Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1991: Another great master

The woman in the yellow shirt did not dare to be careless anymore, she was on guard at the moment, guarding her door with a marvelous posture.

The soft whip in Zhou Zhiruo's hand was like a silk, as if she did not weigh half of the weight, her body flickered, advancing and retreating, wandering around the woman in the yellow shirt.

Song Qingshu on the side nodded secretly, Zhou Zhiruo's body skills like the wind blowing catkins, water sending duckweed, it is really inhumane. For a moment, it is like being in a dream. I didn't expect to see her for a period of time, her martial arts has already advanced to this point.

In fact, this is not surprising at all. Zhou Zhiruo was originally the most outstanding disciple of the Emei school. It’s just that the martial arts of the Emei school has always been gradual. Therefore, although she is very young in martial arts in the younger generation, her martial arts are very good. It is difficult to contend for the best in the whole arena. However, the Nine Yin Scriptures are equivalent to opening a plug-in for her, and with her ingenuity, after getting the Nine Yin Scriptures, she will be like a tiger.

Of course, she went astray before the Lions-slaughter meeting and only wanted a quick success, so her tricks and tricks were okay to deal with ordinary masters, but she was not able to deal with real top masters. Later, he realized that he carefully practiced the Jiuyin Scriptures from the basics, and now martial arts has made a qualitative leap.

The last time I saw her, she had already practiced the Jiuyin Scriptures proficiently. After seeing her this time, she found that she seemed to faintly integrate the martial arts of the Jiuyin Scriptures with the martial arts of the Emei School. Although she did not achieve great success, she entered one. In the new realm, it is no wonder that the girl in the yellow shirt suffered a small loss under the carelessness.

However, the girl in Huangshan is a closed disciple of Huang Chang. With his personal guidance, her proficiency in the Jiuyin Scriptures will only be higher than that of Zhou Zhiruo. I saw that her whole person is erratic and dynamic, and it is infinitely changeable. The martial arts of the Jiuyin Scriptures were originally martial arts. He tends to be treacherous, but when she is used to it, she descends like a fairy, and her gestures are full of fairy spirit.

She flickered, and she was getting closer and closer to Zhou Zhiruo unknowingly. Suddenly she took the long whip from the opponent's hand when she flipped her wrist. In the last lion slaughter meeting, she also took the long whip from the opponent's hand, and then elbowed her. She hit the key points in her chest, and then used Jiuyin's white bone claws to stop the opponent.

The same effect this time, but she couldn't be happy, because it was too easy to take the long whip, as easy as the other party asked her to take it deliberately. From the previous fight, she had already judged that Zhou Zhiruo's martial arts was definitely not under her, and there was no reason why she could easily seize it.

However, although she was shocked, she was not chaotic. Fighting at such a close distance just happened to be able to exert the power of Jiuyin White Bone Claw to the extreme. Although the other party could also do this martial arts, she didn't think her attainments could be better than her own.

Turning his palm to grasping, Jiuyin's white bone claws instantly grabbed Zhou Zhiruo's whole body at the key points.

It was just that a snow-white light suddenly burst out in front of her eyes, and she felt a sense of unbearable sharpness. The woman in the yellow shirt was shocked and hurriedly retreated.

"Acceptance." Zhou Zhiruo said lightly with the sword in its sheath.

The woman in the yellow shirt hung her hands next to her, and a drop of blood fell on her slender, crystal-clear fingers, but she didn't care, and stared at the sword in her hand: "Heavenly Sword?"

"Not bad." Zhou Zhiruo couldn't help showing a trace of joy on his cold and frosty face after defeating his opponents all the time.

The woman in the yellow shirt was a little uncomfortable: "With the weapon of the gods, there is no way to win." If she knew from the beginning that the other party would use the Heavenly Sword, how could she lose so easily? This time all her energy was to guard against the opponent's white python whip technique and nine-yin white bone claws. How could she expect that the other party was only using this as a guise, but actually hiding the ultimate move of Yitian sword?

Zhou Zhiruo sneered: "You just gave you the opportunity to take a weapon. You asked me to fight with me empty-handed. Who is the blame?"

The woman in the yellow shirt is bitter in her heart. In fact, with her martial arts, it doesn’t matter whether she has weapons or not. Although her ten fingers are not as strong as steel, they are not much worse. They won’t suffer from the enemy’s weapons, but These weapons do not include peerless magical weapons such as Yitianjian Tulongdao.

Song Qingshu took a step forward at this time and said: "Miss Yang, Zhiruo has kept her hand just now, so I think you know it too."

The woman in the yellow shirt bit her lip, but did not refute. If Zhou Zhiruo hadn't kept her hand, she could use the sharpness of the Heavenly Sword to cut off one of her fingers at that moment.

Song Qingshu continued: "On the battlefield, life and death are fighting each other, and strategy is also a kind of strength. If Miss Yang struggles with this strategy, she may suffer a big loss in the future."

The girl in the yellow shirt was shocked. She was indeed a little uncomfortable. In fact, even if Zhou Zhiruo's martial arts is advancing by leaps and bounds, even if she has the Heavenly Sword, she is still confident that she will not lose to the other party, and now she heard Song Qingshu's words, and she was shocked: "Thank you for your guidance. ."

Then he bowed to Zhou Zhiruo: "Zhou Sect, I lost this time, but see you next time, it won't be so easy for you to win for me."

Zhou Zhiruo said lightly: "I'll talk about the next thing next time."

The woman in the yellow shirt knew that she didn’t like herself because of the lion slaughter meeting, so she didn’t care about it. Instead, she said to Song Qingshu, “Big Brother Song, since I lost the bet this time, I’ll take the first step and look forward to Song Qingshu. The eldest brother remembered the promise he made, and set off for Wudang as soon as possible in two days." After speaking, he went away.

Looking at her back, Song Qingshu wondered if she just left? Don't you go back and be alone with Yang Miaozhen? Worse, if she sees Yang Miaozhen lying on the bed now, no matter how pure she is, she knows what happened.

Huh? What if I know it, why am I so guilty?

"Everyone is gone, they are still watching," Zhou Zhiruo didn't know when she came to him, with a joking expression, "If you can't bear it, you can catch up."

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly: "Zhiruo laughed, I'm just a little worried about the safety of her trip."

"She has such a high level of martial arts, what is there to worry about," Zhou Zhiruo curled her lips, "and a mouthful of'Big Brother Song'~, she shouted so affectionately in front of me, she just tried to **** me off." She learned just now. The tone of the woman in the yellow shirt was imitated vividly.

Song Qingshu was speechless, and at the same time he was a little strange. The girl in the yellow shirt did change her name just now. Is it really what Zhiruo said? Hey, women are so terrible, they always set up sets...

"By the way, what did you promise her?" Zhou Zhiruo asked suspiciously when she thought of the woman in the yellow shirt when she was leaving.

"Not promised her, but promised her master..." The two of them walked back and told her about the trip to Wudang.

"No wonder I think it's weird that Zhao Gou suddenly went to Wudang Mountain to pay homage to the sky. It turned out to be so." The two returned to the account, Zhou Zhiruo naturally undressed Song Qingshu and hung his coat aside, "Right, you are here. Will it be dangerous, or I will accompany you."

"No, you still need to sit here in Yangzhou City. Secondly, there will be great masters on Wudang Mountain. You won't be able to help if you go, and it's dangerous." Song Qingshu replied and sighed secretly. When there were no outsiders, Zhou Zhiruo's behavior became more and more like a wife at home.

"Grandmaster..." Zhou Zhiruo poured a cup of tea for him, and sat down at the table with a look of fascination, "How many grandmasters are there in this world?"

"It shouldn't be much," Song Qingshu replied, "For example, Huang Chang and the drunk monk are all legendary old monsters. The dragons see their heads and ends all day long, and they don't know where they are hiding, let alone who they are. Dead or alive, it is really difficult to count their numbers."

"Old monster?" Zhou Zhiruo glanced at her husband in a weird way, and couldn't help pursing her lips. "Are you an old monster?"

"I'm different," Song Qingshu frowned, "I am the protagonist."

"Bah, you are an old pervert." Zhou Zhiruo took a sip.

Looking at his wife's delicate and vulgar face in the candlelight, it was a little more charming than usual, Song Qing couldn't help holding her soft and soft palms: "Zhiruo, you are so beautiful."

Yang Miaozhen's enthusiasm is as bright as a flame, but Zhou Zhiruo's style like the beginning of the ice and snow is equally charming.

Zhou Zhiruo's face flushed, and her delicate body nestled in his arms: "Qing Shu, Wudang and his party are so dangerous, I'm really worried about you, or you can bring Yitian Sword with you."

Song Qingshu shook his head: "For my current martial arts, there is no difference between having a sword and not having a sword. It is better to stay with you to ensure your safety."

Zhou Zhiruo thought for a moment, and then suddenly said: "Since my martial arts can't help you this time, then you call Sister Dongfang to go with you, and you two will be together, so I can rest assured." Counting the sisters around, her own martial arts is already top-notch. Now, Ah Jiu and her are just first-in-class, and most of them couldn’t intervene in the Wudang battle, but at the beginning, in the Forbidden City, he and Dongfang Muxue jointly assassinated Kangxi. The other party’s martial arts impressed her very much, especially when she knew she had Her identity is extremely convincing to her strength.

"It's really a husband and wife, I just thought of going together." Song Qingshu smiled slightly. This time he told the woman in the yellow shirt that he would spend a few more days with his wife. Of course, he wouldn't be the one who lingered in the tender homeland and ignored major events, but just came to delay. For a while, let Zhao Go and Jia Sidao consume more, so that he can take advantage of the fishermen's benefits; secondly, it is to support her and find helpers. After all, the identity of Dongfang Muxue cannot be known by the yellow shirt woman. .

Zhou Zhiruo blinked and asked curiously: "Is Sister Dongfang really reached the realm of the great master?"

Song Qingshu looked at the north direction, revealing a hint of memory: "She didn't reach it before, but with me...cough cough, now it should have been reached." At the beginning Dongfang Muxue was seriously injured, and finally he cured it with the Tantric double cultivation method. , Not only restored the peak strength, but also absorbed half of his internal strength, and has already taken a step further.

"That's good," Zhou Zhiruo breathed a sigh of relief. There are two great masters taking care of each other. Even if Wudang Mountain is Longtan Tiger Den, there is no need to worry about their safety. "When are you going to leave?"

"Tomorrow morning, time is a bit tight." Of course, Song Qingshu could not hang around Zhou Zhiruo for a few days as he said to the girl in the yellow shirt.

Zhou Zhiruo said: "Then let's rest early."

Song Qingshu's scalp tightened. He had only fought against Yang Miaozhen in many battles before. He was not a god, so how could he recover his vitality so quickly?

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