Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2019: Mystery girl

Song Qingshu hurried over and took her place. Yun's palm lightly touched Huang Chang's back, and the true energy was continuously lost.

His internal strength is much higher than that of the yellow shirt woman. Huang Chang quickly opened his eyes and said weakly: "I am dead, you don't have to waste your energy, not to mention that you yourself are seriously injured."

Song Qingshu was a little apologetic: "I am late, otherwise..."

Huang Chang waved his hand slightly to stop him from saying, "You don't have to blame yourself. As the saying goes, the ways of heaven are permanence, not for Yao, not for perishing. If you and I change places, I will make the same choice as you. ."

Song Qingshu was silent. He had to look for help everywhere along the way, so the time was a bit tight, but no matter how tight the time was, it wouldn't happen at such a coincidental time. It would not be impossible to go up the mountain earlier.

It's just that, in that case, he would not be a fisherman, maybe a snipe clam instead, and he would also be responsible for the safety of himself and his subordinates, so if he did it again, he would probably have the same choice.

Huang Chang obviously saw through all this, but he understood very well that this understanding is not polite, because he originally cultivated the way of nature, and his style of behavior is not so restrictive. As long as he can achieve his goal, he can use any means, so He also approved Song Qingshu from the bottom of his heart.

After all, it was a miscalculation this time. I didn't expect King Yi and Jia Sidao to unite to find so many great masters, otherwise the cultivation skills of him and the drunk monk would be enough to suppress the audience.

Now that he had lost because he didn't expect all this, of course he could afford to lose.

"I had a foreboding that Shouyuan was approaching, so I don't have too many regrets now," Huang Chang looked calmly, looking at the yellow shirt girl beside him, "It's just that my apprentice had a hard life. He was originally a golden branch, but he was very small. At that time, she was captured by the golden man and used as a slave, thanks to my passing by and saving her."

The girl in the yellow shirt was a little choked: "Master's great kindness, Yingluo will remember it all his life."

Huang Chang smiled and said to Song Qingshu: "Her identity is embarrassing. Without my care in the future, it may not be easy to survive in Lin'an. Since you are friends, help take care of..."

He suddenly closed his mouth when he said that, because he realized that taking care of these two words has a lot of meaning, he made it as if he entrusted her life to the other party, so he immediately changed his mouth: "Although she has studied "Jiu Yin Zhen" "The Classics", but did not understand the true essence. Since you will also know the "Nine Yin Zhenjing" and are her friend, please give her more guidance in the future."

In the past, Huang Chang's family members were all beheaded and killed by Mingjiao people. He devoted himself to revenge and practice without renewing the string. When he became successful in martial arts, he became older and had no such thoughts, so he was lonely and had no heirs all his life. Although the girl in the yellow shirt is nominally his apprentice, in his heart he treats him as his granddaughter.

I learned that she and Song Qingshu were a little ambiguous, but Huang Chang was so angry that there was always a feeling that the hard-grown Chinese cabbage was overrun by the pigs. If it’s someone else, it’s not bad to look handsome at a young age, and martial arts are strong, but Song Qingshu is a greedy and erotic. The rumors of the rivers and lakes are not said, the key is that he saw the other party sneak into the harem and hook up with his concubines. Is a good match for a person?

Huang Chang treated the woman in the yellow shirt as his granddaughter, and naturally didn't want her to go to this muddy water, so he changed her words in time and changed from caring to martial arts. Putting aside the character of Song, martial arts is first-class. With his guidance, the yellow shirt girl is at least a grandmaster level. Maybe there will be a chance to see the threshold of the grandmaster. When the world is so big, who can bully she was?

"Senior don't worry, I will do my best." Song Qingshu replied solemnly.

"There are officials..." Huang Chang glanced at Zhao Gou in the distance, and noticed that his eyes staring at Song Qingshu's back were a bit bitter. He hesitated and swallowed the rest of the words back. "Forget it, nothing more. You guys do it for yourself..."

After speaking, the expression in his eyes gradually disappeared, and the others hadn't reacted yet. The wine fighting monk and the sweeping monk put their hands together: "Amitabha~"

The woman in the yellow shirt finally understood that the master had passed away, and forbearing the teardrops in her eyes, she suddenly grabbed the long sword on the ground and stabbed the sweeping monk aside.

At this moment, Li Qingluo, who was guarding the side of the sweeping monk, used her cold sleeves and flicked the acupuncture points, swung away the long sword in her hand, frowned and said, "What are you crazy!"

The woman in yellow shirt pointed at the sweeping monk and said angrily: "The master obviously died under his sneak attack, but at this time, Amitabha is here to behave!"

Li Qingluo snorted: "On the battlefield, the winners and losers were originally based on their ability. It is no wonder my uncle." Because she knew the origin of the sweeping monk and the Xiaoyao faction, how could she also protect each other.

Song Qingshu was in a dilemma. At this time, the gang was nowhere, and couldn't help but feel big.

Fortunately, this time the wine fighting monk spoke: "Yingluo, this is a matter between our great masters. The other party bears the hatred of the country and the family. The previous approach is understandable."

"But..." The woman in the yellow shirt wanted to say it again, and the wine fighting monk shook her head and said, "When your master is dying, would you let you avenge him?"

"That's not..." The woman in the yellow shirt bit her lip. "But that's the master pitying the disciple, and I don't want me to take risks."

The drunk monk said with a serious face: "In this case, do you take the risk to be worthy of his pains? One thought to become a devil and one thought to become a Buddha, but also to think twice." Seeing that she was still a little upset, he had to transmit the secret message: "Silly boy, sweeping monk Special status, both Shaolin monk and Xiaoyao elder, both sects are masters. If you kill him, in the future the masters of these two sects will come to you endlessly for revenge, not to mention that someone is now protecting him. , You can't kill him at all. Anyway, he is seriously injured and he wants to die soon, so why not let him live two more days?"

Hearing his explanation like this, the woman in the yellow shirt was relieved and said apologetically, "Thank you, senior, for understanding."

The wine monk nodded, got up and saluted Zhao Gou from a distance: "Officials, I have fulfilled my previous promise, and I have also paid back the grace of the emperors of the Song Dynasty to our family. Now that the matter is over, I will leave. "

"Master, you can't leave me behind." Zhao Go was anxious. Now the guards around him are all dead, and the last one of his own will leave. How can he not panic.

The wine fighting monk shook his head: "I am now a useless person, and it is useless to stay. Now I have repaid the cause and effect of the past, and it is time to fulfill the wish of the past."

After talking about it, despite Zhao Gou's repeated attempts to stay, the figure that became a little rickety and thin gradually disappeared in the mountain road, and his singing faintly came from the air:

When did the porridge go to dinner? It's hard to cure because of leather bags. Such a body is so ignorant that it only reaches the abdomen when it enters the throat, and it is hungry in a blink of an eye.

Only the monks don’t care about it, and they have to drink three cups slowly. In winter, I still hang summer clothes, although the shape is ugly, my heart is not fascinated...

The sweeping monk on the side showed a different color: "Amitabha, this state of mind and Buddhist attainments are far better than me."

Li Qingluo frowned and said, "Why do I listen to the lyrics so crudely?"

The sweeping monk smiled slightly without explaining, and sighed after a long time: "This matter is over, I should leave too."

Li Qingluo hurriedly said: "Uncle Master, I will see you off."

The sweeping monk shook his head: "No, if this stinky skin dies on the side of the road, it is worthy of the crime."

"But..." Li Qingluo wanted to say again, the sweeping monk had already walked in front of Song Qingshu: "Donor Song, do you want to stop me?"

Song Qingshu hesitated for a moment, and shook his head: "It was fortunate for the seniors in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion to give me my today, so how can I embarrass seniors."

"The cause of the past, the fruit of today..." The sweeping monk sighed, "Don't worry, Song Donor, I will not disclose anything about today."

Seeing him leaving, Song Qingshu laughed dumbly. Why did the sweeping monk make me look like I was about to kill the king? But he was also a little strange, the other party's breath... it seemed that the injury was not as serious as he thought, but the heart was hit by the great master with all his strength, how could his life be saved?

Song Qingshu was puzzled, and suddenly heard Zhao Gou shout: "Yingluo, punish me, punish the chaos and thief Wang Fufeng." It turned out that he saw the drinking monk and the sweeping monk leaving one after another, worrying that Wang Chongyang would also be released, so Called out in advance.

It's just that he has no people available now, only the yellow shirt woman is considered to be a brother and sister with him, and should be on the same front.

The woman in the yellow shirt wrinkled her eyebrows when she heard the words. Unlike the sweeping monk, the master was not hurt by Wang Chongyang after all, and he and Master are good friends, and occasionally appeared at Jianshan Academy. Back then, she pointed out that she was seriously injured. When he started, he was really uncomfortable.

"Officials, he was seriously injured, and it has been a few months to survive." The woman in the yellow shirt had no choice but to reply.

"If he commits chaos, how can he die so cheaply? Let alone live a few more months?" Zhao Xiang's face is a little distorted. If it is on weekdays, he will never be so gaffe, but this time he consciously has a seamless plan. In the end, his success fell short, and then he became completely useless again. His defense was finally defeated, so he seemed a little hysterical now, "Don't you go?"

The woman in the yellow shirt was reluctant in her heart, but it was not easy to refute the emperor's face in public, so she stood there with embarrassment.

Wang Chongyang laughed and said, "Finally, Chongyang is not weaker than others in his life. Even Jia Sidao doesn't want to die in the hands of others. How can I die in the hands of you, a faint king."

After speaking, he stretched out his finger and clicked on his own dead spot. He was originally a master of yang-finger, and if this finger was in the middle, he would have no luck.

Song Qingshu was shocked. Not to mention that the two of them had a friendship, but that the other's character and aspirations were very temperamental to him. How could he let him fall like this?

Just as he was about to rescue him, a white shadow suddenly flashed past, and a flip of his wrist directly blocked Wang Chongyang's fingers.

The people around were shocked. Although Wang Chongyang was seriously injured, he was the cultivation base of the Great Master after all. Who could stop this without warning?

Looking hurriedly, he saw a man in white shirt standing beside Wang Chongyang holding his wrist. She was slender and graceful. She was obviously a woman, with a light windy skirt and fluttering like a fairy. She seemed to be in her forties and her appearance. Very beautiful, except that the eyebrows enter the temples, and the corners of the eyes are vaguely murderous.

The white-shirted man sneered again and again. Although the voice was pleasant, the meaning was full of ridicule: "You have a temperament that wants face and suffers sins. I didn't expect that you will not be able to change it when you die."

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