Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2003: Hole cards

Ding Dian spouted blood, and fell to the ground suddenly, knowing his life or death.

"Guard Ding!" The remaining guards exclaimed one after another, and many people rushed to help.

Li Qingluo frowned, and did not make any more moves, but looked at the figure on the opposite side vigilantly: "It's an inferior approach to hurt people behind their backs."

"The winner and the loser, what do you know as a woman." The man sneered, obviously not taking her words to heart, and at the same time jumping out of the war ring, not entangled with the guards.

"Zhao Guicheng, it's you!" Zhao Gou had already recognized the identity of the person at this time, and couldn't help being surprised and angry.

The visitor was the King Yi who originally went to guard the Suizao Corridor. He couldn't help but smile and said, "I have seen the official."

Zhao Gou said bitterly, "I wanted to lead Jia Xidao alone, but I didn't expect to lead out two hungry wolves."

King Yi sighed: "The official family has given us such a good opportunity. If I didn't make a move, I would be too disappointed with the official family's kindness."

Zhao Gou's eyes were full of anger: "I asked myself if I treated you badly, and promoted you from an ordinary clan to the majestic King of Yi, why did you even oppose me?"

"Aren't you thin?" Wang Yi said, as if he had been poked into something sore, "The official family had no heirs, and the court selected from the children of various clans. Zhao Guihe and I were sent to Beijing together, regardless of whether it was Wentaowulue. , I’m still clever and talented. I can’t beat him Zhao Guihe Baibei. Why did I choose Zhao Guihe who was inferior to me as the prince, but let me be a prince? I’m not convinced. If you don’t give it, then I'll grab it myself!"

"It's really to raise rice and fight rice and hatred," Zhao Gou said angrily. "If you don't have my blessings, you are now only a leisurely clan child, and now you have given you the glory and wealth of more than 10,000 people under one person, you actually Not enough yet!"

"Don't the officials know that if you give people hope and take it away with your own hands, it's better not to give hope at the beginning?" Wang Yi's face looked a little savage, especially when he thought of being pressed by Zhao Guihe on his head over the years, he suffered. Incomparable.

Zhao Gou sighed, "Do you know why you chose Guihe as the prince?"

King Yi's pupils shrank: "Why?" This is also something he has always been puzzled by. Since he was selected to be sent to Beijing, he has done everything well, but in the end, the crown prince was still left behind.

Zhao Gou gave him a deep look before he said, "Although you are more expensive and better, but you are not as good as him."

"What am I inferior to him?" Wang Yi asked immediately, his heart full of dissatisfaction.

Zhao Gou looked towards Lin'an and sighed for a long time: "Although Guihe is inferior to you in many places, at least he is more generous than you and can tolerate people than you. From today's point of view, my original judgment was indeed correct."

"Generous?" King Yi snorted coldly, "That's just a rhetoric to fool the common people. I only believe in being a king and losing a bandit!"

He didn't want to waste his words with the other party anymore, and rushed directly at him. A guard wanted to stop him along the way, but he was killed by himself.

The guards were horrified, thinking that he, a pampered prince, had such a high level of martial arts, and he would have been ill-intentioned a long time ago.

Seeing that King Yi was about to pounce in front of Zhao Gou, he suddenly stabbed with a sword in the ground. The timing of this sword was very good. King Yi did not want to kill Zhao Go and was stabbed to death by a sword. Life is precious.

I flashed to the side, and finally saw the appearance of the incoming person, and couldn't help but angrily said: "Yin Liting, don't forget that the lives of the Wudang faction are still in my hands!"

Yin Liting snorted: "We Wudang faction have been loyal and righteous people since the establishment of the faction. How can we be threatened by you?" He saw that Song Qingshu had not come, so he had to stop King Yi first, otherwise Zhao Gou died and everything would fall into the dust. deal.

"You don't care about the life of the Wudang brothers, don't you even care about your pregnant wife?" Wang Yi was anxious, and he didn't take Yin Liting to his heart on weekdays, but now everyone in the courtyard is lacking in skills, Yin Liting The emergence of, on the contrary, dominated the battle.

Yin Liting said with a solemn expression: "If the country does not exist, the family will be attached? No regrets should also agree with my approach." In fact, Yang Buhui and others have already been placed in a safe place, how can he be threatened? It's just that I don't want to be exposed for the time being, so I made a false impression with him.

"Asshole, you will cause the entire Wudang people to die without a place to die." Wang Yi said angrily. At this time, if he can't take Zhao Go down, he will inevitably have variables, so he won't waste his tongue and attacked directly.

Seeing his coming turbulently, Yin Liting was now focused and dedicated, turning a set of Tai Chi sword techniques to make the circle Ruyi, tightly and abnormally guarding the door.

Although the Wugong of King Yi is higher than Yin Liting, Tai Chi swordsmanship was created by Zhang Sanfeng in his later years following Taijiquan. It is indeed a swordsmanship that has reached its peak in modern times. Yin Liting's kung fu is unstoppable. Although he can't hurt his opponents, he just wants to protect him. , But it is also absolutely flawless.

King Yi was frightened and angry, but it was not easy to break through his defense. Seeing Li Qingluo standing aside, he shouted: "Widow Flower, you still don't do it?"

Li Qingluo was shocked, and gave him a deep look: "So you are an old knife."

King Yi said angrily: "You care who I am, don't you want to take revenge?"

Li Qingluo snorted, and then attacked Zhao Gou. Where could the ordinary guards stop her Lingbo's microsteps. The woman in the yellow shirt on the side had been paying attention to the situation here, seeing that the situation was wrong, she hurried over to block her. Xiaolongnv chased after her and was stopped by her. She suddenly turned into a single person against the two of them. Both of them were not under her martial arts, and soon the yellow-shirted girl was in danger.

Li Qingluo was already struggling with the sword technique of Su Xin, the jade girl who was haunted by the little dragon goddess. Now that she added another Li Qingluo, she soon had several wounds on her body. If it hadn't been for the little dragon girl to kill her inadvertently, she would have died.

The woman in the yellow shirt knew that she couldn't hold on to a few tricks, and suddenly she had an idea, she lowered her voice and said, "Are you worthy of Brother Song by doing this?"

"Big Brother Song?" Listening to her intimacy, the two girls really slowed down. Li Qingluo asked, "What is your relationship with Song Qingshu."

The girl in the yellow shirt had just tried it casually. When Xiaolongnv entered the palace to assassinate her, Song Qingshu tried her best to protect her, and because of her understanding of Song Qingshu, she didn't believe that it had nothing to do with the two.

Now I understood it immediately after seeing this, and replied ambiguously: "What is your relationship with him, what is my relationship with him."

"Little hoof dare me!" Li Qingluo was a little angry, but the offensive on her hands slowed down a bit. The women in yellow shirts understood Song Qingshu, and they knew what his temperament was. What is there for one or two people, if I hurt her, how can I confess like that **** in the future?

Although the little dragon girl didn't speak, the lightning-fast jade girl Suxin's sword technique couldn't help but slow down a bit.

"Women are unreliable!" There was a cold snort not far away, and Murong Bo passed by them. With his cultivation, how could he not see that Li Qingluo and Xiaolongnv were releasing water? But now the situation is chaotic, and he didn't even bother to investigate the cause, and went directly to Zhao Gou.

The woman in the yellow shirt was shocked in her heart and hurriedly looked at Li Yanshi, who had originally haunted Murong Bo, and found that he was lying in a pool of blood and did not know his life or death.

Li Yanshi's martial arts were inferior to Murong Bo. In addition, he suffered a serious sword injury, and the gap was even greater. He had been able to stop him for so long, and he had already tried his best.

The woman in the yellow shirt wanted to save her, but she was being entangled by the two at this time. Where else could she vacate her hands?

The only guard next to Zhao Gou hurriedly stood in front of him, but Murong Bo's wish that he had held back for decades was about to be fulfilled. He acted mercilessly and quickly killed the only dozen guards. , Grabbed Zhao Gou's neck, and with his skill, as long as he spit out a little bit, the other party would definitely be dead.

At this moment, Murong Bo hesitated. At first he was invited by the ghost villa. He naturally wanted to kill Zhao Gou in the chaos of the world, and their Murong members were taking advantage of the situation.

But now, depending on the situation, Zhao Gou's death was mostly due to King Yi ascending the throne. The court estimated that it would soon stabilize, which may not be in his own interests.

Murongbo and his son have always been proud of the royal blood of the Yan Kingdom. They usually disdain the culture of the Han people. Once they have the time to spend their energy on the martial arts secrets, there is no time to read the history books of the Han people.

If he has seen the story of Jing Ke assassinating Qin, he must have known that Jing Ke originally controlled Yingzheng, but when he wanted to kill him, he suddenly hesitated for a moment, thinking about holding the other party to surrender the land that was annexed to the country of Yan in those years. it is good? It was this hesitation that allowed Ying Zheng to find a chance to break free from his control, and ultimately fell short.

He also made the same mistake at this time, seeing that Zhao Go did not show a panic, but a weird smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. His heart was stunned. Before he could react, he felt an incomparable tingling in his eyes. Then there was blood red in front of him, and he couldn't see anything.

"Ah!" Murong Bo screamed, clutching his bleeding eyes, rolling around with pain. Looking at the two embroidery needles in his eyes, everyone felt their eyes hurt.

"Who did it?" At this time, everyone was very puzzled. At this moment, an afterimage next to Murong Bo ran directly into the bamboo forest. It was like thunder and lightning, and it was even better than Li Qingluo's Ling Bowei. Bu and Xiaolongnv's light work is even faster.

"That was...Zhao Gou?" Li Qingluo was suddenly surprised, and even the girl in the yellow shirt was shocked. She never knew that the official family could martial arts?

After such a change, they couldn't fight anymore. They gave up in a tacit understanding and hurriedly chased them out. Wang Yi and Yin Liting on the side were also full of incredulous faces, and they also followed out by appointment.

Several great masters in the bamboo forest are fighting, and the scattered strength has destroyed the entire bamboo forest, and other people can't get close if they want to come forward and help.

Zhao Gou turned into a yellow light and suddenly appeared at Shi Potian's side from a strange angle. Shi Potian was now focusing on dealing with Huang Shang's skill. Where could he want to get an extra person by his side?

There was a bit of cold light in Zhao Gou's hand, and only a few people in the field could see that his hand was nothing but a needle, a needle that was no different from an embroidery needle!

But it’s this kind of embroidery needle that ordinary people are pierced and it doesn’t matter. When he pierced Shibatian’s body, Shibatian uttered a terrifying scream. The whole person suddenly looked like a deflated leather ball, and blood spurted wildly. It was also like being hit by a heavy hammer, and instantly hit a big tree on the side, hitting the big tree and breaking it.

As for Shi Potian himself, he tried to get up from the ground several times, but after a few tries, he finally fell helplessly on the ground.

Huang Chang seemed to have expected this, without any hesitation. A big Fu Mo fist hit Huang Yaoshi's chest directly. Huang Yaoshi was leaning on the stone to block the front. Now there is only one person left. In the deep shock, wherever he could defend, he punched him straight, and the whole person flew out like a run-down sandbag.

Huang Chang didn't look at him again, and instantly appeared on the other side of the battlefield, and pressed his palm silently against Wang Chongyang's vest.

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