Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1998: plot

"It's a big tone." Suddenly there was a twist of light and shadow in the air. Huang Chang seemed to appear next to Zhao Gou out of thin air, looking at Huang Yaoshi with some disdain. Top five?"

Yaoshi Huang said lightly: "Although I am aloof, I am not an arrogant person. Naturally, I know that there are many real masters who disdain to participate. However, although my martial arts are not ranked in the top five in the world, people who want to kill, so I haven't missed it in years."

As soon as the voice fell, he was a slap-finger-god shooting towards Zhao Gou's eyebrows. The sharp little stones whizzed and flew by with endless internal force. Everyone shook their ears numb. Not to mention an ordinary person, even a master's eyebrows. I'm afraid the head will explode if shot.

Huang Yaoshi's martial arts is so high, his unexpected shot, coupled with this hateful move, I am afraid it is the biggest time he has made the most powerful magical power in the past few decades.

Don’t say that the general guards couldn’t react, and even the imperial equipment was not as good as that. Li Yanshi was always cautious and kept secretly guarding. Then he hurriedly drew his knife and blocked it in front of a small stone. The stone hit the knife, just listening. There was a crisp sound, and his blade had been broken in two.

The stone was also shattered by such a violent impact, but Li Yanshi was not at all happy, because the fragments of the stone scattered around Zhao Gou's body with immense power, like a torrential rain pear flower needle shooting face to face.

At this moment, Li Yanshi even suspected that all of this was calculated by Huang Yaoshi, and someone would stop him after the calculation, so he deliberately chose this stone with a special material, which is unpredictable.

Now his tiger’s mouth is numb, and there is no room left to protect Zhao Gou’s safety. Ding Dian and the other imperial weapons finally reacted and planned to take action, but Huang Yaoshi flew over like lightning, and several imperial weapons were helpless. The next one can only stop him first.

He watched countless "hidden weapons" shoot Zhao Gou's whole body. If he did, he would be shot into a hornet's nest in an instant.

All of this is a long description, but it all happened between lightning and fire.

At this time, Huang Chang suddenly made a move, and he didn't see how he moved. He just stretched out his sleeves and swept in front of Zhao Gou. The many rubbles that were whistling to the sky before disappeared, as if his sleeves were a bottomless black hole. general.

Many people stared at his sleeves in astonishment. You must know that for ordinary people, Huang Yaoshi’s name is much more resounding in the arena. The blow he was determined to win was so easily resolved, and his famous stunt even even the opponent. The sleeves of her can't be pierced, which is really amazing.

Of course, only the few people close to Zhao Gou knew Huang Chang's identity, and they all acted like this.

Yaoshi Huang pushed left and right and suddenly jumped out of the ring, standing ten feet away and frowning at him: "The luck of this trick seems to be Feixu Jin in the Jiuyin Scripture? Can Feixu Jin make it so superb. , I think you are Huang Chang.” His wife died because of the Jiuyin Sutra, and he vowed not to practice the Jiuyin Sutra, but his daughter and son-in-law learned this martial arts by chance, and he naturally recognized it. The martial arts in the scriptures.

You know that Guo Jing has already practiced the Jiuyin Scriptures to the point where they are both strong and soft, but the mysterious old man in front of him has a feeling of returning to the basics. He is truly natural, and I don’t know how much higher the realm is than Guo Jing, plus him. He also knew the existence of Huang Shang in advance, so he confirmed the identity of the person in front of him.

Huang Chang said faintly: "The country had just stabilized back then, and the people of the rivers and lakes were brave and fierce. If they were instigated by someone with a heart, it would be easy to re-divide the country that was finally gathered, so they can only find a way to transfer them. Attention, what happened to you was just because you were greedy. Who is to blame?"

All his family members died at the hands of the people in the arena, so naturally he didn't have a half-hearted feeling for those people in the arena.

"Good, good," Huang Yaoshi sneered, "A hot-blooded man in the arena, dedicated to reimbursing the country, in your eyes is only a brave and cruel, but also specially designed to be fast, it is really a big slide in the world. Check."

Zhao Gou finally spoke: "You are a fool, but how do you know the things in the temple, the rule of the country has to make some choices, naturally some people have to sacrifice."

"You are so embarrassed to talk about governing the country!" Huang Yaoshi said in a sharp tone, "Originally, if you were a good emperor, I would have to bear it for the sake of the festival, but what have you done in these years, you have killed Yue Fei and destroyed the Great Wall internally. , The peasant volunteers were suppressed violently, while wagging their tails to beg for mercy to the outside world, claiming courtiers from the two sides, you can only call yourself the'Emperor of the Minister' when the two sides exchanged books of state. Every time an envoy comes from the Kingdom of Jin, you have to respectfully accept the emperor? What do you keep without killing?"

"Asshole!" Zhao Gou couldn't help being furious.

Huang Chang also said with a sullen face: "Those who talk about war may not be brave, and those who talk about peace may not be timid. The country has finally settled down. If the war is lightened, it is not the people of the Li people who will ultimately suffer?"

Yaoshi Huang replied: "Soundingly, Zhao Gou was able to become this emperor, isn't it because he is the only surviving prince of Huizong? The generals of various roads regarded him as the co-lord. How many soldiers did he have at that time? The army is mostly controlled by a few generals. If you continue to fight with the Kingdom of Jin, the military's power will grow more and more. At that time, no one will follow the example of Taizu and add a yellow robe. The Zhao Song Dynasty has always been guarding against generals, not to mention it is related to himself. The throne, how can Zhao Gou tolerate this happening?"

Huang Chang frowned and said, "Being a cup of wine to release military power is the policy of the Great Motherland. Back then, the warlords of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms vie for chaos. Would that day be better?"

"I only know that what you sacrifice is the interests of others. You don't care about the mud legs in the rivers and lakes," Huang Yaoshi's voice became more and more severe. "But Zhao Gou sacrificed the interests of the entire country to humiliate the Kingdom of Jin. Seeking peace, in turn, clean up the famous generals in the country. Why did Miao Fu and Liu Zhengyan launch a mutiny on the side of the Qing Dynasty? Why did Liu Guangshi's more than 40,000 soldiers surrender to the Kingdom of Jin in angrily? Others don't know, don't you still know? Thanks to the loyalty of Han Shizhong and Yue Fei, otherwise, where is his position as the emperor sitting securely?"

"Old Huang, kill this foolish man!" Zhao Gou couldn't help it anymore, and his whole body was furious.

Huang Chang also knew that he couldn't let him say this anymore. If it affected the military's mind here, it would be troublesome. You must know that facing Jia Sidao this time, you must win, and you can't make any mistakes.

As soon as his thoughts moved, he appeared in front of Huang Yaoshi, and the five fingers of the crystal-like jade spread out to grab his shoulders.

Yaoshi Huang has been on guard and hastily used what he has learned in his life to fight the enemy. The palm of the Fallen Excalibur has been used to the extreme, and it is also mixed with the Qimen Fifth Turn and the Qimen Fifth Turn that he has painstakingly researched and prepared for the next time Huashan Lunjian against the other Five Jues Gale's stunt, but no matter how he resisted dodge, the crystal-like jade claws still shrouded his key acupuncture points like a shadow.

At this moment, he seemed to feel the original feeling of Xiaoxiang son Yin Kexi. It turned out that one day he accidentally met Yang Guo at the inn, and as a result, Yang Guo made a great progress in martial arts. The two couldn’t help but discuss one or two. It happened that Xiaoxiang son Yin Kexi ran into the door and was bothered. People use palm force to push around like a ball. You must know that Xiaoxiangzi, Yin Kexi, and Nemo Xing are also known as the Three Masters of Mongolia. Back then, they teamed up with the King of the Golden Wheel to kill Guo Jing. Wugong was not a weak hand. As a result, they were still pushed and thrown by the two at will. Go, I was ridiculed as a Mongolian three-ball afterwards. This is something later.

Yaoshi Huang suddenly felt the same at this time, no matter how he parried, he couldn't stop the understatement of the opponent.

But after all, he is one of the five must-dos. In times of crisis, he used his housekeeping skills and his magical powers to finally expose the opponent's hand, and he took the opportunity to step back.

"Huh?" Huang Chang said softly, but with a flip of his wrist, he grabbed it at his waist, and the middle was done in one go, as if there was no half stagnation.

Yaoshi Huang didn’t dare to use fancy tricks anymore, so he used his magical abilities with his fingertips. With a twelve-point spirit, he resisted a dozen tricks one after another. Cold sweat on his forehead was leaching, and he only felt that the pressure was increasing, and his movements were getting more and more. Obscure, knowing that after three more moves, I am afraid I can't resist it.

At this moment, a gray shadow broke through the courtyard wall and hit Huang Chang with a fist. The fist slammed like lightning and thunder, and the slight fist wind on his fist blew sand and rocks in the small courtyard.

"Be careful!" Li Yanshi and the others had only time to shout, and there was no time to react.

Seeing that the fist was about to hit, Huang Chang didn't panic and smiled, "I've been waiting for you for a long time." If he hadn't stayed on guard and attacked with all his strength, how could Medicine Master Huang persist for so long?

He raised his sleeves, and a thin, gleaming hand came first, and directly grabbed the contact door.

The man hurriedly changed his move, slammed his fist down, and directly touched the opponent's claws.

There was a loud noise, the two figures dispersed, Huang Chang stood with his hands behind his hands, but there was a faint blood stain on the opponent's fist. Obviously, the opponent suffered a lot from the competition just now.

Everyone looked at the gray shadow carefully, and saw that the man had thick eyebrows and big eyes, and there was a bit of simplicity on his face. The key is that he looked like a young man, and they were all shocked in their hearts. Which young man in the world is like this? With his skill, he was able to take Huang Chang's blow from the front.

Ding Dian was originally half a man in the rivers and lakes. Although he has been an imperial weapon over the years, he has also paid attention to some situations in the rivers and lakes, and naturally recognized this young boy who once shined in the Golden Snake Conference.

Huang Chang said in a deep voice, "I was led away by you last time in Yujin Garden, which caused Han Jiefu's death. This time I will do a good job with you."

It can be seen that the boy is obviously not good at speech, but he blushed and retorted: "That person is not a good person."

"Are you a good person?" Huang Chang snorted coldly, thinking that the last time it was because of this stinky boy, he made himself oversight for a while and caused Han Tong to die in the imperial palace. This way, the imperial balance that the emperor had managed to maintain was completely broken. In the end, he had to design this trip to Wudang, and he was just preparing to plot himself, so seeing his simple appearance, his heart became more and more angry.

As soon as the voice fell, he attacked the opponent. Shi Potian was originally not good at words, and coupled with Huang Chang's unrelenting moves, he had no time to be distracted, so he had to respond with twelve points.

The alcoholic fighting monk not far away was amazed when he saw it: "This young man doesn't know what adventure he has. He has already reached the point where the dragon and the tiger meet. The strength of water and fire is at the same time. The internal strength is so high that it is extremely powerful martial arts. , What's more, his moves are so magical, vaguely a bit of the way of Knight Island, but there is a difference between superior and inferior..."

He has traveled around the world over the years, and he is naturally knowledgeable. He saw Zhang San and Li Si in the dark. Although this young martial arts is very different from Zhang San and Li Si, his martial arts is so high that he can look at the origin of martial arts without the phenomenon. , And then we can see that the juvenile martial arts have the same origin as Zhang Sanlisi.

Yaoshi Huang was frowning slightly at this time. With his eyesight, he could quickly see that Shipotian martial arts is high, but the experience of facing the enemy is too shallow. If he confronts other masters, he can often crush the opponent with his peerless inner strength. But now the character he is facing is in the realm of a great master, his skill is not weaker, and his combat experience is far superior. It didn't take long for him to gradually fall into a disadvantage, that is, relying on incomparable internal strength and some magical skills. Persist in being undefeated for a short time.

Somewhat unwillingly, he glanced at Zhao Gou. Through the previous fight, he knew the gap between himself and the great master. If he insisted on assassination at this time, the great monk would definitely take the shot and he would return without success. Cooperate with this young man to hold Huang Chang, and leave the rest to others.

He was a very clever person, and he analyzed the stakes in an instant, and he joined the battle circle to help break the sky in a flash.

As he joined, Shi Potian gradually moved back to his decay, and Huang Chang's brows couldn't help but frowned slightly.

In fact, whether it is Shi Potian or Huang Yaoshi, it will not be too difficult for Huang Chang to beat the opponent if he is alone. Maybe Shi Potian is a bit more troublesome, but it doesn't have too many dozens of tricks.

But the two people joining forces are not as simple as one plus one equals two. You must know that Shi Potian, whether it is internal force or tricks, has actually reached the threshold of a great master. What is lacking is only decades of experience accumulation and a deep understanding of martial arts. That's it, it is not an exaggeration to call it a half-step master.

However, Yao Shi Huang does not lack experience and experience, but what he lacks is skill.

Therefore, he took care of him. Huang Chang's many tricks that led Shi Potian to be fooled were first resolved by him, and Huang Chang's real tricks were handed over to Shi Potian to fight hard. In this way, the two sides joined forces and even abruptly drew the opponent.

This is just like the battle of Shao Shi Shan, when Xiao Feng joined forces with Upper Tanzhi and Murong Fu. Although You Tanzhi had deep internal strength and was mixed with the poison of cold and cold, Xiao Feng was restrained everywhere, but it is not difficult for Xiao Feng to defeat him in real fight. A fictitious move can give you an advantage over the game. Murong Fu has rich practical experience and exquisite moves, but it is not difficult for Xiao Feng to defeat him. However, when the two people join forces, they complement each other. Xiao Feng was restrained everywhere. If Duan Yu hadn't pulled one away in time, even if Xiao Feng finally won the battle, he would have to pay a very heavy price.

Zhao Xuan, who was on the side, sank like water, and hurriedly said to the wine fighting monk beside him: "Master, please come forward to help Mr. Kanyama."

The wine monk shook his head: "If I join in, wouldn't it be a refutation of Brother Jianshan’s face? The officials can rest assured that Brother Jian’s cultivation base is shocking the ancient Shuojin, even if the other party joins forces, it will only support one or two hundred more. It’s just a trick, and it’s hard to escape in the end."

Zhao Gou said: "I hope that the master will learn that this time is not a contest in the arena, but is about the survival of the country. As the saying goes, the lion fights the rabbit with all its strength. At this time, I don't know how many masters are hiding in the dark. Taking this opportunity to eliminate the opponent's two masters, and when the other party rushed forward, some variables appeared out of thin air."

The wine fighting monk was startled: "The official's words are not unreasonable. In that case, the old monk doesn't care about those fictitious names."

"Amitabha Buddha." Although he was ready to take action, he was unwilling to attack the opponent. He was the first step and shouted the Buddha's horn to remind the other party, but he suddenly stopped and looked to the side thoughtfully.

"Great monk, your opponent is me, what kind of ability to bully juniors." At this time, a figure slowly walked out of the bamboo forest.

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