Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2046: princess

Shi Miyuan's tense face gradually laughed: "Yes, the prince was struggling with the aggressive attack of King Yi, but now it is hard to hope that King Yi will have an accident, and another King of Qi will come out, as well as the identity of a husband. I don't believe that he won't worry about it."

Xue Ji nodded: "Since ancient times, the position of the prince is not easy to do. On the one hand, we must guard against the conspiracy of the brothers, and on the other hand, we must deal with the suspicion of the father. It can be described as stepping on the tip of a knife and dancing. There is only one more day of change, so every prince wants his father to pass on the throne to himself soon. Now that the official body looks like that, the prince will definitely be moved and hope that the official will die soon. But now Song Qingshu is waiting for the official. The prince can’t get first-hand news at all. As long as he is in a normal mind, he won’t allow these variables to exist. Look, it won’t be long before the prince group will take action."

Shi Miyuan smiled and said, "It's okay to let the prince throw stones and ask for directions, hahaha~"

Although Song Qingshu in the palace didn't know what happened in the secret room, he could also think with his toes that the forces in the capital must be discussing a way to deal with him. Now it is just the peace before the storm.

Closing his eyes and pondering various details, he suddenly moved in his heart and hurriedly wrote a secret letter and sent it to Ren Yingying. It turned out that he realized a key issue. Now that Fei Jia is headed in the harem, and the other concubines and the stars Gongyue, if Chen Yuanyuan and Ake are directly called back, there will be no one under them, even a polished commander. No matter how much Chen Yuanyuan has experience and means, it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice.

So now they return to the palace not only can’t help, but instead they will distract themselves from taking care of their safety, so he hurriedly sent someone to inform Ren Yingying to postpone sending them into the palace, and wait for the palace people in Lingjiu Palace to come. There are enough chips to control the entire harem.

He should have sent such confidential information personally, but now that he has just returned to the capital and everything is still undecided, he really didn't dare to leave Zhao Go too far, so he could only send someone to deliver the letter.

Fortunately, there are some people who can use the Qi palace. Ren Yingying brought them in together when he entered the palace. Of course, Song Qingshu also took another layer of insurance. It was written in a credit code. Only Ren Yingying and him have the key, even if halfway through. If the letter is robbed by someone else, I don’t worry about leaking the secret.

"Knowledge is power." Song Qingshu is thankful that he has hundreds of years of knowledge more than people in this world, and standing on the shoulders of giants is twice the result with half the effort.

After sending the letter, Song Qingshu walked to the harem. With his martial arts, entering the palace at night is like trying to fetch things, but now in broad daylight, it would be troublesome for him to stay in the palace in full view.

Fortunately, he quickly thought of a reasonable way, that is, the emperor sympathized with him and the princess for so long, and allowed them to meet. When young lovers meet, stay a little longer, no one can say anything.

Of course, as a foreign minister, Song Qingshu was inconvenient to get in and out of the harem, so he ordered the two princesses to come over, so that Song Qingshu could be guarded by Zhao Gou in good faith.

"The feeling of holding the emperor to make the princes is really refreshing." Looking at Zhao Gou, who was in a coma on the dragon bed, and watching a series of edicts that actually came out of his own, Song Qingshu suddenly understood the feeling of Cao Cao back then.

Had it not been for this feeling of being in power in several other countries before, Song Qingshu might accidentally get lost in this kind of *and eventually be enslaved by power.

It didn't take long for the two princesses to finally arrive with the peculiar shrill voice of the eunuch.

Outsiders were present at the beginning, and the two girls also paid great attention to their manners, maintaining the grace and dignity of the princess, but when Song Qingshu waved his hand to make the eunuchs retreat, the two instantly recovered the girls' free and easy manners.

"Big Brother Song~"

The two girls screamed, and Qi Qi ran towards him. Zhao Yuanyuan was a bit older. She might be a little embarrassed when she ran halfway. She stopped where she was, but Zhao Huer didn't think so much, and rushed directly into his arms.

"It's all my fault. I make you worry." Holding her arms tightly around the girl's petite and soft body, feeling the excitement and tremor of her body, Song Qingshu's heart is full of guilt. After bringing it back, although I stayed in Lin'an for a long time, I saw very few of them.

This is why he is not willing to get in love easily now. In the past, he naturally wished that more women would be better, but as there were more and more confidantes, he gradually realized that he did not have so much time. Take care of everyone with energy.

A bowl of water is easy to say, but it is too difficult to make.

"I thought you didn't want me anymore." Zhao Hu'er pouted, and tears kept sliding down her snow-white cheeks.

Hearing her childish words, Song Qingshu couldn't help laughing: "Who wouldn't like such a beautiful little girl." Seeing Zhao Yuanyuan standing aside, she moved her **** and patted the chair next to her, "Yuanyuan, sit here." "

Zhao Yuanyuan's face turned red, but she sat down obediently.

Song Qingshu couldn't help laughing and said, "Hu'er, you have to learn more from your sister. Seeing that your sister is more ladylike and decent, you are so surprised that you look like a little girl who grows up."

"You don't know," Zhao Hu'er was immediately dissatisfied. "In private, my sister often wipes her tears secretly, and I am comforting her every time."

"Why~" Zhao Yuanyuan was ashamed and annoyed, reaching out to pinch her mouth, "Don't talk nonsense."

"I'm not talking nonsense." Zhao Hu'er exclaimed while dodging, "Big Brother Song, look at it, she is going to kill people."

Song Qingshu couldn't help sighing: "Some time ago I was in a game with your emperor brothers. Many interests have to be balanced. In addition, marrying two princesses at the same time is really unheard of in this dynasty, so I am not going to take the world. It’s not too bad to come to you often."

Zhao Yuanyuan said softly: "Big Brother Song, we know that you have your difficulties. I am too useless. Sometimes I think of my father, the princess, and my princess."

Zhao Hu'er's eyes turned red when she was evoked by her: "Although we are nominally golden branches and leaves, we are not the same compatriots as the emperor brother, and the age difference is so big that there was no overlap with him back then. Later we were locked up in Jin. For more than ten years, the two sides have been separated for so long. Naturally, there is no relationship between them. After he came back, he appeared to give us glory, but in fact he kept us in the harem all day long and could not go anywhere. It was no different from jail. In retrospect, I am afraid that the happiest time in my life was when I met Big Brother Song in the Kingdom of Jin."

Listening to the girl's account, Song Qingshu felt more pity in her heart: "Don't worry, you will soon be able to recover your own bodies."

"Really?" Even Zhao Yuanyuan, who has always been quiet, looked at him expectantly.

"Before the marriage was delayed, but this time I won't let you wait," Song Qingshu said in a deep voice, "We will officially get married in half a month at the latest!"

"Really?" Zhao Hu'er was pleasantly surprised and couldn't help but kissed him heavily on the cheek. Zhao Yuanyuan's eyes were also brilliant on the side, but she was relatively reserved.

"Naturally it is true." Seeing the joyful eyes of the two little girls, Song Qingshu unconsciously showed a faint smile, and it was indeed very fulfilling to make her own woman happy.

"Oh~" Zhao Yuanyuan exclaimed suddenly, and stood up from his side suddenly, "No way, no way, we can't meet you privately before getting married according to the etiquette, otherwise it will be unlucky."

Song Qingshu couldn't help but smiled and pulled her back into his arms: "Don't believe in those messy things. It's the so-called strong fortune. You don't have to worry about this when you stay with me. By the way, Hu'er kissed me just now. What about you?"

Zhao Yuanyuan bit her lip, her face flushed immediately, Zhao Hu'er on the side joked heartlessly: "Sister, we were as affectionate as Big Brother Song when we were in Jin Guo, why are you shy?"

"You shameless, dead girl." Zhao Yuanyuan was so embarrassed by her that the two girls quickly became a mess.

Feeling the young and soft bodies of two beautiful girls rubbing against each other, Song Qingshu was happy to see the result.

"The imperial concubine is here!" At this moment, the eunuch's voice suddenly sounded outside the hall.

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