Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2007: Siskin behind

"She is indeed a genius." There was a hint of tenderness in Wang Chongyang's eyes, but he quickly thought of his current situation. If she knew about his current situation, he would have to laugh at him, and his brows suddenly frowned.

After listening to the narration of several people, the sweeping monk breathed a sigh of relief: "That's it, I thought..." He didn't say the following words. Everyone in the court was still in shock, but no one noticed.

"It's the matter here, I should leave too." Before leaving, the sweeping monk saluted Huang Chang and the others with their hands together, expressing his apology.

At this time, Zhao Gou suddenly said: "Since you hate our surname Zhao deeply, why not kill him?"

Everyone looked in the direction he pointed, and just saw King Yi, whose complexion changed drastically. King Yi just witnessed the sweeping monk and Wang Chongyang, who was a ghost villa. He was already muttering in his heart, and he could only pray. He had forgotten himself, who knew that Zhao Go would actually mention him.

Zhao Gou continued: "You should know that after I died, King Yi usurped the throne and became the emperor. Isn't it also our Zhao Song's state? What is the significance of your behavior this time?" He is a generation of heroes after all, although now After the loss was a mess, he immediately realized the opportunity when he recovered a little bit, and provoke the relationship between the sweeping monk and King Yi, even if he died, he would be buried with King Yi!

The sweeping monk shook his head slightly: "He is better alive."

"Why?" Zhao Gou was shocked and hurriedly asked.

"After all, there is still a prince in the capital. If I kill King Yi, wouldn’t I help the prince you choose to ascend the throne?" said the Sweeper. "If he leaves his life, he will inevitably fight with the prince. There is no less time to fight between dragons and tigers. The king of Yi is deliberate here, and the prince is definitely not an opponent, but after he takes the throne, how can the world convince him? In the future, the ambitious clan of your Zhao family will definitely follow the same pattern and hold the righteous name. Crusade against him, so that your Zhao family will never have peace."

Zhao Gou was shocked. He didn't expect him to see it so thoroughly. After such an analysis, the follow-up development was mostly as he said.

King Yi was almost crying at this time. Although he knew that the sweeping monk was calculating himself, he still couldn’t help but want to thank him for not killing. He was worried that he might be irritated to change his mind, so he opened his mouth for half a day and ended up with nothing. Dare to say.

The sweeping monk slowly walked down the mountain road. Everyone could see that his face was pale. He knew that he had to deal with the raids of the three great masters and Zhao Go in succession. No matter how strong he was, he was now at the end of the battle, but no one in the field dared to step forward. Stop him, whether it is from Zhao Gou's party or Yi Wang's party, wishing him to leave soon.

Seeing his back further and further away, Yi Wangzhi stood up triumphantly. Now that Zhao Gou's masters are all destroyed, he still retains considerable strength, which can be described as winning.

"Officials, I said before that if you don't give it, I will be the same." King Yi approached Zhao Gou step by step. Some of the remaining imperial guards tried to stop him, but were quickly killed by his men. The soldier was completely killed. Huang Chang and the wine-fighting monk had already run out of oil at this time, so where is there to stop him?

"It's a pity that Song Qingshu's partner broke the contract, otherwise it will let you succeed!" Looking at the other party getting closer, Zhao Gou's tone was full of resentment. Originally, his side had an absolute advantage, and he would have a masterful martial arts trump card. After hiding for so many years, it was because Song Qingshu did not come, that everything fell short. Now he hates most people like the sweeping monk and King Yi, but Song Qingshu, who has never appeared.

"He was dragged by Jia Xiang's people, so how could he come back so quickly?" King Yi sneered, thinking that Xia Quan and Liu Yan's subordinates combined were almost 100,000 horses, and maybe they had already taken the surname Song under his hand. Yangzhou, "but the officials can rest assured that when I become the throne, I will definitely get rid of the Song, which is a sigh of relief for the officials."

Song Qingshu's martial arts and reputation are too high, and there are 100,000 elite soldiers under his command. In case any clan draws him in, his throne may not be secure, so he naturally has to get rid of him first.

I heard that all the confidantes surnamed Song are stunning in the world, and then I will take advantage of it.

"Come here, send the official's family on the road." King Yi waved his hand and greeted one of his subordinates. He was not stupid. How could he do it himself, leaving a handle to the people of the world for no reason? The men killed Zhao Go, and he could even be pushed out as a scapegoat at a certain time in the future.

The subordinate was a dead soldier raised by King Yi, and without hesitation, he slashed towards Zhao Gou's head. At this time, a cold light flashed, and his waist knife was already held by a long sword.

Looking at the beautiful and incomparable woman in front of him, Wang Yi was stunned: "Miss Yue, you are..."

The little dragon girl frowned slightly, and said faintly: "You just said you want to get rid of Song... Qing Shu?"

King Yi could not wait to give himself a big mouth. Seeing that he was going to climb to the sky in one step, he was a little overwhelmed. He even forgot that the little dragon girl failed to enter the palace in the assassination. It was Song Qingshu who protected her. Maybe take such a big risk?

I just said that the women surnamed Song are all overwhelmed by the country. Now they are just as beautiful as a god, and looked at the little dragon girl greedily. King Yi found that with the greater power, the greater the desire in his heart. powerful.

"I don't like the look in your eyes right now." The little dragon girl turned to her side, with a trace of disgust in her eyes.

King Yi's face sank, thinking that he will be the emperor soon, how dare you, a woman from the rivers and lakes, give me a face? I thoughtfully reprimanded, but I immediately thought of Li Qingluo and Xiaolong female martial arts high-powered, now if they tear their faces, it is really a change in vain, or wait for the overall situation to settle, and then slowly clean up these two women.

When the two were in a stalemate, a loud noise suddenly erupted in the distance, and everyone turned their heads subconsciously.

The sweeping monk walked a bit slowly. He was about tens of feet away from the bamboo forest. Suddenly the ground exploded. Numerous hidden weapons mixed with mud shot at him, sealing all his retreat in all directions, even if it was light work, it could not be avoided. past.

The sweeping monk has just conspired with the three great masters, how can he not prevent others from drawing the gourd in the same way? The reason why he walked so slowly just now was because he had to seize the time to digest all the skills he had drawn from Zhao Gou with Beiming's divine art.

On weekdays, although Zhao Gou’s internal strength is strong, the Sweeping Monk’s cultivation is even more unfathomable. He absorbed his life skills and quickly transformed into his own skills, but this time he designed to severely injure the three great masters, and then he was killed by the king The Chongyang counterattack, coupled with the subsequent attack on Zhao Gou, his own internal strength was exhausted.

In this case, Zhao Gou's skill in refining Zhao Gou was much slower than usual, but he slowly left like this, and the distance of tens of feet has given him enough time to refine Zhao Gou's internal strength to seven or seven. Eighty-eight, enough to face the sudden crisis.

As soon as his robes were unfolded, the extraordinary stunts in his sleeves were displayed more and more miraculously, and all the hidden weapons and soil in the sky were put into the sleeves.

However, the enemy obviously did not intend to use these hidden weapons to kill a great master, and behind the hidden weapons was an old man in Tsing Yi with a scarf on his head and a fluttering beard.

The old man in Tsing Yi has a very unique body style, which is very different from the number of roads in the Central Plains Wulin. It was originally in the front, but suddenly changed to the right side of the sweeping monk, with a palm printed on his ribs.

This palm couldn't make any moves, but the air in the palm seemed to be distorted, reflecting a strange light.

"This martial arts looks familiar?" Wang Chongyang thoughtfully.

Huang Chang snorted weakly: "Kungfu on Xia Ke Island." He and Shi Potian have just fought for so long, so he can be sure of it.

"I don't know if this person is dressed up, whether it is the lord of the Dragon Island of the Knight Island or the lord of the Wooden Island." The brewing monk was curious, and now the three major masters are all disabled. They have let everything go and kept their pure attitude to watching the show. Looking at everything, I hope the chaos the better.

Wang Chongyang replied: "The two envoys of Xia Ke Island who reward good and punish evil often wear yellow clothes and Tsing Yi. Since this person is wearing Tsing Yi, he should be the owner of Wood Island."

Zhao Gou said in a cold voice: "Jia She is the old man!" Jia She is the half-brother of Jia Sidao. He almost inherited the title of Duke Rongguo, and naturally went to the palace to worship the emperor. Now that he is here, it means that Jia Sidao has finally started.

It's a pity that now he has lost all the games, he has no chess pieces to use, and he doesn't even have the qualifications to enter the game. It is an intelligence error to say it. At first, he thought that the ghost villa was controlled by Jia Sidao. What a master.

"Are you a great master again?" I don't know who asked.

Several great masters glanced at each other, and then shook their heads. Wang Chongyang said, "Like, but not."

Huang Chang added: "This palm has faintly touched the threshold of the great master realm, and it is half a step for the great master." But the three of them knew that the difference of a word was a thousand miles away. It seems that the difference is not far, but many super masters will not be able to break through to the realm of the real master in a lifetime.

"Although there is still a lack of heat, but Wuming's current state, it is still unknown who will die." The wine fighting monk murmured.

The few people no longer had time to chat, all of them watched the changing situation of the battle intently.

In an instant, the sweeping monk had already fought against the wood island master. The sweeping monk was obviously extremely jealous of his palm power, and did not insist on it, but used a wonderful body to resolve it.

Seeing him in danger, a trace of sadness flashed in many people's hearts, thinking that the grand master would die in the hands of Xiao Xiao in the end?

After all, Huang Chang and the others were injured in the hands of the Grand Master. This is in line with everyone’s expectations. Only Grand Masters have the ability to hurt. If such a supreme Grand Master is finally beaten and killed by someone, it is really letting him go. People sighed.

Suddenly, the sweeping monk finally made a move, patted lightly, touching it softly like a lover, Huang Chang and Wang Chongyang turned their heads to look at the brewing monk when they saw it. He was hit hard by this beat.

"Amitabha Buddha." The wine fighting monk seemed to have seen the end, and his tone was full of compassion.

Seeing him slapped him, the alarm in his heart rose, but he thought that the opponent is now at the end of the crossbow, and his palm power should attack him first, so he gritted his teeth and did not evade, and continued to press down with his palm. .

However, his pupils suddenly tightened, because the other party's light palm, I don't know how to do it, and then send it first, and press it on him first.

He suddenly felt pain all over his body, and he no longer stood still and knelt on the ground.

The sweeping monk is not feeling well at this time. If it is normal, this shot is enough to slap the opponent, but he is unscathed, but now at the end of his crossbow, after all, he still did not avoid the opponent's palm, and instantly noticed a few broken ribs, half of his body. Are paralyzed.

At this moment, the ground behind him suddenly exploded again, and a figure suddenly jumped out, taking advantage of his brief moment of paralysis, and hitting his back with a punch.

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