Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2032: Little Mimei

Along the way, Gundam and the others took the initiative to get close. Song Qingshu had also intended to win over these people, so the two sides hit it off and had a good talk, and soon went up the mountain.

When they saw Zhao Go lying on the bed like a vegetative person, they were all shocked. At this time, the prince vacated and talked about what happened on the mountain. He was the emperor’s cronies, and everyone did not doubt that he had endorsed it. .

A group of officials scolded King Yi as a rebellious courtier and thief, and at the same time expressed extreme grief and concern for the emperor's current body. Many even volunteered to recommend famous doctors, but of course they were all turned down by the prince.

These people are just showing their loyalty. If the emperor looks like this, unless the great Luo Jinxian descends, who will save it? When the time came, the person they recommended could not be cured, but it would cause a show, so they stopped insisting.

After the Lu brothers went up the mountain, they looked around for Jia Sidao's figure. They didn't finally confirm his death until they saw the other person's body in the coffin. For a time, the two of them looked like earthy faces and lost their souls.

Perhaps these officials in the field know the truth of the matter best. As a participant in this rebellion, they certainly know what role Jia Sidao played. Now the other party even preached him as a **** to death. The two were surprised at first. Later, I gradually recollected it, and roughly guessed the other party's intentions.

Although they are worried about settling their accounts in the future, Jia Sidao is dead and they are already gone. At least some time can be bought so that the family can slowly think about the way out in the future. And now that the court has publicly announced that Jia Sidao died under the escort, he would not do anything out of slaps when he wanted to come to the future.

A group of people had their own thoughts, and finally under the endorsement of Wang Ziteng and the force of the force of Song Qingshu under the mountain, no one had any objection to the "truth" announced by the court.

The next step is to reward the merits and deeds. Jia Sidao escorts the sacrifices, honours the title of King Wei, and gives him the posthumous title of loyalty.

Qi Wang Song Qingshu added 10,000 households to the princes and princes, and served as the state affairs of the Pingzhang Army. He "visited the nameless, the sword walked on the palace", imitating the story of the prime minister of the Han Dynasty, Xiao He.

The commander of the Dianqian Sidu Wang Ziteng himself was Gong Guogong, this time he was named the king of the Tongan County, the Zhaoqing Army Jiedu Envoy, and his status as the Secret Envoy of the Privy Council.

The envoy of the Jinghu System, Lu Wende, appointed the Ningwu Army to Jiedi, granted Shaobao, and received the title of Chongguo Gong.

Lv Wenhuan, the prefect of Xiangyang, was appointed as the commander of Zhaoyong general and the guards.

The comfort ambassador of North Jinghu Road gave Shibi a scholar of Longtuge University, and a servant of the Ministry of War and a transfer ambassador.

The deputy capital of Jing E was promoted to the post of the governor of Xingyao County, the right to know the Xiangyang Mansion, the comfort of the management, and the restraint of the army and horses.

Cao Shixiong in Ezhou Zhizhou was promoted to...

In fact, the officials from all over the Jinghu Lake did nothing to quell the chaos. They were rewarded one after another when they brought the soldiers around, and they were very satisfied.

Nowadays, anyone who is not stupid can see that Song Qingshu and Prince Teng are hot, and they have intentionally moved closer; what's more, many of these people are at odds with Jia Sidao, who have been squeezed out and suppressed when he was in power. Now Song Qingshu came to power, He promoted them and rewarded them all, one by one was naturally very grateful, and there was a feeling of being able to watch the moonlight.

As for the Lu brothers, they are all human spirits who have been up and down for many years. They are keenly aware that although they have also received great honor, it seems that the court intends to separate the two brothers. For example, Lu Wenhuan was named the commander of the guards. Does it mean that he is leaving Xiangyang to work in Lin'an?

How could the Lu brothers fail to see this? If the other party did too much, they might turn their faces straight away, but their brother's rewards far outweighed the other generals, and the guards of the army commanders are not a false position.

Thinking of being able to control an important army in the capital, the Lu brothers glanced at each other, and after making eye contact, they felt that this was not unacceptable.

After awarding a group of officials, the next topic was to return to Beijing. After all, such a big turmoil might have occurred in Lin'an. The emperor should go back as soon as possible.

Song Qingshu proposed to pass through Xiangyang to Hanshui and then transfer to the Yangtze River back to Lin'an. To the surprise of the Lu brothers, the two never expected each other to be so bold. If they changed places, they would never dare to go deep into the enemy again under such circumstances. Old nest.

Hearing this news, the two of them couldn't help but become active. When they arrived in Xiangyang's own territory, they could use their army to gain control of the emperor.

But after hesitating, the two of them dispelled the idea, not to mention that Song Qingshu’s almost ghostly martial arts made them extremely jealous. They said that the prince ten thousand horses are not vegetarian, and the Gundam and others have always been different from the two. Mu, I will definitely fight against myself when I want to come.

Of course, the most important thing is that the two of them do not have a backstage in Korea! Although the power of the Lu family is large, its influence is only in the Jinghu area. In the eyes of the court's elites, the two can only be regarded as warlords. Without Jia Sidao sitting in the center of the town, even if they control the emperor, they will not get the court's recognition.

After combining the pros and cons, the two had to dispel the idea.

Soon the emperor’s ritual was taken out by the prince, and the group of people descended the mountain for Xiangyang. Xiang Shibi, Gao Da and others also led the army to follow to ensure that the Lu brothers would not move.

When it arrived in Xiangyang, it was already dark, and the Lu brothers wanted to arrange a residence for the emperor. This time they were rejected by Song Qingshu and directly designated to live in Guo's house, saying that by the way, they would show Zhongliang's home.

The Guo family was very famous in Xiangyang, and the Lu brothers used to go there often, so they didn't insist on it. After they settled down, the Lu brothers specially held a banquet to meet the dust.

It's just that the emperor's injury is worrying on the bright side, and everyone is not happy to celebrate, and everyone has their own thoughts, so this banquet always has a strange feeling.

Song Qingshu dealt with it for a while, then handed over the entertainment to Wang Ziteng, and sneaked out into the backyard garden to breathe.

After rubbing his face, Song Qingshu felt a lot more comfortable, thinking that this kind of smiley entertainment was really a torment.

Suddenly a crisp female voice came from behind: "Big Brother Song~"

Song Qingshu followed the prestige, and saw a pretty girl in red standing there, with flowing eyes, slender eyebrows, and a pale and tender face, like cream, as if dripping water.

"It turned out to be Miss Guo." Song Qingshu was a little surprised. The beautiful girl in front of her was naturally Guo Fu. She was really lucky to want to come. She perfectly inherited the appearance of her mother. It would be a shame if she looked like her father.

"Big Brother Song, why are you here?" Guo Fu walked over, smiling like a flower.

"Come out and breathe." Song Qingshu raised his eyebrows slightly. He vaguely remembered that this girl was very at odds with him before. Why did he see his attitude turning a hundred and eighty degrees this time?

"Big Brother Song, you are really good at it. The arrogant Master Lu and the big figures in Xiangyang City have gathered around you to compliment you. I have never seen them like this." Guo Fu's voice was full of exclamation.

"Miss Guo passed the award." Song Qingshu was startled, the other party's attitude was so good, he didn't seem to be so rude to her before.

"By the way, Brother Song, I heard Dawu Xiaowu say that you captured the Lu brothers alive today in the Wanjun Cong. Is it true?" Guo Fu's big eyes seemed to be full of stars at this time.

"It's a fluke, it's just a fluke." Song Qingshu was a little strange, the news spread really fast.

"Like Dawu and Xiaowu, they can't wait to blow themselves up when they do something. You are really low-key. Brother Song, can you tell me about the process at that time?" Guo Fu looked expectantly. Hold him.

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly: "There is nothing to say." It was almost finished in the blink of an eye at the time, and there was really nothing to say.

"Brother Song, tell me something, tell me~" Guo Fu kept pulling his arm to act like a baby. This was her usual tactic when she begged her parents or beggars to help the elders.

"Uh~" Feeling the youthful aura on the girl, Song Qingshu hasn't gotten used to the other's intimate behavior for a while.

"What are you doing!" At this moment, a shy voice came from a distance. Looking back, I saw Huang Rongzhen staring at herself with a frosty face.

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