Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2039: Tune the tiger away from the mountain

Hearing the doubts of the woman in the yellow shirt, Huang Rong roughly guessed why she came to find herself. She is resourceful and resourceful. The key is that she has guarded Xiangyang with her brother Jing these years, so that she thinks she is a loyal and righteous person loyal to the court. That's why I dared to tell myself these words, not afraid of turning my head and telling the secret.

But how did she know that there was no need to inform, Song Qingshu behind the screen heard these words clearly.

Huang Rong was about to answer, when the door suddenly fell apart, and a dark figure rushed into the room.

In the middle of the night, she broke into the door in this way, and she was wearing night clothes. She knew with her toes that the person was not good. Huang Rong subconsciously wanted to use the dog-stick method to meet the enemy. The station is a little unstable, how can we meet the enemy?

Fortunately, the woman in the yellow shirt is also a master. Although things were rushed, she instinctively attacked the man in black.

The man in black was obviously coming in a hurry, but he could stop instantly, swept across his legs, rolled up the tables, chairs and benches underground, and slammed his head towards the four-horse-yellow-shirt girl.

The woman in the yellow shirt smashed the table and chairs in front of her with her nine-yin bone claws, and the other party suddenly bullied her into her side with a very weird and twisted body, and hit her shoulder with a punch.

"Puff" the woman in the yellow shirt spouted a mouthful of blood, her pretty face instantly turned like gold paper, and she hurriedly fell back with the snake-like turning raccoon in the Jiuyin Scripture, while avoiding the next attack from the other party.

In fact, her martial arts shouldn't be defeated so easily, but the other party's attack happened suddenly, and the moves were extremely strange and weird, which was very different from the Central Plains martial arts, so she was hit hard when she accidentally fought.

Through the fight just now, the man in black obviously realized that her martial arts is not weak. Now there are guards everywhere outside, worried that she will slow down and startle others, so he doesn’t leave a hand and continues to attack the opponent. The posture to take her life.

The female in the yellow shirt turned pale, and saw that with the other's treacherous body, most of her could not avoid it. She wanted to shout, but all of this happened between lightning and stone fire. It was too late for her to escape, if she was distracted. Speaking, I'm afraid you will lose your life in the opponent's hands instantly.

When she was desperate, suddenly a warm embrace caught her. Looking at the familiar profile, the girl in the yellow shirt couldn't help blinking her eyes. Isn't she dreaming? How could he appear here.

Song Qingshu didn't have the time to say anything to her at this time. The martial arts of the man in front of him was much higher than he thought.

"Huh?" Just after being forced to retreat by the opponent's move, the man in black whispered. Obviously he didn't expect to meet such a master. The key is to be so young.

The man clearly knew that he was in the enemy's realm, and he did not hesitate to attack him in an instant.

"Be careful, his trick is weird!" The woman in the yellow shirt reminded anxiously as if she had forgotten the gap between the two.

Sure enough, that person's body method is extremely strange. The Central Plains martial arts people make nothing more than knives, spears, swords and halberds. They use more hands and legs, but this person uses both hands and feet, such as head hammers, knee bumps, and elbows. People in the Central Plains martial arts, martial arts high to a certain extent, tend to be self-respecting, and they are very particular about their moves. They will never roll around on the ground at will. In their eyes, these moves can be described as appropriate.

But such strange tricks are extremely powerful. Even if your real martial arts surpass them, it is easy to be controlled by these strange tricks.

Huang Rong, who was leaning on the head of the bed, raised her heart. If it were normal, she would not have to worry. With Song Qingshu's current cultivation base, who else could hurt him in the world? But before the great masters of Wudang Mountain fought, Song Qing's book was seriously injured, and then he used a Yang Zhi to heal his father and himself, which caused a lot of internal strength. You must know that the master of Yi Deng was among the top five, and he used a Yang Zhi to treat others. Injuries will cause you to be unable to interact with others within five years. Although Song Qingshu's internal strength is higher than Master Yideng, it can't stand the loss.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help regretting it. She knew that this way, she wouldn't have to volley his fingers, but if they didn't volley, the two of them would feel shameless...

She hurriedly got rid of these messy thoughts, she wondered at this time to alarm the guards in the house to help Song Qingshu, but she was very weak, now even if she tried her best to shout, she couldn't spread the sound far, and when the time came, so many guards would come. What should people explain when they see Song Qingshu in their room?

When Huang Rong struggled, Song Qingshu relied on his rich combat experience over the years, although he was a little messy, he still broke the strange tricks of the man in black one by one.

"Sacred fire command martial arts, are you from the Persian Mingjiao?" Song Qingshu frowned when the two separated.

"Hey, young people are very knowledgeable." The black-clothed man has a hoarse voice, and his literary intonation is extremely weird. He is obviously not from Middle-earth.

"What's your relationship with Huoshan, the old man in the mountain?" Song Qingshu asked, this person's attainments in martial arts of the sacred fire order are much higher than the former Mingzun, and obviously he is definitely a top figure in the Persian Mingjiao.

The man in black narrowed his eyes and did not answer. Suddenly his sleeves were raised, and a lot of hidden weapons shot at Huang Rong on the bed. He had already observed clearly that Huang Rong is in poor physical condition nowadays, and a woman who has no power to bind a chicken. There is no difference between people, and he can never hide from his hidden weapons.

He could see clearly, how could Song Qingshu know? The figure flashed in front of Huang Rong, and with the effort of flowing clouds and sleeves, all the hidden weapons in the sky were swept aside.

I don't know that the man in black is just using this trick as a guise, only to see his figure buckle the shoulders of the woman in the yellow shirt and ran out.

Song Qingshu hurriedly chased it out, and at the same time secretly regretted that if he hadn't been injured now and his internal strength had been greatly damaged, how could he have let him take the yellow shirt woman away in front of him.

It's just that the more he chased, the more he became more frightened. You must know that although he is in a bad state now, but he has a light foundation, who knows that he hasn't caught up with the other party for the time he chased a stick of incense.

This man in black martial arts is so treacherous, and at the same time extremely light, he doesn't know which master of the Western Regions is, is it Huo Shan himself?

The man in black was also secretly frightened. He was so light-hearted that he was a rare opponent in these years. He didn't expect to run for so long before he could not throw away the opponent. Seeing that the opponent was getting closer and closer, he knew that he would be chased by him soon. On, simply stopped and waited for him.

Song Qingshu didn't talk to him either, and slapped him directly. This palm is not as treacherous and magical as the opponent’s previous moves. It’s just an ordinary shot. It’s just a bit more simple and heavy. The man in black is like a big enemy, and he can’t even use the yellow shirt to threaten him. Directly threw the woman in the yellow shirt as a hidden weapon.

Song Qingshu took the girl in the yellow shirt, and realized that there was a hidden energy hidden in her, knowing that the other party had done the hands and feet, and wanted to take the opportunity to hurt herself, even if it was not hurt, the girl in the yellow shirt could be seriously injured.

He hurriedly resolved the dark energy in the yellow shirt woman with skillful energy, and at the same time, he watched the other party's subsequent sneak attack, but he was stunned to find that the man in black had already escaped.

"One hit can't escape thousands of miles?" Song Qingshu had to admire the other party's decisive action. Now his internal strength is exhausted, not to mention the yellow shirt is injured and no one takes care of it, so he simply gave up chasing.

"Yingluo, are you okay?" Song Qingshu carefully looked at the woman in her arms, her eyes full of worry.

The woman in the yellow shirt turned reddishly, and she hurriedly stood up straight: "You were chasing in a hurry, and he had no chance to poison me or anything. The only dark energy was eliminated by you. Now it's just a fight with him before. The injury of the patient will be cured for a period of time.

Song Qingshu was relieved: "I was really scared to death just now. If something happens to you, I'm afraid I will be guilty for the rest of my life."

Feeling the sincerity in his tone, the woman in the yellow shirt was seriously injured, but she felt warm in her heart: "Thank you."

Noting that her thin figure was swaying in the cold wind, Song Qingshu walked over to support her: "The matter in Wudang is that I am sorry for you. I didn't expect to cause you such a big trouble."

The woman in the yellow shirt remembered that she had heard a lot of what she had just heard, especially when she admitted that she liked him in front of Huang Rong, it made her ashamed and embarrassed. She hurriedly defended: "In fact, I just said a lot of nonsense. Don't care."

"Really?" Song Qingshu's expression looked like a smile, making the woman in the yellow shirt afraid to touch his eyes at all.

Song Qingshu suddenly sighed: "Actually, you don't have to wait for Mrs. Guo to answer your question. Actually, I am not a hero. I am more of a hypocrite. This action is partly motivated by national justice, and on the other hand, it is also natural. Out of selfishness, no man can resist the temptation of power."

"This is human nature." The woman in the yellow shirt suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. If the other party righteously said that he was a father-in-law, she would be a little disappointed. She was born in a royal family and experienced so many things. How can she recognize human nature? It was comparable to an average girl, and now the other party admitted frankly that she felt that a huge boulder that was pressing in her heart suddenly disappeared.

Song Qingshu suddenly said: "I rushed to Wudang Mountain before, and I was anxious to check the situation of Little Dragon Girl, ignoring you on the side. I also feel sorry for this incident. I have been very guilty about it these days, but I can’t find a chance. my apologies."

Hearing he realized this, the woman in the yellow shirt felt sore in her nose and almost burst into tears. She bit her lip and said, "It's nothing, I'm not one of you, so why should you explain this to me."

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly and said, "You are still mad at me by saying that."

The woman in the yellow shirt wondered if she could not be angry, but the other party took the initiative to mention it, and it seemed that she still cared a little bit about herself, and she couldn't help feeling a little better when she thought of this.

"It's all over, don't mention it anymore," the woman in the yellow shirt was reluctant to entangle this matter, so she moved away from the topic, "Who is the man in black just now? The martial arts looks weird."

Song Qingshu nodded: "His martial arts skills are a bit like from the Persian Mingjiao, I don't know what it is with the old man in the mountain."

"No wonder," the girl in the yellow shirt was a little scared thinking of the match just now, "fortunately we just had you, otherwise...hey, why did you appear in Mrs. Guo's room in the middle of the night?"

Song Qing's book wanted to find a reason to explain, but when he came into contact with the bright eyes of the other party, his heart softened, and he said honestly: "Actually, I went to heal Mrs. Guo." He said the whole thing roughly, of course. All ambiguous ingredients are deleted.

"That's the case." Although the woman in the yellow shirt said so, she thought of Guo Fu sleeping in the room and Huang Rong's just covering up. The woman's intuition made her feel that things would not be so simple, but Huang Rong's reputation is not so easy. , She didn't doubt that the two of them really had anything.

The two of them walked back while chatting, not far from Guo's mansion. Song Qingshu listened carefully to the faint voice coming from the air, and suddenly his expression changed: "Worry, I have tried to adjust the tiger away from the mountain!"

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