Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2002: Die in duty

"Sorrowful breeze!" Ding Dian hurriedly covered his mouth and nose with his sleeves, "Quickly pass the antidote!" As he spoke, he took out a porcelain bottle and took a sip before handing it to others around him.

The sad and crisp breeze can be used to deal with Wudang, can be used to deal with the gang of beggars, every time there is no disadvantage, but for the previous country, it is a completely different concept.

The Song Dynasty and Xixia had fought for a hundred years. The Royal City Division and Yipintang didn't know how many times they fought each other. Naturally, they knew the poison of Yipintang well, and even tried to get some antidote.

This time it was to protect the emperor, and the security level was the highest. In addition, Zhao Gou was originally to lead the snake out of the cave, knowing that the other party would definitely deal with himself in every way. Therefore, the Imperial City Division was ordered to make solutions to various emergencies, not to mention the sad and crisp breeze of Yipintang, that is, the Mongolian Shixiangruanjinsan, and they also have a certain antidote.

Only limited by capacity, it is impossible for everyone to equip it, so so many guards on the periphery have fallen.

"Isn't Xixia a civil unrest, why did he get involved?" Zhao Gou frowned, obviously the situation in front of him was a bit beyond his expectation.

At this time, the two shadows came slowly, and everyone hurriedly looked around. Even if they are women, they can't help but appear here at this time.

I saw two women, one big and one small. The older one was dressed up as a bright and charming girl; the other young was a beautiful girl who knew that they were probably assassins here, but Many guards are still persuaded by their beauty.

"Mrs. Wang, Miss Yue!" Ding Dian recognized the identities of the two of them. Naturally, they were Li Qingluo and Xiaolongnu. One of them was Mrs. Mingming, and the other was the emperor who had assassinated the emperor in the palace before. He would naturally recognize them.

Zhao Gou couldn't help but said, "Even you want to assassinate me?"

Li Qingluo snorted coldly: "Fun Jun everyone gets punishable!"

Zhao Gou ignored her, but just looked at Xiaolongnv: "She is from the royal family. It's not surprising to participate, but what about you? You are Yue Fei's daughter. Last time I forgave you for your assassination and told the world to do it for you. Father rehabilitated, and at the same time, he found your brothers who were scattered among the people, and bestowed them on officials, so you would use this to reward me?"

The little dragon girl frowned her eyebrows lightly. She was not good at speaking at all, and she didn't know how to refute it for a while.

Li Qingluo said for her at this time: "Don't confuse me with the Wang family. I did not participate for the Wang family, but to avenge my aunt and my uncle!"

"Auntie?" Zhao Gou frowned, a little unclear.

Ding Dian whispered back: "Mrs. Wang's aunt is the continuation of General Yue. General Yue was raided by Yang Yao's master in Dongting Lake. Fortunately, Miss Li was saved."

Li Qingluo continued: "The little uncle was loyal to serve the country, but in exchange for such a fate, the aunt was also chased and killed when she was giving birth. Do you think it is enough to deal with two scapegoats? Others don't know, I have experienced what happened back then, but It is clear that you are the master behind the scenes. Otherwise, the little uncle was in the midst of the sky. How could Qin Hui and Wan Tuo move him? We were born in the rivers and lakes, and we only believe in the principle of paying debts with blood."

Zhao Gouhan cursed: "Feeding unfamiliar wolf cubs, I knew this was the result before, and I should cut the grass and roots before!" Now the situation is getting more and more critical, and he can't take much care of it, and he can't help but feel a little frustrated.

"It's a pity that you have no chance!" Li Qingluo snorted coldly and lifted Ling Bo's steps. Most of the guards were caught in the sorrowful breeze. They had already lost their combat effectiveness, and the remaining twenty or thirty guards couldn't stop her delicate body. law.

Seeing her breaking through in front of him in an instant, Ding Dian hurriedly stopped him, and Wuying Shen's fist confronted Bai Hong's palm strength, and they were evenly matched.

Seeing her cousin started her hands, Xiaolongnu suddenly had two more swords in her hand. Although she would not have such a magical light skill as Lingbo Weibu, the light skill of the Tomb Sect was originally one of the best in the world, and her swordsmanship was too great. Quickly, the guards only felt that a white shadow flashed in front of them, and many of the soldiers' blades in their hands fell to the ground.

Looking at the red dot on the wrist, all the guards were shocked. How fast is this sword?

The Xiaolong girl is kind-hearted. Although this trip came to kill Zhao Gou, she was unwilling to harm the innocent. So she made a very measured action, and the point of the sword was shallow. It only made a team of guards lose the ability to resist, but did not take their lives.

The only remaining one with the imperial weapon hurried forward with his sword. His martial arts is much higher than that of ordinary guards. If he meets other top masters, he can withstand it for a while even if he is invincible, but the dragon girl’s sword is too fast. , Obviously a sword stabbed from the front, and the sword appeared behind him in the next moment.

You must know that the masters of Nimo Xing, Xiaoxiangzi, Yin Kexi, and even the Golden Wheel Fa King were obviously higher than her in their cultivation skills, but they were embarrassed by her magical jade girl Suxin swordsmanship. Although this martial artist with imperial weapons is strong, but He was never higher than the King of Golden Wheel, so just after a few moves, he had several middle swords on his body, and he could no longer entangle the opponent.

Breaking through the last line of defense, Xiao Long Nu had a cold face and stabbed Zhao Gou with her sword.

From such a close distance, Zhao Gou could clearly see her beautiful appearance. He said that the emperor's seventy-two concubines in the Sixth Court of the Sangong Palace had counted all the concubines in the palace, and perhaps only one concubine Wu could barely be able to be with her. Compete for beauty.

In addition, the clothes on the other party's body are as white as snow, and the whole person is like a fairy in the heavenly palace.

Just thinking that she would take her own life, she might be more like a demon from the underworld.

"Being a ghost under the peony flower is also romantic." As soon as this thought came out of his mind, Zhao Gou was extinguished by himself.

"Guanjia!" At this time, a figure rushed in front of Zhao Gou, using his body to block the sword for him.

"Yan Shi!" Zhao Gou's calm eyes couldn't help but feel a little moved. He supported the loyal guard in front of him, and said solemnly, "Why are you?"

"The subordinate's mission is to protect the official family." Li Yanshi looked back at Xiaolongnv, "Miss Yue, you are always merciful when you come out of the sword. Obviously you are a kind-hearted person. I hope to rehabilitate your father in the official family. Come on, don't stab anymore."

Just now, Xiaolongnv found that she stabbed the wrong person, and the strength on the sword took a few points. Therefore, although Li Yanshi was injured not lightly, it was not fatal. He was keenly aware of this, and he took the opportunity to persuade.

The little dragon girl frowned and shook her head: "No, I'm going to kill him." These days they went to look for the whereabouts of their father and sons. They learned of the tragedy of the year from the old mother who took them and thought of the father's loyalty. Weiguo was killed by Zhao Gou's order. Just as soon as she gave birth, her mother had to take her baby herself to face the endless pursuits. In order to protect the safety of several brothers, I don’t know how many people died. Some relatives were even killed to cover them, but how could they give up being held accountable because they were forced to rehabilitate?

Li Yanshi clutched the wound and said in a deep voice, "In that case, unless the girl steps on my body."

"You!" Xiaolongnv was a little annoyed, but Li Yan practically blocked Zhao Go with her body, it was difficult for her to find a chance for a while.

"Women's benevolence, I'll come if you can't get your hands off!" A gray shadow flashed past, and Murong Bo punched him.

Li Yanshi was shocked, he could deceive him in the face of the little dragon girl, but if he didn't fight back against Murong Bo, he would die immediately, and he had no choice but to fight back.

The imperial weapon who had previously worked with him to deal with Murong Bo hurriedly rushed to help, because he did not stop his opponent, causing something to happen to the emperor. It was a disaster of ransacking the family, how could he not be in a hurry? Desperately attacked Murong Bo's back, trying to come around Wei and save Zhao.

I didn't know that Murong Boben's punch was a false move. The whole person suddenly retreated and slammed into the arms of the imperial weapon.

Originally, although his martial arts were higher than the opponent, it would take a lot of effort to solve him, but he just deliberately induced the opponent to go all out to save Zhao Gou, which easily solved the opponent.

"Asshole!" Li Yan saw that the light in his colleagues' eyes gradually dimmed, and he was frightened and rushed to Murong Bo to see if he could rescue his colleagues.

Murong Bohaha laughed, and threw the corpse with the imperial equipment aside, and then took a lot of time to deal with Li Yanshi, who was not lightly injured. He was inferior to martial arts. Now that he has injuries on his body, he is fighting like this. It will not be long before he can Can take his life.

"Cousin, why are you still hesitating!" Ding Dian on the side was about to rush to help, but Li Qingluo clinged to him, and at the same time reminded Xiaolong Nudao.

The little dragon girl nodded slightly, then a cold light flashed in her hand, and a sword pierced Zhao Gou on the opposite side.

At this moment, a yellow ribbon flew across the ground suddenly, curling her long sword aside.

"Huh?" It's not bad to be able to curl the sword in your hand with a soft ribbon, but the martial arts of the visitor is not bad, but the goddess of Xiaolong does not fluctuate at all. Anyway, there are weapons everywhere on the ground, so he picked up another sword directly from the ground. Holding it in his hand, quietly looking at the woman in the yellow shirt.

Both of them are graceful and beautiful, and what is more coincidental is that the two women have the same pale face, a few points less **** than normal people. From the perspective of others, the two women standing together are not like opponents, but their temperaments are closer. Like a sister.

"Yingluo!" Zhao Gou was a little excited when recognizing his identity. He looked aside subconsciously, but couldn't find the figure of the person he imagined. He couldn't help frowning, "Why are you back alone, how about King Qi?" "

The woman in the yellow shirt replied casually: "He is behind and will be here soon." Of course, she dare not say that she came back alone. For one thing, she is afraid that her own people will lose confidence, and secondly, she wants to use Song Qingshu's name temporarily. Shock those people across.

"Blue Book..." The little dragon girl naturally knew who King Qi was in their mouths, and she couldn't help but feel lost.

How could the girl in the yellow shirt let go of such a good opportunity, and her figure flashed with the nine-yin white bone claws and attacked within three feet in front of her. Although the opponent's swordsmanship is high, but at such a close distance, her swordsmanship is by no means her own. The Jiuyin White Bone Claws are more powerful.

The little dragon girl reacted quickly. She leaned back, her body was like a soft willow branch, avoiding the hand grasping her chest, while turning back, kicked her toes on her wrists, avoiding the opponent from coming next. Hidden pursuit.

Taking the opportunity to pull away, the two swords in the hands of the little dragon girl instantly counterattacked. The girl in the yellow shirt sighed a pity, and hurriedly used the exquisite martial arts in the Jiuyin Scripture to deal with the opponent's magical swordsmanship.

The tricks of the two female envoys are quite quick and fierce, but the two females are graceful and fluttering. Although they are undergoing the most dangerous competition, others seem to be as if the two fairies are dancing to each other.

Ding Dian on the side did not have the intention to appreciate this rare beauty. His eyes had already noticed Li Yanshi not far away from the danger. Obviously, he was not Murong Bo’s opponent at all, and he might be killed on the spot soon. Up.

Thinking about finding an opportunity to help him, suddenly a figure appeared behind him and hit his vest with a punch.

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