Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2052: Divorce

Seeing Li Mochou unbuttoning the button, Song Qingshu was speechless for a while: "It's just a coat, don't you still wear clothes inside? It made me assault you."

Isn't this indecent?

Li Mo was anxious, but he knew that the other party had bigger fists and was too lazy to refute anything, so he took off the night clothes outside and handed it to him.

In the end, still wearing warm clothes, Song Qingshu couldn't help but smile and said, "It's so fragrant, I didn't expect you to put on powder on weekdays."

Li Mochou's face sank: "I'm not a girl from Goulan Washe, so how can I put powder on my body? It's your illusion."

"It is normal for women to apply rouge and gouache, how can it be attributed to the behavior of Goulan Washe," Song Qingshu said while putting on his night clothes, "you don't really think of yourself as a nun."

Li Mochou's face turned blue and red, as if he was holding back something. Hearing his ears, he couldn't help but angrily said, "I am a Taoist aunt!"

"You just closed your heart because of love, why bother to ruin your life for a man." Song Qingshu changed his clothes as he said. This night gown was a little too small for him, and he almost couldn't fit it in until he used nine. The bone shrinking chapter in the Yin Zhen Jing shrank the body a circle before barely slipping in.

"I don't need others to worry about my affairs." Li Mochou turned his face and saw no expression. Lu Zhanyuan's incident was obviously her unfavorable scale. If someone else dared to tell her about this, she would have sent it a long time ago. The other party went to see King Yan, but it was a pity that she couldn't beat Song Qingshu, and she was crazy thinking about this.

"I'll go out first to lead off the guards who are searching. You are here to take a good rest, no one will come here to search." Song Qingshu took a few steps and suddenly turned around, "By the way, you won't run away while I'm gone, right? ?"

"Huh." Li Mochou's expression showed that she had this intention.

Song Qingshu didn't take it seriously, and said with a smile, "Even if you run away, I can find you. Don't forget how I located you just now? Once you escape and get caught by me, I will strip you off. Hang it on the gate of the palace to see if you are afraid."

"You!" Li Mochou sat up straight in an instant. The excitement caused her internal injuries, which caused her to cough. She looked very lightly at life and death, but she always cared about Mingjie's innocence, even though she knew it. The other party was mostly scaring her, but she didn't dare to take the risk.

Seeing that she was really frightened, Song Qingshu walked out the door. The main reason why he was like this was that Li Mochou had killed so many innocents. He didn't know how many innocents he had killed in the rivers and lakes before, so naturally it was unnecessary to be too polite to her.

But as soon as he started to think about it, he was denied it. After all, it was his temperament. He couldn't help but teased it on purpose when he saw the pretty girl. Everything else was just an excuse.

Contemptuous of his hypocrisy, Song Qingshu put on a black scarf and deliberately ran to the Ouchi guards to show his face, and it really caused the guards in the palace to arrest him.

He walked around a few times and felt that the time was almost up, so he fled out of the palace directly in full view, then went to a secluded corner, changed his clothes, and secretly returned to the palace.

When he returned to the imperial city, he did not go directly to his residence, but rushed to the Chongqing Temple. You must know that the prince was caught by Li Mochou’s Ice Soul Silver Needle. The Ice Soul Silver Needle is extremely poisonous. He doesn’t want the prince. It's so dead.

The Chongqing Hall had already been in a mess at this time, and the maids and eunuchs kept running in and out, and the eunuchs were also recruited in turn.

Before entering the hall, I heard the voice of the imperial doctor: "Manny Qi, the hidden weapon in the prince is very overbearing. Fortunately, Wei Shaofu blocked the prince’s acupoints in time so that the poison did not enter the heart, otherwise I am afraid that Da Luo Jinxian will not be able to save it. ."

Concubine Jia said angrily: "My palace is calling you not to listen to these or not, but to say directly, can it be cured?"

"Weichen is terrified," the emperor replied, "we will prescribe some medicine to shock the prince's body, and then use acupuncture and moxibustion to induce the poison in the body, but the poison is very powerful, I am afraid that it may not be able to induce it completely. The prince may have sequelae in the future."

"Sequelae?" Another old man's voice sounded, obviously not willing to see this result. Song Qingshu was also familiar with this voice. He had been impeached in the court for a long time, and it was Prince Shao Fu Wei Lieweng.

"In fact, there is another way, that is, people with extremely high martial arts use internal force to force the poisonous blood out of the prince's body, but before the trip to Wudang, the capital master suffered heavy losses, I am afraid it is difficult to find a suitable person." The imperial doctor replied.

"Emperor Shi Hao happens to be in Beijing now, go and invite him over." Jia Fei hurriedly shouted.

"No, you can't find him." Wei Laoweng denied instantly, knowing that the prince has always been at odds with Shi Mi, and the ghost knows if they will take advantage of this time, and the impact will be great if the prince has a physical problem.

"Let me come." Song Qingshu walked directly into the room, as if an invisible aura spread, and the noisy and noisy room instantly quieted down.

"King Qi's martial arts, naturally, there is no problem." The imperial doctor wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and he was secretly relieved. In fact, he had long wanted to ask King Qi to come over. It was just that their imperial doctors were mixed in the palace, so naturally he knew no matter what. Whether it was the prince’s faction or the concubine of Jia, both had conflicts with King Qi. How could he dare to say that he was unlucky before, but now that the other party is here in person, he can finally shake the pot.

"Song Qingshu, you are in charge of the guard of the palace. Now that an assassin has been called out and the prince injured, you can be convicted!" As soon as she saw him, Jia Fei cracked her head and covered her face as a reprimand.

In fact, they used to have dinner at the same table at Jia's Mansion, and Song Qingshu was still the nominal teacher of Miss Jia's Young Master. The two sides could still maintain a superficial harmony, but this time in Wudang Mountain and his entourage, how could Concubine Jia not know his younger brother? Now that her younger brother failed and died, she blamed everything on Song Qingshu, so she completely tore her face.

Song Qingshu's face sank: "This is really unreasonable for Niang Niang. I was forced to leave the palace by a group of officials during the morning of the court. I was also taken out of the palace to see the new residence by the imperial secretary. The assassin didn't come late. Come, come at this time, the time is so coincidental, I wonder if someone did it deliberately."

Jia Fei said angrily: "What do you mean?"

"It doesn't mean anything, I'm just curious about who the prince summoned into the palace, and the location of the assassination was so coincidental in the Chongqing Hall." Song Qingshu said while observing Wei Laoweng's reaction.

Sure enough, Wei Liaweng glanced at Concubine Jia subconsciously, and his eyes became uncertain.

Feeling the suspicion of a potential ally, Jia Fei's eyes were black with anger: "Asshole, Xiu pours dirty water on this palace."

Song Qingshu said indifferently: "I'm here to save the prince, Niang Niang, you deliberately blocked the argument with me, just in case it takes time..."

As expected, Wei Liaweng's expression changed, and he stepped forward and said, "Manny, it's important to save the prince. We will discuss other things later."

Concubine Jia's breathing swiftly rose instantly. Knowing that Wei Laoweng no longer trusts herself, she hurriedly explained: "I didn't mean that..."

It's just that no one paid her attention at this time, and her attention was attracted by Song Qingshu who walked to the prince's side.

Noting that the prince's skin was dark all over, Song Qingshu had to sigh the domineering Bingpo Yinzhen, and at the same time commanded the court lady on the side: "Help the prince up."

Then he said to Wei Liaoweng: "Next, I will treat the crown prince, and Shao Fu will protect me from the side."

"King Qi, don't worry, there is an old man here, and no one can approach him." Wei Lioweng is the Prince Wuxue teacher, and he naturally understands that this kind of time is the most undisturbed, otherwise it will be severely injured, and severely killed.

He actually tried to force the poison just now, but unfortunately, the effect was very small. Now that Song Qingshu was planning to treat the prince regardless of the predecessors, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. Then he began to wonder if he was pushing the other party like that in the early days. Too much.

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