Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1982: Sturdy woman

"Really?" Song Qingshu subconsciously touched his nose, only to see a red color, and his face suddenly became very weird.

Have a nosebleed? Song Qingshu has many confidantes around him, and thanks to the special techniques he cultivates, he hasn't been sucked into adulthood. What kind of anger is there? But now it's a shame to have a nosebleed in front of a woman.

Yang Miaozhen wanted to laugh but tried to endure an expression that didn't dare to laugh, and asked: "Did you... have the drug attack?"

"No, I don't invade a hundred poisons," Song Qingshu slapped his chest, "I will adjust my breath first, and you will protect the law for me."

He spoke lightly, but he was a little unconfident in his heart. You must know that when Duan Yu swallowed the mang clams, it was not poisonous, but in the end he still followed the path of Yin-Yang and He San, because aphrodisiac is not a poison, but only amplifies people. Inner desire-just hope.

Yang Miaozhen, who was on the side, watched his face become redder and red, and even a burst of white gas began to appear above his head. He couldn't help but said, "Are you really okay? Would you like me to help?"

"Don't..." Song Qingshu hurriedly waved to her, "You stay away from me is the biggest help." What a joke, how can she help with this kind of thing, and it looks so tempting, it will easily aggravate his toxicity.

Not to mention, although this Yang Miaozhen is a bit fierce on weekdays, but with long legs and slender waist, he looks better now.

Song Qingshu's heart trembled, and he was thinking about something. It seems that this medicine is really extraordinary. He hurriedly used his internal power to balance the yin and yang in his body. He hadn't encountered such a thing before. Those confidantes were caught by this medicine. Then he detoxified them internally.

Yang Miaozhen on the side saw that Song Qingshu was concentrating on poisoning, thinking that the outside world was rumored to be greedy and lustful, but he saw it with his own eyes today, and I don't know how many men are more gentlemen.

The thought of Li Quan, who used to be so sordid, used such nasty methods by her side in the past, she was extremely upset, even looking at other men with her face was abominable. Fortunately, Song Qingshu's behavior made her not disappointed with all the men.

After half an hour, Song Qingshu reluctantly opened his eyes, and now he finally understands why this sentence has been circulating in the rivers and lakes: He can not heal himself.

Although he is proficient in the yin and yang qi, and is also good at resolving this type of toxicity for women, but on his body, using zhen qi to resolve it is actually adding fuel to the fire.

"Is it impossible to force it out?" Yang Miaozhen asked when he noticed his movement.

Song Qingshu nodded: "I don't know what happened to that fight. The medicinal properties are stronger than before. My true qi is trying to dissolve, but the medicinal properties are entangled with the true qi, which is really difficult."

A blush flashed across Yang Miaozhen's face, and he tentatively said, "I think you should stop being poisoned. Your face is getting redder and red. Why don't we go back to find Yingluo first."

"Why are you looking for her?" Song Qingshu didn't react for a while.

"This kind of medicine is not a poison. It can be solved with a woman... yin and yang will naturally be solved." Yang Miaozhen has been among men's groups all the year round, and when it comes to these things, he is not as scrupulous as ordinary women.

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly: "But there is nothing between me and Miss Yang."

Yang Miaozhen was taken aback, and then realized that he had misunderstood the relationship between them, and couldn't help but smile: "Everyone says that the golden snake king has countless confidantes around him. If Tianxian’s sister, you can hold back without eating."

Is the best at taking chastity thousands of miles away?

Song Qingshu has a black line: "Which **** said that?"

Yang Miaozhen smiled even harder: "People all over the world say so."

Song Qingshu was speechless for a while, and he also knew that he had done a lot of ridiculous things over the years, and having such a reputation could be regarded as self-defeating.

"Then what do you do now?" Yang Miaozhen said, fearing that the world would not be chaotic.

"I'll take a cold shower and try it." Song Qingshu said, this kind of medicine is not a poison, and it is not so difficult to understand. When it is stimulated by cold water, it probably doesn't have any thoughts.

After speaking, he took off his clothes and jumped directly into the river beside him. He noticed that the other party was looking straight at him. Song Qingshu said silently, "You said you are a woman. Look like this?"

At that moment, he even had a sense of absurdity that the two sides were misplaced.

Yang Miaozhen snorted: "I have been in the rebel army these years, and there are men everywhere around me. I take off my shirt at every turn. Do I see less?"

Although she said that, but seeing the strong muscles of the other party, a strange blush flashed across her face: This **** looked at the gentleman dressed in clothes, and she didn't expect to be so good after taking off her clothes.

Song Qingshu was choked by her to speak, and she simply sank directly to the bottom of the water, trying to expose his skin to more cold water and calm the hot air in his lower abdomen.

It's a pity that his inner strength is constantly growing, and the cold water takes away the heat from his skin. The dantian immediately produces more dryness to make up for it, making him more and more uncomfortable.

Song Qingshu finally felt a little flustered in his heart, wondering if he would finally sacrifice the five girls to perform the technique of fighting each other. You have to know that the beautiful flowers are by the side these years, when does he need to do it himself?

The key is that even if he does his hands, with his current physical strength, he may not be able to solve the baldness in the end, right?

"Hey, you won't drown, are you?" Yang Miaozhen's voice faintly came from the water, and she could see her pacing on the shore, obviously at this time a little flustered.

"I'm dying." Song Qingshu surfaced and smiled bitterly. If his current situation is not resolved, there will be no sequelae, right? The point is that there is no shop in front of the village in this mountain, and even if he wants to find a brothel, he can't find it.

"I'll help you." A slightly shy voice suddenly came from my ear.

Song Qingshu was startled and looked back at Yang Miaozhen on the shore. From this perspective, she became more and more tall and invincible. Thinking of the beauty of these straight and slender legs when Zeng Jin used the pear spear, he felt that he was about to explode. Now, I thought, grandma, don't seduce me at this time, can it be done? It just adds to the difficulty for me.

Noting his weird eyes, Yang Miaozhen was a little angry: "What do you look at, haven't you seen anyone shy?"

Song Qingshu then noticed that her face was much redder than usual, and the look in her eyes that seemed a bit fierce and wicked was now watery.

"What the hell?" Song Qingshu was a little dizzy. Could it be that a woman would automatically add beauty features to her after being poisoned?

Seeing that he kept silent, Yang Miaozhen suddenly became a little annoyed: "Do you want me to help?"

"How can I help with this kind of thing?" Song Qingshu suddenly felt that his head was not enough.

Yang Miaozhen's face turned red, and he turned his head to the side: "What am I best at?"

"Marksmanship?" Song Qingshu replied with some uncertainty, not understanding what she meant by suddenly saying this.

Yang Miaozhen glanced under his lower abdomen: "That's fine."

Song Qingshu suddenly said: "Auntie, do you want to be so fierce!" Can these two guns be the same?

Yang Miaozhen snorted: "This time you helped me a lot. What's wrong with me in repaying my favor? Anyway, I don't see such a thing in the army. I don't need to learn it. I don't believe it is more difficult than my pear flower gun. ."

"Can you make such an analogy?" Song Qingshu swallowed, feeling a bit dry, and there is really something going on in the world?

"Mother-in-law, don't forget it." Yang Miaozhen was a little annoyed, and after speaking, he turned around and wanted to leave.

"Yes, yes." Song Qingshu replied instinctively, but it always felt weird. Did the two of us take the wrong script? I have never seen such a fierce woman.

Yang Miaozhen's chest went up and down subconsciously a few times, obviously not as calm as her tone: "Change a place, it's too close to the camp, if someone sees it...I can't afford to lose that person."

Song Qingshu's heart was pounding, and he didn't know if it was because of the poisoning or because of the other party's proposal.

The two ran along the river all the way up the mountain. They were both very clever and light. They soon moved away from the crowd, and finally found a quiet cave. Yang Miaozhen stopped and said, "Just here."

"Really?" Song Qingshu was a little uncertain, after all, everything happened was too magical.

"Mother-in-law, is it still a man?" Yang Miaozhen glanced at him contemptuously.

Song Qingshu felt extremely insulted, and said angrily: "You asked for this."

"Take it off." Yang Miaozhen snorted, his eyes turned a little weird.

Song Qingshu's mood is really weird at this time. Why is there a feeling of being molested by a female doctor in a previous life in the hospital?

After a while, a joking voice rang from the cave:

"Hey, my **** is quite white."

Song Qingshu directly ignored her words, always feeling that if this continues, she will become a ravaged little daughter-in-law.

Although Yang Miaozhen had always spoken boldly, he was still a little shy when things came to an end. He turned his head and didn't dare to look at it. He just hesitated and stretched out his hand tremblingly.

Noting her expression, Song Qingshu finally breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that this was a normal reaction.

But he couldn't laugh anymore soon, and after a short while, he took a breath: "Hey, you can't really behave like a pear flower gun, will you do it?"

Yang Miaozhen blushed and was about to bleed at this time: "Nonsense, I haven't helped anyone before."

Song Qingshu was in pain and happiness at this time, but looking at his expression, it seemed that it was more painful: "Forget it, let me do it myself, I knew you were unreliable."

"You said I can't?" Yang Miao was really angry and sat directly in his arms, "I don't believe it today, I really can't cure you."

Song Qingshu suddenly frowned, looked at her moist eyes, and said solemnly: "Are you also poisoned?"

Yang Miao really gave him a white look: "Otherwise, do you think I am so bold?"

Song Qingshu grew up with a big mouth, and didn't know what to say for a while.

Yang Miaozhen snorted: "I thought it would be okay to take just one or two sips, but it still happened by the river just now. I tried my luck and couldn't help it."

Feeling her youthful and plump thighs, Song Qingshu swallowed, "Can you get up first and talk about it, I can't help it."

"I can't help it, why are you so entangled?" Yang Miaozhen looked at him quietly.

"Huh?" Song Qingshu ignored her meaning for a while.

Yang Miaozhen sighed: "You are poisoned, and I am also poisoned. You can't find someone to detoxify, and I can't find it. In that case, we can make do with each other."

"Can you make do with this kind of thing?" Song Qingshu was dumbfounded.

Yang Miaozhen bit his red lips and glared at him fiercely: "You have been pushing three and blocking four, are you still a man?"

No one wants to admit counsel on this issue, Song Qingshu immediately furious: "Come on, who is afraid of whom!"

Yang Miaozhen suddenly smiled, and there was a different kind of charm between the valiant eyebrows: "Whether it is my subordinates or enemies, they love to call me tigress behind their backs, but they have another name for me in private, don’t you know? ?"

Song Qingshu shook his head, thinking that such a beautiful tigress, please give me a dozen.

"They secretly call me a rouge horse again. Everyone wants to ride my fierce rouge horse, but they can't beat me, so they can only hold this kind of thought to the bottom of my heart." Yang Miaozhen hooked his neck with his hands and looked in his eyes. Full of provocative meaning, "Do you want to ride?"

Song Qing Shuben had to endure it for a long time. Hearing such words broke out completely, he roared and rushed towards her...

"I want to be on top!"

"I've only heard of people riding horses. How can there be a reason for horse riding?"

"You have to beat me first."

"I'm going, do you use the pear spear at this time?"

"I want to be my man, but I don't have the ability to do it."


With crackling and crackling sounds, there was a sound of fighting in the cave, and soon a pear spear was thrown directly into the side of the mountain wall, shaking itself.

However, Yang Miaozhen's marksmanship has become so successful that he does not necessarily need a gun to be able to use it, such as her exaggerated long legs...

After a while, the cave fell into silence.

"What kind of martial arts are you?"

"Equestrian training."



The two of them were young men and women. Even if they were not poisoned, they were already dry and fierce. What's more, the poison in this case was so fierce?

The two of them didn't say anything more, and the rest didn't need to speak any more, only the most primitive instincts were needed, and everything was so natural.

Yang Miaozhen is different from other women. She is very passionate and active. She is really like a rebellious rouge horse. She did not cater to him shyly and timidly. Instead, she has been fighting for the initiative in the war and has always wanted. Win this battle without gunpowder.

Song Qingshu wasn't ready at the beginning, and she was almost defeated by her, but when he was relieved, he gradually began to regain the disadvantage.

No matter how sturdy, Yang Miaozhen is a woman after all, and an unmanned girl, no matter how experienced Song Qingshu's opponent is, she will soon lose her armor and abandon her armor.

It's just that she has a tough personality and a spirit of repeated defeats. She doesn't know how many times she has repeated these two words: "Come again!"


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