Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2040: Unique stunt

"What's the matter?" Seeing his solemn expression, the girl in the yellow shirt also raised her heart.

Song Qingshu replied as he walked back with her in his arms: "I just vaguely heard the guards shouting, as if someone broke into Guo's mansion and robbed Mrs. Guo."

Now the emperor lives in Guo's mansion, and the guards are mainly deployed around the emperor. Guo mansion itself is not supervised by anyone. However, even so, Guo's mansion is not something that ordinary people can break in. The successful break in proves that the person is absolutely Is an expert in this area.

It didn't take long before I ran into the guards who came out, but the guards mainly defended the emperor. Now the large army must continue to stay in the mansion, and there are not many guards sent out.

After questioning, they found that they had also lost the enemy, so Song Qingshu had to hand over the yellow shirt woman to them and go to Huang Rong by himself.

"Be careful yourself." The woman in the yellow shirt didn't think there was anything at all. Now that she is injured, staying beside him is not only not helpful, but also a drag.

Song Qingshu asked the guard assassin about the direction in which he had escaped, jumped to the top of a big tree, took a deep breath, and then transported the sound transmission method.

The principle of this sound transmission soul search method is actually similar to radar. The stronger the internal force, the stronger the power and the further the search range. Now Song Qingshu consumes a lot of internal power, and he was a little worried about the other party running. Out of the range he can cover.

Fortunately, the guards in the mansion had chased the assassin for a while and delayed his journey. Song Qingshu opened his eyes. He had already noticed something strange in a certain direction, and his figure flashed and chased him there.

Worrying about Huang Rong's accident, Song Qingshu's journey can be described by a rush of speed, and he was finally stopped in front of a dark figure with about the effort of making incense.

"Baga, how did you find me?" The assassin was extremely short and dressed very strangely. Only a pair of eyes were exposed, and a hideous scar was faintly exposed in the middle of the eyes, adding a bit of yin and prey air.

"Japanese?" Song Qingshu was startled. After being in this world for so long, it seems that this is the first time I have dealt with a Japanese. Looking at his dress, he should be a ninja.

However, his attention was quickly placed on Huang Rong, and he noticed that although her breath was weak, she was not worried about her life, and he was relieved just now.

"Let him go, I'll give you a good time." Song Qingshu took a step forward slightly, an invisible aura spreading out.

The ninja sneered: "I don't know the so-called, you middle-earth people are so arrogant and arrogant, take me a trick to "slash in the wind"!" As soon as the voice fell, the whole person suddenly raised the long sword in his hand, and his body was also emitting A weird momentum.

Song Qingshu frowned slightly, not because he was intimidated by the other party, but because he thought of the name of the other party's moves. How could "Face the Wind" sound so familiar? It seems to be the skill of a famous Japanese master, but this person's feeling seems to be. Not as powerful as in the legend.

"Ahhhhhhhhh!" The ninja roared, who knew not to advance or retreat, the whole person instantly ran to the woods behind him, and soon became one with the mountain forest, and disappeared instantly.

"Just ran away like this?" The other party was so surprised that Song Qingshu didn't recover for a while, and was about to chase him, but Huang Rong stopped him: "Don't...don't chase, I...I'm poisoned. ."

Song Qingshu was shocked and hurriedly helped her up: "Rong'er, what kind of poison have you been poisoned?"

Besides, a few miles away, a man in black stood on a boulder by a small river. If Song Qingshu was here, he would definitely recognize him as the master of the Western Regions who robbed the girl in the yellow shirt.

He stood there as if waiting for someone. After a while, his ears moved slightly, and without turning around, he said directly, "You are here."

The scar ninja just turned out from behind a tree: "How do you know my existence?"

The black-clothed man snorted coldly: "How can I be totally relieved that I will come to Middle-earth by myself and will send someone to monitor me secretly. This is easy to guess."

"As expected to be the king of killers who made the Western countries fearful," the ninja said hoarsely, "This meticulous mind is really admirable, but martial arts, it's a little too close, if I didn't kill Huang Rong, who are you? It's so easy to get out..."

Suddenly, his pupils shrank and he hurried to draw a knife, but it was a pity that he was already a step too late, and his whole figure fell several feet away like a broken sandbag.

The man in black stood where the ninja stood just now and blew his hands at will: "If it is your master Suigetsu Daizong, I can still look straight at you, what kind of thing are you."

The ninja wanted to get up several times, but the acupuncture points around his body were like acupuncture. Wherever he had the strength to get up, he instantly understood that he had already hit the opponent's unique internal force.

This kind of internal force usually condenses and accumulates the virulent energy at one point, making it as thin as a silk hair, and then passes into the enemy's body during a fight. It repeatedly pierces the enemy like a fine needle, causing the enemy to ache into the heart and lungs, which is extremely difficult to resist.

Standing with his hand in black, the man in black said faintly: "For the sake of sweating, save you a dog's life. If you commit another crime next time, don't blame me for being ruthless."

"Yes!" The ninja replied, holding back the pain. They have abided by the belief that the strong is respected since childhood, and they don't feel that they are a bit sloppy.

The man in black is naturally the killer king who made the Western Regions fearful, the great elder of the Persian Mingjiao, and the actual power-in-charge-the old man in the mountains.

The eagle’s nest of the Persian Ming religion was broken by the Mongolian army, and he had no choice but to take refuge in Temujin. Because the leader Xiaozhao fled, he was sent by Temujin to capture Xiaozhao and take him back as a sweating furnace. .

Only a few days ago, he suddenly received news that he would kill Huang Rong in Xiangyang by the way, so that he would enter Xiangyang City at night.

Although it has not been long since he was invested in Temujin's account, the old man in the mountain, as the former king of killers, naturally understood the importance of intelligence, and soon understood the reason. It seems that Princess Huazheng was sadly hurt by the former golden swordsman. Temujin didn't want her daughter to spend the rest of her life in regret, so he directly killed her and decisively got rid of her love rival.

Without Huang Rong, there was no obstacle between Guo Jing and Hua Zheng. Hua Zheng got the wishful lover, and Temujin also got the invincible golden swordsman, so he did not hesitate to change the order and let the old man in the mountain come first to deal with Huang Rong.

As for that ninja, it was Lin Shi, one of the four great servants of Fenglin Volcano under the command of the top master Suizuki Dazong beside Temujin. He was the best at hiding and assassinating in ninjutsu, so he was sent to monitor the old man in the mountain.

Lin Shi has always been proud of his ability. During this period of time, following the old man in the mountain, thinking that the other party did not find himself, he became a little contemptuous. In addition to today's events, it has helped him even more. His arrogance, this is not bad.

The old man in the mountain snorted: "I just deliberately transferred Song Qingshu away, otherwise you wouldn't have a chance to sneak in and steal Huang Rong."

"You can find it!" Lin Shi looked flattering, and then said, "I think that Song Qingshu's martial arts is far less powerful than that described in the legend. The people of Central Plains are exaggerated and like to brag the most."

The old man in the mountain nodded in sympathy. Just now, the two played against each other. Although the opponent's martial arts was high, but not so high, he even felt that he could fight life and death, and he could win the final victory with the experience of the assassin.

"It's a pity that the task of killing Huang Rong this time was still a failure." The old man in the mountain sighed. It was not because he had not completed the task given to him by Temujin, but as the king of killers, he was not used to the words of failure. After this accident, Huang Rong's defenses will never be as lax as they are now, and it will be difficult to think about it then.

"That's not necessarily." Although Lin Shi was covering his face, there was still a trace of triumph in his eyes.

"Oh, did you just kill Huang Rong?" the old man in the mountain asked suspiciously.

"That's not true," Lin Shi noticed the other party's anger and hurriedly explained, "The task I received is different from yours. You can choose to kill Huang Rong or ruin her virginity, no matter what. There are no obstacles between the Golden Swordsman and the princess."

"In such a short period of time, have you ruined her virginity?" The old man in the mountain looked strange, wondering if Dongying people are so fast?

"It was going to be successful, but it's a pity that the surname Song came too fast." Lin Shi's tone was also full of annoyance. He had known that Huang Rong was the number one beauty in the rivers and lakes. He wanted to take advantage of this mission to have a taste. As she rushed all the way, his mature and beautiful body had already made him fascinate his soul, but it was a pity that all of this was badly done by the Song!

"Don't waste my time!" The old man in the mountain twitched his eyelids slightly, feeling that his patience was reaching its limit.

Lin Shi said, "Hey, I gave Huang Rong medicine."

"Did you take the medicine?" The old man in the mountain frowned. "See the blood sealing the throat? Otherwise, the skill of Song should be able to force it out."

"It's not poison, it's that kind of medicine." Lin Shi winked.

Noting the wretched face of the other party, the old man in the mountain instantly understood it, and couldn't help but feel a little annoyed: "You obviously have time, why didn't you kill Huang Rong with a single knife? You have to make it so troublesome."

"Senior doesn't know anything," Lin Shi explained, "If Huang Rong is killed directly, the Golden Sword Cohort may be angry with Da Khan in the future, and it may affect the relationship between him and Princess Huazheng. But if it is Huang Rong himself Derailed, doing things that I'm sorry for the Golden Swordsman, then it won't be a matter of sweating profusely."

The old man in the mountain knew that there was some truth to what he said, but he couldn't help but snorted: "But what is the effect of your medicine? Even if you take that medicine, it will lose its effect as soon as the cold water is soaked!"

"Of course not," Lin Shi suddenly straightened his waist, his short stature became a bit proud at that moment, "Our Dongying's attainments in this area can be said to be unique in the world. The medicine we have carefully developed, once When a woman takes it, there is no cure except for a strong man!"

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