Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2051: Unexpected reserve

But it was so, how amazing his blow was, the assassin exclaimed, and the whole person fell behind the rockery.

Song Qingshu did not expect that the other party did not resist at all. You must know from the guards that the assassin's martial arts is strong and the shots are fierce, and he caused unpredictable troubles, which caused him to hold a group of anger, so The first reaction to seeing the other party is to make a heavy hand.

But the development of things was a little beyond his expectations. The touch from the palm of his hand just now, as well as the painful cry of the assassin, all showed that the other party was a woman.

"Who are you?" Song Qingshu came to the assassin and asked in a deep voice.

"It's me." The assassin said weakly, and he tore off the black scarf on his face, revealing a coquettish face with beautiful eyes and dizzy cheeks. He was really a complete beauty with a corner of his mouth. With a trace of blood, she was reflected by the white skin on her cheek, which made her look particularly eye-catching.

"Li Mochou?" Song Qingshu had just flashed countless speculations in his mind, but never expected that the assassin was her!

"Aren't you in Heimuya?" At the beginning, I agreed with Li Mochou that the other party would do for him for a few years and then let her free. At that time, she was assigned the task of staying in Heimuya, in case the Sun Moon God Sect had anything to do with it. Change.

"I..." Li Mochou was about to answer, but suddenly he vomited a small mouthful of blood, which was obviously a serious injury.

"There are assassins!" At this time, many palace guards ran in this direction, and it was obvious that Song Qingshu's figure had just guided them.

"Wait a moment," Song Qingshu signaled Li Mochou to continue hiding in the artificial cave, and then stood on the artificial mountain and stopped the guards from a distance: "The assassin is not here. Go and search elsewhere."

The guards did not worry about him, and after a salute, they searched in other directions.

After the guards left, Song Qingshu hurried to the rockery and found that Li Mochou had passed out leaning on a rock.

Song Qingshu checked her pulse, and finally heaved a sigh of relief. Just now, his palm had recovered most of his strength in time, so although Li Mochou's injury was not minor, he did not worry about his life.

There were guards coming and going around here, so Song Qingshu naturally couldn't keep her here, so he bent over to hug Li Mochou and rushed to his room.

Now in the entire palace, the safest place should be his room. The great master's reputation is out of the question. Xiaoxiaoren dare not to be boring by himself, and the guards in the palace will not deliberately search for his residence.

Song Qingshu's heart moved on the road, only to feel that Li Mochou's waist was extremely soft, and now she was galloping all the way, her body trembling slightly in the wind like a daffodil.

Song Qingshu was secretly strange. It is said that Li Mochou was not young anymore. He had made a name in the rivers and lakes ten years ago. Now, after ten years, how can he still have delicate skin and look like a girl?

Suddenly he laughed dumbfounded. After being in this world for a long time, a lot of judgment criteria have been biased. Li Mochou is an older girl here, but it is really true. When she debuted, she was only in her teenage years. Now it has been ten years. He was only in his twenties, and he was at the peak of his age in later generations.

On the other hand, at first I thought he was a rising star, but in fact, he was over 30 years old, and he was completely an old cow eating tender grass.

Soon Song Qingshu returned to the room, gently placed Li Mochou on the bedside, feeling the shock, Li Mochou woke up quietly, seeing Song Qingshu as if **** his clothes, he was surprised: "What do you want to do?"

Song Qingshu has a black line: "Am I such a beast in your heart? Speaking of which, you are the devil who kills people like hemp in the martial arts."

As he spoke, he took out a porcelain bottle from his arms: "I was really embarrassed just now, I didn't know it was you, so I made my shot a little harder. This is the Nine Zhuan Xiongshe Wan, the healing holy medicine of the Xiaoyao Sect. The power of the medicine, no matter how long you rest for a few days, there should be no problem."

Looking at the pill in the palm of his hand, Li Mochou realized that he had blamed the other party, and said embarrassedly, "Thank you."

Song Qingshu couldn't help laughing and said: "This world is really strange. A female devil like you is so tight as to guard her body. If it is my hometown, you should be a person who has seen countless people."

Li Mochou's face was cold, and he took out a few Ice Soul Silver Needles in his hand, and said angrily: "Although I can't beat you, I am not the kind of person who allows you to tease."

Song Qingshu reached out and took a silver needle of Bingappa, and couldn't help asking, "You just injured the prince with this needle?" At the same time secretly worried that the silver needle of Bingappa was extremely poisonous, so did the prince die like this?

Li Mochou's face turned pale. She just didn't react at all. The needle in her hand has changed hands. Knowing that the martial arts gap between the two sides is too large, and there is no more resistance to it, she couldn't help but sighed and said: "The man next to the prince is not weak in martial arts, and should die. No more."

Song Qingshu breathed a sigh of relief, and was about to ask her why she had to enter the palace to assassinate the prince. Suddenly her ears moved and she noticed the sound of the guards in the palace searching everywhere. Knowing that this would not be a solution, she said to Li Mochou, "Others. Afterwards, take off your clothes first."

"You!" Li Mochou couldn't help being furious. He didn't even think about whether he could beat him. The Ice Soul Silver Needle in his hand shot out instantly.

Song Qingshu's figure flashed, looking at the entire row of poisonous needles on the pillar behind him, he couldn't help but breathe in a cold breath: "Auntie, you are really killing me."

Li Mochou looked at him with a cold face, knowing that he couldn't shoot him, and didn't waste his energy.

"I'm really scared of you, I just want to make a joke with you," Song Qingshu knew that Li Mochou was always cruel, but he was very conservative in the affairs of men and women, and he stopped teasing her, explaining, "You The assassination of the prince just now was such a major event. The guards in the palace blocked the entire palace for the first time. Knowing that you are still in the palace, they are searching for you from house to house. It would be troublesome afterwards. I have to pretend to leave the palace first."

Even though he understood the cause and effect, Li Mochou was still a little annoyed: "The clothes I wore... how can I take it off for you again."

Song Qing Bookstore said, "Who told you to come in in such a dazzling suit? Where can I find a night gown?"

Li Mochou bit his lip and turned his head aside: "No way, it's a big deal, you can hand me the assassin out."

Now that the situation in the palace is so tense, Song Qingshu still has a lot of things to deal with. How can he stand the delay with her, simply said: "If you don't take it off, then I will do it myself."

"Dare you!" Li Mochou shrank into the corner of the wall instantly, glaring at him with shame and annoyance.

Song Qingshu smiled and said: "Anyway, I am also the image of a greedy and lustful animal in your heart. If there is anything I dare not dare to, you just gave me an upright excuse."

"I'll take it off!" Li Mochou's face turned red and white, after all, he could only say bitterly, "You are still a great master, how can you be so rascal?"

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