Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2006: Source of Tomb School

The six princes adopted by Pan Mei were renamed Pan Lang, and the seven princes adopted by Lu Yan were renamed Lu Duoxun. The two later conspired against Wei Wang Zhao Tingmei. After the failure, Lu Duoxun was exiled to Yazhou. Pan Lang hid in the rivers and lakes. He called himself Xiaoyaozi and founded the Xiaoyao School.

Of course, Huang Chang found out all of this in recent years, but because the Xiaoyao faction is scarce, it has always been mysterious and unknown. In addition, the imperial court has had internal and external troubles over the years, and it hasn’t been possible for a while to deal with it. Perks.

Since the sweeping monk knows the martial arts of the Xiaoyao Sect, he would probably come from the line of the Sixth Prince.

The sweeping monk showed a reminiscence on his face, and his tone was full of sorrow: "My father was hidden in the rivers and lakes, and he did not forget to overthrow the Song Dynasty and restore the power of the Zhou Dynasty. Only after the case of Zhao Tingmei, he knew that Zhao Song's temperament was still there. , Can only place hope on future generations. So he accepted three brilliant disciples to teach in accordance with their aptitude, the eldest disciple Wu Xingyun, taught her the "Eight Desolate Six Harmony Only I Domineering" skill; the second disciple Wuyazi, taught him "Beiming Magic Art" ; Third disciple Li Qiushui taught her "Little Wuxiang Gong"."

Many people in the field did not know the inside story. Hearing him, he knew that the famous Tianshan Tongmao and others were originally the disciples of the father of the sweeping monk, and they were all shocked.

The sweeping monk continued: "Father asked them to be in the Western Regions, in Xixia, and in the Central Plains, each to cultivate their own forces, and agreed to wait for Song Ting to change, they will work together to restore Dazhou Heshan. Who would have expected them to be trapped by love. How can I remember my father’s exhortations in those years, Song Tingfeng swayed, Fangla's rebellion, Yang Yaozhi's rebellion, Jingkang's change, and Jin Guo went south to search the mountains and seas several times. Which one was not the perfect opportunity? Father back then? I have never been able to wait for such an opportunity in my entire life. Who knew that the three of them would have missed so many good opportunities abruptly."

Speaking of this, the originally kind-faced sweeping monk suddenly showed a bit of hideous look on his face, and it was obvious that he hated these people in his heart for betraying his father's life's hard work.

Looking at the hostility on his face, the alcoholic fighting monk frowned and said: "You are in a demon."

"Goodness, goodness," the sweeping monk folded his hands together, and his expression returned to peace, "Yes, this matter has become my demon. I originally hid in the Shaolin Temple Buddhist Scripture Pavilion, and was deeply influenced by the scriptures of the eminent monks, thinking that I had let go After all, but when the people from the ghost villa came to the door, I found that I had not forgotten all of this. Although this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity may not be able to recover the Great Zhou, at least it can make Song Ting chaos, kill an emperor, and wash away the yellow robe of the year. The humiliation suffered by the Zhou royal family also fulfilled his father's wish before his death."

"If you want to kill me, it also depends on whether you have the ability!" Zhao Gou suddenly realized that the other party said so much, I am afraid that he is delaying time, and he has just severely injured three great masters, how can he not pay the price? Now it must be the end of the battle, if he is given a chance to breathe, and when he recovers, the person on his side of the realm of his great master will be an opponent.

As soon as the voice fell, he turned into an afterimage, and attacked the floor sweeping monk, really moving like a rabbit. In an instant, he was less than a foot away from each other, and the noses of the two almost touched each other. No one can imagine this strange move, and the speed of action is even more indescribable.

"What a weird body technique!" Many people in the field sighed secretly. Just now Zhao Gou attacked Shi Potian, his body technique was not as quick as that.

It turned out that Zhao Gou didn't dare to be careless in the face of the great master, he used his full strength when he came, and even exerted a twelve percent power under fear.

Normal people compete against the enemy with both hands. If they are bullied a few inches in front of them, it is difficult for them to defend themselves, and their strengths will not be able to be used.

"What about the great master?" Zhao Gou was already so fast as lightning. Now that he is so close to the other party, he is determined to get it. One is printed on his chest, and one hand is pierced with embroidered needles in his eyes.

He is very confident in his speed. At such a close distance, even if the opponent is a great master, he will definitely not be able to avoid it, not to mention that the opponent's vitality is exhausted now, and there is probably not much internal strength left.

Almost in the blink of an eye, his attack hit the opponent, but as soon as the corners of his mouth rose slightly, the drunk monk and Huang Chang yelled in unison: "Be careful!"

Zhao Gou's smile froze in an instant, because he had noticed that the feeling from his hand was wrong!

The alcoholic fighting monk in front of him gradually dissipated. It turned out that what he stabbed just now was just an afterimage!

Wanting to understand all of this, Zhao Gou felt that his entire body's hair was going to stand upside down, and he hurriedly floated beside the ghost-like figure, but it was a pity that he just moved, and suddenly a palm was pressed on his shoulder.

"Ah!" Zhao Gou let out a shrill scream, and then his whole body trembled like an electric shock.

"Bei Ming Divine Art!" Wang Chongyang instantly recognized the martial arts performed by the Dou Jiu Monk, and his finger strength was also consumed by Bei Ming's True Qi.

"Official family!" Although the woman in the yellow shirt doesn't like her half-brother, how can she die? He grabbed a long sword and rushed over, trying to save Zhao Gou.

The sweeping monk controlled Zhao Go with one hand and slowly raised the other. The woman in the yellow shirt felt her wrist numb, and she couldn't hold the long sword in her hand.

Immediately after a soft force hit her shoulder, she suddenly felt that the acupuncture points all over her body were sealed, and she fell to the side weakly.

"It is said that the Tianshan Zhemei hand of the Xiaoyao School can incorporate all of the world's martial arts into it. I used to disagree, but today I see it as a well-deserved reputation." Huang Chang said with emotion.

The sweeping monk replied: "On the wide range of martial arts, there is nothing in the world comparable to Brother Huang's Nine Yin Scriptures. It's a pity that we can't fight a fair fight, because I acted a bit meaner."

Huang Chang shook his head and said: "You and I will change places, and I will do the same, and you hit the three of us hard in one fell swoop. The timing is precise. With this vision and skill, I am afraid there is no second person in the world."

As a great master who has lived for nearly a hundred years, his temperament is naturally different from that of ordinary people. At this point, he has already looked away, and he admires the opponent with a hit.

The wine fighting monk on the other side couldn't help but said, "The monk I also admire, but the only thing I can't figure out is that Brother Chongyang seems to belong to your ghost villa too, why do you want to attack him?"

The sweeping monk did not answer yet, but Wang Chongyang first said: "What is incomprehensible? We have no affiliation with the ghost villa. It is just because we are together for a common purpose. What I am opposed to is Zhao Gou, the faint lord, yes. The court and this country are still loyal, but he is against the entire Song Dynasty. We are naturally not the same. In order to avoid trouble in the future, we are simply a hundred. If it was me, I would probably do the same."

In the past, he fought on the battlefield. He naturally understood the principle of doing everything he could. He couldn't give the enemy a chance to counterattack, and his own cultivation level would become the next biggest variable, so naturally he couldn't keep it.

The sweeping monk sighed: "Everyone who understands this way, but excuses me, it really makes me ashamed."

At this time, Zhao Gou had been released by him, but he had lost half of his strength, his hair was gray, his cheeks were dry, his eyes were dull, and he seemed to be dozens of years older than usual.

Sweeping monk dwelling condescendingly looked at a muddy emperor on the ground, and the brutality on his face gradually faded: "I have abolished your internal strength and meridians. From now on, you are a useless person. Killing you will make you cheaper. In the future, letting you live like this is not as good as dead, which is enough to comfort the spirits of the ancestors and ancestors.

Zhao Gou didn't say a word, his eyes were extremely empty. He had exhausted his calculations this time, concealing the fact that he was a super master, but in exchange for such a tragic ending, how could he accept it for a while?

The sweeping monk frowned slightly: "But I'm very curious. Your posture just now seems to be the martial arts in The Sunflower Treasure. How did you know the Sunflower Treasure?"

Zhao Gou didn’t seem to hear what he said, so Huang Chang sighed and explained: “It’s not "The Treasure of Sunflower", it's just the "Evil Swordsmanship". People in the rivers and lakes only know that the evil swordsmanship is the unique knowledge of the Lin family of Fujian Fuwei Escort , But didn’t know that Lin Yuantu, the ancestor of the Lin family, belonged to the Gu Su Lin family."

"Gu Su Lin's house?" Wang Chongyang suddenly showed a strange look on his face when he heard this family.

The woman in the yellow shirt who fell on the side thought that the Lin family was thin, and the patriarch of this generation seemed to be the salt and iron envoy Lin Ruhai, right?

Huang Chang continued: "The world thought that Lin Yuantu died back then and left the evil spirit sword at the Fuwei Escort. In fact, he was just tired of the disputes between the rivers and lakes and returned to the Lin family. Later, he also left behind in the Lin family. A copy of the sword spectrum, but the training conditions are strict, cough cough... In addition, the Lin family was originally a family of officials and no one went to practice this dangerous kung fu. Later, the sword spectrum was obtained by the court, and the official chance coincided... It just happened to satisfy the prerequisites of cultivation, so I practiced this sword technique."

The several great masters present were very knowledgeable, and naturally knew what prerequisites were needed to practice evil swordsmanship, plus the thought that Zhao Gou could not be human, all of them suddenly realized.

Not far away, Wang Chongyang coughed a few times: "Brother Huang's words are not good. Someone from the Lin family still practiced this swordsmanship."

"Who?" Huang Shang curiously asked.

Wang Chongyang didn't answer directly, but took a deep look at Little Dragon Girl not far away: "Doesn't Huang Brother think Dragon Girl's Jade Girl Suxin Sword Art looks familiar?"

Huang Chang suddenly said, "No wonder, no wonder, I think her swordsmanship is somewhat similar to that of the emperor's martial arts, but she is too handsome, like a fairy dancing sword, which makes people not think of it."

Wang Chongyang's face showed a gentle color: "At the time, Chaoying was brilliant and brilliant. Unlike ordinary ladies, she didn't like embroidery by female workers. Instead, she liked dancing swords and swords. She could learn martial arts at a glance. Later, by chance, she found one at home. She has studied this cheat for a long time. At that time, I was curious about what cheats could bother her for so long, and I wanted to help her to study it. As a result, she refused to show it to me. At the time, I thought she was eager to win, and I was afraid that I would learn it. Martial arts have overwhelmed her. Now that I think about it, she was afraid that I could not help being tempted. After learning this martial arts, let me swing a sword... Hey. Now I learned that the Lin family’s secret book turned out to be the "Sword of Evil", all the previous Doubts can be resolved."

"Grandpa grandma..." Xiaolongnu muttered to herself, how could she not know who he was talking about?

The wine fighting monk couldn't help sighing: "Miss Lin is really a genius of heaven. She actually transformed this evil skill into a martial art suitable for women's practice, and changed the cruel and curious way to make the fairy spirit flutter."

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