Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2038: uninvited guest

Song Qingshu was startled: "What's the matter?"

Huang Rong bit her lip and looked at the direction outside the door: "You went to the Dawu Xiaowu Sleeping Point."

"Why?" Song Qingshu felt that this request was a little inexplicable. Suddenly, her heart jumped. Could it be she... But she immediately denied this idea, Huang Rong still understands what kind of temperament it is, how could it be what she thought.

"Do you really don't understand or fake?" Huang Rong glanced at him angrily, "That internal force jumped back and forth in the meridians, making people...very...itchy."

Song Qingshu finally reacted. The other party said that itching only used a relatively more face-saving term. Recalling the expression of her gritted teeth just now, she must be worried about making an indecent noise and being heard by Wu Xiaowu outside. But the fame is really ruined.

"Okay." To understand the reason, Song Qingshu smiled slightly, and appeared outside the courtyard in a flash. Dawu and Xiaowu were calmly guarding against the situation outside. How could someone expect someone to sneak attack from behind? Of course, given the difference in martial arts between the two sides, even if they expected it, they couldn't react at all.

After clicking the sleeping point for the two of them, Song Qingshu carried them to the next room. After all, the two were considered loyal to their duties, and it was not good for them to sleep in the mud.

After dealing with all this and returning to the house, Song Qingshu closed the door and said, "It's all right now, you don't have to worry that someone will hear what the latter sees."

"Yeah~" Huang Rong was extremely ashamed, wondering how these words sounded like a tryst with a lover.

"Shall we continue?" Seeing the other party's acquiescence, Song Qingshu continued to help her unblock the blocked meridians with a yang finger.

The room fell into a strange tranquility, because Guo Fu and Dawu Xiaowu both fell asleep. At this time, the two of them were in the room, and the air seemed to be filled with a lovely atmosphere.

I had been gritting my teeth before, but now that he had no scruples, Huang Rong finally began to hum softly. Of course, it was obvious that he had been deliberately suppressed at first.

But as Song Qingshu's fingers became faster and faster, Huang Rong felt painful for a while, sore and numb for a while, and crunchy and numb for a while, unknowingly the tactful voice in her throat became more and more charming.

Song Qingshu also heard her heart beating faster at this time, thinking that it was really terrible, when I was Liu Xiahui who was sitting still? Of course, he also knows that this is not what Huang Rong intended to do. True Qi rushes in several sensitive meridians, which is difficult for normal people to bear. Moreover, she has a high fever and is a little confused. The whole person is in a kind of half-dream and half-awake. Afterwards, he didn't realize how attractive his voice was.

After working continuously for an hour, Song Qingshu finally finished his treatment. At this time, Huang Rong was already limp on the bed.

Because of the pain in the process, did Huang Rong twist her body, now that most of her body has been exposed outside the quilt, revealing a moving body curve, Song Qingshu secretly called a fairy, and hurried to the bed to re-cover the quilt for her .

"Thank you~" Huang Rong opened her eyes a little weakly, and her scattered hair was wet and stuck to her temples with sweat, showing a trace of pity.

Huang Rong has always been charming and incomparable, but she always exudes a mature style, and now she shows a rare girlish attitude, so Song Qingshu has to sigh the Creator's love for her.

"Where are your clothes, I'll take a clean set and change it for you." Song Qingshu worried that if he continued, he would transform into a werewolf, and hurriedly diverted his attention.

"No...no need." Huang Rong's voice was a little flustered.

Song Qingshu frowned: "Just after finishing your luck, your whole body is now soaked with sweat. If you don't put on clean clothes immediately, you will most likely get cold and cold. When the time comes, the condition will get worse, and my previous efforts will be wasted."

"Okay... OK, then I'll take it myself." Huang Rong said as she struggled to get up, what a joke, even her husband won’t move the clothes of a woman in this era, so how can she let other men touch it? ?

It's a pity that she was already very ill, plus she was sweaty just after the treatment, and she was even weakened. Just thinking about it, she felt weak and fell onto the bed again.

Song Qingshu hurriedly helped her to sleep, and said with some dumbfounding: "Rong'er, regardless of our previous relationship, taking my current identity as an example, I am a doctor who treats illnesses, and the doctors don’t distinguish between men and women. Think about it this way. Is it acceptable?"

Huang Rong knew that it was unrealistic to get up and get it in her current state, so she stretched out an arm from the bed and pointed to the wardrobe on the other side: "The clothes are over there. You can just get me a skirt."

"Okay." Song Qingshu smiled slightly, and went over to open the closet, pick and choose for a while, only then chose the one who was satisfied with it, and walked over and handed it to her.

Huang Rong saw that the clothes were still mixed with pink obscene clothes, her face was shy and annoyed: "You...what are you..." Can he touch this private clothing?

Song Qingshu naturally knew what she was trying to say, and sighed: "You are soaked in sweat, so what can you do without changing your underwear." He doesn't think it's anything from later generations. Don't talk about underwear in those days, men. I often go to the supermarket to buy aunt’s towels for my girlfriend.

Huang Rong twisted her body and felt a little slimy and uncomfortable all over, so she grabbed the clothes in his hand and quickly retracted into the quilt: "You go outside."

Song Qingshu looked weird: "Rong'er, are you sure? If I stand at your door and be seen by others, what gossip will come out at that time."

Huang Rong knew that he was playing tricks, but the situation said by the other party was not impossible. Thinking of the possible risks, she had to gritted her teeth and said, "Then you turn around and don't take a peek!"

Song Qingshu sighed for a long time: "Rong'er, you and I have known each other for so long, don't you know who I am? If I really want to see it, I will only look at it openly, so how can I be sneaky?"

Huang Rong silently knew what martial arts in the position of the other party, and really wanted to do to him. There are 10,000 ways. There is no need to be so troublesome, so he apologized and said, "Master Qi has a large number. I am a woman, so it is inevitable that I will be a villain. The heart of the gentleman's belly is saved."

"One bite, one king of Qi," Song Qingshu's tone became more and more sad, "I remember the last time we were on Taohua Island, we had a very harmonious relationship. Why did we get a lot of points when we met this time?"

Huang Rongbei bit her teeth and gave an expression of hesitation. Song Qingshu also knew that many things were not good if they were opened up, so he turned around and ended the topic: "You can change your clothes, I won't look at it. "

Looking at his tall back, Huang Rong's face was flushed. If she were to change to another man, she would never change her clothes in the same room even if she turned around, but after spending so long with him, she knew the other's temperament. After biting her lip, she was still wrapped in the quilt and took off the sweat-soaked clothes, and started to put on new ones.

After a while, Song Qingshu suddenly said, "Have you changed?"

Perceiving a difference in his tone, Huang Rong couldn't help asking: "What's the matter?"

"Someone is here." Song Qingshu said in a deep voice.

"Huh?" Huang Rong exclaimed, and her heart suddenly jumped wildly. If an outsider sees the two living in the same room and getting their clothes untidy, it would really be impossible to wash away after jumping into the Yellow River.

"I may not come to you, don't scare yourself." Song Qingshu retreated to the bed and whispered.

However, Huang Rong frowned her eyebrows, and the other party came over here in the middle of the night, not looking for herself or someone else. The key is that the light in the house hasn't been turned off, and she can't pretend to be asleep.

"Boom boom boom~" At this moment, there was a slight knock on the door. Obviously the other party was also afraid of disturbing the person in the room, "Mrs. Guo, are you there?"

Hearing this clear and sweet voice but with a few weary voices, Song Qingshu was startled: Why is it her?

Huang Rong also heard the identity of the other party, and subconsciously glanced at Song Qingshu on the side, and then said, "I don't know what's going on with Miss Yang?" The person here is surprisingly the woman in the yellow shirt.

"I have something to ask Madam, don't you know it's convenient to come in?" The woman in the yellow shirt asked.

Huang Rong frowned. The situation in the room was naturally inconvenient: "Can you talk about it tomorrow day?"

"I also know that it is a bit abrupt to come over in the middle of the night, but maybe we will leave for Beijing tomorrow, and we may not find a chance to talk to the lady at that time," the yellow shirt woman was full of apologetics, "I am very confused now, and there are I have a lot of doubts. I can't find anyone else to tell me. I just want to come and ask Madam. I hope Madam will not mind.

The other party's words are up to this point. Why is Huang Rong embarrassed to refuse? More importantly, the other party's words are reasonable and reasonable. She is worried that refusing will cause the other party's suspicion. If the other party suspects that she was kidnapped or something, it will be troublesome to call others. Up.

Huang Rong was originally a seven-orifice exquisite heart, and instantly thought of various possibilities in his mind.

"Girl, wait a minute," Huang Rong hurriedly put on her clothes and leaned to Song Qingshu's side and said, "You can leave through the back window to avoid being seen by her."

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly: "Her martial arts is not weak. I open the window at this time and I will definitely be noticed by her. Then it will be bad for her to suspect that you are meeting a foreigner." In fact, he is also curious about the yellow shirt woman What do you want to say?

Huang Rong bit her lip, knowing that he was telling the truth, so she whispered: "Then you must hide it. If it is discovered, I really can't live."

Song Qingshu smiled slightly: "Don't worry." He immediately hid in the screen behind the bed.

Huang Rong was struggling to get up from the bed and wanted to open the door for the other party, but she was a little weak after trying several times. At this time, a wisp of invisible strong wind gently swept the door bolt and opened the door bolt.

Huang Rong was taken aback, knowing that Song Qingshu was sympathetic to her state at this time. She was moved and worried that the woman in the yellow shirt would see any flaws, so she quickly said, "Miss Yang, please come in. The door is not closed."

The woman in the yellow shirt pushed the door in, with some doubts in her heart. When she just knocked on the door, the door should be locked, right? Did she feel wrong?

"I don't know what Miss Yang is visiting late at night?" Huang Rong noticed her suspicious eyes, secretly screaming in her heart, and hurriedly diverted her attention.

The woman in the yellow shirt came back to her senses: "I'm really embarrassed to disturb Madam late at night."

Huang Rong struggled to sit up, half leaning against the head of the bed, "It's okay."

"Madam, are you okay?" The woman in the yellow shirt hurried over to help her, and suddenly noticed the messy clothes she had changed on the bed, her eyes condensed.

Huang Rong smiled slightly and said: "I felt cold before, I just slept and got sweaty. I changed my clothes before I had time to clean up, but the girl laughed. It was Fu'er, a dead girl who told me to stay and take care of me. Instead, I slept like a pig."

The woman in the yellow shirt saw Guo Fu lying on the table sleeping soundly, and she was full of doubts: "Tonight, the guards are armed everywhere. I am afraid it will be difficult to go out and get the doctor. Should I go and get a doctor for my wife?" , Naturally, there are a few people who are too hospitalized.

Huang Rong shook her head slightly: "No, I'm sweating all over and feel better, the girl should still talk about you."

The woman in the yellow shirt opened her mouth, obviously hesitant: "I don't know how to start."

Huang Rong was also a little curious now: "Don't worry, speak slowly."

After a while, the lady in the yellow shirt said, "Madam is very witty, and she has kept Xiangyang righteously these years. I am afraid that I can only tell the lady about my troubles."

Huang Rong did not interrupt, quietly acting as a qualified audience.

The woman in the yellow shirt continued: "How does Madam look at Song... King Qi."

Huang Rong was taken aback by her question. The first reaction she thought was that the other party saw something, until she saw that her eyes were filled with confusion and pain, and then she realized that she wanted to make a difference: "King Qi, but young but young? He has the ability to reach the heavens and the earth, which can be said to be a dragon and a phoenix among people."

Knowing that the other party is hiding behind the screen, I don’t know how proud to hear it now, but in front of the woman in the yellow shirt, she can only comment so objectively: "Moreover, people are born handsome and handsome, and I don’t know how many girls’ boudoir. The man in the dream."

Having said this, her heart suddenly moved: "Miss Yang must also like him very much."

Behind the screen, Song Qingshu heard Huang Rong's evaluation of herself. He suddenly heard this sentence when he was proud. He also pricked his ears for a while, wanting to hear how the yellow shirt lady would answer.

A blush suddenly flashed across the yellow shirt woman's pale cheeks, and she was silent for a long time before she replied, "I don't want to hide from Madam, I really have a good impression of him."

Huang Rong smiled on her face, but she cursed Song Qingshu half to death in her heart. This **** was merciful all day long and didn't know how many women had anything to do with her.

The woman in the yellow shirt was full of melancholy: "It's just that what happened on Wudang Mountain this time, I suddenly felt that I didn't recognize him."

"Oh, why?" Things related to Song Qingshu awakened Huang Rong.

The woman in the yellow shirt sighed: "On this trip to Wudang, the officials, Jia Sidao, King Yi, my master... all of them were defeated. Only he became the final winner. All things are linked together. , It’s hard not to doubt that everything was planned by him alone."

The clever Huang Rong immediately guessed her heart knot: "This time Song Qingshu became the biggest winner. If he didn't plan, it would definitely be impossible. But the scope of the matter this time is unprecedented, whether it's an official or an official. Jia Sidao or King Yi, each of them has been painstakingly prepared for many years. If Song Qingshu can arrange all this with one hand, I don't believe him. He is a man and not a god. At best, he is just taking advantage of the situation."

The woman in the yellow shirt nodded slightly: "I also know that he is not to be blamed, but he later put the official under house arrest as a puppet. Is he going to replace it?"

Before Huang Rong answered, the woman in the yellow shirt said to herself: "Although he keeps saying that it is to resist the alien race, I am really not sure if what he said is true or false, Mrs. Guo, you say he is stalwart Hero or hypocritical gentleman?"

Huang Rong was about to answer when the door of the room was suddenly knocked open, and a black figure flew in like lightning.

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