Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2054: The solution

Li Mochou immediately said: "After entering the palace, I didn't know the way, so I went around. I just heard the prince and the imperial concubine in your mouth discussing how to deal with you. I have received your great favor, so naturally I can't let it go. After passing them, who knows that the martial arts of the people around them are not low, I almost never ran away."

Song Qingshu said with emotion: "Your luck is also really good. If it weren't for a battle in Wudang Mountain, and all the masters in the palace were destroyed, it might not be so easy for you to break in this time."

Not to mention Huang Chang and Dou Jiu Seng, even those few imperial weapons, Li Mochou may not be able to deal with them.

Hearing him explain the whole story, Li Mochou said with some horror: "I didn't meet a few masters after entering the palace. I really despised the palace at first. I didn't expect this to be the reason."

Song Qingshu was a little embarrassed suddenly: "You came to help me, but I accidentally hurt you just now, and my attitude towards you was not good, I'm really sorry."

Li Mochou turned his face away and said coldly: "Don't think too much about it. I have always been a person of grievances and grievances. I did this only to repay my gratitude. Now the gratitude has been repaid, and you and I don't owe each other."

Song Qingshu was taken aback, and could only smile bitterly: "Since you want to do this, so be it."

Li Mochou continued: "Can I leave the palace now?"

"Go out of the palace now?" Song Qingshu frowned slightly, "You are injured, and the entire palace is under martial law. It is not a good time to go out now."

"If you don't go out of the palace, can you stay here for one night with your lone man and woman?" Li Mochou gave him an angry look with a defensive expression.

"Uh~" Song Qingshu was speechless for a while. Although he didn't have any bad intentions, he did feel a little embarrassed by letting her stay in the same room with himself all night.

If it had been before, Song Qingshu wouldn't care about so much, but it would be hard to force her to just know that Li Mochou was here for him.

"But now the guard is getting tighter. With your current state, I'm afraid it will be difficult to get out." Song Qingshu said worriedly.

Li Mochou didn't care: "You don't care about this. I have been in the arena for so many years, and I have never experienced any danger."

Song Qingshu hesitated: "Forget it, I'll send you out." Now not only the palace is under martial law, but the entire Lin'an city is also full of soldiers patrolling for assassins. In case Li Mochou is accidentally caught, he may be caught. I will never feel at ease for a lifetime.

"But can't you leave the palace?" Li Mochou asked curiously.

Song Qingshu explained: "There are assassins in the palace, and now the palace gate is closed, and other people can't get in if they want to. I went out for a short time and it didn't matter." The guards under the command of Prince Teng couldn't stop many of them. People, mainly because there is no defensible reason, now that assassins are in the palace, he can justifiably block any request of the princes and ministers to enter and leave the palace.

"Well then." Li Mochou did not refuse. She is not the kind of stubborn mind, otherwise she would not stir up the blood and blood and can still be in the arena for so many years.

Although it's been a long time, it's still daytime. Although Song Qingshu can dress Li Mochou as a personal guard and take it out of the palace, then he will be known about his departure from the palace. It was too risky, so he decided in the end. Secretly out of the palace.

Finding a secluded place in the palace, Song Qing Shuyun took Li Mochou lightly and jumped out of the palace wall. After standing firm, Li Mochou hurriedly broke free from his arms, his face turned red: "Okay, let me go by myself." "Why has she been so close to a man for so many years? Even when they were in love with Lu Zhanyuan back then, the two parties did not overstep the rules.

"Send the Buddha to the west, I'll send you back to Li Mansion." Seeing the other party opened his mouth to refuse, Song Qingshu smiled and pointed to her clothes. "You are not dressed up right now, and you don't want to be watched along the way, right?"

Li Mochou remembered that his coat had been taken off by the other party just now, and he couldn't help but glared at him bitterly: "It's all to blame you!"

Song Qingshu couldn't help asking: "I'm actually very curious. It's obviously in broad daylight. Why do you wear night clothes? Isn't it more eye-catching?"

"If you wear your own clothes, it is very likely that someone will recognize some clues. The night clothes are covered all over, so naturally they won't reveal anything." Li Mochou glanced at him strangely, a pair that everyone knows. The reason why you don’t know the expression.

"So that's it." Song Qingshu suddenly realized.

On the next trip, he asked Li Mochou from time to time about the various things that had happened in Heimuya and Hui Lin'an during this period of time. After chatting and chatting, he soon came to Li Mansion.

"Don't enter from the front door." Li Mochou pulled at his clothes with an extremely embarrassed expression. Since she recognized her ancestors, she knew that the Li family was a scholarly family and had a very serious style. Now the clothes are disheveled, she dare not let her People see.

"That's right." Song Qingshu smiled, hugged her and jumped directly to the back house, "Where is your room?"

"Over there." Li Mochou stretched out his finger and pointed to the other side of the corridor.

Song Qingshu nodded, and brought Li Mochou to her door in a flash. She was about to open the door. Who knew the door had opened by herself. Inside, a plain young woman in a bun put her hand on the door. Looking at the two with a dumbfounded face: "Big sister?"

That elegant and demure temperament is extremely unique. Who is Li Wan, who is not the youngest grandmother of Rongguo Mansion?

"Second Sister..." Li Mochou looked embarrassed and hurriedly pushed Song Qingshu away, not knowing what to say for a while.

Song Qingshu had a natural expression: "It turned out to be the young lady of Rongguo Mansion. Your sister was attacked on the road. I happened to run into it and saved her."

"Is that really the case?" Li Wan's gaze fell on Li Mochou's untidy clothes and his expression was extremely suspicious, but he hadn't seen any nasty things in the big family for so many years, so he had already practiced and closed one eye. With only eyesight, he followed his words and asked: "Sister, are you okay?"

"No...nothing." Li Mochou smiled reluctantly, "It's just a little hurt, and it will be fine for a few days."

"That's fine." Li Wan nodded, but his eyes were a little more narrow.

"You entertain him for me, I'll go and change clothes first." Li Mochou finally couldn't stand it, and closed the door backhand when he entered the house, leaving the two of them staring at each other.

Li Wan's face was slightly warm, thinking that his sister is really from a rivers and lakes, and I don't know how serious it is. There is no reason to let a widow woman entertain a foreign man alone.

Lifting his head to meet the other person’s gaze, Li Wan’s heart jumped and he hurriedly lowered his head. When he didn’t know what to do, he suddenly thought of a sentence his father had mentioned before, and soon he had an idea: "Master, your troubles now My father may have a solution."

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