Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1996: Qingben beauty, how can you be a thief

No wonder Yin Liting was surprised. In the past few years, Wudang and Shaolin have always been at odds. Starting from Shaolin scolding Master as a traitor, the fifth brother was forced to **** himself and brought the contradiction to the highest point.

As an imaginary enemy, the people of the Wudang faction also did a detailed study of the Shaolin faction. Although there are many masters in Shaolin, the Wudang Seven Heroes are not bad. Coupled with the existence of Zhang Sanfeng's level of immortality, Shaolin has always been extremely jealous. Even Xuancheng, the thirteen absolute **** monk who made a loud noise, was far behind Zhang Sanfeng. It wasn't until a mysterious sweeping monk suddenly appeared in the past two years that the highest-end force could barely contend with Wudang.

But Yin Liting had seen the sweeping monk, who was obviously different from the red-faced monk in front of him, and suddenly knew that Shaolin had two figures of this level, and Yin Liting was immediately worried.

When he was thinking about it, a group of people had already arrived in the small courtyard of the bamboo forest in Houshan, but they were soon stopped by the Taoist boy in front of the door, "Master Tai is in retreat and no foreign guests are seen.

An **** stepped forward and screamed, "Keep your eyes open and see clearly, this is our Da Song official, the ninth-five-year-old man, is he an ordinary foreigner?"

"This..." Seeing such a large group of people, coming over aggressively, the two Dao Tongs were also a little frustrated for a while, but they were afraid to let each other in because of their duties.

"Uncle Six!" Seeing Yin Liting, the two Taoist boys hurriedly called out as if they had seen the savior.

Yin Liting also hesitated, and finally sighed, "Let them in, let me ask Master again."

The two Taoist children hurriedly stepped aside as if they were amnesty. Zhao Gou led a group of people into the yard. Because the yard was too small to accommodate so many people, the other guards just surrounded the yard and guarded them. The equipment and a few servants were with him.

Of course, there was a wine-fighting monk with him. As for Huang Chang, he didn't know where he was hiding.

The yard is very simple, with a few bamboos, a small pool, and a few huts. Everyone was curious at first. The well-known Zhang Zhenren actually lives in such a simple place, but after another thought, this is normal. If he lives in Wealthy The stately place is disappointing.

"What's the noise outside the door?" As everyone looked around, a faint voice came from the middle cabin.

Yin Liting hesitated for a moment, and still stepped forward and replied, "If you return to Master, the official family will come to Wudang Mountain to worship the sky, and I want to see you."

Not far away, Zhao Gou frowned slightly. Listening to his call, is it really Zhang Sanfeng inside? If Zhang Sanfeng is here, coupled with the guarding power around him, how can those careerists dare to do it?

"Pan Dao has now reached a critical juncture. It is really inconvenient to salute and meet each other. I hope the officials will forgive me." The inside voice rang again.

"Is the person inside really Zhang Sanfeng?" Zhao Go asked the people around him in a low voice.

The guards looked at each other. They hadn’t seen Zhang Sanfeng, so naturally they couldn’t tell, or the brewing monk opened his mouth and said, “The voice is quite old, but it’s impossible to tell from the sound. As for his qi machine, it’s rumored that Zhang Sanfeng’s earthly body is immortal. , I have reached the state of returning to innocence, I can't feel it, and it's normal."

Zhao Gou nodded, and stepped forward and said to the room, "In recent years, the court has allocated a lot of funds to Wudang Mountain. The emperors of the past dynasties have done a lot of repairs to the Zixiao Palace. In this respect, I am not inferior to a few emperors, and this The next time I came to Wudang Mountain in person for a long time, but the real person didn’t even want to see each other. Isn’t it justified? Is it because you are dissatisfied with the court or me?"

Hearing his language gradually becoming tougher, Yin Liting's color changed slightly, and he glanced at the cabin worriedly.

In the house

Falling into silence, after a long time, the voice came again, "This time it’s the poor Dao, it’s not, but the poor Dao is now at a critical moment in retreat, and can’t come out in person, so I can only trouble the officials to come in and meet. The poor Dao’s cultivation reaches the critical moment. I don’t want to be disturbed by other people, but I hope the officials will do it well."

When everyone heard that the other party wanted Zhao Go to go in alone, their discoloration changed. Li Yanshi hurriedly stopped Zhao Gou, "Officials, be careful, it's a trap, don't take risks."

If this is the case in normal times, Zhang Sanfeng's remarks are reasonable. People in the rivers and lakes will not be disturbed the most when they practice at the critical moment. It is already extraordinarily good to see Zhao Go alone, and there is no reason to let many people in.

However, many people in the field know why they came to Wudang Mountain this time, knowing that there will be a big battle, the string in anyone's heart is tense. At this time, Zhang Sanfeng's move is obviously like Jia Sidao. The killing bureau.

In fact, Li Yanshi's persuasion is superfluous. Although Zhao Gou has absolute confidence in this action, he is not a fool. How can he go in alone when the situation is unknown?

After Zhang Sanfeng finished speaking in the room, the door of the room automatically opened a gap to show the invitation, and then the room fell silent. The guards around Zhao Gou stood on tiptoes and looked in from the crack of the door, but it was a pity that there were screens blocking them and they couldn't see anything.

In the dilemma, there was a commotion in the distance, and occasionally faintly heard screams. Zhao Gou couldn't help frowning and said, "What happened outside?"

The guards had long gone out to search for information, and soon came back to report, "Going back to the official's house, someone rushed up from the mountain."

Zhao Gou was furious, "How did Wang Ziteng guard the perimeter and let people break to the foot of the mountain!"

After losing his temper, he remembered that there was still a key question that he didn’t ask, "How many people are there?" But he didn’t worry too much. Although Wudang Mountain was not as steep as Hua Mountain, the trails along the way were all covered with Dianqian Zhizhu. The master of, is condescending, no matter how many people there are, they can’t use it.

"There is only one person," the guard replied bitterly.

"There is only one person?" Zhao Gou was startled first, then furious, "A mere man made such a big noise."

The most elite troops of the Song Dynasty were elected to the Forbidden Army, and the elite of the Forbidden Army were selected as the Guardsmen, and the most elite of the Guardsmen were chosen as Zhubanzhi to guard the emperor.

At that time, Xu Ning, a coach of the golden gun class, fell into the rivers and lakes and became a bandit. He was the second place among the eight hussars in Liangshan Mountain, and the reputation of the golden gunners was majestic all over the world.

The Golden Gun Class is just one of the squads, and its status in the squads is only at a middle level. It can be seen how crouching tiger, hidden dragon is in front of the temple.

With so many masters, defending by danger, but being stunned by one person, how can Zhao Go not be angry?

"That man's martial arts is very high..." The guard showed a look of fear, "and he seems to be capable of sorcery. When he raises his hand, a blood hole will appear in the brother who is several feet away. Coupled with the terrain, we can't do it. It formed an encirclement against him and couldn't give play to the advantage of numbers, so he was beaten all the way up."

Zhao Gou's face was ugly. Originally, he wanted to take advantage of the danger to prevent the opponent's numerical advantage. Unexpectedly, the terrain would eventually become the opponent's advantage, causing his own numerical advantage to be unable to be used.

"Which sorcery is it, it should be a concealed long-range attack martial arts, Shaolin's Wuxiangjiuzhi or Dali's six-channel divine sword?" The wine fighting monk muttered to himself.

Yin Liting couldn't help but glanced at him, wondering if he was not from Shaolin?

"The visitor is a clean old man, not like a person from Shaolin or Dali." The guard replied.

Li Yanshi said at this time, "Officials rest assured, unless the person is a great master, no matter how high his martial arts is, he will not be able to break through the defenses of the straight brothers."

As the oldest imperial weapon, his knowledge is naturally extraordinary. He is most aware of the strength of Shi Zhubanzhi in front of the palace. He was caught off guard just now, and when he reacted, the opponent would definitely not be able to ask for anything.

Sure enough, as his voice just fell, the noisy and rioting voice over there gradually lowered, apparently gradually controlling the situation.

"Not a great master." Zhao Gou secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Although he knew that Jia Sidao would most likely invite a great master to come this time, it would be great to have one less.

But his smile froze quickly because he heard the sound of the waves.

A picture appeared in my mind, the tide slowly approached in the distance, and the approach was getting faster, and then the flood was raging, the white waves connected to the mountains, while the tide water leaped and whales floated, the wind roared on the sea, the gulls flew, and the water monsters or sea monsters, Groups of demons make the tide, and then icebergs float up, and the sea is like boiling, and they can do everything they can to change. When the tide retreats, the level is like a mirror, but the seabed is turbulent and undercurrents, hiding in a silent place.

"Wudang Mountain is located inland, how can there be the sound of waves?" Ding Dian and other guards were puzzled.

Suddenly, the sound of the majestic waves changed, became erratic, and became lingering, as if there was a beautiful mermaid in the sea smiling, whispering, soft and supple.

Ding Dian heard it for a while, his face was red, his veins were open, his heart was shaking, and he wanted to jump up and dance for a while, his heart was shocked, "No, this is not the sound of the waves, this is the sound of flute!"

The sound of the hole flute is erratic and lingering, like a woman sighing, moaning, and whispering softly and softly.

Knowing that Ding Dian knew it was wrong, he couldn't help but think of the sweet days with Ling Shuanghua over the years, and of his wife's soft and greasy skin, as gentle as water...

Fortunately, his divine illumination skill has been achieved, and there is still a trace of sobriety in the spiritual platform. He remembers that he is now protecting the emperor's safety and cannot tolerate any children's affairs. He hurriedly adjusted his breath and finally gradually awoke.

It was only then that the whole person was flushed, his back was wet with sweat, and the others next to him were even more unbearable. They were dancing and dancing like crazy. Only a few of them could barely hold on to themselves with imperial equipment, but their expressions were painful. Obviously Already reaching the limit.

Ding Dian was taken aback, and hurriedly went to see Zhao Gou. He found that his expression was normal and there was no abnormality. He could not help but suddenly, as the closest guard to the emperor, he naturally knew the emperor’s physical condition. From the bottom of my heart, the officials have been careless about men and women since they hurt their bodies back then, so they are naturally not affected by the sound of the flute.

"Amitabha!" The alcoholic fighting monk on the side suddenly put his hands together, and the peaceful Buddha's name immediately awoke everyone in the court.

"Please forgive the officials!" A group of guards lost courtesy before the imperial court. This was a felony. Some people hurriedly knelt down to plead for the crime.

Yin Liting, who was on the side, also blushed. Originally, Wudang Kungfu Xuanmen was authentic, and was the least affected by these evil demons, but he thought of his fiancé Ji Xiaofu, and his daughter, Yang Buhui, who looked almost the same as her. When my wife thinks of the intimacy between the husband and wife's bed, it is inevitable that she sometimes thinks of the woman under her as her mother, and the demon is gradually taking advantage of the sound of the flute.

"Bihai Chaoshengqu, it turns out that the Lord of Huangdao on Peach Blossom Island came here." The drunk monk sighed, his voice seemed to contain infinite regret. I can't figure out why such a beautiful person like him would participate in such a salty thing. "Qing" This beautiful lady, no matter what the thief.". (https:)

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