Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1997: Desperate love

"A master with such a cultivation level as the great monk has also become a running dog of the imperial court." A cold and arrogant voice sounded, and then an old man in Tsing Yi holding a jade flute appeared on the courtyard wall. His appearance was clear and his eyes were clear and clear. God, the whole body reveals a kind of graceful and refreshing, Xiao Shuxuan's unique temperament, it is difficult to associate him with ordinary old people. Others will subconsciously ignore his age, as if standing in front of them is a chic and arbitrary beauty. Men are average.

The visitor is naturally the Huang Yaoshi of Taohua Island. His martial arts is outstanding, and he is one of the five must-sees in the Central Plains. He is called Dongxie, and his skill of snapping magical powers is even more powerful. But even so, his martial arts are still not there. The law breaks through the front of the palace and the division straight defends so many masters along the way.

It’s just that he is proficient in rhythm. He listened to the tide on Peach Blossom Island all day and developed a unique technique called "Bi Hai Chao Sheng Qu". He poured his internal power into the sound of flute, and even Zhou Botong, who was second only to the Wu Jue in the year, was tossed by this piece of music. Live to the death.

Of course, although this martial arts is magical, it also has its limitations, that is, it can only exert its maximum effect on people whose internal strength is not as good as their own or whose mind is confused. It is not very useful for other master-level masters. For example, Xidu Ouyang Feng can resist with the sound of iron zheng, and Hong Qigong can resist with the sound of long howling.

But used to deal with ordinary people, this martial arts can be called a group injury skill. When Huang Yaoshi went up the mountain, he could still open the way with his magical skills such as finger and finger skills, but he could wait for the masters in the front of the palace to respond. The pressure is increasing, and he may even be besieged on the mountain road. Fortunately, he was prepared and sacrificed this blue sea tide song.

Although there are many masters in Zhubanzhi, none of them has the level of five masters. His flute sound evoked the evil thoughts in their hearts. They fell into illusions and couldn't extricate themselves. They soon started to kill each other. Huang Yaoshi took advantage of this gap and went all the way. Came to the small courtyard of the bamboo forest in the back mountain.

Seeing Huang Yaoshi’s identity, many people in the field were surprised, and brought the imperial weapon Li Yanshi directly forward and shouted: "Lord Huangdao, your daughter and son-in-law have been admired by the world for helping the imperial court to defend Xiangyang these years. Why do you do this? Conspiracy?"

"Asshole, dare to mention them!" A murderous look appeared on Huang Yaoshi's face. "Rong'er was almost unclear by various calculations in Lin'an a few days ago, and Jing'er was regarded as an abandoned **** by you now. , Yishou Xiangyang is in exchange for such an ending?"

Zhao Gou said in a cold voice, "Why is Guo Jing treated as an abandoned pawn? He wants to come to Huangdao. The master knows what to do if he doesn't find the righteous master. What do you come here to do?" Listening to the other party's tone, if you can take advantage of the situation and instigate him to deal with Jia Sidao, then It couldn't be better.

Pharmacist Huang snorted, "Guo Jing, that stinky boy, I didn't like him back then. I still look at him very annoying all these years. Why is this coming for him?"

Hearing his direct denial, Zhao Gou was startled, but he didn't know how to continue to persuade him.

The alcoholic fighting monk on the side said suspiciously: "People in the world say that Huangdao Master does not adhere to the rules of etiquette, and his behavior is seven-point evil. However, I have watched your behavior in these years. Although seven-point evil, it has three points of righteousness, and it is a small thing. , She is very serious in terms of big right and wrong. Before Ling Ai, Ling Ai suffered minor grievances in Lin'an City, and she was in the end safe and sound. How could the Lord Huangdao commit trouble for such a grievance?"

Yaoshi Huang's face turned dark: "The unscrupulous woman acted upside down, and Lin'an's experience was well deserved."

Everyone looked at each other, thinking that Mrs. Guo was beautiful and dignified, and she was the most appropriate to deal with people on weekdays. No one on the side praised him. Why did he become an unscrupulous woman who behaved upside down?

"Then why is the Lord Huangdao doing this trip?" The wine fighting monk became more and more puzzled.

Yaoshi Huang frowned and hesitated before saying, "If someone asks me, since I am known as Dongxie, I don’t need to explain to others in my life. It’s just that the monk, your martial arts is obviously higher than me, and you have been so polite since the beginning. , Just with this tolerance, I will let Zhao Go be a ghost."

"Bold, how dare you call the official name directly!" A group of guards took their swords out of their sheaths, and Zhao Xiu on the side drew his skin, obviously also angrily.

Yaoshi Huang regarded them as nothing, looking at the direction of the distant East China Sea, as if he was reminiscing something: "Back when Jingkang changed, the Central Plains fell, and Zhao Gou ascended to the throne and reorganized Da Song Heshan. Everyone thought he was a man. The lord of ZTE, countless people in the Central Plains spontaneously set up a rebel army to wait for the king's northern expedition. As a result, the boneless goods directly humiliated Jinqi to humiliate and beg for peace. The people of the country and the whole country are filled with indignation and enthusiasm..."

Hearing his description of the scene of the year, many people in the room quietly took a look at Zhao Gou. Many people also experienced the past. They were slanderous about Zhao Gou's actions. Of course, many people also felt that the emperor’s move was a way for the people of Li. Come peace, and there is nothing to criticize.

Zhao Xuan's face was as heavy as water, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Huang Yaoshi continued: "Seeing the country's turmoil, dissatisfaction with the emperor has grown deeper and deeper. At this time, a mysterious and peerless secret book suddenly appeared in the rivers and lakes.

"Most of the people in the rivers and lakes are passionate men. Originally, all of them were thinking about how to regain the Central Plains and make the golden people pay their debts. So some people went north to join the rebel army, and some turned their eyes on the country, trying to find a way to force the emperor to change his mind. But as soon as this peerless cheat book came out, coupled with many amazing rumors, everyone's attention shifted to fighting for this cheat book."

"In the end, the great waves scoured the sand, and several masters discussed the sword in Huashan and decided the ownership of this cheat book. I just happened to meet it and got the name of Dongxie. It's just that after a few years of feuds and feuds, everyone has forged something that can't be resolved. Enmity, how can we work together to expel the Tartars and restore China."

Nine Yin Scriptures!

After hearing this, everyone still doesn't understand what this peerless secret book is? Listening to what Huang Yaoshi said, could it be that the whole thing was a bureau set up by the court?

Ding Dian's complexion also changed. At first, he was a member of the rivers and lakes. He joined the royal equipment at the latest. Later, he accidentally learned of the existence of Huang Shang. It was also strange that since the original author of "Nine Yin Zhenjing" is still alive, then Why does this miraculous work secret book fall into the rivers and lakes, setting off such a **** storm?

Of course, I didn't think about these things carefully. Now, after Huang Yaoshi's analysis, it seems that the inner court deliberately spread the "Nine Yin Zhenjing" into the rivers and lakes.

Yaoshi Huang's voice gradually turned low: "At that time, I was young and energetic. I always wanted to practice martial arts to be the best in the world. It was just that Huashan talked about the sword. I saw the martial arts of Zhong Shentong Wang Chongyang. I knew how I would practice this life. I’m afraid I can’t surpass him. Wang Chongyang won first place in the world, and the "Nine Yin Scriptures" naturally fell into his hands, and I lost my mind. Unexpectedly, Wang Chongyang died young and Jiu Yinzhen Jing fell into the hands of his younger brother Zhou Botong."

When Zhou Botong was mentioned, Huang Yaoshi showed a mixed emotion of anger, admiration and sadness: "Although Zhou Botong's martial arts is good, it is still a bit worse than ours. It's just that Nandi was because of Liu Guifei's affairs at that time. The beggar is discouraged and does not ask about world affairs, while the North Beggar is playing the world. The dragon sees the head and does not see the end all day. Only I and Xi Du are bothered. Xi Du directly enters the Quanzhen Sect, but is deceived to death Wang Chongyang. After breaking the toad gong, I had to go back to Baituo Mountain Villa to practice hard."

"Although I also want the "Nine Yin Scriptures", but I really can't pull my face to grab it like Ouyang Feng did. My wife Heng'er saw my mind and designed a gambling battle with Zhou Botong and borrowed "Jiuyin". At a glance, Zhou Botong was on guard against me, but he knew that Heng'er was not capable of martial arts, and the text of "Nine Yin Zhenjing" was so obscure that even a master of martial arts couldn’t understand it, so he gave her a stick of incense. Time allowed her to watch it, but he didn't expect that my family had learned and remembered, and in a short time, relying on the memory of the heavens to memorize the "Nine Yin Zhenjing" silently."

Speaking of this, Huang Yaoshi was full of pride, but he soon sighed again: "It's a pity that the full text of the "Nine Yin Zhenjing" is as obscure as a heavenly book, and Heng'er is pregnant again. It is too exhausting to write it down. Later, the scriptures were stolen by the two rebels of Mei Chaofeng and Chen Xuanfeng. Heng'er was unwilling to feel sad, so he thought hard in private to re-remember the scriptures. Heng'er was already weak in physique. I was exhausted and died of dystocia..."

Yaoshi Huang suddenly glanced at Li Yanshi, Ding Dian and others: "For this reason, I transferred my anger to the remaining apprentices, interrupted their feet, and drove them all out of Peach Blossom Island. One of them was Qu Lingfeng, In order to please me, I returned to the teacher's gate and sneaked into the Ouchi to steal valuable calligraphy and paintings. As a result, I was chased and killed by the people who brought the imperial equipment, and finally died together in the secret room of Niujia Village. Humph, Lingfeng martial arts is the first of my disciples If it weren't for me to break his leg, where is his opponent with the only imperial weapon."

Li Yanshi also sneered: "It turns out that Shi Yanming was injured in the hands of your apprentice. Yan Ming's palm power was the highest in the forbidden palace. He defended the palace several times. , I may not be an opponent when I meet you, but the apprentice who can beat you is absolutely sure, let alone a lame. The reason why you are all killed is most of the trick."

Yaoshi Huang frowned. Back then, Guo Jing Huang Rong accidentally broke into the secret room of Qu San Tavern in Niujia Village and found the bones of Qu Lingfeng and Shi Yanming. Naturally can restore the situation at that time:

It came to be that Qu Lingfeng was chased by Shi Yanming all the way, and finally escaped back to the secret room of his home, trying to confuse the opponent with Qimen Dunjia, but unfortunately he was not good at this aspect of learning skills, and Shi Yanming broke into the mechanism after seeing it. Qu Lingfeng tried desperately, but still lost to the opponent. The two rows of ribs on his chest were shattered by the enemy's palm. Shi Yanming thought he was dead, so he turned around to fetch the stolen paintings and calligraphy from the court. Who knew that Qu Lingfeng should have eaten it in advance. Jiuhua Yulu Pills and the like still breathed a sigh of relief. They took the opportunity to throw a hidden weapon from behind and stabbed each other to death with their last strength, and the two died together.

"Hu blow the atmosphere." Huang Yaoshi snorted. Although he understood the truth, he was already guilty of angering a disciple for no reason. Qu Lingfeng died because of him. Naturally, he didn't want to lose his reputation after his death.

"Amitabha, it is said that Huangdao Lord's greed, anger and ignorance caused this series of consequences." The wine fighting monk couldn't help sighing.

Yaoshi Huang's expression changed, and he said with a cold voice: "I used to think I was to blame for all this, so I prepared a flower boat made of glue early, and waited for Rong'er to grow up, and then took the flower boat and was buried in the sea. It’s just that in the past two years, I suddenly learned the origin of the Jiuyin Scriptures back then. I naturally knew who the culprit was and who killed my Henger. Even if it was the emperor, I would let him be buried."

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