Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2057: You push me to let

Song Qingshu's words were also angry, and of course he knew that there was no such possibility. Two princesses marrying a man at the same time is an unprecedented thing. If they were to stay together in the bridal chamber like ordinary women and wait for the man, what kind of style would it really be? Where is the royal face?

What's more, ordinary people marry a daughter, and there is no reason for two brides to stay in the same room at the same time.

While Song Qingshu was having a headache, suddenly a beautiful yellow figure walked out of the corridor. It was the woman in the yellow shirt who had not seen her for a few days.

"Long time no see..." Song Qingshu didn't feel a little guilty when he spoke, but after thinking about it, he felt that his reaction was a bit strange. How could it be like hitting his wife while having an affair outside?

"It's only a few days." The woman in the yellow shirt is still as bright as before, but there is a little loneliness between her eyebrows, "By the way, I haven't had time to congratulate you."

Listening to the lack of sincerity in the other's tone, Song Qingshu was also a little embarrassed, and couldn't help but find a topic: "I haven't seen you in the past few days, what are you up to."

"It's nothing more than packing up some of the relics of the master, plus seeing things and thinking about people." The yellow shirt girl sighed quietly, obviously not wanting to continue this topic, pointing to the room inside and said, "I just went in and talked with Yuanyuan and Hu'er. Some selfish words shouldn't bother you, right?"

"Don't bother, don't bother, you are their sister, and you have done so much to save them. You are already the closest person in this world." Song Qingshu said slyly, thinking what's going on this day. Why is it so embarrassing to talk.

The woman in the yellow shirt shook her head: "From now on you will be their closest person in this world."

"Uh..." Song Qingshu didn't know how to answer the conversation for a while.

The woman in the yellow shirt reluctantly smiled: "Don't disturb the bridegroom's wedding night, I will go first." After speaking, she turned and left.

Song Qingshu subconsciously stretched out his hand to keep him, but he froze halfway through it. If he could still keep her with his mouth on weekdays, how could he keep her in a day like this? Is it possible to say that you are lonely alone anyway, so why stay in the bridal chamber?

Thinking of the various possible Shurachang reactions after saying this, Song Qingshu couldn't help but shudder.

At this moment, the woman in the yellow shirt suddenly stopped her figure and said softly, "That's right, I may be closed for a while at Jianshan Academy."

"What are you doing in retreat?" Song Qingshu was startled.

"Naturally, it is the martial arts secrets left by the ancestors." At this time, the woman in the yellow shirt showed a very sad expression on her face. "If my martial arts were higher, Wudang Mountain would not have to sit back and watch everything happen and be powerless. "

Leaving this sentence, her figure disappeared at the end of the corridor, only the faint fragrance remaining in the air proved her stay.

Song Qingshu was silent, the other party didn't know whether it meant inability to save Huang Chang or the inability to prevent his puppet from manipulating Zhao Gou.

Originally, the relationship between the two parties had eased last time because of saving her from the assassin, but this time getting married with her two sisters, I am afraid that the goodwill points have been exhausted.

Song Qingshu finally understands the love games in the neon country in the previous life. Why are there several parallel lines? It is destined that fish and bear paws cannot have both. Even if you are strong and close to some people, you will eventually get farther away from others. distance.

"Princess, Mr. Ma, the time is almost here, where to go first?" At this time, a court lady ran over to ask him what he meant.

Song Qingshu got big for a while, and had hurt their sister just now, would he hurt one of them by making a choice now?

While having a headache, another little palace lady came to report again, and Song Qingshu recognized him as Zhao Yuanyuan's close servant.

The maid saluted, and then said: "Our master asked me to spread the word, please go to my sister first."

Song Qingshu didn't expect the other party to say such words. Zhao Yuanyuan's gentle and demure appearance appeared in her mind. Knowing that she was always the most considerate, I was afraid that she was in trouble, so she took the initiative to relieve him. How can such a woman let anyone dislike.

With emotion, the close-knit lady next to Zhao Hu'er also trot over all the way, saluting Song Qingshu first, and then said: "Go back to Lord Ma, our princess asks you to go to your sister first, saying that all these years, your sister has been letting her She, give her all good things first, and this time it's her turn to give it to her."

Hearing these words, Song Qingshu couldn't help crying or laughing. It made him look like a thing. He was obviously not a thing... Uh, no, bah bah...

Song Qingshu had never expected Zhao Hu'er, who had always been wayward and coquettish, to be so considerate.

At this moment, the two little palace ladies had already quarreled, and they pushed Song Qingshu toward each other. Obviously, when they came out, the master repeatedly told them for fear that they would not be able to complete the task.

Seeing the two little girls getting red-faced in the fight, Song Qingshu didn't come and felt a sense of absurdity. Everyone was vying for ownership, but they were surrendering ownership to each other.

After listening for a while, Song Qingshu finally couldn't help it, cleared his throat, and separated the two: "There is no need to fight, I will not go to any room, let them come to my room."

"Huh?" The two little palace ladies were dumbfounded, and did not react at all for a while.

The older female officer frowned and said, "This...Is it wrong?"

Song Qingshu's eyes stared: "What's wrong."

"I'm afraid this is a bit inconsistent with etiquette..." The female officer couldn't help taking a step back. She was in charge of the royal etiquette. If she was so arrogant as a prince, she might just slap it. After all, ordinary princes are not what folks imagine. So beautiful. But who is this person in front of her, martial arts superb and powerful, how dare she offend the other party.

Song Qingshu waved his hand: "When you enter the door of my house, we will act according to my house's etiquette. Our house does not have so many rules, and I don't force the two princesses. Everything is up to their will."

But he was really worried that the two Nizis had too thin skins. If you wait for me and I will wait for you, no one dares to take a step first. That way, the three monks have no water to eat. So he asked the two little palace ladies to say: "When you go back, you told the princess that I was so drunk that I fell in the room and needed care."

The two little palace ladies blinked, as if shocked by his shamelessness.

The female officials on the side twitched, thinking that the daughters in the capital regarded him as a deep boudoir. If they knew that he was such a rascal, they wouldn't know how they would think.

"By the way, I don't want anyone to leak a word of everything I found here today. As long as I hear any rumors, everyone in the yard and the whole family will be distributed to Yazhou today." When Song Qingshu said this, he released it appropriately. With the grand master's aura, where these female officials and maids could stand this, one by one felt like they were about to die.

At this time, Yazhou was not the place where the four seasons were like spring in later generations. It was regarded as the most remote place in Song Dynasty, full of snakes and insects and miasma. Anyone who was distributed there had never heard of anyone coming back alive.

All the palace ladies shivered and nodded and said yes.

Seeing them panicked, Song Qingshu felt a little sad: "Today is a day for me to be overjoyed. In a moment, everyone will get a red envelope of twenty taels of silver."

"Thank you, Mr. Ma!"

"My husband is so good!"

"I wish the Lord Ma and the Princess will give birth to a son!"


Now the group of palace ladies turned their worries into joy. Twenty taels of silver is a huge sum of money for ordinary people.

Song Qingshu nodded, and then returned to his room with a smile and began to pretend to be drunk.

The two little palace ladies outside looked at each other, apparently undergoing extremely fierce psychological struggles, but Song Qingshu’s power and terror caused them too much deterrence. In the end, the two little palace ladies persuaded each other. Anyway, they will be a family. It was not an issue for the two princesses to push around, so they "selled" their masters unanimously.

Zhao Yuanyuan learned that Song Qingshu was quite drunk, and found out that her younger sister Zhao Hu'er was already there when she was there. It turned out that she had a delicate mind. At first she was worried that it would be wrong to come here. Later, after hesitating for a while, she couldn't feel relieved by her lover, so she came over to take a look. Unlike Zhao Hu'er, who was heartless and did not consider other influences at all, he rushed over when he heard the news.

Seeing Zhao Hu'er awkwardly twisting the towel, Zhao Yuanyuan couldn't help but smile: "I'll do it."

"Big Brother Song will be fine." Seeing Song Qingshu sleeping like a dead pig, Zhao Hu'er couldn't help feeling a little flustered. She had heard people say that getting too drunk is easy to die, and Da Luo Jinxian won't be able to save him.

Although knowing that this possibility is very low, she cares less and feels nervous.

"I don't know which **** are filling Brother Song with wine. I will send someone to check it tomorrow, and then let the Emperor's brother demote them to Yazhou." Zhao Hu'er said angrily.

"It's nonsense again," Zhao Yuanyuan glanced at her sister in a grotesque manner. "Which married family shouldn't drink a lot of alcohol."

As if to be reminded, Song Qingshu, who was originally sleeping on the bed, turned over, clutching at will, as if to grab the non-existent wine glass: "Wine, I want to drink~"

"It's still drinking," Zhao Hu'er curled her lips, "so that we can't even drink together."

The wedding night in the bridal chamber is a day that every girl is looking forward to very much. Among them, the wine is the final ceremony of the wedding. The lack of this link makes the girl feel a little disappointed.

"I'm talking about drinking Hezuo wine." The two girls only felt that their bodies were suddenly hugged, and then a joking voice came from their ears.

"Ah" the two girls were startled and jumped up instinctively. After seeing that it was Song Qingshu, they breathed a sigh of relief: "Big Brother Song, you... are you not drunk?"

Song Qingshu smiled and said, "I drank a lot today, but I was a little drunk."

At this point, Zhao Yuanyuan still doesn't understand, her face flushed: "You deliberately lied to us?" (https:)

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