Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2020: Domineering town harem

Li Qingluo is the wife of the Wang family. Speaking of Wang Chongyang, she is still her elder, but she just looked at the figure of the sweeping monk leaving and remembered some things in the past. For a while, she was a little lost in a daze, so that she didn't pay attention to the situation here, waiting for the change. When it happened, it was too late for her to stop it.

Fortunately, this mysterious woman appeared at this time. Before he could be grateful, Wang Chongyang was shocked. He looked at the white-shirted man in front of him, and opened his mouth several times, but said nothing, but everyone was watching. Get the excitement in his eyes.

"Why, don't you recognize me?" The white-shirted man snorted, obviously a little bit dissatisfied in his tone.

"Chaoying, is it really you?" Wang Chongyang asked with some uncertainty.

Song Qingshu on the side was startled, who could make him so excited, who was called by this name, besides Lin Chaoying? In the ancient tomb, he once saw the portrait of Lin Chaoying when he was young. Although the man in white shirt was not that young, his appearance was still faintly recognizable.

Subconsciously glanced at the little dragon girl, only to see her blinking a pair of beautiful eyes, curiously looking at the grandparents who appeared suddenly.

Wang Chongyang suddenly thought of something and couldn't help asking: "Aren't you already..."

"Already dead?" Lin Chaoying sneered, "You are not dead, how can I die earlier than you?"

"That's true," Wang Chongyang said with a smile, "Then why have you never contacted me for so many years?"

Lin Chaoying sipped: "Who do you think you are? Why should I contact you? I don't know how easy I am to live alone."

Wang Chongyang frowned and said, "Why are you still this temperament."

Lin Chaoying suddenly angrily said: "What do you mean by this temperament? It sounds like how good your temper is. When the news of my death came back then, you didn't drop a few drops of cat urine, but the energy was all on deciphering my heart sutra. He also deliberately left a cracking method on the sarcophagus cover of the Tomb Sect disciple, so that the tomb disciple could only know before his death that the martial arts he had learned for a lifetime had been completely broken, and he died in endless annoyance and regret. I’m pooh, what kind of man are you! Even with a smug expression, Chongyang is not weaker than others in his lifetime.”

Song Qingshu on the side was stunned. Lin Chaoying's character was really pungent. It's no wonder that he would fight with Wang Chongyang for a lifetime, and no one would accept it. Originally, a pair of gods and relatives could only love and kill each other for a lifetime.

Compared with this kind of personality, Song Qingshu felt that he still preferred a gentler temperament, even the iceberg personality of Xiaolongnv was better than Lin Chaoying's violent temper.

Of course, objectively speaking, the main reason for this is that Lao Wang didn't do it authentically. He used to spit on the coffin of the doorman of the ancient tomb to decipher the Heart Sutra of the Jade Girl.

Wang Chongyang's old face blushed, but he didn't want to admit defeat: "After all, it's not because your Tomb Sect's martial arts is completely aimed at cracking our Quanzhen Sect's martial arts, so you are allowed to crack it, and I am not allowed to crack it?"

"You!" Lin Chaoying's eyebrows were pierced, her eyes full of anger.

Seeing that the two of them had a disagreement and were about to quarrel, Song Qingshu couldn't help but get big heads, and hurriedly stepped forward and interrupted: "This must be Senior Lin from the Tomb Sect, right?"

Lin Chaoying looked back at him and nodded with some appreciation: "You are Song Qingshu. I know that your deeds are not bad. Not only are you handsome than Wang, but also have a lot more responsibility than him."

Song Qingshu chuckled, but couldn't answer the conversation. However, he was a little surprised. Lin Chaoying had a good impression of him, and thought that the other party would hate him. After thinking about it, it should be because he didn't care about safety, fame and fortune, and wanted to be in the palace. Save the credit for the little dragon girl.

"Grandma Grandpa?" Xiaolongnv also walked over at this time and greeted her in a low voice.

"Long Er, good, even your master can't comprehend the essence of my martial arts. In the end, you all performed the jade girl super-heart swordsmanship. You are really talented." Looking at the little dragon girl, Lin Chaoying's expression softened a bit. Minute.

"But I admire your vision of picking men more. It's much better than grandma's grandmother." Lin Chaoying's next sentence almost didn't choke Wang Chongyang to death, thinking that you would praise others, so why would you step on me again.

Song Qingshu was ecstatic, wishing to hug her and kiss him, this assist was really caught off guard.

Xiaolongnv didn't expect Grandma Grandpa to tell her this when she came. It was because she had a cold personality. At this time, there was a hint of blush on her white face: "Grandma Grandpa, you misunderstood, between me and him..."

Lin Chaoying sighed: "Long Er, it is not so easy to find a man willing to die for you in this world."

The little dragon girl was startled, she couldn't help thinking that when she put down the Broken Dragon Stone, Yang Guo jumped in to accompany herself regardless of her life. At the time, the senior sister Li Mochou told her the same way, but soon it came to mind that Song Qingshu in Lin'an Palace was protecting her alone. With thousands of troops and horses, my heart was in a state of confusion...

"It's a pity that this person is greedy and lustful. He is a well-known slutty in the world. He may not be a good match." Lin Chaoying gave Song Qingshu a fierce look, his dissatisfaction was beyond words.

Song Qingshu's old face became hot, and there was really no way to refute this.

Lin Chaoying was obviously not in the mood to participate in the affairs between the juniors. She used to mention the collar of Wang Chongyang's back neck: "I took this person away. Are you okay?"

Wang Chongyang was embarrassed and angry: "Unreasonable! Quickly let me down!" He always paid attention to fame and face, not to mention fighting with Lin Chaoying for a lifetime, but now he was lifted up like a chicken in front of so many people. It really made him feel ashamed and indignant, but now he is seriously injured and dying, so there is no strength to resist Lin Chaoying.

Seeing the funny look of his teeth and claws, Song Qingshu couldn't help but want to laugh. Seeing Lao Wang winking at him, thinking of the friendship between the two, he coughed and said, "Senior Lin, his injuries are not trivial. It's better to stay and think about it together and see if there is any way."

"No." Lin Chaoying directly rejected his proposal.

Song Qingshu is unclear. Therefore, even if Wang Chongyang’s injury is healed by a single yang point, it cannot be cured, unless he uses Huanxi Zen to do a double practice with him, maybe there is hope...


Thinking of that scene, Song Qingshu felt a chill, and he couldn't kill him, so he hurriedly choked to death.

Had it not been for the relationship between Lin Chaoying and Wang Chongyang, Song Qingshu might have suspected that she did not want to save people. However, he knew that although Lin Chaoying was not forgiving, he would never harm Wang Chongyang, so he didn't stop it.

Soon in Wang Chongyang's yelling protest, Lin Chaoying carried him and disappeared on the mountain road in the distance.

Song Qingshu checked the remaining people on the mountain at this time, first came to Huang Yaoshi and found that he had fallen into a coma, checked his pulse, and found that although the injury was serious but the vitality still existed, he couldn't help but relax. In a tone, if something happened to him, Rong'er didn't know what she was going to be sad.

He hurriedly took a Nine-Range Bear Snake Pill and fed it to him, while saying to Yu Lianzhou and the others: "Thank you, a few uncle masters to arrange for the disciples to take him to find a place to heal his injuries."

Yu Lianzhou nodded: "Of course." After all, Huang Yaoshi is a well-known figure in the world. Why not make friends with Peach Blossom Island? The only worry is that he was involved in this conspiracy case, but Song Qingshu Here, thinking about it is not a problem.

"By the way, this Shi Po Tian should be related to the black and white double swords of Shang Qing Guan, and they belong to the Wudang line. It is troublesome for several uncles to lead him to recognize the people of Shang Qing Guan." Song Qingshu investigated Shi Po. Tian's injury, fortunately, his internal strength was really strong, and he was not injured in the hands of the Grand Master, so he saved a life. It's just that Zhao Gou's blow hurt the foundation, I am afraid that most of his martial arts will be abolished.

"Before the grand teaching ceremony, Shangqing Guan sent someone to ask," Zhang Songxi replied.

I checked the other people. Whether it was Zhao Gou’s guard, Ghost Villa, or Xia Ke Island, they were basically killed in the previous chaos, but Ding Dian barely managed to save one because of the special effects of the Gods’ Scriptures. Life, but has automatically entered the tortoise breath state, Song Qingshu also gave him the Nineth Rank Xiongshe Wan, and then handed it to the Wudang faction to take care of it.

Many people of the Wudang Sect were also injured this time. For example, Yin Liting was injured by Jia Sidao's kick. The other three generations of disciples were more or less famous. Soon the Wudang heroes took everyone to find a place to heal their injuries. , As soon as they left, the bamboo forest was instantly empty.

At this time, Zhao Gou finally said: "You will leave all the idlers and others, think you are going to do something against me." Watching him let go of the rebellious sweeping monk, Wang Chongyang, even Huang Yaoshi was so good. Taking care of it, how can he not taste it?

The woman in the yellow shirt was startled when she heard the words and hurriedly opened her hands to block him: "Don't kill him!" Although she doesn't like this brother, she is a member of the royal family after all, and the two are also related by blood.

At this time, Li Qingluo took Xiaolongnv's hand and walked up: "Kill, why not kill!" It was the other party who was about to kill the sweeping monk, and she came forward to stop her. Unexpectedly, now the Feng Shui takes turns and everyone has switched roles.

"You!" The woman in the yellow shirt was annoyed, but at the same time she knew that it was okay to deal with one. If the two of them joined forces, how could they be stopped? In desperation, I had to look at Song Qingshu for help, "Big Brother Song"

Song Qingshu looked embarrassed, it was really that the palms of the palms and the backs of the hands were all fleshy, and it was not good to offend anyone.

At this time, Dongfang Muxue couldn't see it, and she walked over and snorted: "Whoever can beat me, listen to whoever." Maybe it's the experience of being the leader of the demon cult, plus becoming the Ninth Five-Year Sovereign in the past two years. The emperor of, she always carried a kind of power on her body, which shook the three women in an instant.

Are you kidding me, you are a great master, how many of us can beat you?

"Since there is no objection, then listen to me," Dongfang Muxue said and glanced at Song Qingshu contemptuously. "You really lack dominance. The harem should look like a harem. What kind of harem can't be kept?"

Happy Chinese New Year, everyone! (https:)

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