Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1995: Lead the snake out of the hole

In the early morning of the second day, Shengjia moved to Wudang Mountain. Wang Ziteng led his guards to set up defenses at the foot of the mountain to ensure that no enemy troops would suddenly appear nearby. Then Shizhubanzhi in front of the temple deployed defenses along the Wudang Goatgut Trail. The mysterious belt imperial equipment stayed by Zhao Gou's side to ensure the emperor's safety and security.

Since it was a sacrifice to the heavens, it was naturally inconvenient for Zhao Gou to sit in a soft sedan chair. In order to show his sincerity, he walked up the mountain all the way.

The road to Wudang Mountain is far less steep than the Huashan plank road. In addition, in recent years, Zhang Sanfeng’s name has been there, and emperors of various countries have scolded him for huge funding to build Wudang. Even the road to the mountain is full of bluestone steps, so it is not difficult to walk. .

For this reason, Zhao Gou still walked out of breath. He didn’t know that he stopped and rested many times along the way. The ministers who accompanied him did not dare to say a word at all. Many people pretended to be unable to climb because of his good looks. .

"The official body is getting worse and worse. A few years ago, didn't you feel good enough?"

"I'm afraid it was the root cause of the disease that escaped from the search for mountains and seas in the Kingdom of Jin in the past. Hasn't this been no offspring?"

"I don't know how long the officials can last."

"Fortunately, a few years ago, I chose the clan and adopted two sons. Now the crown prince has been decided. If there is something good or bad, the country can basically keep it."

"It's a pity that the king of Yi is talented and intelligent. The key is to be a courteous and virtuous corporal, much more stable than the prince."

"It's really a pity that the two clan families were chosen in the palace back then. King Yi also had a great chance to inherit the Datong. I don't know why the prince was elected in the palace."

"This time the officials came out to worship the heavens, didn't they also bring the King Yi, I think the official family also favors King Yi, and the throne may not be hopeless by then."


These remarks were not known how many times the ministers had communicated in private, so now everyone can read their meanings with just one look, and there is no need to put them in words.

Climbing halfway up the mountain, Zhao Gou looked back at the scenery between the clouds and mist. He only felt that his field of vision was broad. He couldn't help but sighed: "It's really like a fairy mansion." The hard work of climbing all the way was wiped out at this moment.

However, when he looked up and saw the three words "Prince Po" on the plaque not far away, the smile on his face instantly solidified, and suddenly became a little gloomy and terrifying.

Prince Slope was built by the previous emperor, and there is a bronze statue of the prince reading in the temple. It is the only place to study and pray for blessings in Wudang Mountain. Scholars from all over the world came to carefully observe the Prince's demeanor in reading, and earnestly understood the Prince's concentration in reading, so that they can have new inspiration and understanding of learning, in order to achieve academic success.

Zhao Gou also knows these reasons, but when he thinks that he was not a prince in the past, and that the prince is not his biological son, it is hard for him to be happy.

The ministers heard him praise it as a fairyland on earth, and there were still many flatterers who followed him, but they noticed that his face was not good, and none of them said anything.

"Let's go!" Zhao Gou originally planned to rest here, but now he is still in the mood, and he just keeps going up.

When the officials saw the words of Prince Po, they guessed a bit, thinking that the official's heart disease was really serious. Before climbing the mountain so tired, they were so angry that they are now climbing the mountain as if there is nothing wrong with them.

After that, the atmosphere of the whole team became a lot dull, and they had already climbed up the mountain unknowingly.

Yin Liting led the Wudang sect disciples to meet and drive at the gate of Zixiao Palace. This is only Wudang Mountain that has this honor. For other sects, not to mention meeting in Xiangyang, at least it should be at the foot of the mountain. It's just Taoism. People pay attention to quietness and inaction, coupled with the need to maintain the mysterious image of immortals, so the emperors in the past dynasties have to have all the attitudes they should have when they ask for immortals. If you are too enthusiastic, you will be half immortal. No, how can the emperor believe you?

Of course, the Wudang Sect does not need to learn from the old Taoist priests, but now there is a recognized land **** sitting on the mountain, so that the whole Wudang Sect has a corresponding attitude up and down. Naturally, it disdains the flattering state of the general sect.

"Why is it only you, Zhang Zhenren, and Song Daxia and Yu Erxia?" Zhao Go asked meaningfully even though he roughly guessed what was going on.

Yin Liting really showed the color of struggling, and it took a long time to reply: "Master is in retreat, and Senior Brother and Second Senior Brother also discussed with Master, so..."

The **** on the side couldn't help but come out and scolded: "You Wudang Mountain are so brave. The court has already sent people to notify you. As a result, you all avoided seeing them. Did you put the official family in your eyes?"

Yin Liting looked embarrassed: "Don't dare, it's just that when the post from the palace was delivered, Master and the others had already closed up, and this time the relationship is critical, and they can't come out before it's finished."

"Really?" Zhao Gou waved his hand to stop the **** from continuing to scold, "Then I don't know where Zhang Zhenren is in retreat and what is so important to study?"

Yin Liting replied: "When I returned to the official house, the master and his elders were in retreat in the back mountain and studied and perfected the Zhenwu seven-cutting formation with my senior."

"Zhenwu seven cuts?" Zhao Gou frowned and glanced at the guard.

With the imperial weapons, Ding Dian has been around the rivers and lakes for the longest time. He naturally understands the affairs of the rivers and lakes better than others. He stepped forward and replied: "Going back to the official house, the Zhenwu Seven Sections are the tortoises and snakes in front of Zhang Zhenren’s statue of Zhenwu. Sense, created a magical martial arts, but the martial arts evolved from the majestic tortoises and snakes, two mountains and mountains can not be performed by one person at the same time. So he passed on a set of martial arts to each of the seven disciples. , Each has its subtle and subtle points. If the two of them work together, the offensive and defensive makeup will be greatly increased. If the three of them work together, the power is twice as powerful as the two of them... and so on, the Wudang Seven Heroes work together. , Which is equivalent to sixty-four first-class players in the world at the same time."

"Oh?" Zhao Gou's expression moved, "Since there is such a magical formation, why do we still need to study in closed-doors?"

Yin Liting replied: "The officials do not know that this formation requires the same envoy of seven people to perform. It is a pity that the fifth brother died of suicide, and the third brother was injured by Dali Jingang's leg bone, and finally healed it, the seventh brother. Something happened again..."

Zhao Gouqi said: "I just said that the power of the two people is doubled, and the power of the three people is doubled. There are at least four or five people now. Can you still use it?"

Yin Liting replied: "I did use it once before. That time, I and Senior Brother, Second Senior Brother, Fourth Senior Brother because of misunderstandings and Wuji... We fought against Mingjiao Master Zhang, but we were defeated by four enemies and one. The reason for the weird tricks, but the four of us teamed up and still failed so badly, let the master and his old man realize that there are defects in the Zhenwu seven cuts, so these years have been thinking about the perfect method, and it was not until not long ago that he had inspiration. So I called the senior brother and the second senior brother of martial arts to go and improve together."

Zhao Gou frowned. He heard what he said was justified and well-founded, as if he was telling the truth, but he knew about Jia Sidao. Since he chose to do it in Wudang Mountain, how could he let Zhang Sanfeng and the Wudang heroes go? Regardless of?

Unless Zhang Sanfeng and the Wudang faction took refuge in Jia Sidao... but this idea was extinguished by him as soon as he came up. If Zhang Sanfeng could be bought, he would not become a land immortal respected by all countries in the world.

"After I finish offering sacrifices to the heavens, let's visit Zhenren Zhang again." As if feeling the cold wind on the top of the mountain, Zhao Gou couldn't stop coughing, and then signaled the officials of the Ministry of Rites to prepare for the sacrifices to the heavens together with the Wudang disciples.

In fact, there is nothing to prepare. The officials who should be prepared have already come to prepare in advance, and soon it will be Zhao Go's turn to take the stage meticulously prepared by the academician.

During the whole process, some ordinary officials and low-level disciples of Wudang looked excited, but only a few insiders were tightly pressed by the big stone in their hearts, and they dared not relax for a moment.

Yin Liting looked at the way up the mountain several times, with a sad expression on his face. If Qingshu cannot rush back in time, I am afraid that Wudang will experience unprecedented disaster this time.

The whole process lasted for several hours, and the audience was in a solemn atmosphere. Although many people were slanderous about what Zhao Go had done in recent years, people in this era respect ghosts and gods, but there is no one. Dare to show something strange.

After the sacrifice to the sky was completed, Zhao Gou said to the people around him: "Unsurprisingly, they shouldn't do it when the sacrifice is to the sky."

Li Yanshi nodded, lowered his voice and replied: "There are many people at the sacrifice to the sky. It is indeed not a good time." If the assassin is from the Kingdom of Jin, you don't need to care about it, but this time the opponent's ultimate goal is to aim at the throne. Come, if you kill the king in full view, no one can afford such a reputation.

"Since they don't have a chance, then I will give them a chance." Zhao Gou snorted coldly.

Li Yanshi hurriedly persuaded: "Officials think twice. Now they are not to the point of breaking the net. At this time, they are going down the mountain and there is an army escort. Everything is still too late."

Zhao Gou said in a deep voice, "After planning for so long, how can I give up when things come to an end."

Ignoring Li Yanshi’s persuasion, I sent someone to invite Yin Liting: “It’s not easy for me to go out of the palace. Wudang is also a thousand miles away from Lin’an. I don’t know if I will have the chance to see Zhang Zhenren again in this life, so can I bother Yin Liuxia? Zhang Zhenren come here."

Listening to his sincere words, now his trembling appearance, which looks like a prince of a country, but like an ordinary old man, Yin Liting can't bear it: "If the official is so sincere, if you change to the past, the family teacher will definitely come. But now he can't get away... Master will definitely go to see the official after he leaves the customs, why should the official be rushing for a while." After a pause, he couldn't help but add in a low voice: "The official body of ten thousand gold It is better to return to the palace early and sit in the capital."

Hearing his semantic pun and secretly reminding him, Zhao Gou was a little surprised, but now that the matter is now, how can he retreat: "Since Zhang Zhenren is in retreat and has no time to clone himself, then I will personally go to the Houshanzhulin Xiaoyuan. Visit the real person, even if Zhang Zhenren can’t come out, it’s good to teach through the door."

After speaking, he asked the accompanying officials to stay here to deal with the remaining red tape of the sacrifice, and he took the imperial guards and found a Wudang disciple to lead the way, and went back to the mountain.

Yin Liting gritted his teeth and wanted to persuade him again. Suddenly, a person stood in front of him: "Yin Liuxia don't have to worry. The official family is the emperor of the true dragon, and there must be a sky full of gods and Buddhas. Naturally, the evil spirits can't hurt him."

I looked up and found a red-faced monk looking at him with a smile. Yin Liting was shocked. In recent years, he has been mentored by his master and his brothers, and he has made great progress in practicing martial arts. Strong and weak.

He had already felt the power and blood of the few imperial weapons around the emperor before. Among the Wudang knights, only the senior brother and the second senior brother could barely compete with them, but the monk in front of him clearly stood here, but he He didn't feel the presence of the other party. It was not that he had never felt that way. It was every time he faced the master.

Could this person be an existence comparable to a master? But when did Shaolin Temple have more such masters?

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