Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1984: Beauty

On the Red Coat Army's side, Song Qingshu didn't let Li Quan's subordinates completely merge with Yang Miaozhen, but put Zhang Lin in charge, but under the name of Yang Miaozhen's command.

The reason for this arrangement was that the main purpose of the Red Coat Army was to fight against the Kingdom of Jin. Yang Miaozhen came from the Tianbo Yang Mansion and naturally wanted to be loyal to the Southern Song Dynasty. Now, it is impossible to say that the Kingdom of Jin is his property. In the future, Yang Miaozhen continued to engage in trouble and trouble in the Kingdom of Jin.

Simply taking this opportunity to separate the Red Coat Army, Yang Miaozhen's direct line of troops was less, and no matter what she did, the loss would still be acceptable.

Therefore, even though the two had a skin relationship, Song Qingshu did not get dazzled by the female **** and made such an arrangement.

Several leaders discussed how to deal with Xia Quan in the big account. Zhang Lin reported: "After all, Li Quan has been in business for a long time. It will take a long time to completely digest his troops. I'm afraid I can't immediately enter the battle."

"How many people can you draw at most?" Song Qingshu also knows that after surrendering this army, if he rushes too quickly, he will have to repeat the mistakes of Fu Jian in the past, simply for the advantage of numbers, and let the soldiers who have not digested them go to fight. , When the front line mutiny, the gains outweigh the gains.

In the end, Zhang Lin and Yang Miaozhen together, the two sides can roughly make up 10,000 battle-tested veterans. Song Qingshu frowned. It should be enough to deal with Xiaquan, but if he wants to deal with Liu Yan, I am afraid that he may be too powerful.

Liu Yan led 30,000 elite soldiers to wander around Yangzhou City all day. This is really an unstable factor. The ghost knows that one day Jia Sidao will not order him to attack Yangzhou suddenly. With his character, it is impossible to tolerate this all the time. The sword of Damocles hangs above his head at any time.

It’s just that now the Golden Snake Camp is superficially repaired with the Southern Song Dynasty officials. If Yangzhou’s power is used to deal with Liu Yan, that impact will be too great; but if the Red Coat Army defeats Liu Yan, the Southern Song Dynasty court can’t say anything. An important reason why he has to take the risk of wasting time, come here.

"Ten thousand horses, enough." Yang Miaozhen showed a confident look on her face. At this moment, she seemed to have become the invincible four women in the past.

"But I can't use Yangzhou's troops to deal with Liu Yan." Song Qingshu expressed his concerns.

Yang Miaozhen smiled and said, "It's okay, people who don't need you come forward." Since she knew that Liu Yan was behind the scenes of killing her brother, this hatred would naturally be avenged.

"You still have to deal with Liu Yu?" The woman in yellow shirt was a little bit dissatisfied. Whatever Liu Yu did was jerk, he was also a member of the court, and her subordinates were all members of the court. She really didn't want to see this happen.

Yang Miaozhen said angrily: "Our Yang family has sprinkled our blood for the court since the reign of Emperor Taizu. What do we get now? We ended up as victims of the upper-class struggle of the court. Over the years, we have worked hard in the Central Plains and looked forward to the imperial master. The Northern Expedition to conquer the Central Plains, but the result? First, Prince Yue was killed, and then Han Xiang was killed, did the man in the palace really want to conquer the Central Plains?"

The girl in the yellow shirt frowned: "Sister, say it carefully!"

Yang Miaozhen snorted: "Don't you have been dissatisfied with him for a long time, you know that he didn't save your father and brother for the throne."

The woman in the yellow shirt replied in a deep voice: "One yard goes to one yard. After all, Liu Yan's subordinate is a soldier of the imperial court."

"Are they really soldiers of the imperial court?" Song Qingshu said at this time, "I'm afraid these are Jia Sidao's private soldiers. Why the emperor is going to Wudang Mountain this time, you must know more clearly in your heart."

The girl in the yellow shirt opened her mouth, but she couldn’t argue. It was not that Zhao Gou did not encounter a similar incident. After Yue Fei’s death, Qin Hui had Jin Guo endorsing him. When constructing the Shang Dynasty, he even prepared the dagger to be hidden in his shoes, just because he was worried that he would kill the king.

At that time, the reason why Zhao Gou was not as radical as this time was that Qin Hui was old at the time and he was still young. He could use the power of time to drag him to death. In the end, as expected, Qin Hui was dying and Zhao Gou also took advantage of the power. Received it back.

This time, Jia Sidao’s situation is completely different. First, Jia Sidao is younger than Zhao Gou, and secondly, some of Zhao Gou’s early dark diseases have become more and more uncontrollable in recent years. Knowing that he will definitely not be able to consume him, he has to take risks. With.

"If Jia Sidao is defeated in the Battle of Wudang Mountain, what should Liu Yan's henchmen bring with the army to rebel? Wouldn't the situation be more difficult to deal with by then?" Song Qingshu continued to persuade.

The woman in the yellow shirt was indeed moved by him, but she still had some scruples: "But...those people are soldiers of the court after all."

"Don't worry, we are trying to get rid of Liu Yan, and we are not trying to wipe out his soldiers. After that, I will try to deal with those soldiers in a gentle way. If I don't want to stay, I'm even willing to let them go back to Jiangnan. "Song Qingshu said.

"Really?" If so, the woman in the yellow shirt would think it would be a good ending.

"How could I lie to you again." Song Qingshu was thinking in his heart, and he must have given a lot of good terms when the time comes. These soldiers were often eaten up in the Southern Song court and often unfairly punished, as long as I made targeted improvements. , People will go to high places, when they voluntarily put under my door, it is not considered that I broke my promise.

Hearing what he said, the woman in the yellow shirt finally relieved her heart, and then turned to Yang Miaozhen: "What's the clever plan for my sister's trip?"

Yang Miaozhen raised his chin, and said with some excitement, "Of course it's a beauty!"

"Huh?" Not to mention the yellow shirt girl, even Song Qingshu was a little dumbfounded.

Noting the suspicious look in the two of them, Yang Miaozhen suddenly became dissatisfied: "Isn't I pretty?"

"Of course she is beautiful." Song Qingshu couldn't say anything against her heart, especially her slim waist full of power and her long legs that dazzled everyone. No one would say that she is not a beautiful woman. It's just that she talks about beauty, everyone. I always think of some soft, weak or charming women, such as Chen Yuanyuan, and sturdy women like Yang Miaozhen, it is really difficult to combine the three words of beauty.

Hearing that he was a little insincere, Yang Miaozhen said angrily: "This time I was able to accept Li Quan's troops so smoothly. Didn't the grandmother's beautiful appearance lead him here? If she hadn't coveted my beauty, you would be so easy to turn against Zhang Lin. ?"

Song Qingshu had to admit that there was some truth in what she said. Zhang Lin also said at this time: "Si Niangzi has always been famous in the circle, Xia Quan should have coveted her for a long time."

"How do you know?" Yang Miaozhen was a little proud when he heard what he said, and couldn't help but ask more. It was not that she wanted to know the answer, but wanted to say it from others, so that Song Qing gave herself a face before writing. .

Zhang Lin suddenly shrank back: "This...I dare not say."

Yang Miaozhen frowned, "Is there anything I dare not say?"

Zhang Lin smiled bitterly: "I'm afraid you will kill me?"

"I forgive you not guilty." Yang Miaozhen waved his hand, acting like the emperor.

Zhang Lin swallowed his saliva, as if made up with great determination, and quickly said: "In our circle, as long as it is a normal man, I want to...I want to go to you." After he said that, he hid behind Song Qingshu with a guilty conscience, for fear of being caught by the other party. A shot was stabbed to death.

The woman in the yellow shirt turned red, thinking that these people in the green forest were really vulgar.

A dangerous light flashed in Yang Miaozhen's eyes, and as he approached Zhang Lin, he said, "So, did you think about it?"

Zhang Lin hurriedly waved his hand: "I dare not."

Yang Miaozhen squeezed his fists: "I dare not or don't want to."

Zhang Lin showed a bitter expression: "You said you won't kill me."

Yang Miaozhen kicked him off the account and snorted coldly, "I didn't promise not to hit you."

Song Qingshu stopped her: "Okay, well, don't his words just prove your charm? You don't really want to kill him, right?"

Yang Miaozhen then closed his hand sadly, not knowing what he thought of, and gave him a fierce look: "It's cheaper for you."

Song Qingshu naturally knew what she was talking about, and couldn't help laughing.

The woman in the yellow shirt on the side looked at the two suspiciously, always feeling that it had only been one night, and it seemed that there was something more between them to hide from her.

Next, the group discussed the details of the next plan. Song Qingshu and Yang Miaozhen led a small group of men and horses directly to Xia Quan’s station. The yellow shirt woman and her subordinates took the rest of the army with them. Follow far behind and wait for the signal.

When they arrived near Yangzhou, the two also learned about the latest situation here. Under the command of Zhou Zhiruo, the Yangzhou army took Xia Quan's footing and took the initiative to attack him by surprise. If it weren't for Liu Yan's timely arrival, Zhou Zhiruo worried that he would take the opportunity to attack. Yangzhou had to return to defense, and maybe he might be completely wiped out.

Of course, the current situation is that although Xia Quan was defeated, he did not hurt his muscles and bones. Although Zhou Zhiruo won, he did not gain a decisive advantage and still put defense first.

After understanding the whole situation, Yang Miaozhen couldn't help but sigh, "Your wife is really amazing."

Song Qingshu was also a little surprised by Zhou Zhiruo's victory, and couldn't help feeling a little proud: "Are you scared?"

Yang Miaozhen understood the subtext in his words, and couldn't help but spit: "Who said I want to marry into your Song family? I don't want to be jealous with a lot of Yingying and Yanyan all day long. My stage is destined to be on the battlefield."

Her belief was a little shaken after that night, but now that she learned that Zhou Zhiruo was so powerful, she completely gave up other thoughts.

Song Qingshu nodded: "The female general of the Yang Clan is well-known in the world. It is indeed a bit awkward to let you enter the boudoir. Don't worry, you will be used in many places in the future."

"As long as you don't want to use me later in the evening." Yang Miaozhen murmured, but he knew that Song Qingshu's power was getting stronger and stronger, and there would be many opportunities to fight on the battlefield in the future, but he seemed to be a little sorry for the ancestors of the Yang family. Training.

Hearing what she said, Song Qingshu couldn't help but think of the scene that night, thinking that she was a capable person, and the feeling she used at night was indeed good.


At the same time, the line of the Red Coat Army, Yang Miaozhen easily found the middleman to talk to Xia Quan, and the group was quickly welcomed into his barracks.

Generals such as Huo Yi, Peng Yibin, etc. were inseparable, and the surrounding area was full of guards. There was even a team of thousand people waiting for orders at any time. One can imagine how cautious Xia Quan was.

"This battle is big enough, so many of you elders, are you afraid that I'm a bitch?" Yang Miaozhen glanced around, knowing that under such precautions, even with his own martial arts, it would be difficult to hurt him. Of course, Song Qingshu should be added. There is hope, but this is not the purpose of their trip.

As for Song Qingshu, she had already disguised as a soldier at this time and stayed beside her.

"Girl?" Everyone in the military account cursed secretly, wondering when you thought of yourself as a woman? Not to mention the prestige of your pear flower gun, who is not afraid of three points.

Of course, everyone did not want to show timidity on their lips. Xia Quan said with a smile: "Just because of the recent attack by Yangzhou, everyone has learned from the past, so they always wear weapons to stay vigilant, not against Si Niangzi, but also for Si Niangzi. strange."

Yang Miaozhen secretly cursed and said nonsense with his eyes open, but he didn't pierce through, and said with a smile: "I heard that the general's situation is unfavorable."

"It's just a little trick to lure Yangzhou to a decisive battle." Xia Quan could only swell his face to fill the fat man. He didn't want to talk more about this topic, and hurriedly asked, "I don't know what the Si Niangzi was here before this trip. ?"

"I want to ask about the details of my brother's previous accident." When Yang Miaozhen said this, even Song Qingshu squeezed cold sweat for her, knowing that the other party did it, but asked like this in front of him.

Sure enough, Xia Quan and the others changed their faces, but quickly concealed the past: "We are also deeply saddened by the murder of the big boss. The big boss and I discussed the alliance that day, and then left from here..." He will lie already prepared. Say it again.

"Sure enough, it's the dog legs of those golden men!" Yang Miaozhen said through gritted teeth.

Seeing that she had believed it, Xia Quan couldn't help but take a long sigh of relief. If he changed to someone else, he would still have doubts, but the Yang brothers and sisters have always had a deep hatred with the Jin Ren. When they heard that the Jin Ren was doing ghosts, the new hatred the old. Henyong is not so sensible when he is together, which is why he is looking for the golden man to hold back the pot.

Xia Quan hurriedly comforted, "Si Niangzi's grief and change, we will definitely avenge the great master."

"General Gaoyi! The younger sister thanked the general for the elder brother in advance." Yang Miaozhen bowed his hands and said.

Xia Quan hurriedly went to help her: "Si Niangzi, you are polite. Da Zhang and I are righteous brothers, and I will avenge him." At the same time, he looked at Yang Miaozhen indiscriminately, thinking that after a long time, this lady became more and more involved. It’s feminine, that small waist, that hip, that leg, tsk tsk, it must be strong enough to press under the body...

Yang Miaozhen got up in advance, and did not let him help him: "By the way, I just heard the general mention the alliance negotiated with my eldest brother. I don't know if it counts?"

Xia Quan was stunned. It was just a casual comment just now. You must know that he had agreed to numb Yang An'er before, but in the presence of so many of his subordinates, he was not easy to break his promise, and could only smile: "Of course it is still It counts."

But in my heart secretly contempt, what qualifications do you have for your defeated remnant to form an alliance? Li Quanlai is almost the same, huh?

"By the way, where is Li Quan?" Xia Quan asked curiously.

"I killed it." Yang Miaozhen said lightly.

As soon as this statement came out, everyone in the camp took out their swords. A group of people surrounded her and looked at her vigilantly.

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