Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2056: Double phoenix

Song Qingshu hurriedly asked, "I don't know what's the matter?"

Li Shouzhong replied: "This time the officials used the filthy harem as an excuse to attack you. Then you can find other reasons to attack you next time. Don't you always defend passively like this? One day, they will be forced to do nothing."

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly and said: "I don't know this, but now what can I do, I can only see tricks."

Li Shouzhong shook his head: "Although the king of Qi is now in a high position, it seems that there is less than one person and more than ten thousand people, but it is just a raging fire and flowers. Your decree cannot be conveyed below, and even if it is conveyed, it will be distorted by others. In addition, some thoughtful people will instruct the party members to attack you for your mistakes. In the final analysis, you have no foundation in the court."

"I also know this very well, but where can I go to build my own team for a while." Song Qingshu was also troubled by this.

Li Shouzhong looked at him and said meaningfully: "Now there happens to be a ready-made force in the court."

"Oh?" Song Qingshu hurriedly asked.

Li Shouzhong replied: "A few months ago, Han Tong returned the power to the court, but it was a pity that he was killed by Jia Sidao with a single blow. The Han group had no leader, and they were defeated one by one. But they were able to suppress Jia Sidao at the beginning. Out of breath, how many officials under his hand? Later, Jia Sidao suppressed, one by one demoted, demotion, demotion, their group did not disappear, just lurked, waiting for one Opportunity. Your relationship with Han Dong has always been good. They have a natural affection for you, so if you want to build a team quickly, you have to rely on this group of people."

Song Qingshu was overjoyed: "Thank you, Mr., for your enlightenment. Besides, I am not familiar with many people in the court. What kind of people are still available in the Han Tong Group Group. Please also ask Mr. to answer my questions."

Li Shouzhong sighed: "Back then, when the Qingyuan Party-Banned, Han Dongzhe ruled out dissidents and cracked down on the Neo-Confucianists. According to my position, I shouldn't have spoken for them, but now the Li family is in the same boat with you. It’s impossible to stay outside."

Song Qingshu said sternly: "A major factor in the Qingyuan Party's ban was caused by Han Dongzhe's struggle with Zhao Ruyu for power. I am different from him, not to mention that I have always had a good relationship with the people of Jianshan Academy. Naturally, I would not attack the Neo-Confucian school like him."

Although many people in later generations complained about Neo-Confucianism in the Southern Song Dynasty, they can’t talk about the problem without setting aside the times. Neo-Confucianism still dominates in this world, and it also has its positive significance. A large part of the Korean people believe in this line. In history, Han Tong is a blow. Neo-Confucianism was greatly disappointed. During the Northern Expedition, the lack of people had to recruit some people from the Neo-Confucianism school to take charge of various tasks. As a result, these people violated their positivity and violently ruined the entire Northern Expedition.

As a lesson from the past, Song Qingshu would naturally not make the same mistakes, not to mention the relationship between the yellow shirt female Huang Shang and Li Shouzhong, he would not be able to attack people in the Neo-Confucian line.

Hearing him say this, Li Shouzhong added a smile on his face: "I also know that you are not such a person, otherwise I would not tell you so much."

Then many people said: "Today, Zhendexiu and others are attacking at the court. You can only go to the battle to argue. It really fell into the next level. Back then, Han Chung received far more criticisms and criticisms than you, but He is as stable as Mount Tai every time, because people under his command will take the initiative to refute him, and he doesn't need to end up in person. Although Yushitai is in Shi Miyuan's territory, he can't control no one. Back then, Han Dongzhan would put him in. A few cronies went in. Liu Dexiu, Yang Da-fa, and Liu Sanjie were really good at arguing as historians. Every time they cite scriptures and classics, they have the slightest tribal disadvantage compared to the great scholars of the Neo-Confucian school. You Zhengyan, Li Mu, of the Shushang University, is an expert in political affairs; and Chen Jia, the minister of the Ministry of War, has always been aware of military affairs..."

Song Qingshu used to know only the high-level personnel in the Han Tong group, and had no idea about these middle-level backbone forces. Listening carefully to Li Shou Lieutenant General's introduction one by one, he couldn't help but feel cheerful.

Li Shouzhong also said: "Han Dongzhe is also quite powerful in the military. The military commander Luo Riyuan, the front division of the palace, the infantry division officer Yang Ming, Zhang Xing, etc., are all extremely rare talents. It's a pity that they were a few days ago. In order to avenge Han Yongzhe, he assassinated Jia Sidao, but now his life and death are unknown. Hey, the two factions are fighting, and it is the talents of the national leaders who are injured."

Hearing his voice sighing, Song Qingshu's expression was a little weird. These people were rescued by him and arranged to go to the Golden Snake Camp. Now it is possible to see if there is a chance for them to return to Lin'an.

Keeping all the lists in mind, Song Qingshu got up and said goodbye. After all, he couldn't leave the palace for too long. Originally wanted to talk to Li Mochou again, but it was a pity that she refused to come out to see her until she died, which made Li Shouzhong look weird, thinking that he had done something ulterior to his daughter.

Song Qingshu had no choice but to flee "hurriedly" and returned to the palace. He sent people into the palace the people mentioned by Li Shouzhong before, and talked about it for a long time...

On the second day, in the political affairs hall, the **** in the palace sent a decree that Song Qingshu was designated as an imperial instrument and responsible for personal protection of the emperor’s safety. Shi Miyuan and Xue Ji frowned, knowing that the assassination incident yesterday made all this take for granted, but they Still make the last effort.

Soon confidants questioned this, and their reasons were also very high-sounding. After all, Song Qingshu Tang, the king of Qi, would be of little use as an imperial instrument, and it was inconsistent with etiquette.

This time Song Qingshu didn’t need to step down to debate in person. Liu Dexiu, who was at the end of the group of officials, stood up and retorted: “No, the king of Xian’an also served as a royal weapon in the past, so why is it not in harmony with Li...”

The county king of Xian'an refers to Han Shizhong at the time. Originally, Han Shizhong also had the title of King Qi, but this was named after his death. It is not the same as Song Qingshu who was a king before his death. I was worried that someone would make a fuss about it. He simply cited Han Tong's early knighthood.

Yesterday morning, he stood still, just because he was not from Song Qingshu's side, so why bother to stand up for him? But after I entered the palace last night, I saw many acquaintances. For a while, it seemed that I found the organization again. After I was excited, I naturally wanted to wave the banner for the new owner.

Seeing the two sides spit wildly, one by one citing scriptures and spitting each other, Song Qingshu's heart was secretly refreshed, thinking that, as expected, professional sprays should be used for professional sprays.

Seeing that the two sides are almost arguing, Song Qingshu finds the opportunity to come out and say: "Now the situation is special, and the foreign countries are eagerly watching Dabao, and now the most important thing is to protect the safety of the officials. The officials have already issued an order, the so-called Jun has no joking, there is no need to discuss this matter."

Shi Miyuan and Xue Ji looked at each other, and they had no choice but to take their orders, but from the eyes of the other party, they all felt the seriousness of the matter. People from the Han clan had already turned to Song Qingshu.

Then the topic turned to the marriage of the two princesses. The officials of the Ministry of Etiquette thought that the two princesses were married together. This was an unprecedented prosperous age, and all aspects of etiquette needed to be considered.

Admonishment doctors Shen Jizu and You Zhengyan Li Mu have long been instructed and said: "Now the country is in turmoil, first the rebellion of Wu Xi, then the invasion of the Kingdom of Jin, and now there is the rebellion of Wudang Mountain. The imperial court is in an eventful autumn, and the whole country is very popular. Anxious, at this time, I can just take advantage of the marriage of the two princesses to rejoice, and amnesty the world to calm people's hearts. Compared with Jiangshan Sheji, why bother to care about some small sections? The official order before the marriage should be done as soon as possible. It is also out of such considerations... …"

Song Qingshu secretly admired him. He only told them what he meant last night, but they came up with the details. After listening to them, they opened their mouths and focused on the situation. The two princesses were a little different when they worked together. It's so glorious. After what he said, it was the two princesses who made sacrifices for the country. There was a kind of magnificence between the lines. These scholars are really amazing when they talk.

With the help of the courtiers of the Korean clique, things were quickly settled. Song Qingshu secretly sighed, the same thing, with the help of the people below, it is not much easier to operate than a polished commander.

Shi Miyuan and Xue Ji's expressions seemed to have accepted their fate, but Song Qingshu knew their temperament and would never stop there. Now they were only caught off guard by the appearance of the Han family. When they reacted, they would be prepared. More sufficient to counterattack is not worth it. However, I will be more fully prepared when the time comes, and it may not be certain who liquidated it.

After some intensive preparations, three days later, Song Qingshu and the two princesses had a big wedding, and they were named the captain of the princes and horses. A decree came from the palace to amnesty the world and enjoy the people. The folk jokingly called him the "two phoenixes and horses." , Became the object of envy and jealousy of countless men. After all, Song Qingshu has many confidantes, and there is no concept for ordinary people, but everyone knows the princess.

I don't know how many men dream of getting the princess's attention. As for two princesses working together, it is impossible to even think of it. But Song Qingshu turned these into reality, so how could he not let countless men envy and hate?

The whole wedding process was not shown. It is worth mentioning that the prince halfway took Song Qingshu and asked when his marriage with Yu Yan was going to be handled, which made Li Qingluo look sullen on the side.

Secretly warned Song Qingshu about not really hitting Yuyan, and also decided to send a letter to inform Yuyan to stay in Leigu Mountain for a while and not to come back so soon.

Song Qingshu could only shook his head and smiled bitterly.

After busying for a long time and socializing for a long time, it was finally time to enter the bridal chamber. Song Qingshu was drunk and walked to the bridal chamber, but soon he was dumbfounded because the maid asked him, "Who shall go to the princess room first?"

Song Qingshu knew that no matter how great his heart was, he knew that this choice could not be arbitrarily decided. Which room to advance means too much, and it is impossible for the two princesses to have no complaints about this, even if they are sisters.

In his heart, he cursed the official of the Ministry of Rites to death, wondering if the two princesses could wait for him in the same room?

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