Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2044: Aftermath

"Huh?" Song Qingshu felt that her throat was extremely dry when the other party was so close and could clearly feel her breath and the fragrance on her body.

Huang Rong stretched her two snow-white arms, gently wrapped her arms around Song Qingshu’s neck, and whispered in his ear: "Everyone says you are a prodigal son in love, and you understand women’s hearts best, but why do I feel like you are now? Frozen green."

The other party talked close to his ear, and the whole body was half hung in his arms. Song Qingshu only felt that the place where he started in front of him was slippery, so he didn't know where to put his hands for a while.

"Rong'er, you are poisoned." Song Qingshu sighed rather melancholy.

"So what?" Huang Rong looked at him flushed.

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly: "I don't want to get you under this situation, and you will feel that you are in danger afterwards. The relationship between us finally made progress. I don't want to be hated by you again after today."

"Who said I'm going to hate you?" Huang Rong was like a mermaid as she spoke, constantly twisting.

Feeling that Ruo Ruo Wu's contact, Song Qingshu's heart thumped: "I'm afraid you won't think so when you wake up."

"Then do you have a way to detoxify me?" Huang Rong looked at him straightforwardly, with a layer of water stains flowing in his eyes.

Song Qingshu frowned slightly, traversing various methods in his mind, it seemed that there was really no way.

Huang Rong sighed: "Aren't you just the antidote?"

Song Qingshu was startled, and then felt a surge of heat. He didn't expect that one day he would become such a fragrant antidote.

At this moment, Huang Rong suddenly raised his head and kissed his lips. Song Qingshu stiffened, and his head felt like he was about to explode. He had always been in an offensive situation. Huang Rong was neither cold nor warm to him. Unexpectedly, the other party would take the initiative to kiss him.

After a long time, Huang Rong buried her head on his chest, and her voice was inaudible: "People also want face, do they have to speak so clearly?"

Song Qingshu didn't even know what the other party meant, and he exploded with excitement. He looked down at the beauty of mutton fat and white jade. He suddenly became mischievous, holding her extremely soft waist and hugging her towards him. He leaned into her ear and said, "Please!"

"You!" Huang Rong suddenly raised her head and glared at him in embarrassment.

Song Qingshu was also a little flustered, thinking that he wouldn't overplay it. When the time comes, he will fly the cooked duck, but he will regret it.

Huang Rong's face changed, and her whole body trembled slightly, obviously on the verge of an explosion at any time.

Song Qingshu cried out badly and was about to change his mouth. Who knew that a charming smile suddenly appeared on Huang Rong's face: "Please."

Goodbye, you have a midwinter!

Song Qingshu never expected that the other party would be so cooperative and obedient. After swallowing, his voice was a little hoarse and dry: "What do you call me?"

"This **** is in good measure!" Huang Rong was extremely angry, but I don't know why, she still yelled sweetly, "Big Brother Song"

The other party is a few years younger than her, and judging from the seniority of his debut, the other party is a bit like her junior. Calling him this makes Huang Rong full of shame, but she has an unprecedented feeling besides being ashamed. The heartbeat speeds up, and the cheeks are red, as if to indulge in this endless sea of ​​suffering.

The other party's voice is sweet and greasy. Song Qing used to heal her and suppressed herself with great perseverance. Now that the lady is so active and soft, he can't bear it, and he roars and rushes directly...


When dawn was approaching, a man and a woman were walking on the way back to Xiangyang.

"Let's confess it again." Huang Rong's face was delicate and charming, and there was a trace of satisfaction and flattery between her eyebrows.

"I am dignified King Qi, who would dare to ask my confession?" Song Qingshu's mouth raised, his face filled with unstoppable triumph.

"You are not afraid of me!" Huang Rong stomped her feet, her tone was full of anger and anger. "If those people ask, it's okay for them not to ask, and then think about it one by one. Then the rumors will come out like this. Up."

Song Qingshu couldn't help smiling and said: "Anyway, based on our relationship, even if there are any rumors, it is not wrong."

"You are such a bastard." Huang Rong was itchy.

"Asshole?" Song Qingshu said sternly, "Rong'er, you have to talk about your conscience. Last night you were obviously sick and too weak. As a result, after one night, not only did the poison on your body detoxify, but you also became vigorous again. This is not my credit. Well, you can't treat me like medicine dregs afterwards."

"Go to hell!" When he thought that the other party had taken advantage of it, but said silly words, Huang Rong chased him and tried to beat him.

The two of them were arguing all the way, and it didn't take long for them to run into the people who came out to look for them in Xiangyang City. Huang Rong hurriedly pushed away Song Qingshu, quickly sorted out some messy clothes, and was sure that no one would notice the strangeness.

"Mother, mother, are you okay." The headed one was very beautiful in red, and it was Guo Fu surprisingly.

"No...it's okay, thanks to the great efforts of Wang Qi for his rescue." Huang Rong glanced at the man beside him with some guilty conscience. He was indeed "powerful" last night.

"Thank you, Brother Song," Guo Fu smiled brightly at Song Qingshu, and then quickly pouted, "It's all her daughters. She told her to take care of her mother last night. As a result, she didn't know when she was tapped by the assassin. There are those two useless things like Dawu and Xiaowu, making my mother in danger."

Song Qing's writing is weird, and it was me who wanted to point your acupuncture points, but she misunderstood that she was controlled by the assassin, so she saved her own rhetoric.

Huang Rong obviously wanted to go together, worrying that she would realize something wrong if she continued to struggle with this, and hurriedly said: "It's no wonder you, the assassin's martial arts, and your accomplices, used the trick of adjusting the tiger away from the mountain."

"Those thieves are really hateful!" Guo Fu couldn't help cursing the assassin.

Song Qingshu knew her temperament and couldn't help but smile. Although this Nizi had a bad temper, she could not fake her care for her mother.

The group soon returned to Xiangyang City. Scouts had already ran to inform the other people who were looking for them. Officials at all levels in the city also came out to greet them.

"Thank you, adults, for your concern. Thanks to the arrival of King Qi in time, there is no danger." Huang Rongying leaned back, and gave Song Qingshu a look in return, signaling him to proceed according to the plan.

Noting her anxious appearance, Song Qingshu secretly laughed, but still said: "The person here should be the old man in the mountain from the Persian Mingjiao. Later, the ninja who seemed to be the Dongying ninja was equipped with unique skills. It took me a lot of effort to catch up. They just accidentally let them escape in order to save Mrs. Guo."

"The old man in the mountains, the king of killers?" Other officials didn't understand these affairs. As the head of the palace, Wang Ziteng, and the king's family inherited by martial arts. Naturally, he was quite clear about these things in the rivers and lakes. "This person is dominating the Persia. On one side, the lords of the Western Regions were frightened, but now they are defeated by King Qi. King Qi’s martial arts are truly unfathomable."

The other officials seemed to be inspired, and one after another began to flatter and describe the situation last night vividly.

Song Qingshu turned his head for a while and hurriedly changed the topic: "It is said that the Persian Mingjiao has taken refuge in Mongolia. I don't know what the attitude of the old man from the mountain represents Mongolia. In the end, the Mongolian side wanted to assassinate the officials and missed the deputy. I really intend to be disadvantageous to Mrs. Guo, so I have to investigate this carefully."

Sure enough, everyone was attracted, and everyone no longer paid attention to how he rescued Huang Rong last night.

Seeing this topic dealt with, Huang Rong finally let go of the heart she had been holding, and then took the opportunity to say goodbye to the officials in the name of being tired.

When Song Qingshu waited for her to pass by her side, she lowered her voice and said, "Play a game, you are not allowed to wear it for a day..." Only the two of them can hear the last two words clearly.

Huang Rong's cheeks blushed instantly, biting her red lips and groaning, "Go!"

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