Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2011: One enemy two

As the person's face gradually appeared, the sweeping monks and the drinking monks were all at a loss. Only a few people such as Wang Chongyang were thoughtful.

"Jia Jing?" Zhao Gou exclaimed. Jia Jing is the heir of Ning Guogong. Naturally, he has been in the palace before, but most of the time he lives in the simple and easy way, hiding in a Taoist temple all day long to refine alchemy and seek immortality, in the city of Lin'an. Many people say that he has fallen into the devil, and he will not live for many years if he eats pills like this indiscriminately.

Because he hadn't appeared in front of the public for many years, many people even thought that he had taken drugs and died. They didn't remember the existence of this person at all. Even Zhao Gou had thought about it for a long time before recognizing his identity.

At this time, Huang Chang and others looked at each other, and they saw the same doubts in each other's eyes:

Another great master?

This great master is too worthless!

Which of them is not a legendary figure in the arena, each of them has created a stunning and unparalleled knowledge or has a mythical record, and each of them is the existence of the world's people like thunder.

But Jia Sidao, the two brothers, really broke through everyone's cognition. They had never heard of martial arts at all. They turned out to be great masters? And both are great masters?

"Dragon...Lord Dragon Island?" Shi Potian's shout awakened everyone at this time.

Is Jia Jing the owner of Long Island?

Everyone was stunned, what is Jia Sidao?

As if seeing everyone’s doubts, Jia Sidao laughed and said: “The world only knows that there are two island owners of Dragon Wood on Xia Ke Island, but they don’t know that there are actually two Lords of Dragon Island.”

Everyone was puzzled at first, but everyone was a very talented person, and soon realized that Jia Sidao is a court official, and the government affairs in the court are complicated enough on weekdays, and they often go to the court, so naturally they don’t have much energy to take care of. Things in the arena, when he is away, he will inevitably need to entrust other people to help take care of the affairs of Xia Ke Island.

It’s just that in order to lead a key department like Xia Ke Island, one must have sufficient prestige and ability, and the other must be his own. After thinking about it, his cousin Jia Jing is the best candidate, and everyone in Beijing knows that Jia Jing is hiding in Taoist temple. Zhongqiuxian Wendao was a simple one, just to cover his whereabouts.

Song Qingshu looked at Shi Potian and asked, "Little brother, did you tell them how to interpret the pictures and texts on the stone wall?"

Shi Potian nodded subconsciously: "Yes, I was invited to the island by two island owners. By chance, I learned the martial arts on the stone wall by chance. Those martial arts are theirs, of course I will not hide it."

"No wonder." Song Qingshu nodded secretly. Unlike Shi Potian, the Lord of Long Island and Jia Sidao were master-level masters. After learning the correct training method of "Tai Xuan Jing", they naturally became like a tiger with wings and smoothly upgraded to Grand Master; In terms of Shi Po Tian's martial arts foundation is too shallow, accidentally hit and practiced the map on the stone wall, although he is already a top master on the rivers and lakes, but he still missed the goal and missed the chance to become a real master.

Of course, Song Qingshu is not worried at all, because he has "taken away" the most essential part of the Taixuanjing. The tadpole script in the secret room is even better than the "Sanskrit General Outline" The status in "Nine Yin Zhenjing" is higher.

Without this essential part, they would never be able to exert the true power of the Tai Xuan Jing.

"How do you know the pictures and texts on the stone wall?" Jia Sidao turned around suddenly, staring at him sharply, and even various speculations arose in his heart, could it be that he had been on the island of knights, or that he had something to do with Baoyu's disappearance?

Song Qingshu laughed and said: "It's not just you who have an intelligence network, I naturally also have my information channels." While speaking, he subconsciously glanced at Zhang San and Li Si in the battle circle.

Now that the two great masters on the opposite side dare not care, he naturally has to find ways to give the other side's false information and hide his strength by the way, so as to prepare for the battle.

In this respect, he admires Xiao Feng in the original work. The reason why the opponent is recognized as the **** of war is that every time he fights against the opponent, regardless of the strength of the opponent, the lion fights the rabbit and uses all his strength to fight against a man like Tan Gong and Tan Po. Third-rate masters, he must play a twelve-point spirit to guard against being hurt by the opponent's palm strength. Xiao Feng always imagined the worst situation at first. For example, he was worried that he would not be able to defeat Murong Fu and You Tanzhi when he joined forces; and when the King of Chu of Liao Kingdom rebelled, he also felt that he was dead, who knew that the next moment would come. This turns things around.

Therefore, Xiao Feng has never been defeated in the actual combat of the original book. Unlike Duan Yu and Zhang Wuji, who are clearly dressed in magical costumes, they are often beaten to shame by those who are inferior to him.

However, although this is conducive to actual combat, it also has a drawback, that is, Xiao Feng will use his full strength in his moves. If he is not careful, he will easily hurt his own people and cause irreversible consequences, such as Azhu from Xiaojinghu...

As expected, Jia Sidao was misled by the look in his eyes, and he was relieved immediately, thinking that when this happened, he must let the two traitors, Zhang San and Li Si, know what a real life is better than death.

At this time, the Dragon Island Lord forgot to glance at the Wood Island Lord who was lying not far away, frowned, and did not say anything. This was a struggle within their Rong Guo Mansion and had nothing to do with his Ning Guo Mansion.

"There are many dreams in the night, it's better to get rid of him as soon as possible." Long Dao's main swing was about to turn his attention to Song Qingshu.

Song Qingshu motioned to Little Dragon Girl to hide aside, then said proudly: "You two will go on together."

Jia Si said angrily and smiled: "Extremely arrogant!"

Long Island Lord also took a deep look at him: "The young man has a big tone!"

Song Qingshu smiled faintly: "If I don't say this, will you fight me alone?"

The two breathed, and he choked into speechlessness.

"Picture is the advantage of his tongue." Long Island Master snorted, no longer speaking, but slowly raised his right hand. Originally, his hand was only a handful of air, but as his hand was raised higher and higher, the palm of his hand As if condensed a sword of nothingness.

Jia Sidao assumed a weird posture, clenching his fist, as if he was holding a transparent wine glass in his hand and was about to sip a swig. The sweeping monk's eyes condensed, and he recognized that he was hurt by the fist just now. under.

The two men locked onto Song Qingshu in the center, and the whole bamboo forest had no wind, and they killed them all at once.

Huang Chang and others couldn't help but nod their heads and said, "The Taixuan Sutra is really well-deserved."

Several great masters have gone through a magnificent life. Even if they die, there is not much regret. It is even more gratifying to be able to witness the legendary Taixuan Sutra before dying.

Only Song Qingshu recognized the two men’s tactics. Long Dao Master’s move should be a “stretching off the sword’s knees,” while Jia Sidao’s move was the boxing technique contained in the “Three Cups of Turannuo”. Sure enough, the two of them had practiced the martial arts on the stone wall to the extreme.

Huang Chang couldn't help asking: "Who do you think will win or lose?" The great masters had just been brought together by Wudang disciples and stayed in a relatively safe corner. At this time, the tea party was simply opened.

The brewing monk thought for a while and replied: "If it is one-on-one, I think Donor Song will win, but one-on-two is too difficult." He did not say directly, but the meaning in the words was already very clear, the dragon on the side The girl and the girl in the yellow shirt suddenly raised their two hearts.

Wang Chongyang shook his head and said, "I don't think the little brother will be defeated at least." Although the age difference between the two parties is far, but the strong are respected in the rivers and lakes, Song Qingshu's martial arts is already at the same level as them, so no one is right. He disagrees with the title of little brother.

At the beginning of the Chongyang Palace, he did his best to use the Tiangang Beidou formation and did not take him. Now, judging from his martial arts, he has obviously made great progress. Although Jia Sidao are great masters, they are not as good as they are when they are used alone. If people join hands, they may not be able to win each other. Just thinking of the situation where he was shackled by Huang Chang and the drunk monk just now, he was not so sure about Song Qingshu's ending.

Hearing him say this, the hearts of the women were slightly settled.

At this moment, the sweeping monk on the side suddenly said, "I think Song Qingshu will win."

"Oh? Why?" Several other people couldn't help asking, although they were injured in his hands just now, everyone is in the same situation now. After living for most of his life, there is nothing left to watch, which can be regarded as a smile.

The sweeping monk smiled without saying a word, but in his mind it appeared that the masters of the Shaolin were besieging Song Qingshu. He was hit hard by the opponent, and he appeared to rescue him. The little golden figure in the pupils of the opponent, who appeared in the eyes of the opponent, still has some lingering fears even in retrospect. .

When martial arts reached his level, he had already scorned the entire martial arts, and there was almost nothing that could bring him a sense of crisis. But at that time, the flash of gold in Song Qingshu's eyes made his hair stand upright. That feeling was never before.

Seeing that he was selling off the hook, several great masters secretly dissatisfied, wondering if you don't say, can't we see it for ourselves? Only Huang Chang was thoughtful. Obviously, he also remembered the unbearable move of Song Qingshu when he confronted Song Qingshu in the palace.

At this time, the field has already handed over his hand, and the Dragon Island Lord took the lead in the move. He originally looked at an old-fashioned look, but once he made a move, he seemed to instantly become a vigorous young man, and saw that his whole person seemed to flash. , The figure kept appearing in all directions of Song Qingshu, and the sword of nothingness in his hand pierced Song Qingshu at the center from various weird angles.

"Is this the sword technique in the Supreme Profound Sutra? Looking at the whole world, I think that only the Dugu Nine Swords of the Sword Demon back then can match it." Wang Chongyang couldn't help but admire, his knowledge in swordsmanship was extremely deep. After only a few glances, he judged that this set of swordsmanship was much better than his own true swordsmanship.

Of course, his all true swordsmanship is peaceful and suitable for martial arts of all levels. It is a martial arts that truly benefits the entire martial arts. The swordsmanship of Dragon Island Lord requires extremely high skill. If you want to come to the whole arena, few are suitable for practicing this swordsmanship. It is not suitable for promotion at all.

Huang Chang snorted, "I think that the sword technique of the Jade Girl Suxin improved by the evil spirit swordsmanship of the Tomb Sect is not bad. It's just that the girl's skill is too weak. If you use it, it will definitely be better than the Dragon Island Lord. Makes this set of swordsmanship."

Wang Chongyang chuckled: "My junior's right-to-left mutual-stroke technique, I don't know how to use both hands at the same time like Dragon Girl." With his eyesight, it was natural to see that Xiao Long Nv must have been instructed by Zhou Botong. In order to perform the full-true swordsmanship with one hand and the jade girl swordsmanship at the same time.

The brewing monk laughed and said: "You and Miss Lin Jia have two swords together, and who else in the world can win you." The great master who didn't know the mess between Wang Chongyang and Lin Chaoying, wanted to make fun of him.

Wang Chongyang's old face was hot: "What do you monk know about feelings."

The sweeping monk at the side didn't care about their romantic past, watching the battle in the field, and muttered: "I think the power of this sword technique is mostly attributed to this light footwork."

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