Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1983: Big gift

I don't know how long it took, and various calls were faintly heard from afar:

"Si Niangzi?"

"Golden Snake King?"


A person in the cave suddenly got up, and Yang Miaozhen began to put on clothes in a panic: "Well, we suddenly disappeared. They sent someone to look for us."

Lying in the haystack, Song Qingshu looked at the delicate skin on her back and couldn't help but reach out to touch it: "Tsk tsk, you have been fighting on the battlefield all the year round, and there is no scar on your body. It's a miracle."

Yang Miaozhen slapped off his evil hand, and said with some triumph: "I have a pear spear in my hand, whoever hurts me."

Song Qingshu thought of the previous situation, and couldn't help but show a smile: "You are really good at using...guns."

Yang Miaozhen obviously also remembered the embarrassment just now, and couldn't help but annoyed: "Don't mention that again, and also, don't tell anyone what happened tonight?"

"Don't tell others?" Song Qingshu looked weird, "Isn't it that you suffer in vain?"

Yang Miao really looked at him strangely: "I put you to sleep, why did I suffer?"

Song Qingshu: "..."

This style of painting is really wrong, how come you feel like you are being used for nothing?

"Get up quickly, I don't want them to see what we are now." Yang Miaozhen quickly put on his clothes, and his two perfect long legs were quickly hidden by the culottes.

She quickly finished putting on her clothes, and when she got up, she suddenly staggered, then turned her head back and glared at Song Qingshu: "It's all to blame you!"

Song Qingshu was confused at first, and then saw that her legs were a little unnatural, and couldn't help but understand: "Why blame me, just now it was obviously you who wanted to come again and again."

Yang Miaozhen's face flushed, and he turned around with a snorted snoring. He didn't want to admit defeat, but secretly groaned in his heart: I knew that I should save a little bit just now. It really hurts.

Feeling the voices of the red-coated army getting closer, Song Qingshu had to put on his clothes and went down the mountain with Yang Miaozhen.

"Do you want me to help?" Song Qingshu stretched out his hand.

Yang Miaozhen directly ignored: "I'm not that delicate."

Song Qingshu gave a wry smile, but a little like her independent character. If every woman is like her, she doesn't need to take care of or take care of anything...

Fancying that the whole world is full of such female men, Song Qingshu couldn't help but shudder. It is better to have more soft girls.

After the two went down the mountain, they found the large army, Yang Miaozhen pointed directly at Song Qingshu: "He was poisoned, and I went to heal him."

The other members of the Red Coat Army had no doubts. The two of them were powerful in martial arts, and they should have gotten rid of the poison in one night, so there was no further questioning. Only Liu Fuqing and other Li Quan’s men knew what was going on, one by one. His eyes turned quietly on the two of them.

I noticed that Yang Miaozhen’s complexion was blushing, and the brows seemed to be a little more springy than usual, and when she saw her walking a little unnaturally, few people didn’t know what was going on, thinking that the red-coated army was the strongest and the most beautiful. His rouge horse was finally ridden by a man.

Thinking of Li Quan's exhausting efforts, it turned out to be cheaper than other men. Several people couldn't help but sigh, but they knew their identity as a general. At this time, no one dared to talk for fear of getting into trouble.

After returning to the big account, the woman in the yellow shirt greeted her and asked with concern: "I heard you were poisoned?"

Song Qingshu replied, "Thanks to the help of the Fourth Lady, the poison has been resolved."

Thinking of the process of detoxification, Yang Miaozhen's face blushed, thinking why you have to pull me in. I don't know why, she always feels a little guilty in the face of the yellow shirt girl, as if she had robbed her sister's man, but it was clearly yesterday. I asked specifically, the two have nothing to do with each other.

"You talk, I'll go back and have a rest first." It's okay to face other people, but Yang Miaozhen always feels a little uncomfortable with the yellow shirt woman here, so he hurried back to his camp after a few words.

"What's wrong with her?" The woman in the yellow shirt was a little strange.

Song Qingshu laughed a little weirdly: "Maybe it was too tired last night." Thinking of her unmanned girl's house, so vigorous last night, I thought that she was a martial artist with such high flexibility and resilience. , For a girl from an ordinary family, I'm afraid I won't be able to get out of bed today.

"What are you thinking?" Noting the strange smile on his face, the woman in the yellow shirt couldn't help asking.

"No...nothing," Song Qingshu was a little guilty, and changed the subject directly, "Next, we will take the Red Coat Army and Li Quan's men to go south. After we defeat Xia Quan, we can get away and leave and rush to Wudang Mountain."

"Xia Quan has 50,000 horses, and Liu Yan also has 30,000 elite soldiers watching and helping each other. It might not be so easy to solve Xia Quan, right?" The woman in yellow shirt frowned.

Song Qingshu smiled slightly: "Don't worry, Si Niangzi and I have already discussed the plan, and it won't be long for Xia Quan."

Let’s also talk about Lin’an. Two days after Song Qingshu and the girl in the yellow shirt left, the emperor went to Wudang Mountain to honor the heaven in the name of dreaming of auspiciousness and gods entrusting the dream. Jia Sidao and carefully selected ones were accompanied. Some court ministers and the princes stayed in the capital to supervise the country, handling some daily affairs and deterring the Sifang Xiaoxiao.

The safety of the emperor’s travel is naturally the first consideration, but the Northern Expedition has just been defeated, and the deployment of the army has cost a lot of money and food, so this time the principle is light and simple.

But no matter how light the car is, he is also the emperor, and the accompanying troops are still a powerful force. The personal guards with imperial equipment next to the emperor are naturally accompanied by the emperor's guard, and of course it is the emperor. To be together, the guards, horses and infantry soldiers also selected a group of elites to accompany, plus the court ladies and eunuchs, etc., the entire team has almost tens of thousands.

As for the people from the Imperial City Division, Zhao Gou stayed in the capital to assist the prince in supervising the country.

Among the dragons, Zhao Gou's face was a little angry: "Where is Song Qingshu's servant, why didn't you see it? Why did you dare not do anything after taking my beloved concubine, do you want me to sue the world for his disrespectful crime?"

Huang Chang hiding in the corner said lightly: "He is going to deal with something now. Don't worry, he will be there in time."

"What if he is too late?" Zhao Gou is obviously a little dissatisfied with this answer. If you know that success or failure depends on this, he naturally needs to be foolproof.

"My apprentice is by his side, and he will definitely be able to supervise him to come back in time." Huang Chang replied.

"For the few people in the Yang family?" Zhao Gou vaguely remembered that the other party had reported the incident, and couldn't help but snorted, "How can their lives be more important than my safety, not to mention that they are now The situation was all caused by Jia Sidao. As long as this operation succeeds, their dangerous situation will be resolved by themselves, and the behavior of Yingluo and Song Qingshu will really be irrespective of the overall situation!"

Huang Chang didn’t answer. He knew the emperor’s thin and cool nature. He thought that when the dust settled here, the Yang family’s blood had already been cut off. Back then, he could not save Yue Fei’s life because of going out, but this time he couldn’t. Repeat the same mistakes.

On the other side, Liao Yingzhong also patted Jia Sidao’s horses: “The Lord Xiang is really a good way to let Xia Quan’s troops attack Yangzhou, and Liu Yan’s troops will help. Presumably, the trip to Wudang Mountain will be settled. The surname is Song. I can't come back." Before, he was a little disapproved of Jia Sidao's attempt to use the young grandmothers of the house to hold Song Qingshu. Now that he knows the opponent's back hand, he really admires him.

Jia Sidao smiled faintly: "It's fine if he can't come back. If he comes back, I will also prepare a big gift for him."

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