Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2045: Undercurrent

After discussing with the officials, Song Qingshu went to visit the woman in the yellow shirt. She was injured by the old man in the mountain before, and the injury was serious.

"It turned out to be the old man in the mountain. No wonder the martial arts is so weird." The woman in the yellow shirt heard that Huo Shan was the one who attacked herself that night. She was a little surprised. She has always been arrogant in martial arts. Although she was attacked first that night, she still lost so quickly. She was brooding.

"And the Dongying ninja. Although martial arts is not as good as the old man in the mountain, but a ninjutsu is amazing." Thinking that the other party can instantly become one with the forest, Song Qingshu had to admit that it is too useful to use it to conceal the assassination. "Tiemu Zhenshou There are so many capable people and strangers underneath, I am afraid that they will meet in the future..."

The woman in the yellow shirt stretched out her hand and patted him on the shoulder to show her comfort: "Brother Song, don't worry too much. The martial arts talents in the Central Plains are abundant. As long as we work together, we will naturally not be afraid of the evil ways of Mongolia."

"Working together, it's not easy." Song Qingshu gave a wry smile. Different schools, power struggles, national hatreds and hatreds of the country, the Central Plains people want to unite, it is no different from reaching the sky.

The woman in the yellow shirt sighed, "I suspected that you were selfish before, but now that so many powerful people have returned to Mongolia, I understand your difficulty. Without some means to integrate the power of the Central Plains, how can I deal with Mongolia."

Seeing that she finally let go of the estrangement in her heart, Song Qingshu breathed a sigh of relief: "You look at me too high, and I really do it with selfish intentions."

The woman in the yellow shirt smiled slightly: "The only mediocre in the world has no reputation and no blame. If you really have no desires and desires, how can you achieve great things."

"Yingluo, you are really my confidant," Song Qingshu couldn't help laughing. "Speaking of which, I would also like to thank the assassins. How could we reconcile if it weren't for them."

The woman in the yellow shirt turned red and said: "Bah, what is reconciliation, we just...it's not better at all!"

"Yes, yes..." Song Qingshu knew that she was a little embarrassed, and after chatting with her for a while, he asked her to take a good rest and recuperate, and then left her room.

Because the emperor did not return to Beijing for one day, the country was at risk of turmoil. Therefore, despite the large disturbances that occurred last night, the large troops set off to return to Lin'an according to the scheduled itinerary.

Huang Yaoshi was embarrassed. He had assassinated the emperor in Wudang Mountain before and should not show up in public. What's more, he didn't want to go with Song Qingshu at all, so he stayed in Xiangyang Mansion to heal his injuries.

Huang Rong happened to be a little uncomfortable, so she also stayed in Xiangyang, taking care of her father, but also in need of recuperation.

Song Qingshu did not force it either. The relationship between the two is very delicate now. They met each other very tacitly when nothing happened. Of course, the gratifying thing is that Huang Rong’s attitude towards him was much better, unlike the previous evasion. Resist, but nothing more, far from reaching the level of a lover.

Of course, Song Qingshu also knew how to measure, and it was already very satisfied with this step. A little bit weaker will alienate each other, and a thicker bit will easily hurt each other. Now this is just right.

The emperor’s Yijia traveled along the Han River to the Yangtze River, and then down the river. On the way, Song Qingshu flew pigeons and handed down the four maidservants of the Lingjiu Palace’s plum, orchids, bamboo and chrysanthemums, and asked them to select shrewd and clever palace men to join Lin’an. They contacted Ajiu Xia Qingqing of Jinsheying, Zhou Zhiruo of Yangzhou, and Ren Yingying of Qiwangfu to arrange various matters about going to Lin'an. At the same time, they contacted the Gebi sisters of Jin Guo to arrange for them to cooperate with them later.

Although the matter was cumbersome, Li Qingluo provided suggestions along the way, which shared a lot of pressure on Song Qingshu, especially when the red sleeves were in the dead of night, which not only made Song Qingshu enjoy the gentleness, but also took care of the internal injuries and losses suffered before. It's all over the place.

About half a month later, the fleet finally returned to Lin'an.

Song Qingshu found a time for Zhao Gou to meet with the prince and the officials. Although everyone in the court knew that the emperor was assassinated in Wudang Mountain, Zhao Gou's physical condition had been strictly sealed for the sake of national stability. Only then did they know that Zhao Gou was left alone. With a sigh of relief, the whole person could only be paralyzed in the bed, and everyone was shocked.

The prince came forward and told a series of things that happened on Wudang Mountain. He learned that King Yi had formed Ghost Villa to rebel, and even involved several great masters. A group of people scolded the chaotic courtier and thieves, but he heard that Jia Sidao did it for him. When the **** died at the end, each expression was extremely exciting.

Who is Jia Sidao? The power struggle between Jia Sidao and the emperor during this period is something that everyone can understand. If the emperor dies, Jia Sidao doesn't know how happy he will be. How can he sacrifice his life to save the car?

However, everyone in the field was all human spirits who had been up and down for decades, and soon many people guessed the truth of the matter.

It is clear why the imperial family has such a caliber. Since the emperor said so, they would not risk questioning anything.

Next, a series of appointments of Song Qingshu, Wang Ziteng, etc. were announced. Although these officials in the field were well-informed and had received some news from various channels, they were still shocked to hear them.

"I also hope that officials will think twice. Pingzhang has a high position in military affairs. Since the founding of the motherland, this position has not been established more than three times. It is not a special situation and cannot be easily granted."

"Yes, officials, every officer of the Pingzhang Army and State Affairs has been in charge of Zaifu for many years, rich in experience, and at the same time a highly respected generation. How can King Qi be this important task at a young age."

"I hope the officials will think twice."


A group of people babbled and urged the emperor to take it back.

Wang Ziteng seemed to be smiling. He expected that Song Qingshu would not succeed in taking over the position so easily. He glanced at Song Qingshu quietly and saw that he had a calm face, not knowing what medicine was sold in the gourd.

"Forget it, for Yu Yan's sake, it's better to sell him." The prince had made up his mind, and he went out and said: "The king of Yi has planned for many years, and once it is launched, it will be a force of thunder. Has already fallen into the hands of rebellious officials and thieves, so how can you not be this reward for such a great achievement?"

"What's more, in the Wudang Mountain situation, Jin Guo accidentally learned of the turmoil in the imperial court. Now Jin Guo frequently dispatches troops and generals. It seems that he wants to take this opportunity to invade south. In terms of popularity and fame, who can compare to King Qi? The Pingzhang Army State Affairs Book was set up to deal with such emergencies, and now it is more appropriate to grant King Qi!"

Seeing that the prince had freed up to support Song Qingshu, the officials looked at each other. It was necessary to know that the Wang family was one of the four major families, and the officials of the Chaozhong Gate didn't know how much. In addition, Wang Ziteng controlled the guards, and the energy of the Wang family was extraordinary.

Moreover, the four major families have always been in the same spirit. Does the Wang family's attitude mean that this is the common meaning of the Jia family, the historian, and the Xue family?

Thinking of this, a group of officials went to see the reactions of the other patriarchs. Jia Sidao died on Wudang Mountain this time without mentioning it. The remaining Yushitai Shi Miyuan and Shenzhi political affairs Xue Ji were expressionless. It is difficult to judge their attitude.

Seeing that they did not speak, the voice of opposition from the other officials became less determined.

At this time, Zhao Gou spoke: "I have decided on this matter, you don't need to discuss it! In addition, the Ministry of Rites selects a good day and auspicious day for King Qi to marry the two princesses. I'm running out, so you can leave.

"Long live my emperor long live long live long live!" The emperor said so, and the rest of the people naturally knelt down and retired.

Wang Ziteng glanced at Song Qingshu with a little surprise. He never expected that Zhao Go would be able to take the initiative to speak. He kept Zhao Gou's breath all the time, just to ensure that he is alive, and come to hold the emperor to make the princes.

At the moment when Zhao Go spoke, his whole body was erected, for fear that Zhao Go would say something. After all, what he did this time was really unruly. Once exposed, it would be a great disaster.

But Zhao Gou actually spoke for Song Qingshu, which was beyond his expectation. In his opinion, Zhao Gou should hate Song Qingshu to the extreme. If he could speak, he would definitely be the first to kill him.

"The great master's method is really incredible!" After thinking about it, Wang Ziteng could only blame this, and at the same time made up his mind that he must catch the marriage between Luo Yuyan and him after returning, so that the relationship between the two parties is stable, but he Marriage with the princess is about to be completed, what kind of status will Yu Yan have in the past?

Let the princess be a kid? Although the emperor is now under their control, Wang Ziteng dare not risk the world; but if Yu Yan is made small, it is not in the interests of the Wang family, it is really a headache.

The corners of Song Qingshu’s mouth rose slightly, and it was not easy to control Zhao Gou in his heyday, but now he is seriously injured and weak, and his resistance has reached the weakest state. He uses the soul-moving great-method with some drugs. , It’s not difficult to control him briefly when meeting the officials. As for afterwards, Zhao Gou will be in the deep palace most of the time, and he can’t get over any big waves.

It’s just that he knows very well in his heart that things are not over in this way. If you want to completely secure this position under one person and above ten thousand people, you must still face many challenges. Whether it is the prince or the prince, he should be reluctant to be himself. Such a "foreign household" parachuted into the top of the imperial court.

After setting up Zhao Gou, Song Qingshu declared Ren Yingying into the palace in his name. Now he does not completely control the palace. How dare he leave Zhao Go for half a step and accidentally fall into the hands of others. He not only

If all previous efforts are discarded, they may become the "rebels and thieves" spurned by thousands of people.

In fact, Ren Yingying had been waiting near the gate of the palace a long time ago, and immediately entered the palace upon receiving the news. Song Qingshu stepped back and met her in a partial hall.

"Song Lang~" As the so-called Xiaojie wins the newly married, when seeing the lover, Ren Yingying carried a scent of fragrance, and she couldn't help but rush into his arms.

"Yingying~" Song Qingshu hugged her soft and moving body tightly, and she couldn't help but feel the warmth of home in her heart. I don't know why, some women can bring home the warmth of home, regardless of appearance or personality. It is a kind of mysterious and mysterious feeling.

Song Qingshu lowered his head, his eyes were less than a foot away from her cheeks. Seeing that her skin was as white as transparent, she couldn't help but said with pity, "This is a period of time." You cleared it up."

"Why, they have obviously gained a lot of weight," Ren Yingying squeezed his waist, "On the contrary, you are a lot thinner than when you left."

"During this period of time, I was running around day and night, and I was injured a little bit, so I lost some weight. In the next period of time, you can make me more delicious." Song Qingshu replied.

Hearing his injury, Ren Yingying looked nervous and looked up and down at him: "Where is the injury, let me see."

Seeing her nervousness, Song Qingshu's heart warmed: "Don't worry, the injury has healed."

"I know that you didn't want me to worry about that. How could the injury left by the great master be so easy to heal," Ren Yingying's eyelashes trembled, "Song Lang, this time it is too risky."

"It's not dangerous, not to mention that risks and opportunities coexist," Song Qingshu was full of emotion, and then told her in detail what happened along the way this time and the plans afterwards. "The courtiers of the past dynasties wanted to cause chaos. If I don’t collude with the people in the harem and get righteousness, this is inevitable. Although my martial arts is easy to get in and out of the harem, I am a man after all, and I cannot enter and leave publicly. It is inevitable that I will give people a chance to take advantage of it. Need an ear and eye in the harem."

"You mean sister Ake?" Ren Yingying nodded slightly, "Her identity is indeed the most suitable candidate, but the harem is curious, and she has never had a plan. I am afraid she has some strength."

"So I need Chen Yuanyuan's assistance." Song Qingshu said, "I can't leave the palace without leaving the palace, please go out and bring them into the palace."

"Chen Yuanyuan has experienced the wind and clouds and has extraordinary knowledge. It is indeed appropriate to have her looking after him," Ren Yingying agreed very much. "It shouldn't be too late. Then I will go out of the palace to make arrangements."

Moreover, when they were discussing in the palace, Shi Miyuan and Xue Ji also met in a secret room.

"The Jia family couldn't get in touch. They were all juniors. If they didn't work, I didn't call them." Xue Ji was a little annoyed. "Could it be that all the people in charge of the Jia family have died?"

Shi Miyuan’s face was Shen Rushui: “Shi Xian’s move was too risky. He was a benevolent if he didn’t succeed. Now this situation is expected. It’s just that the officials are so tolerant and push all the charges on King Yi. On the contrary, it became Shi Xian's name behind a loyal and patriotic king."

Although they belong to the same four major families, Jia Sidao did not tell him about his actions before, but each family has many ears and eyes. With clues, he can also guess one or two.

Regardless of whether it is the historian or the Xue family, their attitude towards this is to sit and watch. Anyway, whether Jia Sidao wins or loses, it will not affect the prosperity and wealth of their family, and there is no need to risk participating.

But now there was an accident. After Jia Sidao died, the power did not fall into their hands, but was "stolen" by an outsider, so they naturally stopped doing it.

"The official recruit is indeed brilliant, but..." Xue Ji looked worried. "The official actually gave all the power to outsiders and didn't give it to us. Is it because of Shi Xian's matter that he was prepared to treat us? Several other families did it?"

Shi Miyuan shook his head: "It shouldn't be. Wang Ziteng is not stupid. If this is the case, how can he agree?"

"This prince Teng doesn't know what medicine is sold in the gourd. Our four big families have always been in the same spirit, but his behavior today is to completely get closer to the surname Song and draw a clear line from us?" Xue Ji Said bitterly.

"His attitude is indeed ambiguous. Find an opportunity to probe his tone," Shi Miyuan said. "But now the most important thing is to think of a way to get the Song from that position. Mao hasn't grown up. Do you really think that you can get the corresponding power just by relying on a single imperial decree!"

Xue Ji also smiled slightly: "I have sent someone to contact the prince, and he should be the most anxious now."

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