Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2031: Wearing nothing but flattering

Lu Wende is not a stunned young man who knows nothing. As a battle veteran, he certainly wouldn't care to let a master like Song Qingshu be very close to him. The two sides are separated by tens of meters, and there are many guards in between, but I don’t know. Why, when he heard the other party's words just now, a sense of badness arose in his heart, and he hurriedly hid behind, as if he had to hide in the center of the army to feel safe.

Song Qingshu hadn’t finished the sentence just now, and rushed towards him. The Lu brothers’ troops have fought against Mongolia and resisted the Golden Kingdom over the years. They are elite soldiers of a hundred battles. Seeing this, they don’t need an order, so they took out bows and arrows to him. Shot over.

Seeing the rain of arrows covering the opponent, Lu Wende finally breathed a sigh of relief.

But his smile suddenly froze. He originally planned to see the opponent being shot as a hedgehog, but the opponent suddenly disappeared at the moment when the arrow rain came to him. It was the kind that disappeared out of thin air. These archery veterans, Arrows Ya didn't move in the same direction, but saturated coverage. With his position as the center of the circle, arrows were densely inserted in the radius of several meters, but the opponent's person was gone!

Lu Wende hadn't reacted yet, suddenly the warning sign rose sharply, and he hurriedly rolled to the side from the horse, just avoiding the figure that appeared immediately. ,

Song Qingshu had to admire that Lu Wende deserved to be a famous player who had been with the Mongols. This skill and agility was truly impressive.

At this time, the guards around the Lu brothers had already reacted, because they were too close to Lu Wende, everyone did not dare to shoot arrows, so they all drew out their swords and slashed at the enemy.

"Does it have any meaning..." Song Qingshu sighed, and saw that he pushed a block easily. The guards who rushed over seemed to be dragged by a pair of invisible big hands.

Lu Wende and Lu Wenhuan had just pulled out their knives by an inch at this time, their shoulders suddenly tightened, and their strength instantly disappeared.

The rest of the soldiers rushed over and saw that he had restrained the two coaches. They looked at each other and did not dare to take a step forward.

Lu Wenhuan was so scared that his face was earthy, and Lu Wende could barely muster the courage to say: "The surname is Song, if you kill us, you won't be able to live."

Song Qingshu snorted: "I was the king of Qi Dynasty. You are a ruler. You should pay salute to me as a rule. Now I have a surname of Song, but I have committed a crime of disrespect. These soldiers are soldiers of the court. It's not your private soldier of the Lu family, murdering the prince, it's a capital crime full of crimes, who dares?"

The soldiers looked at each other, only then did they think of the other identity of the person in front of them, and couldn't help but be secretly afraid, and subconsciously stepped back.

Noting the reaction of the soldiers under his hand, Lu Wende's face was flushed, but the other party's official position was indeed higher than that of him, and he couldn't help it now if he held on to this.

Song Qingshu threw the two of them to the ground casually, and said lightly: "I didn't come here today to show you official power. I just want to tell you that if you really want to kill you, you don't need to trick you up into the mountains so troublesome, you can just kill them now. "

Although a little embarrassed by the fall, the Lu brothers were still pleasantly surprised, because the other party let them go!

After retrieving a life, the two hurriedly shrank under the protection of the soldiers. Song Qingshu didn't care at all. They just stood calmly among the army, and said lightly: "Is it time to go up the mountain now?"

The Lu brothers’ faces were blue and white. The reason why they insisted on leading the troops up the mountain was that they were really worried that the other party was deceiving, but the other reason was that they planned to lead the soldiers up the mountain to take over everything. See if the situation on the mountain and whether Jia Sidao is true. Is dead, and then decide whether to continue the previous plan. Of course, this reason cannot be said, so I can only use the guise of the first reason.

But now the other party has just picked up and caught the two of them, which has proved that the people on the mountain are not trying to trick them to go up the mountain and kill them. The other generals of King Qin who have just been moved by them on this ground are probably no longer with them. One mind.

It's just that the opponent has just caught him like a chicken, and now he obediently followed him up the mountain, in front of so many people, it was really a shame.

But if you don't go up the mountain, let alone the other few Qinwang teams quit, let's say Song Qingshu, if he makes another raid and captures the two again, can he save his life by then?

Although there are soldiers guarding them heavily now, they are still quite uneasy. All kinds of thoughts are fighting with each other, and it is not for a time, nor is it not to be.

At this moment, a moving figure appeared not far away: "General Lu, I didn't expect you to come to King Qin so soon. This loyalty is truly a lesson from heaven and earth."

"It's the Huang Gang leader!"

"Mrs. Guo!"

Huang Rong and Guo Jingyi have guarded Xiangyang for many years, and many soldiers in Xiangyang City knew her. At this time, they all called out excitedly when they saw her.

The faces of the Lu brothers were hot, how they couldn't tell that Huang Rong was saving face for the two of them, thinking that they had been working together for many years, and hurriedly responded: "Mrs. Guo."

Huang Rong smiled sweetly: "What are you doing standing there, don't you hurry up to the mountain to meet the officials."

The other generals nodded and said yes, but the Lu brothers were still a little bit hesitant. Seeing Huang Rong smiled and said, "Why, are you worried that I will harm both of you?"

"Don't dare," the Lu brothers hurriedly replied, "The heroes of the Yellow Gang are the heroes, and the heroes are so famous all over the world, how can it harm us." What's more, the two sides have cooperated in Xiangyang for so many years, and there is still some trust between each other.

"Then come with me." Huang Rong smiled, then turned to lead the way, and the generals of all parties followed immediately.

The Lu brothers looked at each other, and now they can only follow.

Song Qingshu secretly sighed that Huang Rong's charm was really different. These men saw her eyes straightened, and all of them showed flattering smiles. It seems that it is indeed wise for me to call her down and give them a step down. .

Of course everyone knows that if Song Qingshu hadn't taken the initiative to shock the audience, no matter how charming Huang Rong was, these high-ranking generals would not risk their lives.

When they went up the mountain, the Lu brothers were a little afraid of Song Qingshu, and at the same time they had no face to stand next to him, subconsciously distanced the two sides, chatting next to Huang Rong.

The other few generals of King Qin Lu didn't have so much scruples, and came to Song Qingshu one after another.

"Xiaguan Jing E deputy all has the highest control and has seen King Qi." A burly general said, arching his hands.

"The general is too salute." Song Qing wrote strangely, thinking that the name Gundam is really good luck, and later generations have a famous line, "It is not our army is too incompetent, but the Communist army has Gundam." He was under his command. It won by three points without a fight.

"Xiaguan Jinghu North Road appeasement envoy Xiang Shibi, in the past read history books, Guan Erye pierced Yanliang in the Wanjun Cong. I thought it was a bit weird, but just now the King of Qi made me understand that there really are such gods in the world. "The other goatee civil official said with a smile.

The Lu brothers who walked in front twitched, thinking that if you want to flatter, why do you hurt us again?

"Let me say that Guan Yunchang is inferior to King Qi. You must know that Guan Yunchang has only succeeded once in history, but King Qi is so young, he has already completed the feat of taking the first rank of the generals in the army twice, last time Yangzhou Li Kexiu, wasn't it the same that was captured by King Qi." It was Cao Shixiong who was speaking from Ezhou Zhizhou.

"The two adults are too acclaimed, and Song is really ashamed of it." Song Qingshu's old face was hot. These officials in the officialdom are really unbearable to flatter, and they blow themselves more fascinating than Guan Yu.

At the same time, his heart is the same as Ming Jing. I heard Huang Rong mentioned before that although Jinghu is the world of the Lu brothers, it is not a monolithic one. Many local officials are actually not in line with them, and these are the leaders. .

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