Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1985: A dream of both wealth and color

Yang Miaozhen didn't care, standing calmly and calmly standing in place: "Originally planned to be in alliance with Li Quan, but this person was so daring and dare to put aphrodisiac medicine in Auntie's milk tea. After I saw it through, I naturally killed him."

What she said is true and false, and such lies are often the most difficult to see through.

Xia Quan was startled, waved his hand to signal his subordinates to put the knife away, and couldn't help but sigh: "Li Quan has been chasing you wildly these years. I didn't expect that he would do something like this now."

Yang Miaozhen stared at him as he spoke: "Actually, I have also figured it out clearly. Since it is an alliance, why not alliance with the strongest? Instead, I want to find Li Quan who is so high or low."

Noting that the other person's eyes that seemed to be talking were watery, Xia Quan couldn't help swallowing, thinking that this tigress is still quite feminine sometimes. Does she mean something to me?

Xia Quan suppressed the joy in his heart and asked, "What is the so-called Si Niangzi before this trip?"

Yang Miaozhen sighed: "Now my eldest brother is dead, and a woman of mine can't hold back the Red Coat Army. I killed Li Quan a few days ago. The group of people under Li Quan must avenge their boss. I'm in a dilemma now, so after thinking and thinking about it, I have to join Brother Xia, and hope that Brother Xia will take it in."

Seeing her rare fragile posture, Xia Quan felt a burst of ecstasy in her heart, especially when Big Brother Xia shouted that his whole body was crisp. The thousands of people under Yang Miaozhen’s hands are nothing but herself. Si Niangzi is a well-known beauty with a tall figure, slender legs, and a beautiful face like a peach and plum. Which man in the circle doesn’t want to crush her. Ravaged fiercely under him? It's a pity that she has a high status and martial arts. No one in the entire Red Coat Army can beat her, so everyone can only dream about it in the bed in the dead of night.

How can Xia Quan be upset now to hear that she actually wants to take refuge in herself? When you become the person under your own hands, don't you just do whatever you want?

The only thing worth worrying about was Yang An'er's affairs, but this matter was done very secretly by herself, and coupled with the fact that it was not her own hands, it shouldn't be a problem.

And when I think of the excitement of killing his brother and dominating his sister, is there anything happier in the world? Well, I don’t know how Yang An’er’s wife...

Seeing Yang An'er's eyes flickering, Song Qingshu kept sweeping Yang Miaozhen's body, with a licentious look in his eyes, and couldn't help but sigh. It's no wonder that the world says that heroes are sad for beauty. If Yang Miao is really a man or Yang You, Yang An'er's son, comes to him. , He can definitely consider the hidden dangers rationally, but now seeing this dream girl who thinks about it day and night, how can he judge rationally.

"What the Si Niangzi said, get up quickly." Xia Quan said as she stepped forward and tried to help her.

Yang Miaozhen stepped aside, avoiding his hand cleverly, "Thank you, Brother Xia!"

Xia Quan is not surprised. If Yang Miaozhen allowed a man to take advantage of it so easily, she would not be the Fourth Lady of Megatron: "In the future, everyone will be a family, and the eldest brother will help you get revenge, and Li Quan’s people will not dare I'll trouble you again."

"Thank you, Brother Xia," Yang Miaozhen said softly, holding back the nausea in his heart, and then immediately changed the subject, "By the way, brother, are you attacking Yangzhou?"

Xia Quan's face turned dark: "Yes." After all, he had lost a battle in Yangzhou, and his face was a little bit uncontrollable.

Noting the other person's expression that hesitated to speak, Xia Quanqi said, "Si Niangzi, do you have something to say?"

Yang Miaozhen sighed, and finally shook his head: "I'm an outsider, so I really shouldn't talk too much."

Xia Quan immediately said: "Any foreigner, everyone will be their own family in the future, but it's okay to say."

Yang Miaozhen hesitated and said, "I don't understand the purpose of Brother Xia's attack on Yangzhou."

Xia Quan replied: "Yangzhou is a well-known place of wealth in the world. If we break Yangzhou, our brothers can grab money and women..." He immediately realized that something was wrong, he laughed, and changed his words: "We will have it by then. With Yangzhou as the base area, brothers don’t have to drink northwest wind every day."

Yang Miaozhen sighed and asked, "But the question is, do you think Yangzhou can beat it?"

Xia Quan was silent for a moment. At the beginning, he had absolute confidence. As a result, Zhou Zhiruo's sudden attack was hit in the head. Not to mention the loss, the morale was much lower than before. The level of elite of the soldiers in Yangzhou was beyond their imagination. If it were not for the large number of people, the soldiers under his hands would have already dispersed.

Later, he tried to attack Yangzhou several times, but unfortunately he couldn't get in at all. Liu Yan was also very fucked, sitting by the side and watching onlookers, and never ended up personally.

"Not to mention that Yangzhou won't be able to fight, even if it is, the Golden Snake Camp reacted, and the Golden Snake King personally led the soldiers over, can you hold on to Big Brother Xia?" Yang Miaozhen continued to ask.

Xia Quan was silent. He knew himself well. He was okay to beat others by himself. He was definitely not an opponent against the golden snake king who was in full swing.

"And I heard that the nine princesses of the Golden Snake Camp have already sent reinforcements to Yangzhou. If we don't pay attention, we will become a besieged city and become an anti-siege." Yang Miaozhen continued to feed.

"What can we do? The attack on Yangzhou this time has offended the Golden Snake Camp. Even if we withdraw now, the Golden Snake King will find us to settle accounts." Xia Quan is also in a dilemma at this time. Well, retiring unwillingly again.

Hearing his loose tone, Yang Miaozhen was secretly delighted, but he didn't expect that the other party had already shaken. It seemed that he was half succeeded, and he continued: "Has Big Brother Xia ever heard the story of a cunning rabbit and a dead dog?"

Xia Quan's expression changed. Although he had no culture, he had heard the story, and roughly guessed what the other party wanted to say. In fact, Liu Wei's attitude during this period of time made him worry the same.

Yang Miaozhen said: "The line of the Golden Snake Camp and our Red Coat Army are both rebels and have always been in the same spirit. If we help the Song people defeat the Golden Snake Camp, we must have suffered heavy losses at that time. The Song people have no scruples and send troops directly. Annihilate us, who shall we look for to support when the time comes?"

"Are you looking for the Jinren? The fight with the Jinmen over the years has formed a **** feud. Qing and Jin are brothers, and naturally they won't participate. Isn't it possible for the Liao State to protect itself, let alone save us."

Xia Quan knew what he was talking about, and couldn't help feeling a little moved, but suddenly remembered something and asked: "I heard that your brothers and sisters are descendants of Tianbo Yang Mansion, why do you persuade me not to help Song people?"

Yang Miaozhen had been prepared for a long time and replied faintly: "Because I have to be responsible for the children under my hand. Over the years, everyone has spent the past few years in a sea of ​​blood, so I can't just watch them happen."

"Our rebels were originally established in response to the Northern Expedition of the Song Ting, but you have seen so many years, did Song Ting have the meaning of the Northern Expedition? The only two times were destroyed by the court's own people, not long ago. Han Tong was killed and failed in the Northern Expedition. It can be predicted that Song Ting will not make the Northern Expedition within 20 years. Can those of us really persist under the attack of various countries for another 20 years?"

"You should see Song Ting's attitude towards us over the years. We are collectively referred to as the loyal and righteous army for the court, but secretly how do they call us? We are called the Northern Army! We are never allowed to be north. The army entered the territory of Song Ting, withholding our money and food, and every time we had any dispute with the southern army, the officials turned to the southern army, and everything was blamed on us."

"Except for Xu Xiji who is slightly better for these Huaidong system, the other ones are not trying to divide and attack us rebels? Brother Xia, if I didn't expect it wrong, you will attack Yangzhou this time, I am afraid that you will not be instigated by Liu Wei. Right?"

These remarks were discussed by Yang Miaozhen and Song Qingshu on the road. At the beginning, I just wanted to touch Xia Quan, but I felt it afterwards. I was inspired by the grievances I have suffered over the years, and the more I talked about it, the more I couldn’t bear it.

However, this kind of beating is on the contrary, and it has aroused the resonance of many people present:

"It's true that I have had enough of Nanren's bird air these years."

"Yes, we fought for them, but they secretly calculated us."

"The money and food always satisfy the Southern Army first, and then leave the leftovers to us, fuck!"


Feeling the surging sentiment among his subordinates, Xia Quan's expression changed slightly: "But now we have to send the arrow on the string. Should we just retreat like this? How can we be worthy of the sacrificed soldiers?"

As a superior, he also has his considerations. As the saying goes, the thieves don’t go empty. They come with a big fanfare this time. If they go back sullenly, then he, the boss, must be a prestige sweeper. The people below may have someone to make him. The anti.

Yang Miaozhen had also been a leader for a long time, and he naturally understood his concerns. He heard the words and whispered in his ear: "Big Brother Xia, why limit his eyes to Yangzhou? Isn't there Chuzhou?"

At such a close distance, Xia Quan couldn't help but feel the breath of her breath, and Xia Quan couldn't help but feel like her heart jumped wildly: When she looks like a tigress on weekdays, she didn't expect her body to smell of rouge...

But after all, he was the hero of the party, and soon realized that business matters: "Chu Zhou?"

Yang Miaozhen said: "Now Liu Yan is sitting on the sidelines with his soldiers watching the tigers fight. He may not have the thought of killing both sides afterwards. If this is the case, it is better to take advantage of his unpreparedness and kill his team directly, so as to treat the Golden Snake Camp. With the explanation, we can get Chuzhou along the way, and let the people of Song know that we will resist when we are oppressed, so that the future system will not dare to deal with us like before and kill three birds with one stone. Happy but not for?"

Xia Quan's expression changed. He was really moved. In fact, he had failed several times in the fight against Yangzhou. He already knew that it would be difficult for him to defeat him, but it was a dilemma. Originally planned to wait until the Golden Snake Camp reinforcements reached him and then retreat, so that his face was preserved to the greatest extent, but it was a bit embarrassing to go back dingy.

Now Yang Miaozhen’s proposal made him realize that there is another way to go. Although Chuzhou is not as rich as Yangzhou, but compared to his own territory, he does not know where the rich has gone. As for Song Ting’s subsequent revenge, he is not that great. I was worried. After so many years, I knew that Song Ting's self-defense was fine. He was really a paper tiger when he went outside the border to attack.

However, he still hesitated. This time he and Liu Yan had agreed to attack Yangzhou together, and suddenly he stabbed a knife in the back, a bit unkind.

Seeing his hesitation, Yang Miaozhen continued: "Big Brother Xia can send someone to invite Liu Yan to send troops to attack Yangzhou. If he is willing to send troops, then we would best take down Yangzhou together. If he still pushes three and resists four, it is clear that it will cost us. Strength, then don’t blame us for being unrighteous if he is unkind."

Xia Quan's eyes lit up: "Okay, give him one last chance!" He immediately sent someone to deliver the letter.

Then he and Yang Miaozhen started various kinds of close-ups. After a while, Xia Quan pointedly said, "For the death of the master, some people in the rivers and lakes said it has something to do with me. What do you think of Si Niangzi?"

Song Qingshu on one side smiled slightly, thinking that this fellow was not stupid, and at this time he finally remembered the most critical question.

Yang Miaozhen said: "It's just some rumors spread by Xiao Xiao. You are my elder brother's righteous brother. How can you harm him? If I don't believe you, you won't come here."

Xia Quan laughed: "My sister is right, hahaha." After speaking, he stretched out his hand and wanted to hug her.

Hearing his tone became affectionate, Yang Miaozhen snorted, as if unconsciously stood up and just escaped his Lushan Claws: "Spreading such rumors, it seems to me that it is Li Quan's side, or Coming from Song Ting, it’s not the first time they want to separate us."

Seeing Yang Miaozhen looking at the south bitterly, Xia Quan finally breathed a sigh of relief: "Yes, it's mostly Song Ting's plan of separation and separation." This time he didn't tell lies, the whole thing was indeed encouraged by Liu Wei behind. .

"Sister, don't worry, I will take good care of you in the future." Xia Quan said.

"Yeah." Yang Miaozhen gave him a shy look.

The look in his eyes almost didn't fascinate Xia Quan. He couldn't help but said, "Hey, girl, you come here single-handedly, so you are not afraid that I am a bad person. Do you use me strong?"

Yang Miaozhen seemed to smile, and put the pear spear in her hand forward: "With this old man, I am not afraid." If there is a conflict, although she may not be able to escape with the pear spear, she will keep her innocence. Still no problem.

Seeing the glittering silver on the spear head, Xia Quan chuckled: "I'm kidding, don't mind Si Niangzi."

Yang Miaozhen put away the gun and smiled, "Big Brother Xia, I know what you want. When this happens, it will be yours sooner or later."

Xia Quan's bones were almost crumbly, and she thought that when she returned home, she not only embraced the beauty, but also got the army and territory under her command. It was really a combination of wealth.

Other people nearby also looked at him with envy and hatred. You don't know how many men coveted the beautiful rose of Si Niangzi, and now it's finally about to be picked by a man.

It didn’t take long for the person who went out to deliver the letter to come back and said Liu Yan’s reply. Before Xia Quan had spoken, Huo Yi and others under his command could not hold back: "Every time it’s just such a rhetoric. I'm shirking, wanting to watch us consume our strength."

"Yes, **** it!" Another general, Peng Yibin, couldn't stand it either.

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