Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2012: No face

The brewing monk also agreed and nodded: "Yes, this set of footwork is really peculiar. When galloping, it is like a galloping horse, and a small range attack will advance and retreat without warning. Looking at the entire rivers and lakes, it is also the top light work."

Wang Chongyang sighed: "It's a pity that compared to Song Qingshu's light work, it's still a lot worse." At the beginning of the Chongyang Palace battle, the opponent's proximity to the horizon shocked him, and even faintly opened the door to a higher realm. Therefore, in his mind, it is Song Qingshu to talk about light work as the number one in the world.

"His light work is indeed beyond the reach of human beings." Huang Chang's mind at this time was the image of the other party seeking rain in Lin'an Palace, which was indeed beyond his cognition.

Although Dragon Island Lord’s light work is brilliant, each of them is not inferior to him, but compared with Song Qingshu, it is far different. Thinking of him sneaking into the palace several times to steal incense and jade, but he couldn't catch up with him, Huang Chang suddenly felt that his teeth were itchy.

Hearing that several great masters seemed to have become fans of Song Qingshu, the originally frosty little dragon girl's lips rose slightly, revealing a faint smile.

The woman in the yellow shirt on the side had a full view of her reaction and couldn't help but sighed secretly. Just now Song Qingshu came and kept holding her arms around the other person, but she didn't even talk to herself. Such a gap made her see Song Qingshu at first. The joy was swept away.

Although she felt a little uncomfortable in her heart, she still looked at the field worriedly, and it was better for someone named Song to become a victor.

Moreover, in the face of various attacks from Dragon Island Lord, Song Qingshu’s figure is much slower, as if he is just taking a walk after a meal, and his movements are gentle to the extreme, but even if the speed difference between the two sides is such a big difference, Dragon Island Lord The storm's attack did not pierce the corner of his clothes with a single sword.

Huang Chang couldn't help but said with emotion: "It's no wonder that he can be among the great masters at a young age. This vision and control ability is even better than me."

The drunkard laughed bitterly: "If I were to change places and face the attack of the Dragon Island Lord, I'm afraid I would not be able to lift his weight so lightly."

Several other great masters also nodded. They always felt that Song Qingshu could become a great master at such a young age. Most of them were piled up by various adventures. Until now, seeing his response, they knew how talented he was. If you give him a few more decades, how far will he grow?

Of course, these great masters don't know that they are actually a little arrogant. It is important to know that Song Qingshu can do such a leisurely stroll nowadays. The main reason is that he knows the number of ways of the Taixuanjing set of swords, so he can often predict the enemy's first.

It's just that his reputation, coupled with his outstanding light work, a group of people subconsciously think he has this ability, so they didn't think about that.

Jia Sidao was waiting for the opportunity. He planned to wait for Long Island Master to drag Song Qingshu. When he revealed his flaws, he would take advantage of the situation and attack with a hit. Just like Wang Chongyang attacked Huang Chang and the drunk monk before, he attacked himself. The same as the sweeping monk.

It's a pity that after watching for a while, he found that Dragon Island Lord was not a threat to Song Qingshu at all. He didn't dare to wait any longer. If Dragon Island Lord was killed, wouldn't it have a great advantage and let the opponent defeat each one?

Jia Sidao hit with a palm, and even produced a sonic boom effect. Several great masters secretly compared: Jia Sidao is weak in the choice of experience and timing, but in terms of internal martial arts, he is no worse than his own.

Song Qingshu secretly sighed. Originally, he had finally grasped a flaw, and expected that he would be able to severely damage the Dragon Island Lord within three moves, but Jia Sidao did not give him this opportunity.

With the addition of Jia Sidao, the pressure on Song Qingshu suddenly increased. Jia Sidao and Longdao Master’s martial arts are in the same line. One practiced swordsmanship in the Taixuanjing, and the other practiced boxing techniques in the Taixuanjing. In addition, the number of light work and internal interest is the same, so the combination is like a fish in the water, and it has the effect of one plus one greater than two.

The two great masters were originally victorious and undefeated against the previous one, not to mention that the martial arts of the two great masters can cooperate with each other, it is even more stable. Unless Song Qingshu is very familiar with the martial arts of Taixuan Jing, and many times can resolve the crisis in advance, this will maintain an unbeatable undefeated.

The three of them fought together, and occasionally the true energy between the hands escaped, even the huge boulders instantly turned into powder. Even Ouyang Feng, Qiu Qianren, and the envoys of Reward, Good and Punishment from Xia Kedao did not dare to face the battle, and they pulled away. In the distance between them, the Wudang Sect's disciples hurriedly escorted the wounded to a farther distance, so as not to be hurt by Chi Yu.

The woman in the yellow shirt couldn't help saying: "The situation of King Qi seems not so good now." Her acupoint has been solved by Wudang disciples, and now she has not joined another battle, but guarded by the master.

Huang Chang hummed: "Jia Sidao and Longdao Master seem to have specially practiced a set of combined attacks. Each attack combines the skills of the two. It is really not easy for Song Qingshu to block it until now."

The brewing monk also admired: "This combination of strikes is really powerful. If the two of us know how to do it, I'm afraid we will be able to subdue Brother Chongyang within ten strokes."

Wang Chongyang said in disgust, "Don't even think about it. They can practice this combined attack because their martial arts, internal strength, and body skills are in the same line. Only this can achieve a perfect match. Where else can others learn it."

The brewing monk knew that he was talking about the truth. Generally, all the martial arts in the arena have their own formations. Because everyone learns the same thing, they can gather the advantage of numbers to fight against strong enemies. For example, each of the Seven Realms is weaker than Huang Yaoshi. Many, can be added together to form a formation, but it can be longer and shorter with Huang Yaoshi.

It's just that this kind of combined attacking method will only be practiced by the next generation of disciples in the sect. The martial arts are high to a certain level, they are all alone, and they don't bother to join hands with people, let alone those in the realm of great masters.

The realm of great masters is rare. Every great master has its own way. There are countless sects in the arena. There are only so many great masters in the whole arena. It is impossible to send two great masters from the same sect. There is no way to practice such a combined attack.

Secondly, when you reach the realm of the Great Master, you have your own pride and tolerance, and occasionally it is difficult to join hands with the enemy. Who would be so shameless and skinless to practice such a combined attack with other people?

"The face is gone!" Several great masters unanimously contempt Jia Sidao to death.

The little dragon **** the side frowned slightly and moved a step forward slightly. Wang Chongyang seemed to see what she was thinking, and hurriedly said: "Don't be impulsive. Although your swordsmanship is good, your skill is too far behind. I'm afraid they will be torn apart by the strong wind they are fighting against. It is of no use other than distracting Song Qingshu."

Although Xiaolongnv didn't like Wang Chongyang because of the ancestral precepts of the Tomb Sect, she knew that what he said was true, and she couldn't help but hesitate for a while.

Li Qingluo couldn't help but said: "Uncle Shi, are we just doing nothing and watching? If Jia Sidao wins, won't we be sure to die?" She is a descendant of the Xiaoyao faction, and the Sweeper has just suffered three severe injuries. Grand Master, she is naturally not good to ask those people.

The sweeping monk opened his mouth and said, "Don't worry, trust Donor Song."

Seeing him calm and relaxed, Li Qingluo had no choice but to continue to look at the field nervously.

Seeing that once again the combination attack that was determined to win was used by the opponent to hide behind Tianya, Jia Sidao was not surprised but smiled: "The name Song, your near Tianya should be quite laborious, I want to see how many more times you can use it?"

At the same time, I secretly rejoiced that the other party had just performed several times, and suddenly appeared in some unimaginable azimuth attacks without warning. If it were not for the two of them to join forces and look at each other's flaws, I don't know how many times they have died.

With the magical skill of reaching the end of the world, if he fights alone, no one will be his opponent.

While admiring Jia Sidao, he also made up his mind. Today, he must take this opportunity to besieged him, otherwise he will inevitably become a confidant.

He knew that he couldn't bring Dragon Island Lord by his side anytime and anywhere. Once he was alone, he would be easily killed by Song Qingshu. How could he tolerate this happening?

On weekdays, Song Qingshu’s light work may not be able to keep him, but now there are so many Wudang disciples here, his father and his uncles and uncles are there, and there are confidantes like Xiaolongnv, and I heard that the girl in the yellow shirt is also somewhat ambiguous with him. , So many caring people, where can he go?

So to kill him, today is the best chance!

Song Qingshu, who was several feet away, did not speak. He opened his hands and slowly raised them up. The swords scattered on the ground seemed to be attracted by an invisible energy, and gradually rose into the air, forming a forest of swords around him. Jian Yu.

"Ten Thousand Swords Return to Zong!" Many people in the field had seen Song Qingshu use this trick, and couldn't help exclaiming. Others looked at the sky full of swords, equally dumbfounded.

"Crap!" Different from the views of ordinary experts, the sweeping monk and Huang Chang frowned, and a hint of puzzled color flashed in their eyes.

"What's the matter?" Li Qingluo and the girl in the yellow shirt asked together. Although the little dragon girl did not make a sound, she also pricked her ears to listen.

Wang Chongyang explained: "Song Qingshu's trick is indeed powerful, and it can cause indiscriminate damage to enemies in all directions. If we are facing thousands of horses on the plain at the same time, we have nowhere to hide and can only fight hard, even if we are big Grandmaster, I am afraid that the army will be piled up to death. But with this trick, Song Qingshu can enter the land of no one among thousands of troops. It's just that the group attack skill means that the power is scattered, which means that every point of power is To be weaker. Of course, this weakness is also relative. Against the vast majority of masters, Ten Thousand Swords Returning to the Sect is powerful enough to be used against great masters, but some are not powerful enough."

Li Qingluo worried: "Coping with two great masters for so long at the same time, he has already consumed a lot of internal strength, wouldn't he use such skills to consume internal strength in vain?"

The sweeping monk replied: "As far as I know, he shouldn't be such a reckless person. This is probably his intention."

"Not bad!" Huang Chang had dealt with Song Qingshu several times, and he didn't look like such a reckless person.

At this time, Jia Sidao in the distance laughed loudly: "The surname is Song, you are seeking your own death!" For Song Qingshu, he had already prepared detailed information, and naturally recognized the move of Wan Jian to the sect. After analyzing its advantages and disadvantages, the opponent is actually trying to use such group attack skills to deal with the two great masters. It seems that they have just made a big mess by the two joint attacks, and they lost their minds for a while.

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