Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2041: Detoxify

The old man in the mountain had a chill, and he looked up and down at the ninja in front of him. He thought that he had heard about the Toying people in Persia before that they were a bit perverted. At that time, he thought it was an error, but now he saw it with his own eyes.

Lin Shi suddenly sighed, his tone full of regret: "It's a pity that I have been taken back, otherwise I can taste the taste of the first beauty in the rivers and lakes, and now I can only make others cheaper."

The old man in the mountain suddenly moved in his heart: "It was Song Qingshu who rescued her from your hand?"

Lin Shi nodded: "Yes, he doesn't know what method he used to find me so quickly."

"That's great." The old man in the mountain suddenly laughed.

"Good?" Lin Shi didn't think there was anything good about it, but the opponent's martial arts was too high, so he didn't dare to question it.

The old man in the mountain continued: "I killed Huang Rong just now. Who knew Song Qingshu would suddenly appear. Looking back, he should be in the room at the time. What can be good about being alone with men and women in the middle of the night?"

"You mean the two of them have an affair?" A trace of jealousy flashed in Lin Shi's eyes, recalling Huang Rong's plump and moving body just now, thinking that this surnamed Song is so Yanfu.

The old man in the mountain replied: "It may not be true that something really happened, but it is true that most of the two sides are a little ambiguous. Now that this incident occurs, the paper between them will be pierced so that we can pick ourselves clean. "

Lin Shi quickly understood what he meant. If they came forward to kill Huang Rong or ruin her virginity, they would indeed complete the princess and the Golden Sword Cohort, but after the Golden Sword Cohort, they will definitely go straight up. Will they not seek revenge on them then? ?

Now, as long as he goes back and tells Huang Rong that he has derailed himself, Guo Jing will naturally not blame them. For Da Khan, he has also avoided some potential risks, and maybe he will be rewarded more.

"Song seems to be quite famous in the Central Plains. This incident can be described as killing two birds with one stone. It not only solved the problem of the golden sword and the horse, but also severely hit the spiritual leader of the Han people. The senior is really smart." Lin Shi was a bunch of flattering moments. Served up.

The old man in the mountain smiled, but he hesitated in his heart. If he no longer thinks about the restoration of the general altar, then it would be fine to do so, but he is not willing to surrender to Temujin. Is this really good for me?

He is also at a loss now,

As the king of killers, his mind was extremely tough, but he had failed to organize thousands of assassinations over the years, and he had invested in Temujin’s command, only to realize how terrifying Mongolia’s true strength was, which made him unavoidably desperate. The sense of.

"Let's take a step at a time, find the leader before speaking." The old man in the mountain knew that his heart was a little shaken, and hurriedly reduced his thoughts.

On the other side, Song Qingshu heard Huang Rong say that he was poisoned, and he was shocked: "What kind of poison is being poisoned, let me see?" He has been poisoned a lot in these years. It can be said that he has become a good doctor for a long time. Based on his current cultivation base, it is not difficult to help others to fight poison.

Who knew that Huang Rong retracted her hand as if getting an electric shock: "No... it's nothing serious."

Song Qingshu was startled, thinking that since she was poisoned, why would she be fine. However, thinking that the other party was once the leader of the beggar gang after all, and his father Huang Yaoshi is good at refining pills and medicines, she should have her own judgment because of her family's background.

"Well, I'll take you back to the house first, and then call an imperial doctor to get your pulse." Song Qingshu guessed in his heart that the other party was mostly unwilling to have skin contact with him, so he resisted it.

"No, I can't go back." Huang Rong's voice was a little alarmed, and she shook her head desperately.

"Why?" Song Qingshu was really confused now, what happened to the other party.

"You can't go back anyway," Huang Rong's voice trembled a little, as if trying to restrain something, "Take me to the nearby river."

"Riverside?" Song Qingshu felt inexplicable, and suddenly felt the abnormality of her body, and couldn't help but exclaimed, "Why are you hotter than just now? You shouldn't. I have just helped you clear the stagnant area. It stands to reason. It should cool down now."

Huang Rong seemed to have never been so helpless before, and there was a hint of crying in her voice: "That person fed me...take the medicine."

"The medicine to be made?" Song Qingshu was not stunned. He quickly realized that he just realized that the other party's body was a little strange, but he didn't care too much about the previous illness. At this time, he noticed that the other party's bright eyes are now. But it seemed that water was dripping out, and his cheeks were glowing with an abnormal flush of red.

"Rong'er, you don't need to worry about it. You can wash it with cold water and it will be fine." Song Qingshu thought of the famous Yin-Yang Hehe San and rinsed it with cold water.

Well, this poison is never more powerful than Yin Yang He He San, right?

Huang Rong was seriously ill and weak, but now she was frightened again, and she didn't have the strength to walk. Song Qingshu hugged her horizontally, and then began to search for a nearby water source.

Seeing the panic in her eyes, Song Qingshu felt sorry for her. Even if she was smart and witty, she was a woman after all. In the face of such things, women are inherently weak.

Being held in her arms by the other party, Huang Rong felt the inexplicable masculinity all around her, causing her to shake her heart, and hurriedly diverted her attention: "Thank you, if you didn't save me in time, I'm afraid that what happened to me... "Before being caught by the ninja, the other party said a lot of nasty things on the way, saying that she wanted to find a place to enjoy her body and so on... She felt terrified when she thought of this.

"It was my carelessness that caused you to suffer this." Song Qingshu said apologetically.

Huang Rong shook her head: "No, they came for me."

"Oh?" Song Qingshu has been curious about their identities. Hearing Huang Rong's tone, he seems to know something.

"When the Dongying people hijacked me, they said a little bit. Although they didn't say it clearly, I guessed it was Mongolian Khan who sent them to get rid of me for the sake of my daughter's marriage." Huang Rong didn't know whether to be happy or angry. Because from the other party's words, it can be judged that Brother Jing should not worry about his life, otherwise Temujin would never plan to have a half-dead son-in-law.

Song Qingshu had guessed before. Now that she heard her analysis, all the clues were connected. He couldn't help but admire: "Rong'er, you are really clever. In that environment, you can infer so many things from the other party's words. ."

The corners of Huang Rong’s lips rose slightly, feeling a little proud in her heart, but she was quickly replaced by the inexplicable turbulence in her body. She subconsciously clamped her legs and blushed and asked, "Have you not found the water source?"

Song Qingshu looked around, and suddenly his eyes lit up: "There is a pool there." A few leaps came to the edge of the pool.

"I'll go around and see if there is any danger." Putting her on a rock, Song Qingshu turned and walked away without waiting for her to speak.

Seeing him so considerate, Huang Rong's heart warmed, but at this time she had no time to think about anything else. The heat in her body made her feel more and more uncomfortable. She quickly took off her dress, revealing her body whiter than moonlight, and slowly soaked in. Into the icy pool.

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