Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1992: Uncertain Faceless and General

Zhou Zhiruo's face suddenly blushed, and she whispered: "Tonight, let's talk about it, I...that's coming."

Song Qingshu was worrying, and he was relieved when he heard what she said: "That's good, that's good."

"Huh?" Zhou Zhiruo looked at him suspiciously, this reaction was a bit wrong.

Song Qingshu chuckled, and hurriedly said, "It happens that we have been apart for so long. I have a lot to say to you."

Zhou Zhiruo pursed her mouth and smiled: "I don't have much to say here in Yangzhou. Let me talk about what happened next to you, and what other sisters we have added to our family. I always want to let me know."

"You are my wife. Naturally, there is no need to hide this from you..." Song Qingshu did not hide, and slowly explained the various things that happened after leaving Yangzhou with Zhao Min. Of course, Yang Miaozhen didn’t say anything about it for the time being. After all, Zhou Zhiruo is far away from each other, and even if Zhou Zhiruo knows it, she won't say anything, but Yang Miaozhen is so close, in case something really happens, it won't end well.

Hearing all kinds of things happening around him, Zhou Zhiruo was nervous for a while and sighed. After a long time, she exclaimed: "Your experience is richer than that of others in ten lifetimes. I really want to be by your side and experience this world with you. wonderful."

Song Qingshu hugged her delicate body and said apologetically: "It is really hard for you to ask you to help me deal with Yangzhou's government affairs."

"What's the hard work, I enjoy it," Zhou Zhiruo sneered, "You don't have to be nervous, I won't go with you, if I stay by your side at any time, how can our Song elder son get involved? Grass."

Song Qingshu has a black line: "You know I didn't mean that."

"Okay, I don't blame you," Zhou Zhiruo sighed, "I told you my attitude before. Now since you are going to compete in the world, if you can provoke some powerful forces or be useful to your great cause Not only do I have no objection to the women of the country, but I welcome them, such as the Fourth Lady in the Red Coat Army."

"You mean Miss Yang..." Song Qingshu opened his mouth, and as he was about to say something, Zhou Zhiruo gave him a white look:

"I'm not deaf. You used to fight so ambiguously at the banquet that made the whole audience boil, even if I was meditating, I could hear it."

Song Qingshu smirked: "That was all caused by other people."

Zhou Zhiruo sighed: "Although Si Niangzi doesn't use Fendai on weekdays, she is a woman after all, and she still has some fragrance on her body. Although you are full of alcohol now, women are most sensitive to the smell of other women."

Song Qingshu looked embarrassed: "Zhi Ruo..."

Zhou Zhiruo reached out and pressed his lips: "You don't have to feel guilty. Yang Miaozhen has great prestige in the Red Coat Army, and he is also a famous general. He is a rare talent. If you didn't catch her in your hand, I would instead. I'm going to talk about you."

Song Qingshu sighed: "The world says that a successful man must have a great woman behind him. What can I do to get a wife like this?"

Zhou Zhiruo curled her lips: "There are obviously a group of women behind you."

Song Qingshu: "..."

Fortunately, Zhou Zhiruo didn't want to delve into this issue, so she quickly moved away from the subject and asked him about the various places in Sichuan, Xixia and other places. He didn't know how long they talked, and eventually the two hugged each other to sleep.

Early the next morning, Song Qingshu bid farewell to Zhou Zhiruo and Yang Miaozhen, and headed north day and night. This time Huang Chang invited him on a whim as a precaution, but he felt that the three great masters might not be enough.

If it wasn't too late, he even planned to go to Ludingshan to invite Sunflower ancestors to assist in the boxing. At the beginning, he and Dongfang Muxue drew, mainly because he was too old, which caused the realm to regress. In the past few years, he inhaled the dragon gas in Ludingshan. Without accident, he must have restored the realm of Grand Master, absolutely unfathomable.

"Dragon Qi, this illusory thing, really exists, can it be refined?" Song Qingshu was wondering about this problem along the way, but later thought that the Huanxi Zhenqi he practiced and the Taixuanjing was full of fantasy, but he was relieved. .

"If you find an opportunity, you must ask your ancestors about this issue." Song Qingshu thought to himself that after the management of herself and Dongfang Muxue in the past few years, Man Qing's vitality is probably approaching, and most of the sunflower ancestors don't have much dragon spirits. Happy days.

Is it because of our reasons that the Manchu Qi is almost exhausted, or the Sunflower Ancestor broke the Manchu dragon vein and helped us? Song Qingshu couldn't understand it all the time, just like the chicken or the egg came first.


The camera moved to Zhao Gou's side, and a group of people drove up along the river. When passing Ezhou, someone wrote to pay homage to Yue Fei. After all, Ezhou was the base camp of the Yue family army back then, and Zhao Gou Longyan was furious.

Although the murderer of Yue Fei was nominally Qin Hui, Wan Qiandao and others, these people had his approval, so this matter has always been a thorn in his heart.

The vindication of Yue Fei before was also due to the stimulating situation of public sentiment. He desperately pushed Wan Tongmao and others as scapegoats, but in his heart he may not be willing, and now someone openly invites him to worship Yue Fei?

But after all, he still had some sense of reason. Although he didn't go, he sent someone there in the end, so as not to cause public opinion again.

Then, without staying in Ezhou, he directly led everyone along the Han River northward, all the way to Xiangyang.

Looking at the looming city of Xiangyang, King Yi on the other ship smiled, and finally arrived! During this time, he was under tremendous psychological pressure, and he will soon have an understanding.

"Master, it's not that there is no chance along the way, why do you have to do it on Wudang Mountain?" King Yi's confidant Yu Tianxi asked in a low voice.

King Yi replied: "Firstly, he will leave the army only after going up to Wudang Mountain. Wudang is a Taoist holy land, and it is impossible for the army to go up the mountain together; secondly, opportunities in other places are fleeting, and the time and place are uncertain. , The ghost villas are all big people that I can't offend, how can they drive them back and forth? So in general, only Wudang Mountain is the best place to do it."

"No face, will the generals really come here as promised? If they don’t have anyone, our all-time plan will fall short." Yu Tianxi was worried. The identity of those people, let alone the lord as the prince , Even the emperor can't drive it, once a little mistake is made, people like himself will be forever.

"They will definitely come, because they all have a reason to come." Looking at the distant sky, King Yi's tone was full of confidence.

The group soon arrived in Xiangyang. The envoy of the Jinghu system, Lu Wende, the comfort envoy of Jinghu Hubei Road Xiang Shibi, the prefect of Xiangyang Lu Wenhuan, the prefect of Jiangling Ling Tuisi, the prefect of Ezhou Cao Shixiong, the military capital of Huangzhou Wuding governed Fan Wenhu, and the deputy capital of Jing E Tong Gaoda Waiting for the local officials, they have already come to greet them.

"I heard that Guo Jing's home is also in the city of Xiangyang?" Zhao Gou suddenly asked after seeing officials at all levels.

"General Guo's whereabouts are unknown, and now only his daughter and two apprentices are in the Guo Mansion." Lu Wende replied.

Zhao Gou said lightly: "Bring her to see me."——

Note: In the first few chapters of the novel, when describing the outline of the world, it was assumed that the Lu brothers passed through the Jinghu Lake and Lianghuai separately. This is obviously unreasonable, so the Lu brothers were changed to pass through the Jinghu Theater together.

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