Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2021: Hesitate

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly, talking about domineering, he is really not as good as the unbeaten East who has been famous for so many years. This kind of thing is innate and it is difficult to learn.

The other two women reacted differently when they heard her words. Li Qingluo was nothing but a mature woman. She didn't think there was anything. But the woman in the yellow shirt couldn't help stomping her feet: "What are you talking about, what harem, I will tell him It's not what you think."

Dongfang Muxue glanced at her, did not pay attention to her, and said directly: "Since you can't beat me, then listen to me..."

The people on the side looked wonderful, and wanted to hear what you said, as if they were also a member of Song Qingshu's harem, but you are obviously a man, does Song Qingshu still like that tune?

Thinking of here one by one staring at Song Qingshu with weird eyes, I thought that the world is really going downhill and people's hearts are unpredictable.

At this time Dongfang Muxue continued: "It's unwise to kill Zhao Goo and leave a big mess now. It's better to save his life and be a puppet."

"Bold!" Zhao Gou was originally seriously injured and very weak. When he heard the other party publicly claiming to be a puppet, he couldn't help but rushed into the crown, and instantly sat upright.

"It's up to now, there's no place for you to speak." Dongfang Muxue snorted and waved casually, as if he didn't bother to pay attention to him.

Zhao Gou was anxious and was about to open his mouth to curse, Dongfang Muxue sneered and said, "If you don't know each other, believe it or not, this seat will kill you immediately?"

Zhao Gou's face was blue and cloudy. Seeing that he didn't dare to say anything, many people sighed in their hearts. It's no wonder that the emperor has been so miserably oppressed by the Kingdom of Jin over the years. This emperor is too tolerant.

The woman in the yellow shirt was about to speak, Dongfang Muxue cut off her words in advance: "He can still save his life and the throne. It's already on your face. Don't get too far. By that time, you won't be able to get anything."

The girl in the yellow shirt hesitated, but after all she didn't say anything, she didn't know if she was frightened by the other's temperament, or she was worried that Zhao Go would be killed by talking too much.

Suddenly there was a noise from the mountainside, and Wudang disciples soon announced: "A group of court soldiers rushed up."

Zhao Gou's expression of joy suddenly appeared. Although these soldiers were most likely to be under Jia Sidao or King Yi, no matter which side they belonged to, they would not deal with Song Qingshu, and then he would have room for struggling.

"Imperial court soldier?" Song Qingshu was also guessing which way he was, but he didn't have to worry about it soon, because the other party had already rushed up.

"Officials!" The general leader was startled when he saw the horror of the corpses all over here, and when he saw that Zhao Gou was still alive, he was obviously relieved and cried out with some excitement.

"Wang Ziteng?" Song Qingshu had recognized the other party, wondering why he appeared here?

Then it quickly reacted. At first, the 10,000 guards led by Wang Ziteng were dragged by the Lu brothers’ army. Then, in order to drag the Lu brothers’ army, Song Qingshu sent people to mobilize the Jin Kingdom’s loyal army to attack Xiangyang southward. Wang Ziteng should have taken advantage of this gap to slip out.

Of course, it is not easy for him to come out. Seeing that there are not many soldiers around him. Although there is no detailed count, it is obviously far from 10,000. It should be the big army fighting with the Lu brothers and the Jin Guo-military. He brought some elite troops. Break out.

"Quickly, kill this rebellious courtier for me!" Zhao Gou excitedly pointed to Song Qingshu and issued an order in an instant.

"It seems that Wang Ziteng and Jia Sidao didn't go all the way." Originally, Song Qingshu had been thinking about whether the Wang family had participated in Jia Sidao's rebellion. After all, the two families are the same four families, and they are also related by marriage. However, seeing the reaction of him and Zhao Gou now, I finally determined that he should not participate. In fact, it is reasonable to think about it. If the two are together, how can Zhao Go take him to dig his grave this time.

At this time, Wang Ziteng also heard Zhao Go's order, and he couldn't help being surprised, but his long-standing loyalty instinct allowed him to instantly draw out his saber, and the soldiers under his hand also took up weapons and faintly surrounded Song Qingshu in the center.

Song Qingshu frowned slightly, and Li Qingluo ran out to stand in front of him: "Second brother, what are you doing?" Wang Ziteng is the second son of the second family of the Wang family, and Li Qingluo is the eldest wife of the third family of the Wang family. The two knew each other naturally.

The prince was shocked: "Brother sister, why are you staying with the counter-thief, come here."

Li Qingluo smiled bitterly: "The king of Qi has done a good job in saving the driver, and I am the anti-thief."

Wang Ziteng was dumbfounded, and he did not expect that she would be involved in treason.

Li Qingluo glanced at the soldier beside him and said, "I have something to say to you in private."

Zhao Gou hurriedly opened his mouth, just about to say something. At this moment, Dongfang Muxue raised his hand, and an invisible energy hit his acupuncture point, making him unable to make any sound.

Wang Ziteng hesitated and waved his hand to signal the soldiers to retreat. However, he had seen Song Qingshu's martial arts and was worried that the other party would take the opportunity to surprise him, so he issued an order: "The archer is ready, if I have any accidents later, The people standing on this mountain were killed."

He didn't emphasize the safety of the emperor. No one of these guards would be so indifferent to shoot the emperor. The reason why they didn't say it was to prevent these people from hiding behind the emperor and using him as a shield. It would be very troublesome.

Here Dongfang Muxue also quietly moved her position, quietly calculating whether to wait for a while to directly attack those archers or take Zhao Go as a hostage?

Song Qingshu stood calmly in place, as if not worried about the development of the situation behind.

Li Qingluo walked to the side of Wang Ziteng and roughly said what had just happened, but didn't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, and missed some details that were unfavorable to Song Qingshu.

Dongfang Muxue glanced at Song Qingshu playfully, and said in a secret message: "You are really a woman. I feel that all beautiful people seem to have something to do with you, whether it is a young girl in the mood for love or a wife who is already a married woman."

Others couldn't hear what Li Qingluo said, but there was no way to hide the two great masters.

Song Qingshu smirked and didn't know how to respond for a while.

Li Qingluo continued to persuade the prince: "Second brother, not to mention their two great masters, as well as master-level figures such as Xi Du and Qiu Qianren. Wudang also has a lot of masters, and it may not be anyone who really fights."

Prince Teng was silent, if he led the army on the open plain, he would not be afraid of these people from the rivers and lakes, but now on Wudang Mountain, there are barriers everywhere, and the army cannot be used at all. It may not be able to stop these masters, not to mention his army being defeated. Hold it, this time only one or two thousand people can be taken up the mountain.

Li Qingluo continued: "Just now Jia Sidao and King Yi rebelled, and the Wang family and Jia's family got so close. Your sister married Jia Sidao. I am now involved in this case again. Zhao Gou will really believe you. Are you loyal? How can you let go of the Wang family afterwards?"

Wang Ziteng knew that the emperor was the most suspicious. He might have believed it before, but after experiencing a series of changes on Wudang Mountain, coupled with his delay in coming, it is impossible for the official to have no idea in his heart.

"But he killed Shi Xian. After all, Shi Xian is my brother-in-law, and his niece Xifeng also married into Jia's family." Wang Ziteng couldn't help but said, "Aren't we helping him instead?"

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