Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2053: Initiator

Song Qingshu began to detoxify the prince. The poison of Ice Soul Silver Needle is an incomprehensible and terrifying existence for ordinary figures of the world, but it is not a difficult task for figures of the rank of five. Wei Lioweng acted for the prince to force the poison. Failure, in the final analysis, is lack of skill.

At that time, Ouyang Feng, who had been mad at the time, taught the young Yang a random formula to force out the poison of the Ice Soul Silver Needle. Now Song Qingshu personally performed the poison for the prince, which is naturally more effective.

After about half an hour, with the prince vomiting poisonous blood, the poison of Ice Soul Silver Needle was finally resolved.

Song Qingshu took the towel handed over by the maid and wiped his hands, and said: "In the next period of time, pay attention to not having a big tonic in your daily diet. In addition, let the Taiyuan Hospital prescribe some heat-clearing and detoxifying medicine for a period of recuperation, and the prince will be healed. "

In fact, the prince had been awake just now, but he was a little numb after being poisoned. Now that the poisonous blood was spit out, he gradually regained his control of the body. He couldn't help but arched his hands, and said with a complicated expression: "Thanks for the palmistry save."

How could the prince’s mood not be complicated? In the early days, he instructed his subordinates to attack him aggressively. This time he entered the palace and discussed with Concubine Jia to deal with him, but in a blink of an eye he had to rely on the other party to save his life.

"The prince is serious." Song Qingshu glanced at Concubine Jia next to him, and smiled meaningfully, "Is the prince planning to heal in Chongqing Hall next?"

The crown prince's expression changed, and Wei Liaweng hurriedly said, "No, we are going to go back to the house to rest." The assassin appeared suspicious, and they even suspected that Fei Jia had sent him, and where would they dare to stay in Chongqing. Temple, it is safest to return to their own territory.

"That's okay, I'll arrange for a guard to **** you." Song Qingshu thought that Li Mochou was right on the spot, just doing him a big favor.

Concubine Jia on the side was so angry that she finally found the prince into the palace, but the other party just left. She knew that the other party suspected that the assassin had something to do with her, so it was useless to persuade the other party.

After sending the prince and his party out of the palace, Song Qingshu took the opportunity to order to strengthen the palace guards, especially in the area of ​​Chongqing Hall. Of course, Concubine Jia knew that this was called protection, and she did not monitor it, but the other party was just right, and she couldn't help it.

Wang Ziteng also found Song Qingshu soon: "Qingshu, the assassin's speed was too fast just now, our brother didn't keep him, it would be fine if you were there."

Song Qingshu knew that he had some doubts about why he didn't make a move, but he was prepared for it: "I was concerned about the prince's situation just now, so I ran to poison the prince."

Wang Ziteng patted his forehead: "Yes, the safety of the prince is the most important thing, right, is the prince okay?"

"The poison has been cleared, and it will be fine after a period of recuperation." Song Qingshu replied.

"Fortunately, fortunately," the prince was terrified. If something happens to the prince in the palace, he, the commander of the palace guard in charge of the palace guards, will definitely not be able to eat, "Qingshu, where do you think the assassin is? Sent?"

Song Qingshu secretly smiled in his heart, but still looked confused on the surface: "I don't know either."

Suspicious clouds spread on Wang Teng's face, and he muttered to himself: "Is it Jia Fei's person, or the old foxes Shi Miyuan and Xue Ji? I feel that everyone has a motive. The prince is dead, who would benefit the most?..."

After thinking about it for a while, he couldn't think of a reason. Wang Ziteng continued: "Qingshu, don't leave the palace today, lest there will be other people who break in."

"Okay." Song Qingshu didn't want to leave the palace in the first place, but his name was bad before. Now that he has experienced the assassin storm, the prince was almost assassinated. Who else would dare to make irresponsible remarks?

After parting with Wang Ziteng, he returned to his room. Song Qingshu found that there was no one on the bed and was surprised: "She won't really run away?"

"I'm here." Li Mochou covered his chest and walked out from behind the screen with a pale face.

"Fortunately, fortunately," Song Qingshu said hurriedly, "Now the guards in the palace are greatly strengthened, and Li Mochou is injured again. If he is found by the guards, he might be killed on the spot."

"Since you have returned, then I should go." Li Mochou said as he walked to the door.

Song Qingshu frowned and hurriedly stepped forward and took her arm: "Did you not hear what I just said? Where did you go?"

Li Mochou shook his hand a little unnaturally, and replied, "The Nine-Range Bear-Snake Pill just now has a miraculous effect, and I feel much better now."

"Nine-turn Xiong She Wan is magical, but it's not an elixir. How can it get better so quickly." Song Qingshu, regardless of her objections, pressed her into a chair and sat down, "It has been a long time since you broke into the palace. I must be hungry. I deliberately went to the imperial dining room and brought some snacks over. You can cushion your stomach first."

"I'm not hungry." As soon as Li Mochou finished speaking, his stomach groaned unconvincingly, which made her wish to find a place to get in.

"Okay, okay, people are iron rice or steel," Song Qingshu took a quick sweet-scented osmanthus cake and stuffed it directly into her mouth. "After eating, tell me why you appeared in the palace and became an assassin."

Li Mochou was indignant at his behavior, but he couldn't match the temptation of the fragrant sweet-scented osmanthus cake when he was hungry, so he swallowed the food in his mouth.

"Eat slowly, there's still more here." Song Qingshu handed her a cup of tea, "First use these cushions to cushion your belly. I have already ordered the Imperial Dining Room to prepare some food."

"Thank you." Li Mochou was also surprised. When did she say this, she felt much better after eating a few pieces of cakes. Then she replied, "I came to the palace to look for you."

"Looking for me?" Song Qingshu looked weird. He thought about 10,000 possibilities, but he didn't expect this situation. Could it be that Li Mochou saw that I was handsome and handsome, and was impressed by my charm, and finally came all the way to find his lover?

When he noticed his expression, Li Mochou knew he wanted to turn aside, and said angrily: "You are looking at me with that nasty look. Believe it or not, I dug your eyes out."

"You can't beat me again." Song Qingshu secretly slandered himself, but didn't say anything to add fuel to the fire.

Li Mochou said: "I saw someone from Lin'an Li's family on Heimuya. After reading the letter, I realized that I might be their eldest daughter who had separated."

After a pause, I continued: "I still had doubts, but I also received your letter, so I just came and took a look. Originally, I didn't care about family members or family members. I just stayed too much in Heimuya. I'm bored, I'll stop by for a walk."

Noting her slightly agitated expression, Song Qingshu secretly sighed, clearly caring in her heart, but refused to admit it, is it that Tsundere is the standard for witches?

"After I came to Lin'an City, I exchanged some details. I should be the eldest lady who was lost in the Li family." Li Mochou's tone was full of sorrow. If she hadn't been lost back then, she would not be adopted by the master, and she would never meet. Shang Lu Zhanyuan did not have this series of things.

"Later I heard that you came back, so I planned to find you to express my gratitude, but now you have a high level of martial arts, and your power is in the hands of the opposition. I never thought of how to repay you." Li Mochou was a little distressed, "fortunately today Hearing Li...My father mentioned the affairs of the court, knowing that you are facing the embarrassment of being forced out of the palace, so he planned to come to the palace to make trouble, so that you don’t have to be forced to leave, and I’m repaying you. ."

Song Qingshu's face is extremely wonderful, I am the one who caused all this for half a day?

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