and wiped the fine sweat on her forehead: "Seeing my auntie was so scared that I was sweating profusely. I'm not the kind of person with broken mouth, let alone I know you. The character, knowing that you must have something to ask King Qi of others."

Li Wan smelled a sweet scent on his face, thinking that no wonder the mansion said that Madam Rong was charming and graceful. This Jinpaxiang was like this, and at first glance, he was the restless master.

Since she lived alone, she has rarely used rouge and gouache, and other personal items are even more sober and elegant. There is never such a fancy and rich thing, but the following consciousness is a little unhappy.

But when she heard what the other party said, she felt a little grateful: "Thank you Keqing for understanding, I do have something to ask King Qi."

Qin Keqing retracted the incense towel into her sleeves, and said with a smile: "Then you talk slowly, I won't disturb the two of you." Without waiting for the two of them to stay, they floated away, and when they left, they thoughtfully replaced them. The person closed the door, and this action immediately made Li Wan a blushing face.

Song Qingshu relieved her from the siege and said: "The beautiful scenery between you and me is so beautiful, Madam don't need to care too much."

Li Wan gradually calmed down, and said softly, "I also hope that King Qi will tell the whereabouts of my sister."

Song Qingshu nodded. This book was promised at the beginning, so naturally it is not easy to break her promise: "Your sister's name is Li Mochou now, and she has a name in the rivers and lakes called'Chilian Fairy'."

"Fairy Chilian?" Li Wan muttered both sides in silence, and asked suspiciously, "Why is there such a strange nickname?"

Song Qingshu explained: "Fairy? Naturally, she is called a fairy because Sister Ling and his wife are so beautiful and beautiful."

Hearing his praise, Li Wan flushed, bit his lip subconsciously, but didn't know how to respond.

Seeing her shy and nervous look, Song Qingshu suddenly thought of her identity, and couldn't help but sigh that she was used to talking, often thinking about where to say it, and didn't see if it was appropriate.

With a light cough, Song Qingshu continued: "Chi Lian refers to her cruel heart. When she first came out of the rivers and lakes, she met a man surnamed Lu..."

Listening to the whole story, Li Wan rarely showed a hint of anger: "That surnamed Lu is really not a thing!"

"Unfortunately, indeed a scumbag." Song Qingshu was in a daze for a while, thinking that he should also be the scumbag in the eyes of many people, and the only thing he can do is to live up to the love of those confidantes.

"But my sister's later acting style was too extreme." Li Mochou caused the **** wind on the rivers and lakes, and Li Wan, who couldn't bear to trample to death, was naturally hard to agree with.

Song Qingshu also agreed with her view: "Perhaps it was because I received too little care when I was young, which made my personality easy to go to extremes."

Li Wan sighed: "It's because the family didn't take her seriously. I just let my sister suffer so much. When I go back, I will ask my father to send someone to pick her back so that she won't be found by the enemy."

"She should be on Heimuya in Pingding Prefecture now. Most people really can't make it. I'll write you a letter." Song Qingshu originally planted Li Mochou to stay in the Sun Moon God Sect, although it has not reached the agreed time for completion. But how can I prevent their family from seeing each other? And let the family affection warm up her extreme character.

"Thank you so much." Li Wan Yingying bowed. Although she is a lady of the official family, she still has heard of such a famous place as the Sun Moon God Sect. She knows that if it is not for the other party, her family will know. She was there, and she couldn't get rid of her.

Song Qingshu Long Feifengwu wrote a note and handed it to her: "After seeing your sister, remember to tell her not to forget the previous agreement with me. If you are free, you still have to go back to Heimuya."

Li Wan took the note and was a little surprised: "Does King Qi know his sister well?"

Song Qingshu smiled slightly: "Are you a friend?"

Li Wan looked strange: "The king of Qi really knows all over the world. Not only does he know my sister, but even the two young ladies of Jia's house are also acquainted with you."

Song Qingshu couldn't help laughing: "Unexpectedly, the lady would be jokes, but one sentence was wrong. I didn't get acquainted with the two young ladies of Jia's house, but with the three of them. Madam must not forget about myself."

Li Wan suddenly felt a little hot all over. She wanted to leave, but she had another impulse to persuade her to stay: "I don't know how King Qi met Feng Lazi and Keqing?"

Song Qingshu was a little surprised. You should know that Li Wan is always indifferent to everything, and when he hears the joke he just made, he will most likely change color and leave. Didn't expect that it was so abnormal today?

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